God can be realized only in the realms of human experience

God can be realized only in the realms of human experience

Truth, beauty, and goodness are divine realities, and as man ascends the scale of spiritual living, these supreme qualities of the Eternal become increasingly co-ordinated and unified in God, who is love.

the true concept of the reality of God is reasonable to logic, plausible to philosophy,

the persistent pursuit of divinity leads to the kingdom of God

We speak of God's "first" thought and allude to an impossible time origin

Humor also functions to lessen the shock of the unexpected impact of fact or of truth, rigid unyielding fact and flexible ever-living truth

But be not discouraged; some day a real musician may appear

and whole peoples will be enthralled by the magnificent strains of his melodies.

God is every possibility past, present and future.

You are a small part of God, for you exist within His mind.

The Father-united Creator Son and Creative Spirit then go forth on their adventure of universe creation

That which mercy cannot rehabilitate justice will eventually annihilate.

Honestly, I wouldn't worry too much about broad concepts like "defining god". Just live your life in a way that satisfies you, because you never know when Azathoh is going to wake up.


How do you know?

Many believed that the ka was "an oracle from God in everybody."

The noble man seeks for that high estate wherein the soul of the mortal blends with the spirit of the Supreme

God has made man a little less than divine and has crowned him with love and mercy

Cast your burden on the Lord, and he shall sustain you

Fear not; you are of much more value than many sparrows

Are you guys just posting those random, fake Depak Chopra quotes?

Truth is eternal;

The teachings of Jesus constitute a religion of valor, courage, and heroism.

The advances of true civilization are all born in this inner world of mankind

by the new way you are first transformed by the Spirit of Truth and thereby strengthened in your inner soul by the constant spiritual renewing of your mind

and so are you endowed with the power of the certain and joyous performance of the gracious, acceptable, and perfect will of God

Thus by your faith and the spirit's transformation, you become in reality the temples of God, and his spirit actually dwells within you

u know, u actually took my attention with logic, mercy and philosophy, until you lost it with basic christian bullshit

some of these are very good quotes. whom are they originated from?

looks like a condom




Um, no.
If God is real, then God could only be truly realized in his own realm and only glimpsed as minute and vague hints in the human realm. You are trying to put a big box into a smaller one with your statement, OP.

Who told you this is happening?
Have you taken a look at the world recently?
Man is not ascending, he is descending, plummeting actually, on the "scale of spiritual living" as you call it.



nah, the general trend is upward towards progression

I can't be fucked decoding it. Someone get onto that shit.

forced memes cannot even come close to the spiritual power of true religion