Rust is a systems programming language that runs blazingly fast, prevents segfaults, and guarantees thread safety. Featuring: • zero-cost abstractions • move semantics • guaranteed memory safety • threads without data races • trait-based generics • pattern matching • type inference • minimal runtime • efficient C bindings
03:06 < nagisa> so why isn’t using letsencrypt?03:06 < nagisa> which is like literally the only sane way to get certs nowadays03:25 nagisa: predates letsencrypt and retrofiting it isn't trivial. i was told today though that our heroku account will have access to lets encrypt in some systemic way soon.
Jeremiah King
i forgot the image. fucking kill me.
Jaxson Baker
No, I am not using it. Is there any good reason to learn it?
Carson Bailey
nigga have you even read the featuring section?
Jose Nelson
I have seen it, but it does not mean a lot to me since I have no idea how to combine those features to create software.
Nathan Gomez
then what the fuck are you doing here fucking currynigger. kill yourself.
Asher Peterson
Rust is a shitty language for Pajeets kys
Robert Moore
no u
Cooper Johnson
Trying to find out if Rust is language worth learning.
Jose Murphy
Just use Ada, faggot.
Samuel Peterson
But it's not, and you're retarded.
Angel Kelly
Does Rust support streams/monads/programmable pipes? If it doesn't, I am not interested
Chase Long
Nathaniel Clark
Rust is the only modern compiled language I know that's willing to learn from type theory. I don't know if it's going to reach Haskell levels, but at least HKT is planned.
Cameron Young
By constantly doing array bounds checking, thereby sacrificing some performance. C++ did it better. C++ did it better. Dumb meme. Rust achieves this by annoying the programmer to death, rather than giving the tools to become a better programmer. Haven't looked into this specifically, but you can bet there's a catch. So what? A million other functional languages did it as well or better. Not remarkable. Yes, and? lel
You forgot:
Lincoln Green
Well, C++ still doesn't have pattern matching and functional langs still don't have zero cost abstractions. Rust wins baby, as usual :^)
Hudson Morales
Only if you count being a mediocre jack of all trades as "winning".
Ryan Myers
Rust is a disaster. It's unusable for large projects due to how it compiles and that isn't fixable, the class library needs completely rewritten to fix pure idiocy like run-time compiled format strings that prevent internationalization (way to show your true feelings, SJWs), the library system (crates) is a horror only webdevs could have created, etc.. It's a total loss.
Dominic Scott
Once you again with the internalization bullshit, fuck off already.
Christopher Adams
no. bounds checking gets optimised away in idiomatic rust. no. iterators. no. not an argument. it is true. not an argument. not an argument. not an argument. not an argument. not an argument.
just like c++. so what?
Isaiah Richardson
so much bullshit and not a single fact to back it up fucking LOL
Dylan Sanders
C++ iterators work fine, my friend.
Yes :^)
I didn't need to make a full argument, because none of those original points were an argument in favor of Rust. Also, it is a fact that the borrow checker achieves memory safety by annoying the programmer to death. Deal with it.
No. In C++, you can just decide to limit your use of templates. In Rust, you're always subject to the inane compile-time borrow checking.
Did programming in Rust kill off a few of your neurons?
Jeremiah Gutierrez
If you'd tried to write anything significant in Rust you'd not need spoonfed about the unusuable string formatting. Have you ever even used gettext?
Jaxon Ramirez
I'm looking for a new language to learn that I could use for general purpose programming, or more specifically, for easy to maintain big programs that require a modicum of performance. I am debating myself whether to invest some more time at gitting gud in C++, or start with Rust or Ada. As I understand: Libraries, support and community: Rust seems like a high risk high reward bet considering it may evolve into something big in the following years, but I don't know. Any of you fanboys advocates could convince me of why your langfu from these three possibilities, you dumdums would be the best one?
Blake Clark
I defend Rust, but your best choice is keep gitting gud at C++. Almost everything you'll learn from C++ will translate over Rust, and it will also make it much easier to learn. The only thing I can think of that Rust doesn't have or may not have in the near future is OOP inheritance bullshit.
All three can go big and fast while being maintainable, though.
Gavin Richardson
Rust can't go big. Recompile time is in hours even around a few hundred kloc and would probably be in months for a project the size of Chrome, Linux, Java, etc.. And Ada is unmaintainable. No one knows it, who would maintain it? You don't find curryniggers for this, you have to pay big bucks for someone with industry experience in Ada.
Austin Fisher
Cargo uses crates as compilation units, though. As long as your program is modular enough you shouldn't have the so famous around here eternal compilation times. Besides, they wholly know their compiler is slow and have several plans to speed it up.
Not many people know it, but there are almost 1000 Ada repositories on Shithub so that statement is false. Ada is also relatively easy to read so you don't have to enter the developer's mind to understand Ada code, unlike C++.
Lucas Sanchez
Splitting a project the size of Chrome up into 10,000 libraries crates of 10,000 lines each as a workaround for the language being shit would be comically retarded and unworkable. And it would nuke performance as rust depends on compiling things as giant blobs to get rid of boundary tests. It's unfixable. It will always scale with project size rather than change size as the language's design depends on doing that for its performance. A handful of programmers writing Holla Forums-level fizzbuzzes. That's a dead language.
Nathaniel King
Sure, nevermind they already have specific plans to fix it. Do you have any facts to back that up?
John Lee
I just had to take a look at the first three pages to see you are full of shit. There are several implementations of crypto libraries and kernel projects. In comparison to C++, Ada seems to have a slightly more complex average difficulty floor; this is far from FizzBuzzing.
Henry Jones
So did subversion re merge tracking. Was a similar situation where the design prevented ever fully solving the problem, and the devs were repeatedly told this during development but just kept going in the same direction. That's the problem with autists. Look it up yourself how they eliminate boundary checks, or test for yourself that crossing a crate boundary prevents removing them. The language's design depends on being able to see every access and when it can't it has to leave runtime checks in. That cannot be changed without replacing the whole type system and fundamentally changing the language. You can optimize the code all you want but that will never scale.
Zachary Jackson
Crypto routines are incredibly straight-forward and can be often copied as pseudocode straight from the paper. A tetris clone shows more sophistication. I doubt there is anything much more than skeletons and proof of concepts. That would be much more interesting than crypto, though.
Easton Morgan
Don't move the goalposts. We are talking about compile time here, not runtime checks. Besides, incremental compilation is on the way, and apparently Rust compile times are also suffering from obsolete LLVM bytecode generation that LLVM must fix before compiling. This can be fixed by "digesting" the code a bit before passing it to LLVM IR, which is something they are already working on.
Josiah Gomez
Never heard of RedoxOS? It just werks and will soon be able to run your linux programs too. There are like 20 tetris clones for rust. There's even piston as a full 2d engine. gfx as a fully rust graphics API that supports 2d and 3d.
Elijah Wright
Grayson James
Rust is as fast now as it's ever going to be.
Blake Watson
I'm writing a bot in Rust that crawls github, bitbucket, and other source code repos and files bugs when it discovers cissexist or non-gender-inclusive language (like he or she instead of ze), racist phrases (like "key whitening"), body shaming (references to the FAT filesystems, which should be HEALTHYATANYSIZE), or Islamophobia (like the PHP explode function). It's important that software be free as in freedom, but it's also important that it be free of terms that are problematic for PoC, LGBTQQIA+ persuns, differently abled persuns, Muslims, and other groups marginalized by the white cissupremacist patriarchy. I think a social justice oriented language like Rust is the best for this.