What do we do about this?
What do we do about this?
fuck off back to tumblr with your statist bullshit
Because all those times people fought against removing it.
no joke. you guys are the same as Holla Forums with their HAPPENING cancer that never actually happens.
Just wait until it's actually gone and you can't even get on here. Then you'll be sorry
not an argument
It's weird they came up with these theoretical problems that were never actually a problem and then created a big government solution to the theoretical problems that might exist at some point in the future but probably won't.
how do you propose we save NN?
It literally is. Get rid of the ISP monopolies and the problem solves itself, if it ever existed in the first place, which it didn't.
by removing all legislative barriers to entry from the ISP business and letting people buy their internet from that provider which provides the service most to their liking
That may work in an Ayn Rand wet dream of yours, but it doesn't in reality.
except it does. if there is enough demand for something, and the government doesn't use force to prevent it from happening, supply will exist
Lol, who cares
you know they're going to exploit it just as the govs do?
who are trying to explot what?
us for info.
you're not making sense
What are anti trust laws?
Government isn't the problem, it's companies that lobby for shit laws. Citizens back with pro-consumer laws. Governments aren't some sort of animal with a mind of its own, it's the product of society. Anti-government morons like you who attempt to stop anything that would benefit society (but strangely enough not lobbying) are the reason companies can fuck people in the ass.
Yeah I don't see how the internet growing exponentially and becoming more advanced to the point of taking away traditional media business could change anything. Businesses never try to adapt and corner a market. They never try to crush competition or attempt to mislead consumers. Nothing ever changes in FreeMarket land.
Starting an ISP is expensive as fuck, any new ISP that attempts to come into existence will be bought out by existing ISPs or the current ISPs will temporarily improve service until he competition is beat out and then go back to their regular shit service Bell Telephone did this shit back decades ago, the free market didn't solve anything. When the government got soft on monopolies some of the baby bells started to conglomerate again and now we have just a few ISPs and media companies in the US.
I have no fucking clue why right wingers think that companies will magically be polite to each other and be friendly competitors when a government isn't involved. Companies exist to make money in the most efficient way possible, they are not you're friend. They lobby for laws that make it pretty much impossible to start a new ISP. I don't see how protecting yourself from companies via voting for a government to pass pro-consumer laws is a bad thing.
if there was no government, companies couldn't lobby for shit laws
Go back.
Go back.
You know it only benefits normalfag sites like kikebook and jewtube right?
To answer a question with a question, what importance does the internet have?
What does the internet provide that other technologies can't.
If something is just going to get worse and worse and there is literally NOTHING anyone can do about it the best advice is just to stop using it.
Eventually all the slow speeds and need to do this and that trick to get to the place you want to go just get extremely fraught and tiresome.
You end up going back to pre 1987 ideas and technology because it just isnt worth it.
I think this is what happens to many chinese users, they just give up using the internet in general because it is so slow you cannot browse any website.
I think this is going to backfire badly and people will revert to old technologies and old ways which cannot be automated.
even gottfried from the piratebay says there is no real hope anymore and that was back in 2014.
i suppose from the snowden leaks that was really it, no longer can we claim britain and america as the beacons of internet freedom for china and other repressed countries.
Frankly I don't need more than 3 megabits. I don't download japanese pornography and episodes of westworld.
Why do I have to pay so much for a low speed connection? Because of net neutrality!
This is a special kind of stupid, son.
Use Lynx? Having lived through the 56k and DSL days, as long as there's some kind of telecommunications infrastructure I don't care so much.
Fuck Free Speech!!
Let the Gubmint run the news. There's never been a problem with State-Run news organizations, ever.
I just want a chunk of the Internet completely insulated from normalshits again. Ideally, social media and teevee would satiate the normies and anyone with two braincells would find out how to find the better place.
Right now it's like the pussy and the asshole are mashed together into one cloaca.
I've got to agree with this user and his trips.
Even TOR is filled with normies now.
how could they? laws are made by the government. ergo, no government = no laws.
because the existing ones have infinite money, right?
at which point competitors emerge again, forcing them to improve service again