The Mediterranean race is the greatest race in the world

It's not the German people who are fucking your country up you dumb faggot, Germans get nothing out of this.
It's the private (((bankers))) who pump their shekels in depsite knowing that the people will never be able to pay them back because they know EU and traitorous politicians
will force other countries to pay them back and that they'll be able confiscate resources for cheap if they don't get paid back in full + interests.

Nignogs: "We wuz kangz n sheeit"
Pooskin Mediturds: "We wuz kangsium et sheeitum"

What's the difference?

Meds are literal subhumans who have more in common with arabs than germanics


I knew there would be some butthurt snowniggers ITT.

Ancient Greeks and Romans looked the same as modern Italians and Greeks. The ridiculous myth that they were all blonde and blue eyed Nordics is easily debunked by looking at their colored frescoes and mosaics. Most of them had olive skin, dark hair and dark eyes. It wouldn't make sense for them to be super-fair in pigmentation because those traits aren't fit for the hot climate of the Mediterranean:

You're partially right about that, but it's because of the Near Eastern connection during the neolithic, not because of recent admixture from those people. Neolithic farmers were predominantly dark haired and dark eyed.

I fucked up the link:


He got a weird tan for a Slav.

There is no "mediterranean race". There are only Aryans, Semites, and mongrels.

The Sumerians, Hurrians/Hattians, and Elamites may or may not have had some special racial gifts that allowed them to invent agriculture, cities, and writing. We'll never really know because they were subsequently eliminated. It's possible that they just were in the right place at the right time, and have a first-mover advantages. It's also quite likely that they were a gifted race to begin with, but early theocratic agricultural civilizations are extremely dysgenic. The world will never know.

The Indo-Europeans, on the other hand, were highly gifted. Without writing or any other settled civilization to enhance technical/scientific progress, they domesticated the horse, invented large scale cattle-herding (and quite likely, the wagons and solid wheels that went with it); they definitely invented the spoked wheel, the chariot, and various forms of carpentry and craftsmanship that go into that; they appear to have perfected late Bronze Age metallurgy and definitely invented iron-working; and they also invented some of the first real ships.

Using this spectacular technological supremacy (which, again, coming without any real social technologies that favored technical innovation, must be strong evidence of the race's cognitive gifts), the Indo-Europeans spread out and conquered people everywhere.

However, on the periphery of Indo-European power, the conquerors either formed only a superficial ruling stratum (for example, Hyskos Egypt and later Ptolemaic Egypt; the Mitanni; some other states) or else enslaved aboriginal populations who eventually became the core demographic base of the empire.

As a result, the Aryan kingdoms founded beyond the Indus River, which were always majority non-Aryan, very quickly lost their Aryan component even among the political class and (in some regions) the priestly classes. The Greek Republics managed to keep Aryan citizens distinct from their slaves/helots/metics for a long time, but as the slave population grew to vastly outnumber the citizen population and Greek power spread out across the Semitic rim of the Eastern Med, the population became gradually intermingled and mongrelized. The same fate befell the Roman Empire. As the demographic core of each Indo-European group was compromised, political institutions stopped working; artistic, philosophical, and technological innovation ceased, and decay began to set in.

The Indo-Europeans who accomplished the least, ironically - the Germanics who settled in a northerly position that wasn't exposed to ancient Mediterranean population centers - were those who were in the best position to carry forward the flame of pure-bred Indo-European ancestors whose own direct descendants had become thoroughly mongrelized. That is why the Italian Renaissance did not take place in Southern Italy, the center of ancient Mediterranean science (and also, the highest degree of mongrelization) but among the recently-arrived Germanic aristocracies of Lombardy, Venice, and Tuscany; and it's why the core of the modern intellectual revolution was in the most purely Aryan populations, those which had never been under Roman or Greek rule and thus had never had a single Semitic/Hamitic slave imported in to dumb down the population.

Of course they were not as white as an Icelandic dude, that's pure logic. But you can't deny the fact that they were white. The Old Mediterraneans were dark haired with dark eyes, but their skin was lighter than most of the people in Italy/Greece today.
The modern Mediterranean is not comparable to the Old one, because of the invasions,immigrations, and the temporary occupation of a part of Europe by the Semitic people and other races.