Enough with the namefagging, tripfagging and avatarfagging. It's ruining the board and turning it all into a circlejerk of board "personalities" and it's all for the sake of completely unwarranted self-importance. It was bad enough with Yui (although bearable because at least his posts are decent), but now everyone seems to be jumping on the train and it's fucking cancerous. This board is supposed to be about proper discussion of leftist politics, not a congregation of childless single men who masturbate to anime and identify with one another with their autism.

Because, or, this shit hasn't ruined every single board ever and isn't ruining Holla Forums right now? Get real. The problem with IDfaggotry isn't something personal, it has to do with upholding the quality of the board, which definitely never really was that high, but can be decent.

It's time to solve, or at least measure this, with some democracy:

Other urls found in this thread:

That's real fuckin spooky.

kill yourself



Sorry i didnt know that we were the Vangaurd for the revolution all the sudden. Better start organising wont we and take the streets.

Fuck off spook

9/10 times I don't even realize that a post is from a trip fag

People like you just look for stuff to get piss ed off about.

exactly what OP is talking about. you tripfags add nothing to this board. at all. the most contributing people are freudposter, who has made the brunt of dank OC and has compiled tons of theory, and one of the lenin hats who made all of the theory WEBMs such as the zizek, jodi dean and fredric jameson ones. finally, marxhead is great because he actually knows his theory, although he rarely comes here anymore because he's disenchanted with the trip and namefaggotry. you and your ilk are the cancer of this board and are ruining it for the sake of having your little community of faggots.

You are also cancer.

When will you all embrace the anonymous flagless posting like myself?

Too long, didn't read.

Do you see the democracy here? Kill yourself.



Ban them Ban them! Those who do not follow the (My) scared of idea of the community! Burn those who dont follow my idea of leftypol! Throw away your name and be silent as the approved of the community speak as they are the most supreme!

Fucking christ even if the name or avatar fag suddenly threw away their appearance they still will be here and still will be posting and still will be shitting up your idea of leftypol.
Fix your butthurt, name and tripfags are so irrelevant as everybody here.



undecided != don't ban

also Jesus Christ, making gulag jokes in your poll discussion?



kek, have a bump

I tried to warn them
They didn't listen

I articulated why I think it's shit. It has nothing to do with a personal dislike; I'm seeing what it's doing to the general quality of the board and it's been going south for a while now.

Being against IDfaggotry isn't particularly unique to Holla Forums in any way. It's using observation of where the board's quality has been going recently, as well as looking at past boards that turned to circlejerks because of abundant tripfaggotry, just like I slowly see Holla Forums heading there.

I also only encourage other opinions, which is why I made a thread. It has nothing to do with that, and I only encourage more discussion and dissenting opinions (this is what made me love Holla Forums to begin with). Give me a perspective against mine and articulate it properly instead of shitposting up a thread with a legitimate concern that I know many other anons share with me.

I want to see them ban tripfaggotry just to piss of Rebel now.

To the gulag you go.


If cyan, green and yellow continue to dominate I'll drop the trip.

I'm surprised that people aren't totally indifferent to this. Who gives a fuck about trips? Damn.


Isnt giving negative attention towards IDfags also a form of giving attention (As counter to ignoring them)? Just like this fellow does here youknow.

Give an example, are boards declining because people are focussing to mutch on the tripfag their personality/being instead of what they say?

Parody always will remain this is a chan afterall and not the chamber of seriouse discussion for the upcomign


What if I told you that tripfagging is idpol?



Well, glad thats sorted out


Forced anonymous when?

Where the fuck have you been for all these months when Holla Forums was shitting up the board non-stop with divisive shitposting about identity politics? Where have you been when all the newfags continued to respond to these threads with their memetic Wikipedia-tier knowledge of leftist politics? Hell, where have you been for the past fuck year or so of people responding to Holla Forums bait without fail? Or the newfags making the same threads over and over again, the same one-liner low-effort threads and the same SRS BUSINESS e-politics le Holla Forumseterian lifestyle/identity threads?

Holla Forums isn't turning to shit because of tripfags. Holla Forums made itself shit all on its own, and your pathetic rant of a thread is a fine example of it. This board is complete shit like everything else on Holla Forums, and if you can't see that and that there are many basically unfixable problems with the board at this point then I almost feel sorry that you're that much of a blind Holla Forums ideologue who takes this stupid board way too seriously.

