How come poorfags love android so much?
How come poorfags love android so much?
Other urls found in this thread:
Because you need to be rich to afford the iPhone idiot tax.
Because on rich idiots don't look the prices of their shit.
Because the iPhone is sour
Because poorfags buy android so they can pirate apps easily without paying for it.
It's a fact that despite android having a larger userbase, apps on the apple appstore make more money than google's
Did you mean: normies?
Poor man detected. You try to rationalize your inferiority by superimposing some inherent advantage.
If you think like a poor man, you'll never win. If you're going to be thinking at all, you might as well think big.
wow it's like i'm on /g/
But your green text is right though, a car is a mean to transport, that Honda Civic can reach the same place as the Ferrari.
Sadly people don't purchase things based on logic, emotional spending is also a sign of low IQ.
You wish faggot
Same reasons as for rich people, and everybody in between.
What a stupid question.
Because it's cheaper.
Not sure about things like LG/Samsung flagships that are as expensive as iPhone.
they get shit done.
You can call with them, you can browse stuff with them, listen to music, and use apps, and it looks decent.
Bang, modern phone.
Holla Forums is officialy been swarmed from /g/ its over now... migrate to next one anons
It's been /g/ lite for a while now.
Emotional spending is a luxury poorfags can't afford. Poorfags literally cannot afford to be sentimental.
Emotional spending is the reason they are poorfags and the reason rich people are universally seen as tight with money.
Reported your shit thread for covert advertising
Spoken like a true pleb.
at least replace it with a non-shit supercar like a Mclaren P1
Call me when McLaren can win a Formula1 race, and I'll take that seriously.
Is it that poorfags love android so much?
Is it that poorfags hate iPhones so much?
Is it that richfags love iPhones so much?
Is it that richfags hate android so much?
I think all of you are consumerist shits, but maybe it's just me.
wow look at this apple defense thread
So you agreed that there's no difference in function as a transport vehicle between a Honda Civic and a Ferrari?
What else is there to get? iPhones are expensive, Windows Phones have no apps, Blackberry 10 phones have one foot in the grave, while BB7 is extinct. Ubuntu Phone isn't a thing yet, and Sailfish OS isn't much of a brand name.
Meanwhile Samsung, HTC, Sony and a fuckton of other companies make Android phones. The market has a disproportionate amount of Android phones. They come out really fast as well, so the used market has a lot of Android phones. You might as well be asking why so many people use Windows computers, or computer mice instead of trackballs.
Because many programs people use day to day are available only on Windows, and many were brought up on Windows
Because many were brought up on mice and it's the superior peripheral when playing video games
No, wigger. When I buy a $600 phone, I buy a $600 phone. Not a $550 "think less" badge slapped onto chinese sweatshop output.
Likewise when I throw down the price of a small car on a laptop released days ago, I expect to be able to use the fucking wifi and USB ports at the same time.
user was right, you're a poor fag.
Are Vertu phones running on android?
If I'm not mistaken, he wasn't referring to the cheapest macbook.
I just plain don't like apple as a company nor the "culture" that has surrounded their products.
I also enjoy the option of versatility and customization.
Who cares? Smartphones are shit, I really want all theses /g/ faggots out.
I've always wondered what the backstory of this image is. I've never been in a class with this high of a concentration of macfags; most actually require Windows-only software that meant I had to show the Macfags how to use WINE.
but goddamn that's a lot of groupthink in that classroom.
modern universities tbh.
Were you running a Mac OS? If not, why did you teach your classmates how to do that?
Because they have not sold their soul to a company that was ran by a man that hates them until the day he died, and they had to lie to themselves about him being a kind person.
Because they do not need to buy a "new" phone every year to feel "Hip" and "Cool".
Also they don't need to have "Approved" accessories, lest they void their warranty and ruin their device.
And in closing OP is a faggot, keep buying iShit like you are told.
Didn't have to type all that shit with reddit spacing for us to know, faggot
Keep trying betacuck, you'll always be a slave to the iStool, bending over and giving them your jewgolds, like a proper tithe to your faith, "The Chewed and Tossed Ignorant Bastard."
I could buy a $150 ching-chong Android phone and it would fulfill all my phone-related needs. Or I could buy an iPhone at five times the price, but I see no logic in that.
You paid the idiot tax, didn't you?
Because they value their money more and so try to make the right choice the first time.
But Apple has the highest customer retention rate in the industry
Because it is cheap.
I would try to rationalize how it is not so enclosed as iPhone, but in reality it is just cheaper while being as good as iPhones.
Pajeet, should i even act surprise?
go and stay go
Depends how you look at it but generally pluses of Android equal pluses of IPhone.
