Cologne sex attack victim became pregnant

Pro-Lifers would've kept the hellspawn mongrels.

Tell me why we have to ban abortion.
Protip: you can't

Other urls found in this thread:

And of course we hear of this from a non-German news site. Go figure.

And it's Dailymail of all.

You're speaking to the choir, mate.

Why are you making this into a black and white issue? It's very easy once you stop doing that.

Illegal abortion for white+white pairings. Anything else legal and encouraged abortion. Race mixing punishable by sterilization and mandatory abortion.

Here is your German source

The eternal struggle:

I'm surprised you guys call yourself NatSocs but I don't see much talk on here about eugenics. Adolf Hitler believed in the use of Abortion for the purposes of Eugenics and racial cleansing.

Guys abortion can be a tool for us, but we have to be unbiased from cuckservatives trying to ban it because muh morals.

OP, my friend, only whites are Human.

It's not a sin to abort soulless mongrels.

Is Germany getting "Liberated" again?

mfw i will never liberate an 18y german teen


why 18 the legal age there is like 14 iirc

Only the most insane ones.

The vast majority are okay with aborting a pregnancy due to rape. Also incest.

inb4 you're called a pedo

I'm pro-life for certain whites you know the ones and pro-abortion for shitskins. You're just a retard who can't into foresight.

Is there any actual evidence this happened?

Nice attempt at creating a false dichotomy thread to endlessly argue between Holla Forumsacks, m8.

Even most pro lifer's understand that abortion of rape babies is preferred.

So fuck off with your shit threads and remember to

Why do they call themself pro life if they support aborting rape-babies?

I'm pro life, rape is the only actual reason why abortion should be allowed and i full heartily agree with her choice to abort. A child born out of violent rape, by a nigger, leaving a child who will be raised with an absent father spells massive disaster. I applaud her choice to abort and for not being a cucked christian.


sage, hide, report.

keep white babies. abort muds. kill op.

Which is pretty fucking inconsistent. How can some fetuses count as real people and others not, depending on their conception? Pro-lifers are massive hypocrites.

This tbh

Can't read that with an adblocker, even if you disable it for the site. Merkel is planning to completely ban adblockers in Germany btw.

also sage

It's 14 if his/her partner is younger than 21(?) and 16 for everything else although since he/she is still underage at that point, there can be made certain exceptions where it could be seen as exploitation (like a teacher abusing his position etc.)

What were these girls wearing at the time?

Plus, pics or it didn't happen.

Imagine being the end result of rape. Not a fun spot to be in.

If it's the result of niggerrape it only counts as half a person.

You never head of the three exceptions, rape, incest and if the life of the mother is in danger, have you?

It should be 5 though, adding retards and other heavy birth defects to the list as well as miscegenation.

Deliberate miscegenation should go further though, it should result in mandatory sterilization rather than just abortion.

Works for me with activated 'ublock origin' ,'noscript' and manually activated '' script.

She never would have became pregnant with a chimp baby if you would kill the invaders.

It is. It's not an easy topic. Abortion in rape cases is basically handing out the death penalty for the sins of the father if you think about it. That baby is innocent, except for the fact that it carries the genes of the rapist, but should we just kill all people who have parents that are rapists or murderers? Because if not, you are legitimizing abortion proponents and their argument that an unborn has no rights and is not human.

On the other hand I have a hypothetical that if no issue abortion is allowed (which I am against) then it would have to be only legal with the consent of the father, since it really is not just the mothers child and both parents would have to consent to the murdering of their child.

It's absurd that we live in a world where that hypothetical even has to be made but looking at it like that, a rapist of course would've waived that vote. Furthermore he invades the woman's body as a breeding space against her will. Because of that it should be up to the woman just because of genetic hygiene. They shouldn't be forced to endure the psychological stress of having to feel the spawn of their violator grow inside them.

Suicide would have to be legal though and the death penalty should be used often and quickly for there to be even a beginning of a moral basis to justify this.

