Are there any actual members with autism here...

Are there any actual members with autism here? Could the jokes of leftypol being full of socially awkward autistic members bear some truth? Please be honest.

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It's Holla Forums. Don't kid yourself, most of the people here are at least at the fourth level of autism.


So you have autism too? Someone in my family watched one of your videos about some gamer conflating social democracy with communism, and he thought you said pretty autistic thing and he was serious. To be honest, my mom suspects me of having autism hahahaha

Nope. Sometimes I wish I did, tbh. Humans can be really awful and it'd be nice not to fully understand what pricks we can be. I mean it's bad to have below-functional levels, but as long as you can live your life and be happy, the 'tism seems kind of nice. On the other hand, humans can be great sometimes and we're fascinating creatures.

Holla Forums is probably the least autistic board on Holla Forums.



I was literally diagnosed with Asperger's (no longer a thing as of DSM V) when I was 4, so in the literal sense I'm autistic, but it doesn't really matter

this tbh

do you actually function then?


I have Asperger's as well and I don't know what he's talking about

Asperger's syndrome was rolled into "high-functioning autism" in the latest DSM (a book used to diagnose mental illnesses)

i function fairly normally in society, though i'm also depressed lmao

How's your life? How do people without asperger's think you're different?

I think most people think I'm relatively normal, just really quiet.

I'm really just super depressed and don't talk to people because they terrify me

I know what the DSM is. What I got from that post was that they got rid of Asperger's syndrome. This makes a lot more sense. I guess he just phrased it sub-optimally.

Boo! :3

that made me really happy for some reason. thank you

So what do you sense from other people that terrifies you?
Also, what did your guardians or others perceive that led to you being taken to be diagnosed?
How's the diagnostic evaluation like and where can you get it because my mom wants me to go.

that there really isn't any hope. That there's always going to be more shitty people in the world then not shitty ones. I don't know.

I've always just been really emotional and had problems socially.

I don't even remember it. This woman just asked me questions.

I'm sorry human. I hope it gets better for you and thank you

Thank you user

Just remember that this faggot wants you to believe it's all hopeless so you'll watch shitty TV and shove tasty but nutritionally worthless food in your face. If the world's in the shitter it's probably because all the good people are frustrated by a sense they can't do anything. So everyone plods along, alone with their thoughts never to know the world is full of people who feel the same way. It is though. Sure there are plenty of dummies who don't care (a lot of them have really just given up hope and are trying to cope). That doesn't mean there aren't frustrated people out there too. The important thing is to not be silent about it and perpetuate the cycle.

Probably you've heard stuff like this before, but also probably someone reading the thread hasn't.

Welcome to imageboards

Hopelessness leads to nothing. One can either accept defeat which would literally lead do nothing, or give hope a try and cling on the rope and maybe with their endeavor see something new.

That's what I mean. Maybe I didn't word it well enough. The point was to talk to other people as the first step so more know they're not alone in being frustrated. Hopelessness is one thing, and it's hard to come back from that, but people who are frustrated want something to change. They see the problem but they think the resources aren't there to do anything. They are though. The most important resources are all the other frustrated people.

Yeah, Aspergersfag here. I was diagnosed when I was 7.

Had a lot of therapy, so now the symptoms are quite mild. All I've got to show for it is introversion. That's still a massive pain though.

I actually don't have autism, but I think it's pretty common on imageboards in general.

And if it's not autism, it's something else. There's a reason everyone is here. Some thing that meant they spent a lot of time alone on their computer, and then something brought them here.

It's nothing to do with left or right. In fact, given that Holla Forums is larger, but socialist ideas are bigger IRL than nazi ones in most places, you'd probably have to conclude that it was right-wing ideas that had a higher proportion of socially awkward/autistic/something wrong people.

I've never been diagnosed, but when I was young I'm fairly sure both my parents and teachers thought I was autistic. I was borderline special needs in primary school, couldnt socialise with other kids normally at all and even now I still get extremely obsessed with certian hobbies over everything else. Also for some reason it took me a hell of a lot longer to learn to read than anyone else but now I can do maths and physics better than most people I know so I guess I'm not too retarded. That's unrelated though I guess.

Now that I'm older either I've 'grown out' of this weird special needs retardation phase or I just know how to handle symtpoms better. I can still get pretty bad anxiety from socialising though.

Idk, no point getting diagnosed even if I am by this point.

I think a lot of that has to do with the fact that autistic people have trouble empathising with others.

Autistic people aren't usually sociopaths, i.e, they aren't completely without empathy, but they have major issues in seeing from perspectives outside their own ('cognitive empathy').

The issue is that right-wing politics generally appeals much more to the egocentric mentality a lot of them have.

Literally all those symptoms sound like what I experienced throughout my schooling. I'd say there's a pretty good chance you are high-functioning autistic.

If you're taking or planning to take further education though, definitely get diagnosed, there's extra assistance you can get for things like the reading speed (e.g. I get 25% extra time in exams and a full set of printed notes for my course).

