LIVE Fash the nation July 19th at 6pm-8pm EST!

special live Fash the Nation coverage of Roll Call of the States and Trump's Nomination tomorrow night from 6-8PM EST. We'll be taking live calls at 936-666-1488.

Remember. If its not tuesday , its not live fash the nation during the republican convention!

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Fuck off.


Jazzhands is a clear Holla Forums visitor, he's offhandedly mentioned us (not by name) on at least one occasion. He's not an alt-right cuck as far as I can tell and is open about JQ and against the homos.

The show is pretty good. Daily shoah is cancer however.

not only is that video degenerate as fuck, but the fash and shoah guys regularly shit talk the alt right being full of faggots

who the fuck goes on a right leaning forum of any kind and posts with a name

Seventh Son is a cool guy, but man kike enoch is such an arrogant fucktard

It's funny how the daily shoah likes to pretend that FTN being the best show on TRS is just a "meme" too. Those faggots just cant cope with the fact that TDS is now just the "fascist" larping Mike Enoch lolbertarian sperging hour with stale memes from OpieSon.

alt right being gay is a meme user

Yeah I can't listen to Daily Shoah anymore because Enoch annoys the shit out of me.

Even during the Shoah the Nation crossover that faggot couldn't keep his mouth shut for one second.
What's worse is that his commentary is absolutely without any substance.

The alt right is completely gay.

Take a look at the comments for this TRS article and tell me you the altright having a bunch of faggots in it just a meme

Daily Shoah feels like going to the bar with your buddies to talk politics. It can be grating if they just rehash old talking points or bad talking points. They often lose themselves on tangents as well.

FTN feels more like a prepared show, and the preparedness is why I give it my time.

Keep telling yourself that, maybe one day it'll be true.

I'm not basing my understanding of a movement on comments on disqus.

On they still "fashy libertarians" who worship kike puppet Pinochet, like everybody else on TRS?

I think people like Pinochet solely for the helicopters. No one goes deep into the politics behind it. Just one way helicopter rides.

Then perhaps you would explain this?

Of course, one can easily say the Milo isn't "really" part of the alt-right, but the fact remains that he is one of the most mainstream representatives of the movement.

Why not? The altright homosexual supremacist hero Greg Johnson even commented in there. Seventhson even defended James O'Meara for fuck sake, a guy who literally wrote "homosexuality is a supreme Aryan tradition".

They are really overrepresented in media. There are really not that many fags or trannies.

Most of the hobbyists do, but the hosts on TRS like him because he embraced Milton Friedman's economic ideas. They just can't get over their lolbertarianism.

I only listen to FTN and occasionally to sections of Daily shoa so I wouldn't know really. Lolbergs need to hang, that's for sure.

That's great and all, but the general population may not accurately represent the demographics of the alt-right. I think you'll agree.

Instead of that article, perhaps you could explain Richard Spencer's comment "Homosexuality seems to be a kind of last stand of implicit White identity."

Dickie Spence hardly speaks for everyone, but I would agree there's at least an element of it by having Spence and Milo as arbiters of the label. I dislike the term alt-right anyway precisely because of this ability to shove antithetical connotations onto it that would ultimately sink the movement. Nationalist is a perfectly good word. I also like Trumpian or Trumpservative.

The mike enoch dude just rants and interrupts people. While 7th son cuts in with some half thought out comment, then plays something off his sound board. I'm surprised people actually donate money to them. The telia tequila episode FASH did was funny though, some Philippino slut supporting white nationalist.

One of the TRS podcasts (Fash Britannia) had to shut down because one of their members was outed publicly as a furry

Eternal anglo strikes again.

Just look at the list of endangered languages in Europe. French and German nationalisms were liberal cancers.



That's hilarious

Thats not what happened at all. They had to shut down because one of the hosts was doxxed


Trump sold his children to the jews, appointed the goodest of goys as his vp and made a special council full of jews just to deal with jew problems

Fuck off cuck

Are we actually getting an influx of bergcuck newfags on here?

From where are they coming?

Do we really need to go back 5 years and debunk spergtarianism again?

Rand cucked for Israel and got nothing. Won't even address your 'dude just wait for hitler'ing.

Unless I completely misunderstood something, then that's pretty much exactly what happened.
They found his furaffinity profile live on air
The delicate bit starting around 1:10:30, going for some minutes.
The fash brit guy had a red fox profile pic and at the start said "I'm not a furry" when asked about the pic which made him suspicious. Then an hour later it came up again and they googled his name and pic.