A major cover-up over the fact there were, indeed, multiple rapes at the cologne new year's celebration that the police were indifferent to stop, but you think the main issue is an abortion ban. There will come a time when women will see barenness as a blessing and maybe that time is now, but in times past the death of the unborn put Germany and the rest of Europe on this hellish trajectory.


There's no way that this is real.


Holy fuck, it's basically just putting a monstrosity to death early on and letting the rape victim remain at least some dignity. The least you can do in such a situation is to abort, really.
I would even commit infanticide in case of rape, especially if it's a shitskin subhuman.
The inuit do infanticide to their own in case of food scarcity, so we don't need cuckolds telling us abortion or killing of subhumans is wrong.

How new are you? Go read up on the Roterham rapes, and prepare to rage. I am really sick of the Lugenpresse, they are truly our greatest foe. If they actually reported the brutality of these rapes and cast these immigrants in the villainous light they deserve, the people would awaken. But it'll never happen because of how controlled the media is, and so the normies stay slumbering while their civilization crumbles around them. Can't see it, can't hear it, can't smell it, so it can't be real. What a fucking travesty.

This. You absolutely cannot bring up the subject of abortion without also bringing up race. Over 15 millions black babies have been aborted since 1973, and the black abortion rate is something like 5:1 compared to whites.

Margaret Sanger knew what was up. Unfortunately, christcucks have forever fought to restrict abortion access and white women have been destroyed by feminism so we have had a higher rate of "collateral damage" (ie. aborted white babies) than we would have liked.

All in all though, abortion has done more good than harm for this country.

To be fair abortion is only a half-measure. She has been microchimaerized forever now.


abortions would be unnecessary if niggers didnt live in the west

how about we solve the bigger problem so there isnt a moral dilemma?

blaming christians for a pro-life stance is pathetic

Not quite. You're forgetting about retards. Those need to be aborted too.

retarded babies are mostly the result of degenerate parents

its incredibly rare to have a retarded kid when you do everything right

stop smoking and drinking during pregnancy, eat properly, and dont get pregnant as an old hag

retarded kids are like 3% of births and can be lowered immensely

Or just use



Have fun in Spandau, Hans.

The chances to get prgnat because of rape are higher then by consensual sex. How I hate sol3, you can not imagine.

While abortations are sad, this is the only good thing about the whole incident.

Personally I support access to abortion for all, any white women who would even consider having an abortion is not someone who will raise her child well should she be forced to have it.

This. Abortion is a gift to mankind. Predominantly niggers and halfbreeds, and an unwanted child of any type is the last thing we want in our society. They would just grow up with single moms and create future criminals.

I'm not just pro-choice, I'm pro-abortion. The type of people who have abortions are the type we don't want to have any kids. Fuck evanjellycal megacucks and christcucks.

This. Still blows my mind that not only are they covering this all up, but they did shit all to stop the rapes in the first place. It was a giant publicly held celebration, how the fuck did no one see this shit. yuuro cops are traitors, they can go to the rope too. And the average yuurotard, despite this info being freely available on the net, will never hear about it because the major news outlets don't air it. Fucking INTERNET. How there is still censorship I can't understand. Fucking normie scum.


Abortion is murder,
I have no problem with the death of non hWhites.

Poor girls, kill the invaders


If you're pro-abortion on grounds of any woman that voluntarily does it just because she was a degenerate shouldn't breed, shouldn't you also advocate that she should be sterilized along with the abortion?


It was a crowd of hundreds and like a handful of cops, who (deliberately?) didn't get any reinforcement once shit started to get of control. And to be fair, the German police doesn't expect mass rape and theft FROM CROWDS OF GERMANS.

If you hear women screaming from within a giant huddle of sand niggers and you don't instinctively pull out nightstick and start cracking skulls, you're either a cuck or a traitor.

Because I am able to be satisfied with realistic victories and not pine for the impossible, autist friend.


So what if it's one against hundreds. Hit harder and aim for the juicy spots. They're cowards and most will run away.