I have Asperger's .

Just a daily reminder that autism is over-diagnosed and that DSM is cancer and a tool of biopower.
More about psychology ITT:

Can you explain biopower please?

I think what he's trying to say is that if an institution (DSM shrinks) can convince you they're 100% right about you being mentally deficent, to the degree that they can medicate you; then they basically control you.

The vast majority of psych pharmaceuticals are poisonous to the nervous system.

I'm not anywhere on the spectrum, but I did have a stress-related depression which caused me to become a shut-in for a few months. It was during this time I found Holla Forums and you guys have helped me a lot.

If it wasn't for you, I would probably still have been an empty shell of my former self, sleeping the day away and eating cup-o-noodles.

Thank you.
I love you guys.

Man, fuck you. That isn't what I want at all.

I love you too user

delicious assburger checking in

I wouldn't be concerned about autism in the left when right next door we have the sperglord central that is libertards

Nazis are pretty fucking autistic as well.

Requesting that "I hate the weak" post.


Ur relative is dumb, Rebel is super dooper cool and smart,

Yeah we've got you OP :)

This is a stupid question, do you expect normies to be on a fucking Communist board on a fucking Anime Image Board founded by a fucking autistic cripple gamergater, that is not even listed on Google?

I only became a leftist after I started being treated for bipolar disorder. Prior to that I was a fascist, so I doubt I'm being controlled through medication.

Unless the DSM is a "cultural marxist" (kek) conspiracy or something.

I wish I had autism so I'd know why nobody likes me

Except for my internet habits, Im a fucking filthy popular normie guy.

As my mother said once when I was maybe 13

Your brother anonbro always had it quite easy making friends
For you user, it has always been..a little harder

Did wonders for my self confidence. I'm not a literal autist, just your typical guy who gets borderline panic in social situations that I am not used to because of social anxiety and generally low social intelligence

heh, sounds kinda like the main character of Kafka's metamorphosis

What did they put you on?


ehehe, damn this is painful

uhh, Holla Forums people like you, I promise :D

Well I do have autism. It's not that bad though.

How old were your moms when they had you?

My mom was in her mid 30's, and I think one of the reason I'm undesirable to girls is because she decided to wait so long, and now I'm biologically inferior to other men.

More reasons why women should be married and start having kids in their teens, and stop having kids by the time they're 30. It produces defective children.

My mum gave birth to me when she was 21 and I'm so it cant make that much of a difference.


I'm not saying it's full one way or another, but we already know there's a correlation with down syndrome and fullblown autism with mother's age, it shouldn't be too much of a stretch to think kids born to older mothers are simply inferior in a lot of aspects

Maybe, but if there was any evidence to suggest other links between mother's age of birth and effects on things other than down syndrome and autism, I think it's likely they would of at least been correlated by now, even if not proved. So far autism and down syndrome is all we can seem to tell is effected by the age.


I don't have any form of mental, physical or social disabilities.

Diagnosed with Asperger's aged 5-6. Been fine ever since gomr8s

I have assbugers. I was diagnosed when I was 10. I think I get more or less manage with it now a days.

You got treated in time, then.

I only realised when I was 20.

Fugg XD

19, no symptoms :^)

Late 20's is when my mom had me, I think.

She was around the 35, and i am gay and a twink.
Accept your looks naziboy and become a cuteboy, and get a big strong communist to hold you.

Sorry to disappoint you but I'm 6'5. I don't think being an old mother has an influence on how masculine/feminine you are.

However, I do know that having older brothers means that their Y chromosome gets mixed into her blood, thus her body develops antibodies to fight it back, and when the younger brother gets born, those antibodies get mixed into you and you become more feminine than other boys.

Do you have older brothers?

I'm gonna call bullshit on that biology.

It's a well respected theory, I just found the wikipedia article for it:

Two older sisters and one older Brother, i'm the youngest of the pack.

I have aspergers syndrome
Granted thats not the only mental condition i have but im working with it

Sodium valproate.

not autistic, but lazy and introverted

That explains your shitty waifu.

> Rebel is super dooper cool and smart inteligencia and nomenclature,
There. Fixed.

Seriusly though,
IMO, most of the autisms, are just Alienation ad suffering from capitalism.

But shrinks are bourgies and it's easier to call it "autisms".

oh sure, a lot of it is from alienation, but humans are still biological creatures and mental disorders are, at least to some extent, a medical issue

also kill (la kill) yourself

You're still a fascist.

At least read your own links. Also learn about how genetics work, your chromosomes don't wander freely in your blood.
>McConaghy (2006) investigated birth order in men and women who anonymously reported some homosexual feelings, few of whom identified as homosexual. He found a fraternal birth order in men who reported homosexual feelings and when comparing the strength of the effect and degree of homosexual feelings (rather than homosexual identity or homosexual behavior) he found no relationship between the two, leading him to conclude that the influence of birth order on degree of homosexual feelings was not due to a biological, but a social process in the subjects studied

She was 16.