I hope you newfags realize, by the way, that you can filter tripcodes if they trigger you so hard.
You're only whining about tripfags because you enjoy having a Them to hate and to blame on everything wrong with Holla Forums. But there are so many other things wrong with this board, banning tripfags on sight wouldn't even begin to mitigate them.
Much as I don't care for Howard_Scott's authoritarian bullshit, and it being on full-display here in calling the tripfags/avatarfags on the board everyone's "betters" (some suck at theory, and Marxposter and Freudposter don't use tripcodes or avatars), he's mostly right.
The fact of the matter is that there is a severe lack of quality discussion on Holla Forums, and oftentimes a complete and total lack of proof that people on the board know anything more about leftist theory beyond Holla Forums's memes. Which only makes it all the more distasteful to hear people talk about this board like we're literally the vanguards of the Revolution, and not just a bunch of faggots on an abjectly shitty fascist imageboard who have a leftist identity/community/culture, and little more. Because at the end of the day, no matter how high your self-importance is, you have to admit that Holla Forums is a community of lefties and other anti-capitalist people. We're barely a political entity and most certainly are not doing anything significant to further the ends of leftism. Shitposting memes that do little to nothing to teach people about leftist theory (while at the same time bemoaning peoples' meme-tier knowledge of leftist theory for not being the RIGHT meme-tier knowledge of leftist theory) and arguing incessantly with reactionary trolls on the internet is not doing anything for the left, and if any actual leftists out on the streets who are doing things IRL heard this self-important smug e-activist rhetoric they'd laugh at you.
Unless you niggers are going to start putting your money where your mouth is read or do something IRL, just stop fucking whining and taking this board so seriously. Holla Forums is only special relative to the rest of Holla Forums insofar as it at least isn't full of completely awful and insufferable internet Nazis. But beyond that, in many ways, this board is a lot like Holla Forums.
I hope you can appreciate the irony somewhat that you're calling me the cancerfag here after you just spouted memes and butthurt while adding nothing of value to the conversation or even going so far as to respond to any of my points. Much as tripfagging in every thread is an annoying and kind of pathetic grasp at attention, at least most of the tripfags on this board have enough investment in their identities to put effort into their posts. Because unlike other kinds of boards, it matters here (superficially at least) if someone knows their shit - so if the tripfags are gonna tripfag, they've got to at least demonstrate to some degree that they know what they're talking about. Granted, this isn't always the case as I've noted above, but unless you just have no shame, usually not having anonymity to hide behind give people more imperative to put effort into their posts and not post shitty bait and memes.
And ffs I hardly ever use my tripcode. When I do use it, it's only because it's relevant.