Your experiences installing libreboot

do share, i'd like to know

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a.k.a. "the hidden cost of buying intel"

what is this ?

It's a raspberry pi flashing the bios with GNU libreboot.

To the tranny posting stop spreading bullshit and come back to your senses.

tranny ?

Bought an X60 on Ebay and with it you dont have to physically flash the motherboard. Got a godtier wifi card that was compatible with FOSS drivers. Installed Trisquel and have been using it as my main On-The-Go laptop since its light and im only really using LibreOffice, Brave, and VLC.

Battery life isnt as good as I would like it to be but im working on it with TLP. I also bought the Ultrabase for it and I just ordered the battery for the Ultrabase today.

Overall I feel fantastic to have a free computer in every sense of the word Except maybe the small things but its as good as anyone can have it unless your talking about using a more powerful machine

my penis 9 inches

My nigga

First board (X200): I did it and it worked
Second board (X200): I put +/-24V into the chip without thinking
Third board (KGPE-D16): It worked
Fourth board (X200): Killed it with +/-24V again (I'm not a careful man)

Overall, good shit

If you have any questions, ask btw I'd be happy to answer

I like my X60 however lets say I want to flash an X200. What would the initial cost be including the laptop?

£15-20 for a BBB, £70-90 for an X200, £10 for jumper cables, £10 for an ATX-compatible PSU or 3.3/5v specific psu (I already had a spare ATX and various cables around, I'm an electrical engineer.) To attach the BBB to the X200 you need a Pomona 5250 which is about £30-40 (had one around) or if you're pro you could solder it to the chip on the x200

A lot of invest but worth it, X200 is a solid machine

Right now I am poor as fuck and use the good old dollar so I would be able to get the Thinkpad for cheaper but in the end would something like this be cheaper?


i bet the nsa sells these with their specially installed rootkit just to fuck with anony-moose wanna be script kiddies so they can blackmail them and coerce them into informing and / or working for nsa for free.

i already made a thread for libreboot you silly nigger
keep it up so we have a constant place for libreboot discussion (since it's important)

that being said, i fucking hated flashing my x200. went into it not knowing anything about electricity, eventually learned enough to not fry something and got it working.

what if they do that to all old thinkpads

I'd hope the government would have better things to do then attempt to monitor faggots from Holla Forums and /g/. Anyone worth going after would probably be way more secure and scrutinizing with the hardware they buy.

Besides, anyone worth investigating it's not going to ask around about security.

a workforce that works for free to avoid going to jail is worth going after. not even pajeet works for free.

for what purpose ?

Because the stock BIOS displays a version number for the RSA-encrypted microcode on the CPU and being reminded they bought Intel triggers these blue-haired trannies.

I have an X200 and I'm afraid to. I always fuck it up, even with the X60 with is supposed to be the easiest. It's just so goddamn finicky.

What do I need to try it on the X200?

libreboot is full of trannies especially the main one is tranny

you say that as though it's a bad thing
I had a terrible experience with buying the pomona clip from newark, I really suggest you buy it from allied electronics instead.

Constantly re-count which pins you're using, and don't be worried if you get errors for the last step of actually flashing it. Just keep flashing until it says it can't because it's already on there,


honestly i had no idea about this. but i did read an article recently that said simply 'ignore the whole libreboot mailing list for the past X months'

Normally I don't make amalgams but this has gone to far, every time their is a lgbt, sjw member it is almost certain to 90% of the time to turn into drama/shit (and in this case Rowe is is both of these).

Just go read the gnu libreboot mailing list
you will see that Rowe is a complete retard.
Just go to mozilla and you'll se that they are complete retard.

HE is pissed because someone got fired.
HE said because it was that person was transgender.

The FSF and RMS (who better to do than managing this kind of bullshit) responded that it was not because of that person's gender.

-There is no prof given from Rowe.
-There is no one who supports him.
Is so fired trans friend even leaved him after the bullshit he caused.

-All the devs of the libreboot project leaved (because yes Rowe don't program a lot he focuses mainly on documentation)

-Rowe demanded a refund of all the donations that he has done (he deleted that part (someone caped that ?))

