What does Holla Forums think of Dora the Explorer?
What does Holla Forums think of Dora the Explorer?
I've forgotten where I found this but it's one of my favorite fanarts
minus 8 did nothing wrong
Why is Dora a prostitute in that fanart?
It's pretty harmless and I'm not sure about the educational value of the show, but it's inoffensive even if no kid ever learned a single Spanish word from it.
Didn't it start as a simple PC game of clicking objects?
fuckable for a spic
just dump the hoshime already, thats the only reason any of you opened this thread
Isn't just me or the show is a lot more popular than i thought. Even Japan likes the show(or just Dora)
Wasn't there also some Chinese variation show?
Ni-Hao Kai-lan
It died off within 2 years of airing.
Isn't swiper supposed to be a fox not a luchadore?
He can be both, why the fuck not. It's a free country, for now at least.
Puede ser ambas cosas, ¿por qué carajo no? Es un país libre, por ahora al menos.
What does Holla Forums think of shitty what dos Holla Forums think of x threads
they're shit, now fuck off
What does Holla Forums think of sage being used for downvoting threads?
I think it needs to stay on halfchan
I heard Dora Porn!
i'd explore her holes
She's cute.
She has to go back.
Sorry my ignorance but who the pink girls are?
What about her newer design?
She talks to me like a four-year-old
Used to be mocked as "sage expresses displeasure" on halfchan before the site developed an obsession of Reddit after Holla Forums's Shazbowl sparked a little more mainstream interest in the site and some of the bigger boards got shit up for a short while. Sage being a downvote transcends the terminology and let's be frank it's what you're doing if you want to bitch in a thread without actually contributing anything to it
It's one of Nick's MVPs, along with SpongeBob and TMNT
That's more of the EqG-like spinoff
Jesus Christ, how horrifying. She almost looks like an adult in that picture.
Well, it would be rude to bump a thread you're shitposting in.
It's great propaganda to introduce a new generation of goyim to their replac- I mean their new neighbors and friends coming to America to look for opportunity and share in this amazing democratic experiment.
Dora is a great kid and and a hard worker, but she has to go back.
It's the official bratz version
fuck off
She needs to go back.
I'd fuck it.
Fuck off, Val.
It's pretty evident that the show isn't set in the US. You don't see a single unarmed person get shot by a cop who then sprinkles crack on their corpse and siezes their wallet and car as "evidence".
Why? Just why?
I want to put a lock on the zip and make her wear that costume for the entirety of halloween (from midnight the previous day), then take her out trick-or-treating in the evening to show off how cute she looks.
i knoooo rite?!?1 i just cant even xD
I'm thinking you'll have to unzip Dora five or six times that day.
Why would I have to do that?
So Dora isn't a wet stinky mess.
You just posted the solution right there. Or actually, she'd probably need something a bit thicker than those. Maybe have her wear two or three, just to be safe.
I'm sure the bulge wouldn't be too visible under a skin-tight cat costume.
Yes she is, but the term is "Mexican".
Dude, diapers don't work like that.
They do if you cut holes in the waterproof plastic on the inner ones so that pee can flow into the outer ones.
It's never going to be quite as absorbent as the same number of diapers worn one at a time, but that just means she might need to wear even more. The point is to humiliate her.
would go on adventures with
Have an oldie.
I told you not to tell me.
I watched an episode of Dora's sister show, Go Diego Go, a while back while waiting for my little brother in a pediatric waiting room. Diego had to help mermaids whose underwater city got stuck atop a hill 50+ feet above sea level, and they pulled the city down with rope and only with Diego and his sister's brute strength.
Even little kids have to think this shit is retarded.
summoning the user who jerked off to the show and not the porn
wanna do that with a friend some time?
I'd be fine with it if it wasn't for the fact that it's trying to teach american's spanish. English is the language of the country, mexican kids in the US should be learning english.
of course the spanish version actually does teach english so I guess I have nothing to complain about
What? What??
Who did that?
That might have been me. I have fapped while watching the show before, although I was enhancing it a lot with my imagination at the time. The normal porn does nothing for me, but imagining Dora having a full bladder and wetting her pull-ups while exploring is really hot. It's not the easiest fap, but it's fun when you're sufficiently aroused already.
What if I do both?
My fetish
Welp. This thread got weird.
those bedroom eyes, goddamn
Yep. I don't think the artist is quite there yet, but they will be.
or maybe diego is THE FUCKING STRONG
I think that dart board is a bigger problem.
some user in a thread a year ago told me how he loved to jerk off to the show, imagining dora was ignoring his sexual needs and would talk to him normally
not sure if it was you?
then let's get to jerking dude
Oh, that wasn't me.
I used to watch it unironically when I was really bored.
Funny when [email protected]/* */, also I liked Dieg[] f[]r a minute, albeit, 1[] years ag[].
You're not meant to read this, I just don't wan to set off flood detection. Él es un ávido fan de The Elder Scrolls juegos. A partir de enero de 2016, su primera animación Skyrim ha sido visto más de 19 millones de veces. Su estilo se caracteriza por la animación detallada continua que pasa a mano y un oscuro sentido del humor, así como el trabajo de voz en un acento americano convincente.
Dora is a cutie!!
She's aDORAble!
This thread would've 404ed from 4chan's Holla Forums a long time ago.
It also wouldn't have allowed any of the porn.
Fuck Cuckchan. Haven't been there in years and I bet they still open fucking Frozen threads there every week.
That shit isn't an imageboard anymore. It's a family friendly marketing platform.
I only go on there for LOL threads which are a scarcity anymore with how heavily they seem to be hunted and I've gotten into /trash/ since its much lighter moderation reminds me more of how things used to be and its user base is much smaller.
Are those wheels made from diapers?
Yes. Diaper cakes are not for eating.
I know, it's confusing.
Why did you make this inappropriate reply?
I gotta admit, those swimsuit Doras are pretty cute.
the fuck is up with her eyes
Those swimsuits are cute, but Dora really needs to wear something a bit more appropriate for her age.
There was a time when children were raised free range and given a simple nightshirt/dress so they could poo and pee outside easily.
Dora is a free range child, so she doesn't need a diaper.
Well, a one-piece swimsuit doesn't exactly pull down easily. It'd end up dirty in no time.
Anyway, she can't just poop in the water or on the ground. Other people want to go to the beach too, and poop is disgusting. It's just better in every way if she wears diapers like all the other babies.