Wew laddie.

Also I wouldn't be surprised if the "doxxing" was either an excuse or happened exactly because they found his furry profile

Welga is a furry? Lel

Trump sold his children to the jews, appointed the goodest of goys as his vp and made a special council full of jews just to deal with jew problems but that doesn't stop you from sucking his dick

Fuck off cuck

No , i literally talk to welga every single day. Thats not what happened at all.

Cathy princess got doxxed.

its illegal to do what they do in their country. so they stopped the podcast.

Who doxxed her?

A real human bean, the homo apologetics notwithstanding.

Counter-Currents is a great site tbh.

The French republic at its creation was a multiethnic empire and has since dissolved the regional ethnicities and absorbed them into Parisian identity. It's a nation formed on liberte, egalite and fraternite

Same with Bismarck in Germany a liberal monarch. Unified Germany ie conquered the other peoples and absorbed them into Berliner identity.

Nationalism is empire people are only built to belong to the city state model. Nationalism expands the domain of the city state.

Cucked for Israel? He put his hand on a wall you dumb nigger

When it comes to policy he has a hell of a lot more balls than trump on the issue

Who knows

No, I think it's the other guy, Augenstein or Orkenstein or whatever.
I never listened to fash britannia so I don't know their names

Yeah, but the furry outing seems to have happened around that time when they shut the podcast down, so it seems a bit coincidental for my taste.

So yeah, lolbergs must hang in case any weren't completely on board yet.

And is or is not welga a furry?

no welga is not a furry.

That guy got outed and they purged him. The show didn't end until a couple months later because the main host wanted to focus on her life. Yes, her.

I don't expect everyone to love TRS, but the disinfo passed around on Holla Forums about them is staggering.

hi learningcode

hard at work with your D&C to remind us about how milo, steven crowder and a bunch of other slightly edgy neocohens are totally alt-right despite the fact they dont identify with it?

reminder that Holla Forums s alt-right and being alt-right just comes down to being pro-white and not wanting to see whites become a minority in every fucking country

I'm sure that sentence made sense in your mind

they literally purged him from the community and the podcast the second they found out.

Trs has that ghoul kid. Every time he starts talking I cringe. He can't form a complete sentence without stuttering or spurgging out. Dudes a babbling moron.

please remember who your (((enemies))) are and ignore all the chaimposting trying to convince you that anyone on the right who disagrees with you about anything and isn't literally fucking hitler is your mortal enemy jewish planted controlled opposition

You know it's a shill when they call milo alt-right

Milo isn't alt-right. No one but D&C shills call him alt-right and even Milo doesn't identify with the alt-right

Milo is a flaming coalburner kike. He's not alt-right.

Well sorry then, I guess I jumped to conclusions there. Though the Welge guy seems to have known the other guy was a furry.

And the dates seem close enough anyhow

Are you or are you not arguing that non-whites (with the exception of maybe the Japanese) can sustain a viable civilization?

Also, Radio Free Skyrim, the show that outed that furry has since shut down because Natt was too much of a LARPY asshole for half of the other people to deal with. He's funny, but the show is still dead. Don't pretend it's just the occasional gay or furry fucking shit up.

FTN is solid, drama free and you goys miss out if you aren't listening.

Damn, I really thought that guy was a furry.

I suspect he is also a homosexual, but apparently a recent purge of the TRS forums had to do with people insinuating his 'girlfriend' was a whore.

Dude does some decent may-mays though.

Ghoul has a philosophy major. I wouldn't mess with him. He's a srs guy.

Beware, he might even call you "retarded".

It wasn't RFS that outed him, it was Natt on his drunken cast.

Bit of a shame they sperged out and shut RFS down, they were occasionally entertaining if you could deal with all the depressing news and unfiltered autism


The other guys were involved. It wasn't just Natt. The whole episode was a big thing on the forum.

It wasn't sperging that shut down RFS, it was difference in ideology.

Natt and one of the dudes, I think it was that Pete guy whose always yammering about space and being kind of cucky, got into an argument, the other dude said fuck it and left, and then things just kind of fell apart around that issue.

Natt needs to go off and do his own podcast. (not drunk)

Not sure what the other beta-manlet in this thread meant when he called Natts political philosophy "LARPing".