Proud that we burgers properly arm our men in blue.

They have these like plastic sticks called implants that will stop a woman from becoming pregnant for up to 3 years, I think something like that could be more fitting so it can be easily reversed, replace as necessary.

>>>Holla Forums

Know a shitskin is growing inside of and polluting your womb must be one of the biggest horrors a woman can know.

This is Holla Forums not /christian/, we'd sterilize every non-white in the world except for nips they're honorary uncle Adolf said so if we were given the chance.

they even made a movie about it…

Theoretically, if you had to choose between abortion for all, or no abortion (which is the current choice because no one is going to pass a racial law today), abortion for all is preferable because nonwhites have far more abortions.


I wonder why there are still retards on this planet that say that the Cologne sex attacks were an ebil riciss right-wing ruse.

Spot the retard

Also have babies at an early age. For a mother, 20 years old is the age at which there is the lowest risk for a child to be born with Down's, for example. At 50 years old, the risk is 1 in 10 babies or sth.

Banning abortion comes after we live in ethnostates.

NE asians have some potential, they are not a chimpout savages the rest of the world is.

They fuck with female hormones and you end up with oxytocin deprived divorce-happy sluts. Every nice girl I've had my eye's on for the last 3 years has been complete damaged goods because of hookup culture and the pill.


It's unfortunate that she's probably lost all of her value.

nippons have honour and they hate race mixing, good in my books

I'm not saying we have to ban abortion - that would be stupid.
Neither am I a Christian - that would be stupid.

A human spirit joins the fetus at around six weeks, causing the heart to start beating.
Before that, its fine to do whatever you want.
After that, it's murder. Murder is always wrong.

But who would want to live the life of child parented by rape?
For a mother to do that to her child is inconsiderate, to say the least.
Who would want to live the life of a child with mental/physical disabilities?

The fetus should checked for abnormalities before the six week mark, esp. in this time of environmental challenges, to determine if it will be a worthy vehicle for a human spirit for a lifetime.
Anything else would be stupid.

Don't worry, she's not pregnant anymore.
I checked.


Her genetics are fucked now though. Pretty sure women retain a bit of the DNA of everyone that cums in them.

Fuck the kike on the stick.

That said, abortion is wrong, you kill your son. But I am not going to fight it, because liberals and minorities make most of the abortions, and their spawn would have been minorities or liberals too.

So it's a wrong thing to do, but it benefits me, so I don't argue against it.

Also, the case in OP is an exceptional one, like a deformed fetus. That's not the kind of abortion somebody smart would be against to, for obvious reasons.


Poor woman.

It's why rape has much deeper psychological impacts than just some physical assault. The woman can feel the essence immigrant floating around in her for the rest of her life, and possibly her children will feel it too.

Not good.

This is why deportation shouldn't be on the cards. You hang them, and if they flee during the race war then chase them. Only feralsand conquerors raped, and these beasts are both.

Niggers don't have souls or if they do they're simpler things like animal souls so it's fine to abort them at any point during or after pregnancy.

Thing is you want to prevent future migration. If you just hang them they can't serve as a warning to people from their nation of origin. Better to maim them and deport them.

Fuck off with the /x/-tier crap.

Daily reminder that this is considered a sin by Christcucks. Even if a woman is impregnated with a shitskin, she should gave birth to the halfbreed according to them.

There's no clear evidence to support that claim.

Abortion should be illegal in a german country, because with those babies dead, people will forget what they allowed to happen in their country.

The problem is letting in niggers. abortion helps aleviate this problem, but also prolongs it by reducing the effect of their actions

in a germany filled with germans, abortion means killing german babies.

Do any of the christcucks here know how many niggers we weed out of society thanks to abortions

we need more abortions not less

Still wouldn't want to risk it.

True, I guess I shouldn't let my anger get in the way of Uncle Adolf's classic plans.

we also weed out white babies. niggers shouldnt be there or have access to our medicine. they should be in their own country, where their witch doctors can perform abortions.