-Rowe asked the FSF to stop using GNU libreboot while knowing that he gave them legal rights to it.

-He is asking for multiple members of the FSF to be fired because they didn't support him.

Being Transgender is a genetic disorder.
It's a fucking mutation and if you don't do exams to prove that, and if you believe that you are x gender without doing exams, that means that you have mental health problems.

Just guess who was fired and who is Rowe (pic related because yes the picture that Rowe posted on his website )

None of those people are Leah Rowe.

Correct, the one that's obviously not a person is


also this link:

Archive to the rescue:

Also, I noticed the page now says this:
Looks like the tranny fucked up big time. One thing I don't get is if this creature was a secret tranny that means the FSF didn't know about it, and if they didn't then there's no way they could've fired him over it. Yet, Rowe insists the firing was for that reason.

Shit, that looks like a normal, if nerdy, guy. I would never have guess he's batshit crazy. Maybe new hires should be required to fuck a chick if they pass the interview, just to make sure they won't pull that shit.

Thanks for the archive m8 I always forget about that this exist

It's because most of his friend left him after the shitstorm he did.
The person who was fired even left because of all the nonsense he tried to brought.

Francis is desperately trying to get revenge on the FSF because he didn't understood what given up copyright to the FSF means.

Francis owns the libreboot website and other admin powers see this:
aka more proof that he want power over the project

But he has legally transferred the libreboot project to the FSF, so now the FSF is the legal owner of the said project.

That is what Francis can't or won't understand even if he started the project even if he did all the documentation it's not HIS project anymore this guy is fucking dense.

I already spoke with some HRs and it's quite a problem depending on the legislation.

Some HRs can invoke mental health alienation if the said transgenderism is based on nothing (no medical evidence of genetic mutations).

But the most difficult are SJWs since they uses all the most despicable means to defend themselves.

I even encountered an HR who asked me if I didn’t know some sort of hitman.

WTF since when normies ask to kill people.
This is getting out of hand.
SJWs and the LGBT crowds should shut their face because it won't end well.

every time there's a woman involved there's going to be drama/shit. Estrogen is a hell of a drug

from Libreboot opposes the Free Software Foundation and the GNU project

This is probably partly directed at me because I pointed out in IRC how I couldn't believe [insert possessive pronoun here] second hand testimony. On mailing lists others pointed out how unprofessional and hypocritical it was for [insert object pronoun here] to call names while trying to protect Lisa Maggins' name.

I don't mind how [insert pronoun here] feels or looks like, but I do mind that [insert pronoun here] thinks I'm biased for trying to subject [insert object pronoun here] to the same standard of evidence and self-consistency I subject everyone else to. It says a lot about feminazis, many trans and SJW-type of people having a victim complex and power hunger, and not really caring about equality.

The FSF and RMS don't deserve this. He's a liberal and a lefty through and through, so you wouldn't expect a pro-freedom charity that has been accused of "communism" for the crime of inserting billions of dollars worth of software to the economy to be chastised by Rowe. I guess this pays homage to that old conservative adage that says the revolution eats its own children, or something like that.

Moreover, despite working for free software, [insert pronoun here] doesn't understand that GNU or anybody else can keep, develop and distribute Libreboot. Whether GNU Libreboot or Rowe's Libreboot is a fork is an irrelevant and possibly meaningless question, akin to protestants and catholics arguing for who's the original christian.

No, calm down nu-male. You've taken too many red pills today
Everything in your genome is a fucking mutation retard. Believing your biological sex is matches male (as it does in Rowe's case) doesn't preclude you from *feeling* you are of the opposite gender. The gene pool evolved brains precisely to free organisms from the clumsy and slow adaptability of the genome, so mental contents need not be tied to genetics.

I'm open to transgenderism being fully or partly a real biological condition, as opposed to a choice or psychological condition, to a few people because a) no logic or evidence has ruled it out. b) homosexuality undeniably having a genetic component as shown by twin studies shows how fucking unreliably close-minded conservatives and fundies can be.

Lisa Magginis, FSF sysadmin, dyed hair at .
Everybody knew she was a tranny, had been working for the FSF for many years. What Rowe is objecting to is that when newer FSF staff started harassing her she was fired instead of them.