I am talking as a person who used both.
Called the DEA, have fun
It is not like you change phones once few years or anything.
I second this. I am and always will be a pc/anything not apple user not because price but because i have always loved the ability to alter and customise my shit aftet i pay for it not pay for it than be told how i can and can not use wait for SHIT i paid for. Besides everyone knows all other are superior because jobs lived in a very small box where he liked to keep all things nice and tidy in there own place. You guys picking up what im laying down?
What roms are available once I jailbreak mine?
But I AM a pajeet and you still can't read lol.
I thought there were alternative OS for ios devices at one point?
The $150 ching chong Android can probably play games just fine.
You're reversing the conclusion. Poor people just don't have access to a cheap iPhone, with the 5c being an outdated piece of shit and used iphones almost always being damaged and malfunctioning in some way. The Android market reaches across the entire spectrum, from downright free to several hundred dollars, meaning that Apple, being the marketing machine that it is, has created yet another empty and meaningless bullet point.
Where's the tech elitism if you're using a platform which can cater to the lower tiers of society? Surely you don't want to be using a system that even niggers can operate.
Have a moto g, don't have 4k video , google Hangouts is just as good as face time, , processor , is almost as fast as a Samsung s6 or iPhone 6 for cheaper, why not save money and get out of your homes . 9/10 women I know have apple products, they are good at ads.
You have to go back Paco.
Well I can't really use a Mac Pro for comparison because that product line's dead :^)
Well sure, because Apple customers lock themselves into Apple's ecosystem without a second thought.
Apple knows how to but a good brand, but doesn't seem to have a damn clue how to do much else.
When you compare Apple to Microsoft / Google / HTC / etc it becomes very clear that Apple has succeeded in making their brand appear more valuable, and patent trolling.
Apple intentionally targets the 'just want a device I can't break through software' market.
Fact is, if you are an tech enthusiast then you have no reason to buy Apple. If they changed their market strategy to a more cost-effective or open style then I would support them, but they don't want to be the biggest electronic device maker, they want to be the most profitable electronic device maker.
Niggers love iphone, why do you think apple has anti-black anti-theft features? Nignogs love to steal that shit.
It's probably why Tim Cook bought nigger beats, he recognized his company's true heritage.
So am I not a faggot for owning a macbook?
Mac master race
When was the last time apple released a 100 dollar poorfag phone?
Suddenly I'm seriously considering voting for Hillary now.
Vote Trump or stay home faggot.
wtf im a johnsonjoint now
As long as you're not voting Hillary, I'm happy.
I've got bad news for you...
Where's my iPhone.... what is Aleppo? Uhhh I SMOKE WEEEEEEED!
Even more bad news for you... Jill Stein isn't an option for you either.
Holy shit lad. Holla Forums likes to go on about how every congress member attends every yearly AIPAC summit, but at last I truly see that all of our politicians are in the wormy hands of the Apple World Order.
It's not just politicians. Here's the greatest programmer of our generation...
He's part of the club.
Did you trust Assange to shed light on this cabal? I hope not.
Judging by the thread, it's just that the uneducated (and thus, poor) are sour grapes over apple products
which is pic related. why is he so perfect Holla Forums?
Probably because he's educated and wealthy enough to use an iPhone
Fuck off Google, this is Holla Forums. Also, checkem.
But the Pixel is more expensive than an iPhone?
I know, it's hilarious.
And of the retards here bought it
Ferrari is a luxury, sounds amazing, looks amazing, goes really fast. Iphone is not a luxury, galaxy edges look better and ios is a piece of crap.
Nice try though. If you want a phone to compare with ferrari, it's vertu or Porsche design stuff.
Nice opinions, thanks for showing us how wrong you can be.
Nice argument, thanks for useless sentence
if u are buying shit from apple ur a sucker
ITT : reddit infiltrators DEFENDING == APPLE ==
I'm sure reddit would bother with a shithole that's lucky to break 20pph
Pretty sure Assange would be using tails on that mbp.
Is there a way to emulate android/iOS on PC minus botnet?
Every android emulator seems to datamine and I don't think there's any not-completely-shit iOS emulator
I should imagine. I tried to find a picture of either Stallman or Snowden using Apple, but those didn't seem to exist.
literally google fuck you
Losers focus on winners; winners focus on winning.
Checks out
No wonder they keep focusing on the "Macbook Pro" brand even though they don't have remotely professional hardware specs
I love Trump, Apple, and Jesus. You made >>>Holla Forums ?
I hate making mistakes while shitposting
tfw apple price gouges the least in australia
That buyer's remorse over a laptop that doesn't have the connectivity to do 720p30 external output sure hit hard, didn't it