Only for non-whites though, we need as many white babies as we can get

The only way I would even consider it being a posibility is in case of a woman would birth to a fully developed child.
Sperm cells are self sufficient, cannot replicate and thus not compatible with the other cells. Even if you are correct and sperm cells can find their way in woman's genetic structure, these cells would quickly die off. There are flies and probably other insects where this is true though.

Live half-nigger babies wouldn't be a reminder because people especially women bond with children. Half-nigger babies make women less racist because they can't hate their own babies or if they do they can't express it.

Germans aren't aborting their children, they're avoiding conception entirely. If you want Germans to start having children again you have to make it so they can afford a big enough living space to raise kids (deport all fucking kebabs from cities, housing prices crash, Germans can then afford homes) and make it so men can support a family on one income so women aren't terrified of losing their career if they have children.

She's completely damaged goods now anyway. She'll never trust a man again, white or black. That's why rape should be punishable by at the minimum lige in prison, and if I was a commander of any force I would execute a rapist on-site. It's the most disgusting and socially damaging crime a man can commit bar peace-time murder.


That's why mgtow is cancer, they are basically surrendering the fight for our females to shitskins and its why we need to find a way to make nationalism popular among them. Something like Miss Hitler is a good start imo.
I am certain that nationalist women have a much less chance of being raped by a shitskin simply because they are aware of the situation.

The first thing we need to do to kill MGTOW cuckoldry is at least try to balance the family courts. You have too many men who are fat NEET no-lifers who see no need to improve because marriage in its current legal state is essentially a contract to sign over half your shit to a bitter cunt.


You know Hitler never had any kids and he didn't even get married until he knew he was going to die anyways. Just because you don't want the 2.5 kids and a minivan life doesn't mean you aren't doing anything.

Unless you are actively creating the 4th reich and purging whatever lands you inhabit of all shitskins and jews, you have no excuse.

Yes I could never compete with all the work you've accomplished not wearing a condom is lot of work


Mate don't be a faggot, if you really don't want to further your genes and your race go and have your cock chopped off like the lady-boy you are

Ok, let's say it was a 90 IQ negress having consensual sex with another equally dumb nigger. She wants to abort. Why shouldn't she be allowed to?

Let me guess, because we need those valuable, valuable nigger babies to be raised christian?

Niggers shouldn't be allowed to live period.

If it's a down syndrome or a zika retard then abortion is wrong, we need them there humans 'cause all life is equal, amirite?

Thats nothing new, we always aborted the Kids of Invaders in Germany.

When French Nigger Soldiers after WW1 occupied the Ruhr Vally and raped German women, their children were later aborted and sterilized by Hitler.

When the Allied in the aftermath of WW2 started to rape German Women, the raped Women either committed suicide or had a abortion.

Abortion remained legal in East Germany, so German Women could get rid of unwanted Russian Children.

Now these Niggers and Mudslimes think they can do where the Russians failed, but their bastard brood will be purged the same way.

Honestly you've turned my opinion around on abortion. Still, should be illegal for healthy white babies, but it'll be twenty years at least before the Overton window shifts enough for actual white nationalism to properly rise again.

At that point why wouldn't we just have an actual eugenics program?

Right. You can be morally against killing the unborn, but sometimes pragmatism and the well-being of the group demands it.

The lot of German women has been a harsh one for the last 100 years.
Maybe once we get the current situation sorted out, there will be a better future for them.

abortion's are a jew invention to make money, hundreds of herbs can cause a miscarriage and a falcon punch has been around since the dawn of time.

Pretty much what I'm suggesting user

oh yeah btw not just money from the procedure but afterwards selling the body parts and blood, also the melted down bodies make great collagen for the kartrashians!


The one good thing about europe being progressive and unashamed of feminist shit is that these women are more likely to get abortions.

Sadly, some will keep them to prove that they aren't racist.

oh yeah if I add another point to my post then my points are irrelevant because your autistic posting habits dictate I mustn't do that

I don't think anybody thinks that rape babies shouldn't be aborted.