Basically enforce NatSoc and kill gays if I understand correctly.

Must be PR cucks in this thread.

Anyone know what Natt and Pete got in an argument about?

Are you stupid? A nation is blood. English can't become Polish much less an Arab or black. They can never be.

Ahh alright, I see you're a nationalist then.

You had me confused for a moment, I thought you were arguing for spergtarianism.

That was me and feel free to eat shit. I don't mean his ideology was LARPY, just the way he shut down anything he didn't immediately like and steamroll the conversation.

Yeah, Rand is real redpilled. kek

Faggot detected. Is this shit your idea of a great site? A gay autistic brony writing articles?

That's a shame. It's funny how he's always talking about how he owns his teachers in debates or whatnot on the show, yet he can't even complete a sentence when talking to friends.

Well yeah there were other guys but only Paracletus from RFS I think. Some other people were there of course, but it was on "his" "podcast".

So it was sperging then.

He can be entertaining although he draws out some of his jokes too much, which is fine when there was the RFS guys that would call him an autist halfway through it

No need to go full madlet.

I cringe every time someone types LARP on Holla Forums when I know none of them are fa/tg/uys. The closest thing to LARPing would be dressing up as an actual klansman or 20th century natsoc and going to the a public area.

Not saying slightly edgy shit, let alone in politically incorrect circles.

Right-libertarian can be good, like paleolibertarians or people like Hanz Hermann Hoppe.

So long as they're pro-white (in the american/anglo outside of the UK sense or ethno-nationalist sense) I dont think it matters what they think about the role of government and fiscal policy. We can worry about that when our existence is secured.

Philosophy major? Fuck everyone bow down to the next socrates.

Enoch sounds like a fucking muppet and I'm convinced he has severe autism. I mean, how the fuck can you casually just start talking over someone while they're in mid-sentence like he does again and again? He seems to have absolutely zero self-awareness.

Is Hoppe explicitly racialist?

Except I'm not a nationalist. I hate nationalism because it weakens peoples.


Better than selling your daughter to the jews

I'm not mad, user. I'm also not a PR cuck.

Me saying he's LARPy stems from a story about him having to hide his swastika necklace because the police knocked on his door because his little brother was shooting an air soft rifle at a "refugee asylum."

Then internationalism strengthens peoples?

Top kek, that shit was hilarious.



I'm not a libertarian so IDK but going by the wiki:

He might be a racialist but not focus on race 100% like say Amren would. Pat Buchanan is a good (conservative) example of someone who hits every right mark on race but focuses on other things too like gun control, fiscal policy, foreign policy, etc

We've already established Fash Britannia isn't actually right-wing.

Take Belgium for example. It's not a real nation. It's divided between Walloons and Flemish. Walloons and Flemish need to separate instead of belonging in the same state. When you have a nation like that so weakened because it is not ethnically homogeneous all peoples within it becoming susceptible to outsiders.

Now, mainstream libertarian? Since 2008 it's only been getting more cucked. The modern libertarian party today is so left-libertarian it's not funny and the #NeverTrump faggotry isn't helping.

Which is what I've seen pretty much all nationalists that know the least bit about that region argue for. Never seen a nationalist say that belgium as a state is a good idea aside from perhaps being an artificial buffer state between france, germany and england
I think you've got the wrong idea of what nationalism means

I don't understand, why can't we find perfect leaders to represent us? Why do they always have to have something bad about them to mess everything up?

This is the kind of shit why we need a Jesus, a sinless legend and why we keep failing without him

If it isn't ethnically homogenous it's not a true "nation" in the first place.

It should then be understood that in order for Belgium to become a true "Nation" the Walloons and the Flemish must interbreed, thereby forming a new race, and in doing so becoming the foundation of the Belgian "nation".

Otherwise, what you say is true, there will always be a Walloon nation and a Flemish nation, never a "Belgian" one.

Belgium is a state. There's no such thing as the "Belgian" nation or Belgian nationality.

Nation = People
State = Government


Nah, not everything is spergism bro.

Two people having an ideological disagreement and parting ways really isn't the equivalent of sperging IMHO.


FTN is the best show on the right.

Regardless, I generally support anyone who is explicit on the JQ.


They're even more to the right than FTN. I suspect you're a fucking shill too.

do you hate fun

I think 'sperg' and 'D&C' are the two biggest hatchet jobs to political discourse to ever hit this site.

