KDE Just Won


Just a one-minute video where KDE literally turns into every other desktop in rapid succession, complete with theming. It must be embarrassing to Gnome and Unity developers when KDE can just turn into your desktop environment in a few clicks, and do it using less RAM and CPU.

Oh, and it looks like you can save your custom desktop environment and upload it to the internet, so you'll never need to tweak your desktop again - just do it once and download your perfect desktop later.

Other urls found in this thread:


Is that in development stage or is it available to users? How can I find it if it is available to users?

It takes longer for KDE to change a simple theme than it does for E17 to start in its entirety.


GNOME/Unity fanboy detected

Fuck off back to /g/

Ubuntu MATE has something like that. In MATE Tweak you can select Windows, OSX, Ubuntu or regular GNOME styles.

KDE user here. Where the fuck can I get that "KSHELL" GNOME3 shell imitation? I really like Plasma 5, but I've been wanting a GNOME overview imitation for a while. It would also be great if they fixed their pig-disgusting Present Windows effect to make it look and organize like everyone else's.

Winning the DE war is like winning the special olympics, WMs already won.
i3, dwm for tiling/dynamic
twm, cwm, icewm, fvwwm for stacking.

Yes but does the filepicker let me see my meme thumbnails before I upload them to image boards?

That's cool. Xubuntu comes with something like that for Xfce, although that really just changes the panel layout. It can imitate a couple of desktop environments. This is more powerful.

You're delusional if you think it's feature-identical to the things it's imitating, of course.

None of these except twm are even remotely good.

twm for the minimalist, wmaker for the ricer.

Yes, you just have to let the desktop (((index))) everything in your home directory for 10 hours first


Are you implying that looking sleek is all it takes to be even remotely good?

What else do you want? Drop down shadows? Wagglan?


Start with "runs at 60 frames, loads within 10". If you can't do that at a bare minimum then your desktop is in my way.

But i3 already does that. Are you riri-tarded?

Why is linux so bad at this shit? Fuckin' media players all take an hour to index my library too when it's nearly instant on Windows.

Well at least now we know i3 users just love to be offended at absolutely everything.

That's not the point of a DE, a DE is a collection of software that makes the environment, not just how it displays it.

You said none of them except twm are even remotely good, i3 was listed which implies you were talking about i3 as well as the others listed. Quit shifting the goalposts, faggot. You have no idea what you are talking about, and need to own up to that fact.

Nowhere in did I say anything remotely resembling that remark. You're retarded and illiterate.


Why can't we embed videos again?

is that real or just wishful thinking? or to be released "soon"?

Neat I guess. Still doesn't use less RAM and CPU than Xfce and LXDE though. And it certainly doesn't have glorious pipe menu customization like Openbox. Nothing else does sadly.

Pretty sure IceWM and WindowMaker have pipe menus, if you mean menus generated by a script.


No kidding? I'll have to check those out soon then.

Last time someone told me Fluxbox had em and they were wrong though.

KDE still doesn't have a way to add an applications menu on desktop right-click.

Xfce, Enlightenment, Openbox: 1
KDE: 0

can spend goodboy points on tjis?

KDE is fucking bloatware i would even use java DE instead of KDE, fucking nigger

Here you go:
It's not actually written in Java

emerge -pav i3 dwm twm cwm icewm fvwmThese are the packages that would be merged, in order:Calculating dependencies... done![ebuild N ] x11-wm/dwm-6.1::gentoo USE="-savedconfig -xinerama" 26 KiB[ebuild N ] x11-wm/icewm-1.3.8::gentoo USE="nls -bidi -debug -gnome -minimal -truetype (-uclibc) -xinerama" PYTHON_TARGETS="python2_7" 885 KiB[ebuild R ] x11-wm/i3-4.10.4::gentoo USE="pango" 919 KiB[ebuild N ] x11-wm/twm-1.0.9::gentoo 278 KiB[ebuild N ] x11-wm/cwm-5.1::gentoo 44 KiB[ebuild N ] x11-wm/fvwm-2.6.5-r1::gentoo USE="nls png readline vanilla -bidi -debug -doc -gtk2-perl -lock -netpbm -perl -rplay -stroke -svg -tk -truetype -xinerama" 2,523 KiB
Retard. Also, it doesn't have a modern focus implementation and this pisses me off.

click-to-focus is pure cancer

You enjoying having to compile your program again each time you want to change something?

Also, cwm and dwm are slow as shit due to their implementation. twm was designed to run on mainframes and has necessary features to minimize memory usage as much as possible. That also explains it's rather 'big' size.

But duuuuude, it's so minimal! XD

Modern stuff sucks. twm 4ever

There's not been a point in history in which KDE hasn't been miles ahead of the competition.

Thank god this is GNU/Linux where you don't need to upgrade because everyone else does, right?

While I see that it's comfy for beginners, a full blown DE such as KDE - what's the point when you already have your favorite programs?

Nobody would adopt it then, if it doesn't support X programs. There's too much software that would break.
I could write twm equivalent if I had to, but others have a lot more invested into X.

It takes less time to recompile and restart some of these than it does for kde to redraw when you change a theme.

NO normal desktop user who doesn't have autism uses a TWM/keyboard based wm

But Windows won, by your logic. We're all "autists" here.

It takes even less time to just change a config file and restart your wm.


TWM isn't a tiling WM though


I don't use dwm but I can understand people wanting to use it. Only ricers change their config every minute (and dwm is fast to compile, anyway).

Just modify them to use a configuration file then. It's not that hard.

Why would I do that when I am not a suckless ricer and I could use i3 instead?

Oh fine, you could do that too. Fuck ricing anyway; it's a massive waste of time and effort. I'd only recommend if you were planning to dump time into this stuff anyway.

Theres always unity.

Daily reminder that Gnome spent all their donations on feminist training for women to replace cis white male programmers.



Daily reminder about MATE
are they fucked too?

This is false. This never happened.



Linux Mint
Cinnamon 512 RAM

before Unity 512 RAM
Unity 1024 RAM
Xubuntu 512 RAM
Kubuntu (KDE ubuntu) 512 RAM minimum 1GB recommended

just straight up stats for 2013
700 Mhz CPU, 768 MB RAM
1 Ghz CPU, 615 MB RAM

any shitposting folder I look at in mint loads whats in front of me first