Linux thread

Hey goys

after a few years of hard cooperation my laptop is showing the last signs of life. Half the keyboard is dead and it lags like hell

I have to pick another one, and god forbid I give all my data to vaccine king Bill Gates and his panopticon Windows 10.

Meaning Linux. I'm a newfag about Linux subjects, any anons here using Linux? what do you recommand?

Other urls found in this thread:

start with Ubuntu, then move on as fast as possible

Open it up, clean from dust and hair, change thermal paste, clean keyboard. Stop being a lazy faggot.

Try going step by step.
Start with linux mint, go to arch, go to then to more customizable stuff.
This isn't really tech board, go to Holla Forums

Ubuntu sells your data and has features that monitors what you search through the searching for software

Holy shit get out

It just werks and I heard the founder hates Israel

I think, by default, that's disabled now.

Stop making shit threads


install LINUX NIRVANA, it's the only non-cucked OS out there.

people say, start with ubutnu. I say, start with linux mint. It's much less complex than ubuntu, plus it runs on 125-250mb RAM. It's perfect for starting out, and using on a day to day basis, although there are plenty more distros out there that you can switch over when you become more comfortable with that distro.


Start with Linux Mint and work your way up so that you'll be able to use Gentoo or Arch.

Fuck off

mint is your distro of choice user.

easy, noob friendly,pretty and pic related

Clone your drive onto another HDD, then get a new computer and replace the HDD with your non-pozzed one. Problem solved.

Fuck off with your autistic shit you shill faggot!
Go cry in Holla Forums or an hero nigger.

Mint is shit tier, their installer can't even handle full disk encryption

Go with Fedora 24 KDE. It's working perfectly for me at the moment.

Ideally you should start with Trisquel. But most pre-build computers won't support Trisquel, so start with Linux Mint. Anything that supports or works for Ubuntu will work with Mint; the difference is that Ubuntu comes with Amazon spyware and Mint doesn't. Also "ubuntu" is an African word and the distro therefore comes with a bunch of African theming, which I personally find off-putting as I suspect most of Holla Forums would.

Fedora and CentOS are also an option, but RedHat has a history of working with the NSA, and I really don't like the way rpm-based distros run.

Do a lot of lurking on Holla Forums to find out about the various ways you can rice your desktop out, and also to find out about distros you can upgrade to when you feel ready.

Sage for not politics.

Install Ganoo

Will also accept

>>>Holla Forums

don't you think fedora might be a bit rough for a beginner?

I swer to me mum, one day i'm really gonna install fucking gentoo.

I can't think of a way in which it is harder than ubuntu.

You haven't lived until you've done a stage 1 install.

Start with Mint.



I used gentoo for a while, it's not a hard install but having your computer slow down to recompile shit every time you do an update gets old really fast. There's no way that recompiling stuff with processor-specific gcc flags will ever be faster enough to make up for the wasted cpu time spent recompiling it. And anyway Arch at least has processor-specific kernels and video drivers which is probably comprise 90% of the benefit of processor-specific code anyway.

Also the gentoo forums are really the worst of the worst of condescending autistic tech nerds.

I used Fedora a few years ago before the eternal driver problem and lack of games drove me back to Windows. I don't remember why exactly but I know I preferred an rpm based distro over a debian one. Linux is great and has a lot of features and customizability that are missing from Windows, like the ability to perform mass installs from a text list of programs rather than install them manually one by one like you have to do on a fresh Windows install, also mass uninstalls are convenient in a similar way since you can just set it up and move on rather than spend two hours clicking next on gui installers. Start with Linux mint and move on from there, Linux can be extremely powerful if you put in the effort and you will learn a ton about how operating systems work. Polite sage for off topic

in another thread, everyone was suggesting that openBSD is the ubermensch OS

you need to know what you want your PC to be.
Important questions are
and a major concern too, is the programs installation method

These are simple questions you should ask before jumping in OMGUBUNTU train.

another thing to consider, the ressources available online (forums, discussions, wikis, videos)

so, to summarize, as a linux virgin you should go to check theses distribs :

>like ubuntu - and all derivatives
>like mint
>or like kubuntu/xubuntu/nubuntu - mostly a change in window manager / desktop environment



>muh fedora

You go to their websites, download and burn an iso image on a usb stick or cd/dvd, plug in and restart,

Then you can either settle down, or explore and distro hopping, or trying to build it from scratch


1st pic is my system atm using manjaro
2nd one is debian on a RPi3
and yes I'd prefer xfce4 over any DE.
don't be mislead by fedoras, zulubuntus et al. learn by yourself

>>>Holla Forums

I recommend Mint. Made a webm on how to install in other thread. Vid related.

It is possible however that it will not by default recognize your wireless card, so I recommend that you research that first (search by your laptop model). Even if not supported, it is usually easily fixable - in my case it did not require third party drivers at all (despite some tutorials suggesting it).

If you have any questions, I'll lurk.

Thanks all for the answers! I'll check the videos/links for a while and make my choice based on that, I'm not in a rush.

sage own thread because i got what I wanted

If I understand their legal terms, IF I search in the dash, they get to decide whether I have opted in.

I specifically set the gizmo NOT to opt in. But I still don't search in the dash.

I use find from the command line like a normal person.

Hey buddy, there's this really cool website where you can actually enter questions and it will give you the answers you need.
It's called . You might have heard of it.

Or just ask >>>Holla Forums

Holy Moly

TempleOS is fine but you have to be on drugs to understand what's going on.

Linux Mint or Netrunner.