Killing white babies that couples have produced by being dumb asses is a completely different matter.

Is this why christtards think abortion is always wrong, because dysfunctional kids and dysfunctional families are easier to indoctrinate into their religion?

It probably just me having a headache and lost my Holla Forumsness today, but getting raped by mudshits while another also is sounds horrifying. It is like some hentai gone wrong.

Innocence means nothing. The goal is at all times the reduction of the population undesirable individuals.

This means niggers, those of low intelligence, those of consistent and demonstrable criminal disposition, the bodily and mentally retarded. In our societies, the right to life should be reserved for good-quality White people only.

Those who argue in the abstract about "babies" commit the same error as those who argue for abstract rights based on muh Constitution. Rights are for our in-group and no one else. The only babies worth preserving are those who are healthy and belong to our in-group. A niglet is nothing but a future thug, rapist, or BLM supporter.

Consequences are all that matter.

Why do you think we have prohibitions against murder, theft, rape, and lying, if not for the adverse social consequences of these actions?

When I asked Holla Forums about it, they did condemn the acts, but most said that only a few dozen people were involved and that a majority of the perpetrators were White.

This is literally what they think.

Better than getting cuckooed.

Daily reminder.

We don't want people to be aborted. Half groids aren't people.

The only real argument against abortion is that it encourages promiscuity. As for muh life, you all faggots have no problem genociding whole races.

Eugenics is the only way to keep a population from degrading, as civilization has intrinsically disgenic effects by reducing selection pressure.

Society leads to promiscuity not the availability of abortion.
Russia has abortion (1st country in the world to have it) but all the girls there want to marry young (25 yos are spinsters, 22 yos are old) and make kids and have families.

This is bullshit.

>Whatever the two of you do, it needs to be in the interest of the child, the most innocent of all.

Being a Christian really has to be a solitary endavor nowadays. You simply cannot come into contact with fellow Christians. These disgusting pieces of shit make me fucking retch.

It's not.

I agree, but it probably does still effect them in a lot of ways, from a sperm competition standpoint and possibly even from what they absorb. IIRC, there is a gap between their ovaries and their fallopian tubes and a tiny amount of foreign material ends up released into their bodies.

Do you people not read the thread before posting?

This is as much bullshit as big bang and out of africa theory. How can sperm cells be incorporated in female DNA if they're unable to replicate and are self sufficient which means they don't join up with other cells?

If this theory was real, we could determine which gender the baby is right after conception.

Male microchimerism was not infrequent in women without sons. Besides known pregnancies, other possible sources of male microchimerism include unrecognized spontaneous abortion, vanished male twin, an older brother transferred by the maternal circulation, or sexual intercourse.

Microchimerism (abbreviated Mc) is the presence of a small number of cells that originate from another individual and are therefore genetically distinct from the cells of the host individual.

In humans (and perhaps in all Placentals) the most common form is fetomaternal microchimerism (also known as fetal cell microchimerism or fetal chimerism) whereby cells from a fetus pass through the placenta and establish cell lineages within the mother.

In other words,

Do you people not know that people don't always respond to the very most recent post

You don't know what you're talking about mate. This does not mean that cum incorporates in woman's DNA. What you're talking about is the exchange of cells (mostly the ones that affect immune system) during pregnancy when fetus has grown pretty big already and these cells do not affect DNA learn the difference between epigenetics and DNA please.

Also, I just read through the page 'returnofkings' and checked the other articles of this faggot. So much for credibility. Answer me why can't we determine the gender of a future baby right after conception then?

Abortion laws are an artifact of 95% white America.

Nowadays they should give out free Gucci handbags for abortions/sterilizations

If a woman fucks 10 dudes and then has a kid with an 11th guy, portions of the DNA from some of those 10 guys may or may not end up in the 11th guy's kid.

