Why Holla Forums hate m-l?

Why Holla Forums hate m-l?

Because of m-l theory? If so, what?

Because of tankies?

Forgive me, I'm a noob.

Other urls found in this thread:


a little bit of column A, a little bit of column B.

I dislike Stalinists because they buried the revolutionary movement across the world for 100+ years.

I'd rather team up with anarchists than stalinists.

Any exact pieces of m-l theory especially worthy of hatred? I haven't read in many many years but can't remember objecting to much, really…


Ah yes, makes sense.

It takes "dictatorship of the proletariat" way, way too literally and leads to repression of other leftist movements.

Stalin was also a huge cunt that made socialism untouchable in the US because of his constant KGB fuckery

Bureaucratic control of what should have been a worker's movement. Putting official party members as mouthpieces for workers' unions basically took away any chance of a centralised government from withering away.

Stalinists love telling us how all the communists that were purged deserved it, and how they were traitors because they were found guilty of being so, and also how Stalin was the best thing to happen to the Spanish revolution.

Central planning robbed control from the working class and put it in the hands of bureaucrats and government officials, who became classes of their own rather a dictatorship of the proletariat.

The first struggles against it came from fellow reds for a reason. It wound up creating a rigid class structure.

you have to understand Holla Forums is full of biased left-liberals from america and the EU.
come to my thread

it clears up some questions, and you can ask questions there yourself.

None of the accusations in this thread are grounded in reality, not the ones talking about Lenin or the ones talking about Stalin.

you have to understand Holla Forums is full of biased left-liberals from america and the EU.
come to my thread

it clears up some questions, and you can ask questions there yourself.

None of the accusations in this thread are grounded in reality, not the ones talking about Lenin or the ones talking about Stalin.

Stalin couldn't into dialectics, he got rid of negation of negation and went full retard with the totalization.



yeah, thought so.

Abandon all hope, ye who enter here:


right, but show me where he explicitly abandons it, the burden of proof is on you.

Your judgement is unreliable at best since you denounce materialism.

because anarchists are retarded and only shitpost maymays

another "quality post" by the most obnoxious of all attentionwhore fags

Neck yourself

True enough. The ideas of Proudhon and Bakunin have a lot of sway here. Most anarchists are anti-state before they're anti-capitalist, and since they only nominally believe in the former it's hardly surprising to find similarities between them and other varieties of reformism. You can see from the following posts that most here just brainlessly repeat memes like state capitalism just because they read it on Holla Forums. The content of every anti-ML post is always totally identical.

It's pretty sad actually. They've reduced the definition of socialism down to nothing more than democracy within the firm, and not democracy over the economy as a whole.

It's all in your pic, user.

ML, took the best out of the left (Marx, Engels, Lenin) and started adding BS (Stalin, Mao, Trotsky, Pol Pot, Whatever).

Long story short, Stalin ruined everything.

At least Yui is only inteligencia.
Not Nomenclature as well, like Rebel.

This is why only Xexizy is worth of being part of the Vanguard.


What? There's few mutualists here, and they routinely get shit on (deservedly). Proudhon and Bakunin may have popularized the ideas of horizontalism, but they didn't invent the idea.

Democracy within the firm is the starting point, yes, but the majority of anarchists recognize the need to form democratic federations in order to form economic policy i.e. distribution