I hate the new stinger and intro. It's loud, cringey, and too unprofessional/casual radio sounding, the opposite of what Fash the Nation has been. The old way was better. I've been loving the WhiteHotTakes songs as outros though.

Also they need to go back to Sundays, I liked "if it's Sunday, it's Fash the Nation." I thought the story about Jazzhands having people say that to him on Twitter was interesting too. It's apparently a good way to signal that you're a listener without getting your shit fucked up. Amusing.

consider the following


Meh, in my opinion you should be able to get along on the right side even if you have differing views on some topics.
Now if they had differing ideas about how the show should be run then I'd understand it

d-degeneracy is white peoples' fault, stop insulting the chosen people, fucking white supremacists
t. commoncuck

If you've ever listened to any amount of episodes greater than 1, it's blaringly obvious that Jazzhands is "one of us," whatever that means. I can't say the same about Halberstram or TDS hosts.

TDS is for when I'm bored. I listen to FTN every week within a day or two of its release because it helps keep me informed, is structured and is quickly brought back on track when it goes off-topic, and Jazzhands has brilliant insight on pretty much every topic. I would love to have a beer with that guy

They're not farther to the right, they just shit-post more. FTN has actual substance

I agree mostly but I don't like libertarians.


Cantwell's been heading closer to our fashy selves for a while now, especially since when the Coincidence Detector came around.

holy shit

Believe it or not but I sometimes listen to things recreationally and not just to get informed. I'm capable of reading myself.
For people who have no rightwing friends shows like daily shoah are a vital part of not going insane.

I listen to multiple shows on trs and agree with some of them more than with others. They also fulfill different purposes for me. Like I won't listen to Kulturkampf unless I can really focus on it.


His typical radio voice keeps him from ever being #1

Common Filth is a half-spic faggot


First one is wrong.

Common Filth is explicitly not pro-white and mocks anyone who is.

Cantwell and even Molyneux now are savvy on race and even jews



I'm pretty sure he just said that to fuck with the fag faction of the aut-right. The truth is that CF is hands down the best at dissecting and destroying the minds of degenerate faggots. My only real problems with him are that his political opinions are shit-tier and most of his diehard fanbase are cancer.

I can't hear anything.

Yeah, saying that Rand went to a jew school after I just dropped a video of cuckald trumpberg shilling for king kike himself just doesn't mean much

I wish these shills would kill themselves


You can tell enoch is basically trying to pretend he believes the stuff. I mean once a liberal, always a liberal in some ways.


I know FTN's fake German who does the end segment is from here.

As far as substance, I've probably gained more raw insight from TDS (just ramblings about jews, leftists, etc that made a new connection in my brain). But FTN is my "don't miss" too, where I usually leave TDS for driving.

okay schlomo

I feel you fam. It's a hard life.

Alright, I'll tune in.

How many nigger dicks did you get to take up your ass today schlomo? Is it one per D&C post? I wouldnt be surprised if you were just responding to yourself.

I gotta say, if you are far-right and you somehow hate, you should check your local clinic for the serious possibility of having autism

no u

Be reasonable here, trump has Jews controlling him. he isn't the next Hitler.

We all know that feel.

I don't know how you could be any wronger.

>I don't know how you could be any wronger more wrong.


No, it had to be shut down because one of the member was jailed for "hate speech".

The furry participated sporadically and the podcast could easily continue without him ( which it did ).

>Nigger more Nigg

How can TRS be "far right" when they're constantly whining about muh 1488ers?

Give my a legitimate reason why i should hate TRS.


Nobody thinks that except for lefitsts. Shills are just afraid he might actually continue pushing the overton window to the right or worse, attempt to carry out on his illegal immigration policy, so they shill for the past year about how Trump isn't good at all and just shouldn't bother period.

You mean the Daily Shoah, right ?

They stopped with that faggotry about 60 episodes ago.

They're not and you're stuck in 2014.

Fuck off please.

pol vs alt-right has got to be my favorite shill/antifa theme.

good effort, boys. making the most of that frac point.

I still think everybody should vote for him, just don't expect him to gas jews.

Dunno hey fam, they put out a variety of content and all you can do is lock on to the stuff you don't like and apply the fallacy of composition.