This of course assumes that Magginis didn't renounce herself, that she was being harassed, that the hypothetical harassment was the reason for her leaving; and fucking Rowe simply wants us to take his/her word for it. The FSF has said it won't disclose more information, because employers can't disclose that kind of information. So it looks like I will be dismissing Rowe's claims for a long time

no no no. that doesn't even mean anything. The FSF holds the *copyright* on all Libreboot's peripheral additions to the Coreboot base, so that simply means Leah can't re-license Libreboot or enforce the GPL. But Libreboot still is GPL, so anyone can develop their own Libreboot version.

this is not how FLOSS works son. You are being just as dense. What Leah can't do is prevent GNU from having its own Libreboot package. She's free to part ways and do things on her own from now on.

Yes, because having a bunch of emotionally unstable snowflakes working on something always ends well.

I suppose you're one to talk.

I just purchased a t500, what do?

Sell it and buy a T420 instead.

Install Libreboot

The Libreboot instructions are all you need. Just follow them carefully and you'll be fine.

I got my test clip from element14, BBB ordered from some local brick and mortar shop, regular ATX PSU for +3.3V source, wires can be bought from any Jaycar or similar shop.

For the test clip, get the 16 pin one. You can clamp those onto SOIC-8 chips as well. I also advise grabbing a multimeter to make sure you use the correct pins on the PSU.

You can try. Apparently some models aren't compatible though, and they're also hideous to disassemble.

Real transgenderism is a genetic disorders. Unfortunately some people on rare occasions are born with a genetic mutation that will give the wrong/more physical attributes and more troubles.
If that person has that kind of health problem then yes he/she is a trans and needs medical care.

You interpreted wrongly my words.

Where do feelings come from ?
The brain, that is influenced by your mental state and genetics.
Again if a person genetics has abnormal influence to the point of where that person will want to be something else, it's a health problem.
If there is no genetics abnormality then it's a mental health problem.


If you are male and fuck another male can't that male be pregnant ?

If you fall in love with a horse and fuck it can you make it pregnant ?

no you can't and if you think you can you're just struggling against reality (vid related).
note:sorry I can't upload the webm.

These kind of so called trans, don't have health issues, but psychological issues.

If you like to fuck cats don't shout it to the fucking world and ask more privileges or whatever for that.

Hell I don't care if you do that, just don't shove it in other peoples throat and live your life like you want.

I know how the gpl works.
This a misunderstanding and it comes from how I said things, sorry.
What I meant is that Francis thinks that he owns some kind of trademark on the name Libreboot (because he owns the domain, that's why he ask the FSF to rename it something else than GNU Libreboot.

Also my autism about FLOSS:

can you flash an x220T ? Is it similar enough?
my IBM x60T's hinge is starting to break and I kind of want something a bit faster. (with a fucking battery that works)

njoy the botnet loser

A human man's brain is biologically distinct to a human woman's brain. This is a fact. What normally happens is that a person born with a male brain also develops a male body with all the male characteristics. Likewise, a female brain develops with a female body. Well gestation is not a "perfect" process: there exists expressions when a female brain develops with a male body and vice versa. This describes what a trans person would feel, "I have the body of a man but I don't feel anything at all a man, this penis is foreign to me, I shouldn't have this deep voice".

This is abnormal but its it a mental health issue or genetic issue? I say it's both.

It's a genetic issues, that causes mental heath problems because you acknowledges that you can be a female, while your chromosomes attest that you're a man.

It's all in the head m8.
You choose what things are but you can't go against reality to just create the sensation of happiness or comfort.

Because if you do go against that you will just create something that isn't real and you will delude yourself, thus creating problems that does not even exist.
It's a vicious circle that you self-sustain.

If you mean the X200T then it's a gamble. Some iterations work but not all. Installing Libreboot on them is also sucky because of the flash chip type (no test clips for it, you have to solder) and location (you have to take the entire thing apart to get to it, thank god for the service manual).

If you actually mean the X220T then those will never be supported by Libreboot. Regular X220 systems have Coreboot support but the Intel problems remain. No idea if the X220T has Coreboot.

I r8
