Just think, one day you're going to die and slip into permanent unconsciousness, and you won't even know you're dead! You'll just die and lose all awareness!
Doesn't it bottle your mind?
Just think, one day you're going to die and slip into permanent unconsciousness, and you won't even know you're dead! You'll just die and lose all awareness!
Doesn't it bottle your mind?
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what does this mean
You can't actually prove that, OPPO. :^)
Well of course not but it's the most likely outcome
Based on what evidence? :^)
Well there is no evidence but consciousness is probably just a product of the brain and when the brain dies consciousness dies with it
Basically, you're telling me you have no idea what you're talking about and just are guessing. :^)
PROTIP: we're already dead
So basically what you're telling me is you're implying ANYONE can "have an idea what they're talking about" when it comes to death and do anything more than guess. It's an educated guess.
Nah, I just wanted to give you a hard time. :^)
So you share my view on death?
Pretty much, I guess.
i appreciate the gesture
nice try, baphometh
I can't wait to die tbh
every day on my way to work I hope that a truck runs a red light and instantly kills me. to die such a death removes the burdens of suicide. even though nothing would matter cause i'd be dead i dont want to go out like a bitch. if i were to die from something completely out of my control then i could die peacefully and end the pain without guilt. preferably really painfully.
here, I meant to put >mfw same
I think you guys are missing the big picture here.
There's no way to conclusively prove that you aren't already experiencing a vivid hallucination.
Unfortunately my shitty job and lack of fame doesn't allow that :^(
It's not even an educated guess though. It's a retarded guess.
Yes. I try not to care though.
what are you, 10 years?
babbys first existential crisis
how can "dying like a bitch" or guilt matter to you, if you're already dead?
And if you want to die, but can't kill yourself, I think that makes you a bigger bitch.
I need a tripwire to automatically delete my porn when I do slip into permanent unconsciousness.
You're dead, why do you care who sees your porn?
because they would be saying "THAT is why he never had a GF"
encrypt the porn.
Or just you know, not really fucking care. Who cares what people find out about you after you're dead?
Fuck man I was listening to this while reading your post, it really made me think.
Its just scary to know that your family will find out about your secret life after you die.
only if you leave it accessible to be found out about, and only if you die young or have a family that outlives you
ya, not having a body or mind is permanent, that's why you were never born. Right? Because before birth you were nothing, and that state lasts forever… just like death! oh wait….that's wrong.
sorry, but you're here forever, in some form or another
lol, wishful thinking worse than christians/muslims wishing for heaven
the original body will never recognize itself again
i suppose it could imply reincarnation is a possibility
but what would dictate that?
reminds me of the final scene in life of brian
sounds like a blast opie
Reincarnation research suggests that you are reborn near where you die, so people should really be more thoughtful about where they expire.
i can't fucking wait for that
There'll still be plenty of experience left in the universe. It's really not a big deal when you realize the ego identity is an illusion.
Guys, consider scenario A: You die. You are reborn as a cat that has no concept of any past life. It lives and dies as a cat.
Scenario B: You die. A cat is born somewhere and lives its life as a cat.
There is no difference between reincarnation and no reincarnation.
I hear people make this remark a lot, but it's so obviously wrong that I don't understand how people accept it.
If you're reborn as the cat, you experience the cat's subjectivity. You are that cat, even if you don't remember your past life.
If you are permanently dead, then you experience nothing, and the cat's subjectivity experiences that cat's life.
Idiot. "You" is just a set of memories and tendencies, memories and tendencies this cat won't have. You're talking as if there's some sort of "identifier" that separates one consciousness from the other, as if they have some sort of unique identity. What would be the difference between "you" experiencing the cat and "the cat" experiencing the cat? Absolutely nothing. The bottom line is: the experience would take place, and the experience would be the "me"/the "I"/the "self".
So you can see through my eyes right now because we are not individuated? No? Then you're wrong.
Are your brains cottage cheese? Do you have object permanence? Can you recognize mommy? This is toddler stuff. How many fingers am I holding up?
It doesn't because I'm way past it. If you accept it, then you can live on.
do you remember you previous life's subjectivity?
No, but some people apparently do. There's thousands and thousands of accounts by people who claim to have reincarnated in a plausible way.
Only one of them would have to be true for reincarnation to be possible.
never change, Holla Forums
What?! Yes, I CAN see through your eyes. I'm seeing through your eyes right now, while not understanding the very basic philisophical concepts spoonfed to me by another me on Holla Forums. Right now, I'm reading this post through your eyes, and I am thinking to myself that I am right, and this other, superior me is stupid.
I mean, wow, there sure are some stupid mes out there. I did not do well in your me. I have a feeling you understand this. I have a feeling you have the opportunity to be honest with yourself and realize that two subjective minds are not separate universes, but two clusters of SEEMINGLY separated phenomena in the SAME system. But I think you, like Christians or any other religion based on fairytales (instead of logical concepts that can be easily deducted through a little bit of objective thinking), choose not to, because you have too much to lose. You've probably built up a whole identity based on this reincarnation stuff, so you're not going to listen when someone more intelligent than you comes and tells you why reincarnation is a meaningless word, and that there is no difference between reincarnation and no reincarnation.
You haven't even gotten past the illusion of having a self! A soul! You're like a monkey, who has no concept of the ego being a phenomenon that happens simultaneously in all other monkeys, only separated by their immediate qualia and their sets of memories.
Get on my level.
Are you joking …? I really, really hope you're fucking joking. This isn't a basic philosophical concept. This is hyperadvanced willful idiocy.
You're affecting being "le rational fedora skeptic" when arguing against the plainest fact of the entire world and the ground for any empirical data whatsoever. It's like the horseshoe theory of arrogance–you've become worse than what you despise. How can someone think themselves into this five dimensional pretzel level of retardation?
Someone who has complete faith in something absolutely fantastic and takes something totally unbelievable as axiomatic.
My god, I was right. This is your identity. I get it.
So, can the cat see through your current eyes after you become it?
I will not be present to see your deluded response.
Doesn't work that way chum.
Why don't you die when you go to sleep?
Oh, look. Two parties are arguing over things neither can prove again, one just as deluded in their baseless convictions as the other and I'm just sitting here masturbating.
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