Real people = white ethnic europeans
Not real people = everything else

Again, these articles imply that epigenetics affect DNA structure. They do not. This are the basics. You clearly don't know what you're talking about. You can get these cells in your body by going through a disease like fever, by getting a vaccine etc.
This does not affect your DNA structure, it is not hereditary, your child won't have shitskin genes. Get it now?

Why be a christian at all? It clearly doesn't serve as the moral foundation for values that we hold dear.

They don't affect DNA, I didn't say that in since your post highlighted they don't.
As to credibility, this guy used to be a microbiologist until he was in his mid 20s.
But they do transfer and affect the immune system.
So cells do transfer from multiple sexual partners, not DNA but cells still do.
So the woman is still tainted.

Return of Kangz = Roosh. Roosh is a fucking Iranian PUA faggot. No idea why people on this site read that shit unless you're just r/TRP migrants, in which case you need to go back.

I understand that Holla Forums wants more white babies, but we are never going to outbreed muds. We should work to cull their numbers with eugenics and violence. Hell, most shitskins willingly abort their children or kill each other. We should have planned parenthood open more abortion clinics in ghettos and have targeted ad campaigns at pavement apes and beaners.

DNA From Sperm Of Ex Partners Lingers In Female Flies And Influences The Genetics Of Her Offspring

Only the christcucks disagree with abortion here. We all know it prevents nigger breeding. Margaret Sanger is Hitler 2.0.

And for anyone willing to believe that stuff about taxoplasmosis (I'm not saying I know), it could affect their behaviour as well. Though just their minds knowing they've taken a mile of dicks could do the same.

Cutting off gibs, allowing and condoning discrimination, and having a freer market would be very eugenic.

Fedora, I disagree with abortion in most cases for white people. One of the main reasons for late-term abortions was 'convenience.'

I get the feeling the race war is only going to begin when one of these women who was raped commits suicide on live TV like Lucretia who killed herself on front of the Senate made the Romans get filled with such a blood lust that they killed the Etruscans.

Yes, but that does not mean that child will have genes from other men that fucked that woman.
And these cells usually don't live long, there are very few cases where they live for more than a decade and its not even necessary they will last in woman's body after pregnancy or even during pregnancy.
I question the guy's motives, not proffesion.

HAHAHA, are you serious mate? Read the article you dumb faggot. I didn't know we are insects :^)


Not an argument.

>image of 30 year old woman despite her dying at

meant for not for OP but 8ch is broken for me, can't use "post reply" and the top gets blocked at "posted…"

If you want to delineate it out like that, then go for it. As it stands however, this is the hierarchy of situations:

Abortion for non-whites only > abortion legal > abortion illegal

That's what we're saying. If you want to move to the first one, I'm behind you, but pushing to move us to ban abortion is nothing but demographic suicide.

Evangelicuckism certainly doesn't, but there are conservative strains of Christianity that, while not explicitly racialist, affirm a nation's right to self-defense and integrity: the Society of Pious X, factions within the Catholic Church that are not on board with the current communist Pope, the Eastern Orthodox Church,…

Pragmatically: Yes, there is a latent conflict between Christianity and racialism because we're all "made in God's image" or some shit, but you have to consider that we won't get far by being spergy fedora-wearers. We have to be amenable to the average person and that does involve
tolerating muh Jesus, and seeking common ground whenever possible.

Also I'm a Gnostic and I don't care about cuck morality. The truth of Christ isn't "don't masturbate".

Also, how the fuck do I make the quick reply box appear? "Post a reply" isn't working.

Was she conceived as a 30-year-old woman? Can't these people distinguish between killing an adult human being and a clump of a few hundred/thousand cells that has no organs and no nervous system?


Most of this board is atheist or non-observant, we've had plenty of polls that suggest this. Holding Holla Forums views are antithetical to christian dogma lifted straight out of the book, so to pretend like it's possible to hold both at the same time in some sort of olympic-level compartmentalization is frankly embarassing.

Post reply box is broken.

Why won't you faggots get it through your head that the only way to gain fascist right wing control of the West is to ban abortion an have Nuremberg style trials on leftists. It's literally the only way to wipe them out. Once that is done we'll have a society where there won't be mudshits around to rape. Quit clinging to abortion just because you think with your dick instead of your head.

