Whats your feeling about not having a girlfriend Holla Forums?

Whats your feeling about not having a girlfriend Holla Forums?

feels good. spend my time and money on myself.

Have a fiancee again.

You need a better photographer.

I'll live.


Sometimes I get lonely, but then I remember what a black hole most women are, and I feel a whole lot less lonely.

A woman's ability to suck up your time and your money, and to mire you in her emotional bullshit and mood swings is really incredible. With every relationship I've had, there's inevitably been a time when I've realized that sex a few times a month doesn't really make up for the PMS, the meaningless drama about whatever friend she's on the outs with this week, and the endless gaping hole that women have that has to be filled with stuff that's going to cost me money.

There aren't very many worthwhile human beings on the planet, and almost all of those are men. It's sad, but true.

So how do I feel about not having a gf? Pretty good.

optics and presentation count for a lot. Besides I'm sure you've got a photographer in your family for some proper action shots in the full suit.

Does having a few tulpas count?


Are you a schizophrenic?


That's a meme, user. There just isn't any secular explanation for it yet. The esoteric provides many answers for unresolvable issues.

delight and relief

what do I need a girlfriend for, when I have coconut oil?

I gave up on that a while ago, doesnt bother me anymore

I feel empty


Successful thread deserves a successful song..

Well obviously it's not ideal, and even less ideal because of the current circumstances of my life. I spent about a month hanging out with 2 Mormon missionary girls learning about Mormonism. Going to church every sunday. Eventually I was baptized a Mormon. Today the girl I liked is going back home to a far away state, she's done with her mission. I have feelings for this girl, but I thought it over and decided the best thing to do was to let her go and be happy with her family. So I told her that I was happy for her, and that I would miss her and that's it. Before I met these girls, this would have torn me apart. I admit I shed some tears over it, but otherwise I'm fine now. I was way worse off before. The changes she was able to make in me seem to be lasting. I have faith that I will find a Mormon girl of my own.

feels good.


mad digs