Even if tripfagging is contributing anything to the abject state of shittiness this board is in, I really don't give a shit. The only reason I'm still here is because I can't really leave at this point. But we're all living in the end times of Holla Forums. It's only a matter of time before the site goes under and Holla Forums is no more - and the quality of posts on the board isn't going to change that. So I'm turning on my trip just to piss you off.

Seriously this. If you give a shit about leftism so much, go outside and start fucking organizing. Spread some propaganda or join a union or whatever it is you lefties still do in the 21st century.

I mean, it'll all be useless, but at least you'd be putting your ass on the line and not shitposting on the internet like a self-importance Holla Forumsyp e-activist.

Do you still use the same e-mail address?


Fucking exactly. Many of the tripcodes on here, whether anyone likes it or not, have actively participated in this board and refuted a lot of the bullshit that storms around this board every now and then. Who the fuck cares if they don tripcodes, fucking read the substance and refute it if it's so fucking bad.

If all you fags do is just spam funny stirner memes then don't be surprised when you bitch about board quality that noone takes you seriously.

Ain't done it for a while now.

And it was just triggering so that's why I keep doing it


Every FUCKING day with these STUPID fucking MEMES! I've had it up to HERE with stupid fucking memes! You guys make me want to KILL MYSELF! Is that what you fucking want? For me to fucking KILL MYSELF and write on my suicide note "Cause of suicide: Couldn't handle all of the stupid fucking memes, killed myself"? Because that's what it might as well fucking say!

You guys are literally, L I T E R A L L Y incapable of having even the SIMPLEST of fucking discussion without "MEME THIS, MEME THAT, PROBABLY ZIZEK BE CRITIQUIN', HERE'S A PIC OF DAS KAPITAL BE KARL MARX, HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA EBIN AMIRITE?" Fucking STOP IT you pathetic fucking FAGGOTS, you are such fucking cancer that I cannot even fathom how you fucking scumbags live your dumb gay lives. Don't you have a job to get to, schoolwork to finish or a family to attend to? Do you literally do ANYTHING productive with your lives other than post stupid fucking memes on the leftist section of a god damn nazi imageboard? You fucking people make me sick and you're damn lucky I don't have any of your fucking addresses you fucking pieces of shits. I'd spit in your faces.

Pls read Zizek

Is this copypasta?

Stop forcing this stale meme.

I'm not the one forcing it, I just wanted a (You)

I don't use my email anymore really but I have one

No I'm fucking done with trip fags too. Fucking ban it.

You are all crying over nothing.
The real problem with Holla Forums (apart from the fact that it is on Holla Forums), is that over the past year or so.
A plague of ass-hats that are more concerned with posting stupid fucking memes and responding to Holla Forums bait have shown up.

As much as I hate Yui, Rebel and the other trip-fags; We are just about the only-ones left on this forsaken board that provide any form of useful content.

If any of you wish to improve the quality of this board, start with yourselves.

You should look upon your betters as role-models, not enemies.

You seem angry user; I'll pray for you. :3

All hail Über Technocrat Master Boss Howard when he speaks his Über Technocrat Master Boss Howard wisdom.
Look at him, lousy leftypol scum. Look at your superior and learn.

This is what tripfags actually believe

While I do understand that you are being sarcastic, that does not change the fact that you are correct.

All of you butt-hurt over people using trips would be far better off looking up to us as betters. Leaders even.
The piss poor quality of Holla Forums reflects on the poor quality of the anonymous majority.

Trip posters are the last holdout from when Holla Forums was good.
You should all look up to us for guidance.

It is simple fact.

Okay, you oversold that bait a bit.

The fact of the matter is that you only have to open a thread on Holla Forums to see that the reality is trip-posters are the only ones capable of quality posting.

It has been a frequent topic of discussion in the IRC of how poor the quality of the current anonymous users of Holla Forums are.

My frustration is one shared with many of the prominent personalities on this board.

Aaaaaand screencapped.

Democracy doesn't work when tripfags are included OP.

If not us, who? Fuck off with your defeatist bullshit, no one will suddenly think you're smart.

