No time to close tabs or files or lock your computer. You suddenly and instantly die right this moment.
What are your family / housemates going to see when they find you dead in front of your computer?
No time to close tabs or files or lock your computer. You suddenly and instantly die right this moment
Uh.. this thread?
they'll see me dead in front of my computer screen
I'm seriously starting to think that somebody is trying to datamine us. I just don't know why.
what kind of information are they getting from us then.
I see your sage and I will raise you one bump.
Nice dubs
They already are user
Maybe 'cuz you're schizophrenic?
Travis pictures
Hi, it's me OP again.
If you could just leave your browser open on your online banking tab and take a screencap, that would be great because it would be epic lolz.
Also your year of birth
Those posts are just meming it up
bad meme
The posts are literally saying
"daily datamining thread : Jewish Shill"
And this is an ABC corp datamine operation?
there are shills here that try to get us to post text responses for the sites that rip Holla Forums's content. is an exact copy if Holla Forums for google to rip our data and holla forums rips our text. But you wouldn't get any info on Holla Forums and everyone likes to shit out fake info/be vague.
That or there's trolls who don't who that just target threads for chaos but who would spend hours samefagging/derailing a thread amirite that's crazy. Who would spam a board with a single picture or push their shit tier memes for literally 8 hours? Wouldn't that person have anything else to do? Would a person really do that?
I would presume the latter.
It's probably a D&C operation by some foreign community.
My familly will see that I am a boy and some pervert side. and would find out. and that transpire from my computer. not secret enough.
Absolutely nothing. It's late night / early morning, and like anyone not retarded, my PC locks after 30 minutes inactivity. They'd find a locked PC.
My screen locker activates in 65 seconds, so hopefully it will lock before they realize I'm dead and/or decide to go rummaging through my files.
what is fde'd