Why does Holla Forums find it hard to believe that you can be red pilled without being a right wing Trump supporter?
Why does Holla Forums find it hard to believe that you can be red pilled without being a right wing Trump supporter?
Because "red pilled" is a shitty meme just like Trump is.
They just believe whatever Trump says is best.
I used to create troll threads from the perspective of a Jeb supporter saying Trump was a Democrat for wanting to raise taxes on the rich, and they all attacked Jeb and said Trump was based for wanting that.
Then, Trump released his tax plan and I criticized Trump for it, then I get a bunch of replies talking about how the wealth will trickle down, it doesn't matter because the rich don't pay any taxes, that I'm actually a Bernie shill, etc.
I just really can't post there anymore without losing my mind.
Because "red pilled" can mean anything you want it to.
Because we want a third pill.
Because all it means is you follow the Holla Forums consensus?
Holla Forums was never meant to have consensus
Being red pilled basically means agreeing with Holla Forums so yeah if you disagree with Holla Forums you're not red pilled.
I find it pretty funny that there are proud "Blue Pillers" on plebbit
Nice try, Hillary shill.
If that's true, what do you call if you're not red pill nor blue pill?
not autistic
isnt that the gnostic tinfoil hat pill? i cant keep the pill straight
not retarded
The black pill of seeing beyond your Ideology.
Still supporting Sanders. Vote Stein or let Trump win tbh.
lol, poor little nazi not welcome among his own retards
This. Vote Stein.
I'm actually pretty shocked at how many people don't even know the green party exists. Stein is geniunely an awesome candidate. She is like bernie on steroids.
I'm not voting Stein because I'm not doing a making a statement throwaway vote when Trump is a nominee.
And honestly, the main reason I'd vote for Sanders is so someone with the word social in the description would become president and start undoing some of the effects of the red scare and start moving policy down that road.
Wow you guys must be retarded cucks