Abortion is A-okay because 80-90% of abortions are done by non-whites. Are you really so dumb or new as to not understand that yet? That you think it's a 'muh dik' argument shows me you filtered in from some cuckservative forum of boomers still engaged in irrelevant social issues.

Biblical fundamentalism is for Protestants. The only good parts are the Gospel of John and some Epistles, though even they are heavily corrupted. The OT specifically has nothing to tell us, except some funny stories and, in a few cases (Ezra, Amos, Exodus), how the Jews have been kikes from the beginning.

That's a purely academic discussion, though. My point was that it's not beneficial to antagonize Christians too openly in the public space. It's one thing to lambast Christcuckery on Holla Forums, but it'd be counterproductive to make pro-abortion arguments on explicitly anti-Christian grounds as propaganda.

"Hey, I know - instead of going back to the sensible racial, immigration, and abortion laws we had in 1960, which created a virtual paradise for the white race, let's use Jewish feminist ideas like abortion on demand to try to solve our race problems! That's sure to work great and in no way backfire horrendously on us!"

Right-fedora fail. GTFO.

Blacks are disproportionately aborting, but then again, they probably don't take birth control as often and surely they don't do it regularly.

What we really need is a way to get pills to blacks and mexicans easier. Apparently Planned Parenthood shot down a proposal to make the pill over-the-counter.

I don't think anybody here wants abortion to remain legal because of a desire to fuck without consequences. We want abortions for others, specifically non-Whites.

Even though in this case it would have been a mongrel, far more often white families kill their birthrates and children for important reasons like

Yeah, we know how it really went, shlomo. Pic related - typical white girl position 2 minutes after finding out there are migrants outside willing to have sex.

nigger that's either from plato or socrates

point being, redpilled as can be

ideally, she should just be sterilized

you get an abortion for anything other than rape, you get a free sterilization as well

problem fucking solved

yeah but see the jews did a bang up job of convincing everyone that natural remedies and medicinal uses for flora are the route of the hippies, the faggot, the uncivilized, the Other

What about more than a thousand underage girls being raped in Rotterham by shitskins? They were just whores begging shitskins to fuck them for free right?

We should rather talk about how we can abort those muslims post-natal

there's literally no reason why we should ban abortions for racemixers or non-whites/asians in general

Wasn't talking about pedos but properly developed girls that native europeans fail to sexually satisfy.

nigger you better be shitposting, the girls were groomed starting as young as 8

seriously, blow your head off , white children being raped is not a matter to take lightly ever

So you want kids to grow up with such parents / in such a household?
Are you this retarded or just baiting?

Hello Holla Forums, reported + filtered.
Back to /n/, this shit doesn't work here.



Read the posts you are replying to.

My government isn't the one letting thousands of pedos in and making sex ed for them just because the native women can't get a man to fuck them properly.

you responded to a post inquiring about rotterham you nigger

They seem to hate it more than even Holla Forums, if you have even one white parent they will never consider you true Japanese and there's plenty of stories of bullying that occurs to the unfortunate miscegenated individuals as a result.

Irrelevant though. I agree that the abortion of a healthy white baby is senseless murder, but if even .01% of pregnancies result in a retarded child then abortion has a crucial role to play in society.

I really don't see the issue with abortion.

Why do we want degenerates reproducing and single motherhood, we're not Africa, ffs.

You are fucking stupid OP, abort yourself.

I'm pro shitskins abortion, even if they are already born

OP is a whites only leftist

so, Holla Forums help me figure this out. Assume you are a girl and get raped, assuming you weren't kidnapped(they weren't) wouldn't one of your first priorities be to take a pill of the day after to make sure something like this doesn't happen?

