Can't we ddos the polling machines?
How can Holla Forums rig the election?
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...Well, that's pretty much America's infrastructure in a nutshell, isn't it.
Why should polling machines have Internet access?
Having a known default password isn't bad in itself. An IT expert who relies on this default password is bad and should feel bad.
To send the results to the vote-counting computer. Via HTTP. Probably in plaintext. I wish I was kidding.
Every machine requires direct Internet access at all times? I would have figured that there would be a server computer that would have send only access to the specific server and not any arbitrary computer that asks.
The voting machines are already overengineered and overpriced, but no reason to stop there. By requiring Internet access they also get to sell overpriced routers to the government, and overpriced DDoS protection. It's like printing money, which is actually how the government pays for it.
Nothing wrong with sending it through HTTP. The payload is public (or not?), but if it wasn't they could encrypt it before sending. And it should be signed either way.
According to How to Hack an Election video on youtube, you do it as they both did it on this election: you manipulate the voters via social media. Trying to change the actual results is silly nowadays.
Votes are private by default for a reason.
Little too late for that, huh champ?
Also polling machines are security nightmares, don't even think you can trust that garbage.
As long as there's a paper trail that can be audited after-the-fact, it's fine. The machines can be hacked but the votes can be verified after-the-fact.
I knew electronic voting involved easily hackable machines but this is ridiculous.
Some democracy you got there
The birthplace of democracy, Greece, counted votes by which choice had the loudest support.
Yeah, and the rest of the world moved on in those thousands of years.
Literally a backwater shithole saying they're okay by thousands of years ago standards
Nice try muritard
have fun gathering up 100 million people in the same place and making them all clap at once
ez, offer free donuts and american sniper screening
Here's a better question;
Would you honestly be willing to undermine the democratic principles the United States of America is built on because the winner triggers you?
Leftist pieces of shits are rioting in the streets right now buy it doesn't matter because its not going to get Trump impeached. You know why? Because doing that would piss off a majority instead of a minority. Thats how democracy works. You are a minority in this. Get over it.
Retards like this is why I can't tell others that I lean right
Hillary did not win the popular vote though
Where do you get your information son?
So retarded he can't even read graphs, smh
When she conceded, yes she was ahead. However, Trump had leads in the unfinished states, which would have easily put him over.
Just be happy you can still torrent albums (no TPP) and aren't being nuked by Russia (no fly zone over Syria).
No, the uncounted ballots (mail-in) are largely for hillary.
We're talking about the POPULAR VOTE. Not the electoral vote.
By virtue of california, Hillary is the most popular candidate. She won the popular vote by 1-2%. That doesn't mean she gets to be president, though.
OH, FL, PA, MI. All flip.
Now go the fuck back to Holla Forums, you god damned retard.
This can't possibly be real.