In fact, if you think you're capable of producing better content, you can at least make use of the platform they're providing people like us; contact them with a demo of your show, where you can rave about homosexuals for the whole 2-3 hours of every episode, before the minute of silence for Hitler or whoever your favorite fascist role model is at the end, and rake in the views like you're convinced that sort of shit will.

The same guys who made the coincidence detector and the echo meme IN ADDITION TO OTHER THINGS are not the ones whining about "1488ers".

No one on Holla Forums thinks that either though.

Thanks second user. The OP is a stupid nigger faggot and I hope he dies from nigger aids.

No, thats wrong. People on Holla Forums have threads all about trump deporting blacks and Jews.


Its all harmless LARPing mate.

I see nothing in the OP that indicates he seriously thinks Trump will deport jews.You cant be autistic enough to take a meme seriously.

We all know he likely won't do much about the nigger problem other than to restore a strict rule of law, a heavily blow to the nogs nonetheless.

Kikes, we don't know. He could be a good goy but he might not since he's already claimed a non-interventionist stance on things.

A Trump vote is worth it if all we get is a wall. I'll worship Trump if we get deportations too, but I don't know how likely that will be. Defeating anchor babies would be a cherry on top too.

This article is mostly correct, but it says that being gay is harmful to the individual, which makes no sense. The only harm is the risk of STDs gained from casual sex, which homosexuals, at least at one time, disproportionately engaged in.

Oh don't get me wrong, I listen to all the TDS too for the same reason.

Yup. TDS helps keep my drives not boring. I'll listen to FTN at the gym the day it comes out or just sitting on my couch

Well, we have people on this very thread that at the very least pretend to believe that the alt-right is full of fags.

Alright, are you suggesting the memes in the OP suggest that the OP or anyone else believes that Donald is actually going to deport blacks and jews, any more than we believe Ben Garrison is going to start a second shoah any day now?

Not to mention they are already well into their "Summer of 88"/ Episode 88 (Part x of 14) bit. I see a lot of criticism going around that seems to be based on old information, or on how they used to be, and to use that as a reason for why nobody should listen to them now.

Anything i can listen to right now that's live goys?

Cantwell thinks the JQ is tinfoil bullshit.

He can't think ill of them. After all lolbertarianism is the product of 4 fucking Jews.

cantwell is live right now but he's a lolbertarian so… yeah

Simply not cucking to them can go a long way. Nothing resembling KING NIGGER tier shit is always good.

A wall + ending birthright citizens for illegals combo would be great.

That's pretty pedantic to go "Being gay isn't harmful so long as you don't have gay sex"

I think Ramzpaul was the one who went over the line and made everyone re-think things.

Personally, I think the baby boomers who dress up in brownshirt uniforms and go to city hall are either FBI informants/shills or mentally ill/disabled. I would consider those to be actual "stormfags" or "1488ers".

But even now they're more irrelevant than ever so it doesn't matter.

1488er in practice was just used as a way to concern troll, tone police and PRfaggotry

Not since he downloaded the coincidence detector


Their first 10~20 episodes are cringeworthy, i tried listening to it once and got to around 12~14 and couldn't take anymore.

Only after Trump announcing his candidacy and #cuckservative trending on Twitter that they stopped being counter-signalling racist libertarians.

But again, this is The Dailly Shoah, Fash the Nation is a completely different show that now even plans to have its own website.

Why so much hate for trs? Its not thhe best show but it still has its moments, and enoch is actually good for delineating liberal arguments on issues. They just need to take it easy with the drops, 7th son has to stop being so insecure, and enoch needs to quit interrupting people.

Of course fash the nation is the best, though. Theyre both rwds shitlords. Halberstram repeats the btfo meme and 1488, what more do you faggots want?

Does Morraikiu upload his songs anywhere besides youtube? It doesn't have all the songs he used on DTS/Merchant Minute

He himself ? probably no.

If you search YouTube you might find some unknown account used as a repository/backup by a fan.

from what I know, she wasn't doxed and just had a scare from comments her parents made. She said she was and then walked it back on the forum a little bit later.


I suspect a lot of shilling because of their value to the right movement. It's also just people who don't like them but it's too many and too regular and saying blatantly untrue stuff.

Tomorrow at this time. Weird he posted it now.

I just hate TDS because they're the ones that have been defending and pushing the blatant faggots in the movement. While they don't outright claim to be okay with faggotry they still suck Richard Spencer and Greg Johnson's dicks more than anybody.

