MP3 players

well my clip+ died.

the sansa clip+ is discontinued and hard to get unless you wanna get ripped off which is a shame since I liked the aesthetic of it. What's a good, simple, no nonsense MP3 player that I can install rockbox on that you guys recommend?

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Nothing is a rip off. There are only prices that people are willing to pay and a lack of market activity.

alright user, I get what you're saying but 70-100+ for a sansa clip+ is pretty ridiculous. You can get a fiio for that kind of price range

mine was less than 40 just be patient. Fiio rocks to though but not for running.

Also expand your search to clip zip

Anything that RockBox will run well on. My Sansa Fuze was one of the best I ever had, but the Clip Zip was pretty decent too.

Expect to be spending a decent amount. PMPs are pretty much dead with modern smart phones. Nobody wants them except people who do a lot of running/hiking and people who hook them up to sound systems for events pretty much.
I wish PMPs were still a big thing. It was pretty cool having a dedicated music device with a week-long battery life and great audio quality.

who the fuck still uses mp3 players? dont you have smartphone?

What are you doing on Holla Forums?

Mine isn't dead, but I fear the day it'll die.
PS: Oh fuck, thanks to you, I just bought a stray Fuze+ on amazon for 40 eurobucks.

It's easier and faster to change tracks/volume/etc with a mp3 player. It's also less of a loss compared to a phone if it breaks while you're doing some kind of strenuous activity. Though I still prefer using my phone so I don't have to carry and charge another device.

Clip Zip does rockbox.

Can attest to this on a counta I got me a zip clip (red) with rock box on it.

You now have a portable media device capable of playing 1080p video, music, and games up to ps1.

how disgusting

Which clip is this? I'm seeing it on my local classifieds.
Looks like a fuze. Did you even search, dickfag?

A Clip, actually.

No I'd rather wait and get you homos to give me answers. Thanks kid

Sorry, this is Holla Forums, not /g/.

Just get the new model: Clip Jam.

Works great like the old one, updated UI, have been needing to use a Fat32 sorter to alphabetize the folder directories though, by default it organizes by recently added under Folder view. Music view is fine.

Poorfags ITT can't afford a V20

V20 has replaceable batteries
4 DACs
You can
Get a job
Stop being retarded

Get out of Holla Forums you poor, limp wristed, retarded faggot

is that actually measurable or just an opinion?


Tried it, didn't like it.

Useless gimmick. It has no amp.
What? Does Replicant support it?

I have no real proof "right now". The only thing really changing is output impedance, good smartphones nowadays have a good FR and THD.
What I know is that the Clip is incredible for its price (1 ohm output impedance, good for my 80 ohms cans)

Fuck yeah, fellow Rockbox bro.

Also OP, have you tried reflashing the original firmware? Sometimes that makes old mp3 players come alive again. I have a decade-old mp3 player that's still going strong and I've had to do that multiple times just to fix it up like new.

didn't like...what? you can have different themes if you didn't like how it looked dude

I believe he was talking about smartphones, not mp3 players

I got mine for $40 too, and it was mint.

What didn't you like? There a ton of shit it can play, it even has chiptunes and fucking Doom

My brother gave me his old Sansa 4GB clip recently (minus the broken clip) so I could use it for podcasts in the car. I told him it was highly praised around these parts but couldn't tell him why. Remind me why these are praised again please, this is the only mp3 player I've ever used-- though it works and sounds without issue.

The part that converts digital signals to electrical signals that power the headphones is called the "digital-to-analog converter" or DAC. In the Clip+, it's been proven that the DAC is "accurate" meaning it reproduces all the sounds as faithfully as how the digital waveform represents the sounds. This is not a normal thing because many kinds of DAC introduce a kind of "bias" in the reproduction of the signal.

I'd just like to interject for a moment. What you are calling a MP3 player is in fact an Audio Player.
There are many audio formats which can be played on hardware, and not all of them are as inefficient or encumbered by software patents. Examples of good formats are Vorbis, Opus, FLAC, WavPack.
Using the name "MP3 player" is bad because it's misleading and loaded (it promotes a specific inferior technology just to increase MPEG LA profit for MP3 licensing fees).
Also check out this article


Yes it does


Of course they are, retard. That's just marketing gimmick.
Especially the professional ones, and especially in the "audiophile" area. If you mean the gsmarena measurement, they don't measure everything (not output impedance, for example). Only trust measurements.
If you ignore the amp, the reality is that DACs have been almost all transparent for a long time.

