I hate everything, I hate everyone
I need to be alone, I don't need anyone
I hate everything, I hate everyone
Other urls found in this thread:
Don't think about it too much, am just an edgy TeenWitch
there's a thread for people like you
nah those guys are homosexual recruiters.
I rather keep my virginity.
that ass won't quit
Okay then >>>Holla Forums
badonk a donk
nah I would rather go to >>>/suicide/
Don't forget to livestream it
I'll let you hold the go-pro while I shovel the prozac down my throat
No thanks.
Tripfag trying to attentionfag
If you kill yourself, can you make sure to stream it live?
I second this motion and bring it to the floor for debate.
oh boy, okay Poll is up.
Alright fag whenever you're ready
use poal.me. Polite sage
life wasn't worth living anyways.
i wanna watch
dont do it yet i wanna watch