What does Holla Forums think of uncle ted?

What does Holla Forums think of uncle ted?

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i like ted
he targeted porky scum
he ebin meme nuffin

Primitivist scum who can't into anti-civ with technology.

Do you guys think him being a tranny had something to do with his fear of the tech phallus?

Does that mean that Zerzan is also a tranny in disguise?

lol whut

little known fact, look it up

whoa, I've never heard of that before. Seems to me that his disavowal of the tech phallus would be a disavowal of the agency over the tech phallus while nonetheless wanted to get fucked by it like a primitivist fuckboy, considering that primtivism could never hope to rid the world of technology even if there were a primitivist revolution.

Primitivism really was a mistake.

Memes aside, primitivists make a good argument when they talk about the progress of civilization as a process of domestication of humans. It's not that different from Weber argument of expanding rationalization and the the steel cage.
Primitivists get discredit for reason external to their arguments.

pic related, Ted birthday on May 22, please send him a primitive meme

several typos:

Though I personally lean towards being a tech-fetishist, I agree that primitivists do have some really good arguments against civilization.

I highly disagree with their conclusions, however.

An-greenie and teddie literature interests me sometimes because of their insistence that technology is being used to enslave us.

I think technology definitely changes our minds very subtly. But, it's here to stay. So we will have to adapt with it.

Since when does Holla Forums give a shit about Republican candidates?

agreed. Primitivists would be tolerable if they weren't so retarded.

Former primitivist here. I was attracted to it because it seemed like, the simplest and most effective way to fix all the shit in the world.

Basically my thought process was:

Of course, I wasn't properly introduced to leftist theory, nor did I really understand it.

But here's what's surprising, you'd like to think ted would be all over "le noble savages" right?

But he isn't. He's got a whole 50 page paper saying how shiity life was for hunter - gatherers. Yet, he wants to revert to that. I can't understand his motivation

I don't think of him at all, tbh.

I enjoy primitivist writings, their critiques are fun to mentally masturbate over. But anyone who actually thinks the destruction of civilization and tech is good idea needs to spend a month in a forest and realize being a hunter-gatherer isn't all fun and games.

I hate primitivism more than any other political ideology. They should be rounded up and gassed. Not even being edgy.

because he was fucking insane

Ted's a smart guy, and I can sympathize with his desire for a survivalist existence and his frustration with modern society. However, his rejection of technology was misguided and his "attacks" on random bourgeois were retarded and pointless.

The proper response to modern capitalism must embrace and use technology, not reject it. The counter to industrial destruction must also be a communal, collective movement, and not a return to tribalism or primitive individual survivalism.

He was pretty much out of his mind. According to the overlord Wikipedia he's only in prison right now because the court opted for a plea agreement to avoid giving Uncle Ted media exposure. If he were fully tried for insanity, it probably would've worked.

Good on you, though. It takes a man to admit that they believe something stupid.

I think he went insane and his actions were counterproductive.
It's sad, because I think in other ways, he was probably very smart.

He was totally insane.

However if you haven't already I would recommend reading his manifesto (through tor or something, don't put yourself on a list)

He actually makes a number of 'interesting' points and parts of his somewhat scattered methodology explicitly borrows from historical materialism.

Hell, he even advocates for a weird sort of anti-technology vanguard movement towards the end.

I remember reading somewhere that Anders Brevik ripped off part of his manifesto and switched the words around with "cultural marxist".

I guess he was inspired by him then.

He thinks that where mankind is headed is even shittier.

He thinks that where mankind is headed is even shittier.

Technology is being used to enslave us. The inventivity of the worlds intelligence agencies is hardly secret at this point. If you read the State and Revolution you can see Lenin railing against the trend towards an ever more controlled society just as surely as any Alex Jones viewer might today. Destroy the technology and we're back to the far more fallible system of rulers being dependent on lots of police with pointy sticks, no?



but why doe

