Let's have a gay thread.

There is only one cure for you trash.

How about no. Being openly gay was so 2015. Don't even think about trying to special snowflake/attention seeker on to the transgender bandwagon because that wagon got left behind with rotting wheels in 2016. I mean come on bro, it's 2017. Try lifting, getting a job, getting a stable relationship with a woman and taking care of your family and future. Lets post women so beautiful that it inspires people to be straight and strong.



you all suck dick

I don't even need nudes, women are better.






is she really advertising razer products for free like this?

not sure


sorry for not having a picture of you



LGBT was a mistake.


that was unprecedented

is she a famous streamer or some shit? Why would razer look for a cunt like her to pay her to tattoo their symbol on herself?

do you really believe someone, deep inside this board, knows something normie knows?

Dude, don't expect something actually civilized from Razer.
Remember they're the one who posted that tweet about S my D.


You started this fire, now it rises. Was getting this board raided by gays part of your plan?

What are you talking about gayboy? Next time before you post make sure you message makes some sense.

Is he getting ready to fist his wrestling partner?


maybe, considering its full of reddit dropouts anyways and that its dying


no u

also it isn't dying, it is only less active than when it was at it's pinnacle.