Now show me a proof that your smartphone is really ahead of the pack.

Yeah, I meant a "real" one obviously.

RIP Holla Forums

Asides for good audio quality and near perfect form factor and durability it can support libre formats with the Rockbox firmware. It was on some approved holidays gift list from the FSF awhile back as some store sold them with the firmware preinstalled.

Those here that recommend a cheap android phone just don't get it. Those phones are designed to break easily after awhile so you'll buy a new one. Most of these clips will survive being dropped on concrete hundreds of times and even a wash cycle if you forget it in your pocket or clipped to your clothes.

It's good because it's cheap, and thus poorfags here can afford it

Buy a used iPod Mini from eBay, install a CF card or SD to CF adapter, and replace the battery. Then install Rockbox on it after installing the firmware from a winblows based PC/VM and you'll have a great FLAC player.

The 4th and 5th gen iPods work too, however you'll need to get adapters/use a special overpriced IDE SSD.

thanks for the info, I had been bemused that the audio quality sounded better from the sansa that the mp3s being read off of a cd on the car stereo.

Why the fuck isn't there one company that can put together an sd reader, headphone jack, and cheap ass screen?





The fuck you smoking son

Does it really make a significant difference to use a mp3 player instead of a phone? I had one years ago, it is easier to use but I dont remember any difference in sound quality

Considering most poorfags here will have a shit amp if they even have one, and a shit headphone, no, it makes no difference.

You'd have to get something like the V20 (which has four DACs and an amp) to notice any significant difference, but even then it's implied that you'd be outside, exposed to all the noise pollution.

Can't talk english, pajeet? user's pretty clear.

Would you stop spouting your retarded bullshit, /g/? Of course it has an amp, you don't except what's coming out of the DAC to power anything.
Also, the fact that many cheap player like the Sansas (or almost any smartphone) manages to be transparent in THD, dynamic range and frequency response should make you understand that you don't need multiple DACs.
You still haven't shown any measurement about your V20.

The difference is there, but with the right or wrong material. Most pricy smartphones have good audio, anyway; what really matters is the weight, resistance and dedicated buttons.

Retards like this is why we need IDs on this board, so people can just filter the retarded faggots

LG shill is mad.


Poorfag mad he can't afford a phone


I am sorry for interrupting such a heated battle, but:
1) do you cunts even consider stop using your fucking fancy smarth-ass-phone?
2) stop being that retarded?
3) actually consider to lift your heavy ass positioned deeply in your chair and get yourself a philips Xenium?

Huh? Like wtf m8s? Don't like one-day battery - don't use it, cunts! Bring your own supir-sekur triple-x rated haxor mini-laptop in your backpack! And use a damn phone that lasts me a whole month!

Anything that runs Rockbox if you need freedom. Android phone from Walmart + SD card if you need it cheap and now.

Not an argument.

No, fuck you. This board is not Holla Forums and we don't need IDs to create hugboxes. Do you know that skill called "ignoring" that you lack? You might need to work on that.

I wrote all the clip+ threads off as sandisk shilling and considered it a fedora/trench coat tier item. I finally caved about a year ago and bought a refurbished one off ebay for $15 since I needed an mp3 player, had no idea they would get so expensive. For once I'm glad I listened to you guys.

When did this turn into /g/, except with even more newfags and poorfags?

Then can you at least get a trip so people can filter retards such as yourself?



If you want to use a smartphone for playing music, go ahead, but your precious little NSA+Android device will never have a 20-hour battery life and dedicated buttons for pausing and skipping tracks.

I'm still using my Zune 30 I brought in 2006.

All I had to do is change the battery once three years ago.

Can confirm it's good enough for its price. It does all you need mp3 player to do, and battery works long and well.
My menu glitched once and i couldnt play songs so i had to do a firmware upgrade, no big significant issues though
sage because necro