First, they have stated on air several times that degenerates like Milo are still destined for the ovens. Second, Richard Spencer is married and has a kid. Further speculating that he's a faggot based upon his hair or that he "sounds kinda gay" isn't very solid. As for their mentions of other homosexuals, they take the same stance as they do with Milo- it's not impossible for them to contribute or be useful to us, but they still should be liquidated. Obviously, not all presenters have the exact same opinion, but they have aired these ones previously.

Wat m8? They don't "support" faggotry. They talk shit about it but it's not their main focus.

I don't give a fuck if Greg Johnson is gay because he keeps in the closet where it belongs and never talks about that shit. There's literally billions of other people to worry about before I go attacking some fag that doesn't brag about it while also being hip to the JQ. Relax your autism.

It's really a weird complaint to have. I personally just think gays should be treated like people with any other disability and not be glorified in public so hearing people complain about TDS being too lenient with them when they're basically saying that they should be gassed makes me suspect D&C very strongly.


Thanks for the response.


Triple dubs confirm D&C op against TRS.

Satan trips confirm D&C confirmation.

Fuck me for having my only good gets be a post almost defending gays though.

Calm down with the counter-counter-signalling or whatever. They're not going to gas fags and don't really care about them either way.

Except when he's defending it.

Did you even read my post?

Satan, father of the jews, confirmed for pro-TRS shill.


Sauce plz. He hasn't on TDS and I don't follow him much otherwise.

I'm never going to clap for faggotry, but on the long list of people going in the oven, Greg is way down there. It's absolute nonsense that people prioritize attacking him and spencer above a variety of others. The effort could be spent elsewhere.

And in the comments of that TRS article somebody linked to.

No idea. Saved it years ago, but just noticed when I posted it.

Oh my good, I'm a #clintoris now.

I've seen allusions to that in the comments

What fucking shameful degenerates people have to be to denounce their own children to the state for "hate speech". I feel sorry for her especially since her goofy voice turns me on.

It's a good thing. Society is getting more and more polarized and finding out who you is and who isn't on your side will hapen at some point anyways.

I'm at a point where I'd gladly send my own degenerate brother to the gulags if that'd mean a kebab free germany.

Checking dubs and thanks for sauce.

However, I'm going to again just say that I don't care. I may not like it but there's much bigger things to worry about than a 1488 gay. Like it or not, we're the few and he's not making posts about sucking dick.

I don't think they threatened her. I think they were just fucking with her saying they'd heard some things.


I barely even know that guy. I just don't give enough of a fuck about faggots to dismiss an entire website becaus someone who isn't even associated with them might or might not hate them less than I do.

That's all I'm saying.

Her parents were afraid because you can legitimately get arrested in the UK for being a far-right activist.

They just talked and tried to stop her.

You do realize that this not caring bullshit is why faggotry is so bad today, right? "Oh whatever it's their body their choice". Not caring is already the majority opinion, unless you think that's working well right now then get your head out of your ass and start holding people to some standards.

Ok, that's enough now you fucking D&C shill. You're just prolonging this discussion for the sake of it.

Get aids you double nigger.



I don't know what to tell you, user. Standards are fine, but I'll save my effort for the degenerate gays.

I'll vote for Trump. I'm sure Greg will, too. I'll spend my time spreading memes and insulting cucks and libshits. If you think your time is better spent shitting on a couple of white nationalist fags, you do your thing. We can cross that gay bridge after 11 million go back tbh.

Linked the wrong post. Fuck it.

Goddamnit. I thought it was tonight. What's on the schedule tomorrow?

Fash the Nation doesn't have enough cans.

I wish he would, otherwise you're reduced to audacity chop jobs.

Calls Emmanuel Goldstein and the Two Minutes' Hate.

Calls to mind, that is.


A policy of "not caring" (let's call it what it is; Tolerance) requires a policy of caring about people who care about openly homosexual gay activists in the movement.

So your "not caring" is functionally a policy of "No Tolerance for Intolerance" when it comes to homosexuals. Factually we have seen how this plays out over time in this movement where a homosexual will gain curator-ship over a platform and push for greater and greater "Tolerance".

Since you are almost certainly congregating solely on the Internet you don't see how this is a problem to forming actual fellowship with other men in real life. Presumably you are also largely only engaging in a kind of 'activism' that is shitposting at liberals on twitter or only talking to fellow travelers on hugboxes where the topic doesn't come up. If you were actually trying to engage with basic bitch conservatives you would realize just how much they view us as "Gay Nazis" with a much bigger emphasis on how homoerotic our movement is, with ample evidence.

