Conquest of Tumblr

First off, I'd like to point out that if we have continued to let Tumblr go unscathed after its members shit on our community time and time again.

Now, I figure it's time we, as a whole, devise a plan to infiltrate and overtake the wenches and cucks at Tumblr. Via propaganda or outright deception, we could very well indoctrinate a mentality across the entire site which could do some damage to the SJW community.
To do this, we have to blend in and use their lingo, their vernacular and "memes".

Normalize parenthesis by using them in everyday conversations to put anyone and everyone in a bad light, like companies who charge too much for makeup or some shit.
Drop subtle redpills, small and unrecognizable to the average person, and let them accumulate across the Tumblr subconscious over time.

Ultimately though


Neutralizing the SJW menace requires them to fall from within.

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What even is tumblr?

I guess what I mean is does anyone know how it got to be this way?
Why there, instead of somewhere else, etc?
What about tumblr attracted the SJWs to begin with?

The SJW hivemind. To distill it's influence would be a huge victory for our cause.

Consider all the normie bullshit of worshipping Disney and other cartoons, add in grown men fighting over those same cartoons and Marxism. That's Tumblr.

You can't polish a turd.

It originally started with butthurt, anime obsessed teenage girls on the Internet who couldn't deal with the idea of social Darwinism.
So instead of deciding to grow up, they played the victim and found that society catered to them. Hell, look at what happened with goymergate.

Soon they recruited niggers and other equally inferior subspecies to rally for their cause: all preaching how they're society's victims and the white man is completely at fault. Granted this was all built on the false pretense that they ARE victims and nature creates all things equal.
Though their influence has given way and the pendulum is finally slipping towards the right once again.

I'm not saying to "polish a turd". Instead, the focus should be on eliminating its mass influence on social media.

You just aint tried hard enough

I've been triggering literal Jews by tagging Holla Forums memes with #jewish. It's fun.

Look at these salty notes

We should already have multiple cells from previous raids, we need to splinter their community, they did it to ours

This is exactly how Tumblr/Reddit were led into 4chan. Le epin raid screencaps xD

Yes you can, but with tumblr you shouldn't.

Not splinter, but rather create a sense of apathy towards Holla Forums.

In this state they will be much more vulnerable to influence.

Holy shit, the reactions alone are gold.

I dunno OP, the random floods of gore in their precious hashtags from time to time certainly disrupts them. I legit wonder if I had anything set up post 2017.

Most of them congregate in lgbtqwerty tags, seeing as fags & hags comprise the majority of Tumblr's userbase. You can pin down jews because they're usually the ones running tranny ask blogs, and flaunt their kikery to prove they're the the most oppressed

The only way to change Tumblr is to use Tumblr.

If you used Tumblr, then you'd realize that it's nothing but a blog site. You see what you follow. If you were following the WN and redpill blogs, then that's what you would see and that is what your impression of Tumblr would be.

Funny how that works, ain't it? Tumblr is already what you make it.

The best idea is NOT to subjugate anyone but rather to integrate and slowly begin to change it from the inside out.

Reviving due to potential. All you need is to become 20% of the posts being made and hold it long enough for the user base to get pissed and quit.


Using Tumblr may be okay for 4cuck users, but not here. You can go back now.

OP, this is the worst possible idea. In fact, its such a bad idea that I'm certain this is D&C.

In the changing of minds, Tumblr is our greatest ally. Their opinions are so indefensibly stupid that they convert people from normalfags to full blown 1488ers DAILY.

Trust in Napoleon

Yeah, that's worth doing while Western civilization is being raped by Muslims.

Basically what said. If anything, infiltrate them and force even more division among them using increasingly more extremist views.

For example: form a group of "White Feminists condemning BLM" talking about how much shit white women get from black men, then create a "BLM condemning White Feminists" group doing the same thing in reverse. Divide them as much as you can, but do it subtly. A good idea would be, if you ever get close to that, to claim an abandoned account so that you already have a bunch of connections pre-made for you. Wouldn't know how to do so, but it'd destroy them for sure.


All of the BLM niggers going around shooting cops and pulling various other shit is red pilling people like we could never do. My wife who up until recently thought the black problem was something to do with socioeconomic has been totally flipped by them. I heard her mutter "fucking niggers" under her breath the other day when some BLM supporters were on the TV.

Tumblr is designed as a hugbox
You can't co opt it


i've thought about trolling tumblr. making hate accounts, or just being subversive/triggering fat cunts on there.
BUT i cant figure out how to have those dialogue tree things with other people on tumblr and quote them properly without looking like a dumbass.
if im going to troll/subvert/shitpost, i need to at least be able to use tumblr properly but for some reason i always fuck it up

there are a couple of shitlord tumblrs, but they're all blacklisted or shadowbanned or whatever it is they do over there

might as well try to get your foot in the door on Facebook or Wikipedia – not going to happen

You won't be able to get them easily. You have to find the subject matter that they like.

You don't have to go for feminism since cancerous and difficult to fake. You can simply go for geek culture: non-violent anime, videogames, cartoons, comics, or asian TV shows to build a following. Then you can go subtly 1488.

Of course you can. Just take the hugbox to new extremes. Leftism is fractured by nature.