Contraception is immoral

yet another reason i a trap would make a better girl than these leftists.

i guess their excuse is they were too ashamed to report it and get help, or they didn't want to incriminate a brown.

filtered and reported

go back to brit/pol/

I know you are just trying to bait, but contraception isn't immoral, even if you didn't have sex, even if you didn't masturbate one would be likely to ejaculate during one's sleep, and even if that didn't happen, sperm isn't going to sell in your body for years, it will be reabsorbed by your body and create new sperm. Either way sperm will be lost and ovules will be lost (which is why comparing masturbation with abortion is dumb)

am i wrong? are women like these not a waste of womanhood?

and not all traps are from brit/pol/!

*except on rape and downs syndrome

And for rape, after-morning pills or something, you can act the day after to prevent it.

Because laws are made on principals, not some arbitrary

This bait is so stale it isn't even funny, fuck off with your bullshit.

B-but aktion t4! Antisemitism! Shoah! Holocaust!

But legal in case of deformity or other defect. Eugenics, motherfucker.

Of course, you stupid fuck!

anyone feeling sorry for these people needs to stop being so emotional.
they and their families got what they deserved. that's all there is to it.

aborting the child is only more degenerate consequence dodging behavior.
let them raise the child that everyone may see and know that their line is a worthless one.



I just wanted to stop by this thread to say that I'm ot reading it because it's too depressing.

White trash is a thing too, at least in America. We should just gas all low IQ people across the board regardless of race.



That user wasn't referring to himself as white trash so your webm is irrelevant

Why do I feel like Rach made this thread?

lmao trump kicks out self hating cuck

Even the Greats can be superstitious at times.

Maybe I still have some cuck left from being raised Catholic, but It's my one major mental hurdle I have to get over to full NatSoc. I mean, I'm all for gassing the kikes and niggers after they're born, but killing unborn children…It's just so disgusting. Maybe I'll never get over it. Sigh.

Thing is, no matter how many people you kill, there will always be those below average. It's a slippery slope. Once you start killing "dumb" people, at what point should you stop? Half of all people will have IQs below 100 no matter what, because they normalize it every few years to have 100 always be the mean.

At what point do dumb people get smart enough that you stop killing them?

And should IQ be the sole measure of who gets to live? There's more to being civilized and productive than being intelligent. Far more. Is it worth sacrificing billions of otherwise good people to kill a few million bad ones?

Seriously consider this.

Even the most ardent pro-lifers wouldn't keep products of rape.

But I can see pro-choicers doing it because muh raysiss

I'm not watching that shit.

Killing everyone with a double digit IQ sounds fine by me.

What makes you say that? Anyone who isn't mentally defective should have no problem scoring at least 100.

In terms of productivity physical strength is all I can think of, and manual labor jobs are becoming quickly obsolete with technology anyways.


Don't worry. I will pull the trigger.

lol that's pretty much what leftards are thinking right now.


Most of us aren't dirty papist scum, mate. Loyal papists should be fed to the dogs with the traitors, commies, and mongrels since they're enemies in effect. The pope and the Church have proven over the past 100 odd years that they're the stalwart enemies of the West, and a few odd actions or cautionary tales in their favor hardly tip the balance.

Some of them helped members of the NSDAP out of Europe. Cool, I can applaud that. I don't think all Catholics are shit people, but we know where their loyalties lie.

Papist logic would have us breed an entire extra generation of enemies beyond what they have now. Yes, give them extra ammunition to bury us because the odds aren't stacked enough you fucking faggots. The day you all burn couldn't come soon enough.

Horse shit. As this user said, aborting terminal or mentally infirm fetuses are also viable reasons. (Setting aside shekel counting, fit parents are less likely to have other children if they're busy caring for or weeping for the loss of a fucked up baby, who ideally would have been aborted as soon as it could be determined something was seriously wrong.) I oppose wanton abortion of healthy middle or upper class white fetuses, but this isn't exactly anything that could be enshrined in law anywhere in the world right now.

Muh morals are the entire reason this board exists, otherwise we would all be liberals or libertarians.

Why is she called Rebecca?


debating on whether this is man or machine

sanger was pretty smart
