What a Joke

Has there ever been a more laughable villian in recent pleb-tv history? this guy looks like such a massive faggot, what kind of sheltered hollywood cockswallow cast this guy, hes not fucking scary at all, the homeless people that loiter in front of my local liquor store are way fucking scarier than this faggot, he looks like he drives a volvo, drinks microbrews and has a garage band with his fucking trust babbey yuppie friends

whens the last time you were actually kind of scared of a motherfucker in a knho or a teevee? its been ages for me, maybe Sad Max as BRONSON but that was like scary for half the time and absurd for the rest

im downloading the 13th episode of this trash fire right now for some fucking reason, its like a scab you cant help picking

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I liked him as the Comedian..

Are these guys massive faggot hipsters too?

I like him when he chucks kikes into the furnace.

Ben is mah nig how dare you bring him up in relation to this mook, although the walking dead comic guy clearly played full throttle now that you mention it

evil dead guy is fine, hes not supposed to be scary, his role is comedic and hes still more of a "badass" than nihihihigan, its not even that nergan looks like a fucking hipster hes just not scary and everyone was banging on about how hes so good in the role, he makes you fucking laugh and it doesnt exactly help that the logistics of the whole feudalist system they have set up are downright retarded and seem designed around the plot

you know what fuck this show you reminded me of like my first vidya, that intro though, skip to 1:45 awww yissss i should download that game again instead


His best role was as a reptilian agent trying to destroy humanity in Star Trek Enterprise. David Icke was right all along, the jews really are shape-shifting reptilians.


holy shit I can't believe how bad the effects have gotten. How did they go from the great visuals from season 1 to this?!

I thought he looked passable but looking at his everyday appearance, good Lord what a faggot.

stanley tucci in this

there's no way that's real. i won't believe it.

you were scared of him? what's your bedtime?

interesting get (it is real btw, i watched it last week).


so I watched the 13th episode, it was ok, kinida meh, they draw everything out endlessly of course, I liked the negro starting to lose his shit again that was relatively well done(neirgain was thankfully absent from this one)

just to underline my point and show that im not just ragging on this trash fire of a show because its trendy, the dude they are giving "offerings" to was way "scarier" than fucking negan, basically an exhausted bureaucrat that is willing to execute you for a fucking cantaloupe, much more realistic portrayal of "evil" in some kind of scarcity scenario than negans ludicrous self-defeating antics, it like they never even bothered to look at how a psycho/sociopath actually acts when they designed him, is he as much of a retarded character in the comics i wouldnt know

comics have revealed that negan has a heart and soul, and all his shit was mostly an act b/c he liked being theatrical. he genuinely sincerely believed it was "tough love", that the only way to keep people alive was to keep them afraid while under his protection.

You should totally commit suicide by raping your own ass with a broken beer bottle.

That would make sense for the show too.

Trumpcuck bullied as fuck

Well he is meant to be edgy looking. But liberals think that to be a "real man" you have to have a bear and dress like tough looking and bam your a "man". Also if they go the extra mile they will have a "southern" accent.

Look at this fag, lmao. "Liberal redneck" I swear I have not done digging on this guy but this guy screams fake as hell. youtube.com/channel/UCTHsQd-vRXK1bp4vpifl6yA

ummmm so whats up with retards and having the last name "Crowder"

Cousins probably.

Awwwww Yeeeeeeee

seriously though bruh wats with the downtokes and the negative vibes man stop being such a shitlord lmao xD emoji hoji toji heres a picture of a pupper from the reddits to cheer u up

haha, wrecked.

I guess, he seems to enjoy roasting niggers faces with a clothing iron a little too much for that to be true, maybe hes just telling himself that

are the comics actually worth reading?

The simpleminded plebeian enjoys (to what degree they can enjoy things is up for questioning) his unpredictability.
The simpletons project themselves onto the character and claim it's empathy, when in reality it's stupidity. The female jewer, I mean viewer is especially susceptible to this.
They have this idea that the walking dead is some kind of realistic, or believable setup for a post-apocalyptic world when it comes to how people would organize. That people would mostly die off, and some hard core elite with mad banter would be left.
Look at the second last episode, with some mad bants between Rick and what's her name while they scavanged. Such obvious plot armor for the majority of character that it's just comical in a stupid way how they survive shit.