Well, Holla Forums? Is This Person Correct?
Can YOU think of anything worse to say than "works for me"?
Well, Holla Forums? Is This Person Correct?
"I made a /g/ thread in Holla Forums!"
the more answers the better :^)
"I'll PM you the solution"
OP: "Nvm, I found the answer!"
Mod: "Question answered, locking this thread :^)"
I would have just replied, "works for me".
nvm figured it out
"Duplicate thread of retardhelp.com/random-unrelated-question.html, locked."
"not my problem"
"maybe if you weren't so stupid, it would work"
"Works for everyone else"
This, what is the point of a forum if you answer questions in PMs.
"It's not a glitch, it's a feature"
"Don't worry, this update fixes it."
idgaf tbh fam :^)
What I want to know is why these gay ass useless forums score so highly on search engines.
sent ;)
Good times
"Locked for duplicate thread. See thread 22898434"
They are content-heavy and frequently updated basically.
This. Right there. Pure pain.
sudo rm -rf / --no-preserve-root will solve it.
>tfw I fell for this once
jewgle searx yer commands before ye execute 'em, and pay heed to the warnings of ye's computer, lest you nuke it t'hell an' back.
i too would panic if a woman who does porn was in charge of my baby self