Does windows 10 have the best looking progress bar?
Does windows 10 have the best looking progress bar?
Does op keep sucking dicks ?
That dialog is actually from Windows 8.
windows 10 is hit and miss
sometimes it feels like cheap bootleg chinese copy of windows7, sometimes it improves on things brilliantly.
Windows 10's main UI is a mix of old (Windows 7 & 8) and new. Secondary UI is often even older but the rolling release cycle they adopted (that's why Windows 10 is the last major release) is allowing them to refactor a lot of code more easily and faster.
op is a faggot
The best progress bar is none at all.
3MB/s on a hard disk? You're pathetic.
The best progress bar is the one that comes with Nautilus and every other file manager on GNU/Linux.
yes, yes it does.
I feel like someone is trying to sell me something.
Windows 10 is botnet but that progress bar is god-tier.
It needs to be, you'll be staring at it a lot.
It's off by default.
Literally a linear progress bar is all you need, kill yourself. It's just fucking eye candy. Even wget does it better.
That's a load of horse shit and we all know it.
Which explains why nobody noticed it before win 10.
Look at all this information you will never be using. If you really want to profile your file transfer speed use a fucking profiler and keep the progress bar linear and simple.
It was literally announced back then.
Some of us have a use for it. I have to burn 40-50 test disks at work when something new comes out and we have to show it off, if there is a dip in the write speed I want to figure out what the fuck is causing it so I can get out of my shitty desk and go home.
p.sure the progress bar itself started in W8 but the flat icons are from W10?
It's nice to have the option of having that information.
was about to write:
does windows 10 suck the d-i-dick ?
beat me to it
Yeah, and nobody noticed it.
You didn't but everyone else did.
It wouldn't need that progress bar if it didn't take fucking forever to do things like delete a lot of files. In fact, calculating the total work to be done for deletions in order to show that progress bar likely doubles the time it takes to actually do it.
I'm sure there's an official blog post from a Microsoft employee explaining this somewhere.
I think so. Sometimes I wish xfce had that.