Wew, so many butthurt namefags ITT.
I can't believe I am seeing people actually shitting on OP for wanting real political discussion on a political board.
no john, you are the cancer
and then john was the cancer.
Some people here actually do shit unlike you armchair revolutionaries, I actually have a political life.

ridicule me all you want but it is cancer like this that has fucking destroyed the discussion here. It was shit before and it is worse now, the front page is full of shit tier meme threads like "is X a socialism?" or Holla Forums bait threads, or threads that are just memes. There is ONE serious thread on the front page right now.

I don't know who's bright idea was it to invite redditors to Holla Forums anyway, but shit got slightly worse at one point after cross site threads started popping up. I can hardly blame it all on reddit however.

I constantly make fucking political threads, hell my thread was up for 3 days now much to the buttfluster of many.

me making political threads does not excuse you shitting on the board, contribution does not negate cancer threads.
I remember when memes didn't get their whole threads, they were just fucking memes.

I hope you newfags realize, by the way, that you can filter tripcodes if they trigger you so hard.

You're only whining about tripfags because you enjoy having a Them to hate and to blame on everything wrong with Holla Forums. But there are so many other things wrong with this board, banning tripfags on sight wouldn't even begin to mitigate them.

Much as I don't care for Howard_Scott's authoritarian bullshit, and it being on full-display here in calling the tripfags/avatarfags on the board everyone's "betters" (some suck at theory, and Marxposter and Freudposter don't use tripcodes or avatars), he's mostly right.

The fact of the matter is that there is a severe lack of quality discussion on Holla Forums, and oftentimes a complete and total lack of proof that people on the board know anything more about leftist theory beyond Holla Forums's memes. Which only makes it all the more distasteful to hear people talk about this board like we're literally the vanguards of the Revolution, and not just a bunch of faggots on an abjectly shitty fascist imageboard who have a leftist identity/community/culture, and little more. Because at the end of the day, no matter how high your self-importance is, you have to admit that Holla Forums is a community of lefties and other anti-capitalist people. We're barely a political entity and most certainly are not doing anything significant to further the ends of leftism. Shitposting memes that do little to nothing to teach people about leftist theory (while at the same time bemoaning peoples' meme-tier knowledge of leftist theory for not being the RIGHT meme-tier knowledge of leftist theory) and arguing incessantly with reactionary trolls on the internet is not doing anything for the left, and if any actual leftists out on the streets who are doing things IRL heard this self-important smug e-activist rhetoric they'd laugh at you.

Unless you niggers are going to start putting your money where your mouth is read or do something IRL, just stop fucking whining and taking this board so seriously. Holla Forums is only special relative to the rest of Holla Forums insofar as it at least isn't full of completely awful and insufferable internet Nazis. But beyond that, in many ways, this board is a lot like Holla Forums.

I hope you can appreciate the irony somewhat that you're calling me the cancerfag here after you just spouted memes and butthurt while adding nothing of value to the conversation or even going so far as to respond to any of my points. Much as tripfagging in every thread is an annoying and kind of pathetic grasp at attention, at least most of the tripfags on this board have enough investment in their identities to put effort into their posts. Because unlike other kinds of boards, it matters here (superficially at least) if someone knows their shit - so if the tripfags are gonna tripfag, they've got to at least demonstrate to some degree that they know what they're talking about. Granted, this isn't always the case as I've noted above, but unless you just have no shame, usually not having anonymity to hide behind give people more imperative to put effort into their posts and not post shitty bait and memes.

And ffs I hardly ever use my tripcode. When I do use it, it's only because it's relevant.

Since when has Holla Forums had any of this beyond the beginning? Like /lit/ this board suffers from the fact that people who read don't post as frequently as wiki-experts.

That's why we got this shitty memes like:



Highest of truths. Only us who use IDs and trips post quality . Because of our supreme command of theory and DIALECTICS due to our learns we have the strength of will to stick a name to ourselves and take the heat of your ignorant shitposts and hatred in order to school you.

I've even.contributes a few essays to teach y'all retards, but you refuse to accept the conclusions of years of my studies of the dark and mysterious work Hegel and Marx.


is this steve stevenson?

Is it the same name? Do you have a public key? Would you mind if I sent you an e-mail from my cockli address?

I know that we have talked about this before but I've lost all my mails (I still use the same address, though).

Yeah, same name just with the riseup extension. I do have PGP but I can't get the public key right now. Send me an email from your account and I can give you it.


give me one board that has been ruined by tripfags

Holla Forums

sent ;)