Mike Enoch on a recent TDS was saying, it's almost as if this was by design. That all of these trannies and assorted freaks that make themselves names and public faces are designed to make us look bad. But they probably aren't. This isn't some tinfoil op against us, but is just freaks being freaks. What Mike Enoch won't say or investigate is that people like Greg Johnson can no more keep his opinions on poopdick to himself and promote poopdick writers writing on poopdick at outlets that are supposed to be "White Nationalist". Writers that promote the idea that poopdick fetishists are some kind of natural aristocrats in an Aryan society.

That isn't "not caring". That's caring a whole fucking lot about a specific agenda. Of course we are supposed to "not care" about them caring but care a whole lot about anyone else caring about their caring and force them into a narrative of "not caring".

If you are so adamant on your narrative of "not caring" maybe you should apply it to the faggots themselves and force them to "not care". For us that means stop talking about faggots apparently. Shouldn't they also stop talking about faggots too? No, apparently it should mean that WN sites should continue to host some adamantly pro-gay content and absolutely no anti-gay content, and that homosexuals and their supporters be welcome in the community and their detractors should be shunned.

"Not caring" also looks a lot like "No Platform".

If you think you can do better please do
It's good to have something to listen to on a long drive

id like to inform you that a dedicated clergy of frog priests already has a hold of your dox and their intentions are


its time to retire from this, you should focus on the more important things is life, you know, like killing yourself.

Before I got banned from Twitter, I was talking with this guy and pretended to not know what Fash the Nation was and he got butt-hurt and cried like a little bitch.

bump for tonight

I really don't know why you goy's are giving the alt-right such a HARD time. Can't we all just get along? They just want their daddies cummies!

Just like i said.

Anti-TRS is codeword for terminal autism.

Gave you ever been to their forum? Pro-TRS is also codeword for terminal autism.

Well, i will concede that one.

Before i've seen the part about her trying to become a jew i got boner on this thing.

And then i felt disgusting for myself reminding me that i roleplay a jew here sometimes…

Fuck. I feel really fucking bad after watching this, you should have never posted that.

Not caring did probably cause the growth, but lets be honest, you or nobody else is gonna be gassing them unless we go back to agrarian village life–where faggotry explicitly threatens the community.

Take away their marriage bs, their partner benefits, their adoption rights, benefits etc. Leave them to be seedy sodomites only, and that's probably the best you can expect in a modern society.

No, welga is a twink fuckboy.

And now she's on the science podcast, so that's cool.

The fact that Cathy was a foreigner on a "fascist" podcast really amazes me.
I guess even those guys were civic nationalists. There must be something in the british drinking water.

But I do like her on the Darwin Digest, compliments it nicely. And she's not a dumb woman.

It's a shame Sinead is a flat earther schizo because a lot of the people in the video actually deserve to get shit on for being cucks/faggots. I have no idea why should included weev in there though.

The woman that showed up on the philosophy podcast really improved it too.

They both went from bored nerds agreeing with each other in a monotonous tone to actually have discussions.

Jazzhands is one of these ethno-ancaps
He's not one of us


I think anyone who advocates for the European race is "one of us".

Once we get the current demographic crisis sorted out, then we can start arguing ideologies as the size of the government.
Or we'll just throw lolberts like Cantwell and Jazzie into the bog. Both will work.

But right now they are on our side

Oh you mean Allen Ginsberg? I think he has some history whit the flat earthier schizo ;^)

bumping 10 minutes

It begins.

The faggots are starting now

nah fuck that

Would you also say that adherents to other jewish ideologies, like Marxists and Feminists are "ones of us" if they "advocate for the European race"? What about those "pro-White" jews?

Try it. You won't even be able to get inside the dorm, thanks to our lovely security measures.


gas yourself.



First time listening to Fash the Nation, this is much worse than The Daily Shoah was when I still listened. Did it get so bad that this is good in comparison?

Lower taxes is literally the only thing they will ever achieve in the next 100 years, i don't care about their stateless LARPing.


He was also saying that because of all this, being gay is the only reason to men would be around each other for any length of time. He brought up how people used to act 150 years ago, and that today close male relationships are gone.

This is just one aspect of that.