23 240lbs kisses virgin. st8 but been so desperate I've been exploring craigslist m4m small cock appreciators…….hoping to loose 100 pounds and being so shiny my cock looks bigger u know removing the fat pad of the pelvis….counting on that dr oz formula so i can gain a few inches…am i pathetic or on the right track????
Juss curious
both. definitely lose the weight
thanks thats how i felt…lol
i wanna taste
right here plz…….
Acquire human immunodeficiency virus.
be nice
but ur right and ill stop..lol good night internet
change that to
and you're golden. fucking golden.
IRL friend lost his V card at 27 to a hooker. this triggered something in his brain (he says he just couldn't imagine any girl being with him…the fact its a hooker didn't matter to his 'primitive' brain or some shit)
Anyways, he plays the strip club/escort scene for a while after that, but eventually starts attacking dating websites like a fucking Junkie, got a few dates over next 2 years AAAAND now he's in love. prolly gonna marry this chick.
tl;dr - shorter fatter dude with a smaller dick than you is super happy and in love goes he gave himself a chance.
fuck off faggots
thanks for the honest blunt advice. I haven't met anyone on cl but I've exchanged emails and realized I'm not gay…just horny and lonely (desperate)
I've been thinking about a hooker but never had the blls to follow thru. don't like the fake loving. but i might work my way the it like ur friend. I've been loosing weight since the new yr in hopes it will lead to growth like dr oz said 35lb=1in but its slow and laborious.
again thanks for the words. I figured there were more desperate people than me I'm just not accepting that truth….
ps that ass is nicccccccce
not gay…..we men need to talk about this stuff
Losing weight will make your cock bigger.
Get your shit together.
Get fit/
Get a job
Get hobbies other than being a shit posting faggot
Enjoy your brief time on this planet
Praise kek
thanks for the advice. was thinking the same but got caught up in fetish porn and teating what ever the fuck i wanted…..now i dent want to be pathetic anymore. ill check off ur list and see where that gets me. thanks
I never knew that you're supposed to be able to pull your foreskin back. I just thought that an uncircumcised penis' foreskin wasn't supposed to be able to be pulled back. I feel like my whole life has been a lie.
whats urs like?
Send help.
Supposedly it's a condition called phimosis. Imagine an erect penis but the foreskin is covering it still. I'm going to have to consult my doctor now.
how is it that that pic is exactly how i feel inside…damn the internets is amazing
Why couldn't I have just been born with a normal penis? This sucks.
i feel you brother. id jerk u if i could..lol
For wanting to lose weight? No. Staying at 240 pounds in the absolute prime of your life would be pathetic. Once you get into your late 20s, your metabolism takes a massive nosedive. Lose the weight right fucking now while it's still relatively easy.
Does being fat as a kid makes you dick small? It seems like most tiny penises belong to a fat guy, is it true?
You're far far far from the path. Renounce your faggotry and your big macs.
why would you bump this you retarded gay nigger
I'll pass on the halfshit r8 thread, but you're trying at least.
I'm also in the process of trying to look more normal, I never reached the fedora tier though so maybe the transition will be a bit easier on me.
I'm considering just going anorexia route for a few weeks.
you have a nice cock, would def suck
fuck off gay jew