Use a search engine to read about both, and any other distros recommended in this thread.

From there onward you should ask questions, do not ever expect to be spoonfed.

I wish things like in your pic wouldn't happen. These things should stay out of it.
I remember the guy who makes notepad++ asking in the changelog, which appears after you update or install it, not using notepad++ anymore if you voted Front National, a french far-right party. Or the guys at mozilla who kicked out their CEO because he was against gay marriage. I fucking hate it when people misuse their platform for politcal bullshit.

Ubuntu is the easiest to get into. After you're a little more comfortable with the file structure, installing stuff you can move onto other distros. Fedora is actually good (Linus Torvalds uses it). The Ubuntu website is the best source for instructions.

Linux is great but if you're still using Windows you're likely a retard that's never seen a command line.

Ubuntu is a bloated piece of shit with poorly executed android support and all kinds of other shit you would never use. Arch Linux and Crunchbang are personal favorites of mine. Lxde is the best desktop environment.

Links is the most secure OS around but the layers of security are a pain in the ass to use as your daily driver imo.

Is shit advice. Just pirate XP if that's your inclination. Ubuntu is the worst. Windows tier in terms of resource use and privacy.

Fine are you fucking happy you autistic faggot? It was a joke.

PcLinux is the best to start with, avoid ubuntu like the plague it is. If you're coming from Windows KDE will be more familiar to you than any of the other options although some are better in many ways. Use Pclinux, get comfortable then move to Slackware in a couple months and you'll never look back.

Gentoo is for pussies.

Install Linux From Scratch and do all your compiling by hand, like a real man.

>>>Holla Forums
Fuck off slidefag.



Don't recommend Arch for someone that just wants to use their computer for a while and then leave it, it's really not for everyone man.



Arch is actually hands down the best suggestion for a new user, new user meaning "doesn't know anything about computers" because all of the information is there and by the time you see your desktop

Rule 4 in sticky, Einstein.

Thanks for the webm, it helped me.


Ubuntu, xubuntu, or any variant of mint. Literally retard proof. Only thing that can go wrong is lack of drivers if your laptop manufacturer is a fucking kikehole.

Sure thing.

Glad to help bro.


God bless the Japs

Hey (1), nice of you to pop in and give your OT not-politics opinion but here's a crazy idea: go post in a thread you do like.

Or just keep spamming that report button to get your hotpocket sempai's attention.

Antergos is arch with a graphical installer. Just use that. Obscure enough that you won't be noticed.

A lot of people here are saying not to use Ubuntu, but imo it's a good one to use if you're not tech-savvy. Mint is basically Ubuntu, very similar to Windows in a lot of ways. Still way better than Windows even if it's way worse than other distros, and it's easy to install. When I say easy, that's compared to the others. It still took me all day to install Mint because I'm not Holla Forums and I have a life beyond computer stuff. And that's another reason to just use Mint - if you plan on doing things outside of your house like a real man to advocate Holla Forums's doctrine or better yourself or have a job then you really don't have the time to learn the more complicated Linux distributions. Don't listen to the Holla Forums sperglords in this thread.

Most happening threads get stickied after a while, and Holla Forums could really benefit from using Linux for its added security.

Fuck you. Do you feel the same way about your house? Your vehicle? Your garden? Do you think that paying some retard $80 to change your oil is preferable to doing it yourself because you can spend that 45 minutes shitposting? You're equating ignorance with masculine action you fucking kike.

This thread again…

It's simple:

> If you have enough money, have one PC with Windows 10 for games and shit making sure to never put anything more than a basic user account on it so as to use it

> Have another lower-spec PC for Tails, making sure that any time you wish to use it you isolate your other computer and all other ethernet/wi-fi devices from your router before even turning it on

> If you can't afford 2 PCs, (although I highly do not recommend doing this) you can Dual-boot Windows 10 and Tails from a partitioned drive. This is sketchy as fuck so do so at your own risk

That's it. If you don't listen to this warning or read more about it to learn how it all works, this is your damn fault when you get V&.


I would suggest Manjaro XFCE.
I would also suggest that prior to installation, you read up on how to create a separate partition for your /home directory as you might find yourself wanting to try different distros in the future. That way you can simply install to your root partition without having to reload all of your personal files from a backup.

Tails is great. Honestly. If you're doing anything online you wouldn't want to explain in a court of law some day tails is your only friend.

But it is 2016 and we live in an occupied country. Be aware that keeping a Windows 10 computer in your house for frivolity and games is a huge sucking chest wound on your bottom line. An expensive piece of shit you use only to waste time. Time that is valuable.

Also many distros can be made almost as secure as Tails. As always the correct answer is not simple, it is situational.

I m really jealous of you linux code monkies but it takes a lot of effort to stomp you in your own terrarium. I dont really like that.

Get a Thinkpad x200. Libreboot it. If you can afford it, buy one that's already done for you at minifree.

Thinkpad x201 with mint for cheapest most normie intro into GANOO. It will cost you less than $250 to get an x201 and put 8gb ram and an SSD in there. Cheap spare parts out the ass.

So he only hates Israel for killing people who would behead him for not being Muslim?

mint is good for n00bs but Arch Linux is the best distro, sage because there already is a Linux thread.

What are the requirements of Trisquel? Is Trisquel easy? Does it have a lot of compatibility?

Pretty much this.

Or he could use it to get the basics down, then gtfo.

Mint is gud


nobody fucking cares about that shit, they just want things to work. If you're doing shit you don't want to be snooped on you shouldn't use your main OS for that in the first place.