Hey guys, new here

Hey guys, new here.

What's your opinion on post-leftist anarchy and other "lifestylers"?

I kind of think that they're shitty relics of 90's postmodernism, and are more performance art than theory.

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It's pure, bourgie kid's reactionary Ideology 101.

Fuck off tripfag.

I think that post-left anarchy brought some important topics into the conversation of contemporary anarchist theory, but that it does not function in-itself as a position within anarchism, nor is that its intention. And IMO, there isn't any solutions to be presented, because the idea of a worker-lead revolution is a thing of the past that will never happen again. And even if it did, we'd likely have the same problems that anarchists had and that Marxists had, and even if against all odds we somehow just got things right this time, we'd be dealing with a world permanently fucked by capitalism.

Nevertheless, post-left anarchy can get tiresome. Not because it's not 'leftist" - like I give a shit. More that it is insistent on critiquing everything, and I am not against using labels out of convenience, and I don't always think being an individualist is that important. More a practical concern, since really you never actually have access to the Ego, but only can know it via proxy through the Self, which is a spook.

Also, I think that we're in the tail end of post-left anarchy. It cannot last forever, but rather was a specific reaction against the failures of classical anarchism in the 20th century.

Bookchin, being a holdover of classical anarchism, was buttblasted and slandered anything not-Bookchin with the monumentally useless term, "lifestylism".

Has some valid criticism of the left. Keyword is some, most of it is just idiotic dribble.
Cancer is a preferable alternative to lifestylist's.

Sorry. Too used to halfchan /mu/. Everyone on that board is a fucking tripfag

Literally garbage. The "post-left" will never accomplish anything. Ever.

Nice trips tho

Actually, no, I take that back; the post-left has succeeded in significantly influencing the conversation amongst the anarchist community. Marxism and leftist anarchism continues meanwhile to exist almost entirely in static organizations like unions and academia that have been entirely purged of any revolutionary potential.

They make significant critiques of parts of the left, such as being trapped in the 20th century thought and the continued suggestions for the use of effectively bourgeois institutions and methods to try to overthrow capitalism.

Their answers to the problems though are questionable in their coherency, let alone validity.

When you want to tear something down, you need to have something to replace it.

Post-leftists don't have anything to replace the system with.

Wow, look, it's literally nothing.

We've been accomplishing quite a lot as of late, actually. You probably just don't keep up with the news.
Hop off our nuts anytime post-left anarcucks.

Jesus christ has this board went full fucking reddit latelty with all the fucking ignorance. Bet your the same fucking poster shoving all those stupid fucking educated opinions fucking everywhere holy fucking shit.

Oh my god, its fucking nothing! Jack shit happend at Greece, Bernie is losing big time and Trump is winning big time. And occupy 2.0 with the major lack of theory and appeal to reformism wont save leftism.

Sadly most fuckers here havent even read Social anarchism or lifestyle anarchism: an unbridgeable chasm to know what a lifestyle anarchist is. The majority of the whole book was about Hakim Bey his concepts of Black magic and TAZ's and the whole primitivism movement while pushing all the problems that has occurred in leftism in the 20th century Anarchism on Individualism. With all its drival of self autonomy and pursuit for pleasure wich Bookchin considers counter revolutionary and degenerate. He flat out ignores all the hedo'istic practises that has been done within social anarchist society's like in the Paris Commune and Anarchist Spain. I do consider him in being right when he says that Lifestylism is following only desires,impulse interests and that its the slavery of hedoism, (old'leftist revolutionary fall into the same category but in the way of idealogical masturbation that they are part of the struggle to revolution as some kind of bolshevik internet LARP'er) that people follow pleasure only as a means and not transform society permanently to utilize it fully for the satisfaction of the self. (The concept of the TAZ does this verry slightly but only temporarily without any long lasting results)

His criticism on Stirner and the Situationist International is tankie tier calling it petite bourgeoisie for not following his Marxist Leninst style of idealogical conscription for all human beings to participate in the ends of Socialism in the vision of himself.

Actual good posts.

Also Bump

I didn't read a lot about it, just a bit of Bob Black (his book on NEETism, which I find interesting but I disagree with it) and Larry Law. What authors do you recommend?

Well, Nuit Debout is in majority made of people who are no longer attracted to reformism. A lot are advocating general strike, and there are also quite a few insurrectionists. I remember a woman during a meeting who burned her electoral card in front of everybody. It wasn't just edginess, french leftists are fed up with representative "democracy".


Has the goverment adressed them yet or is it becoming a timebomb?

Search up huge_ass or something

Some politicians talk about it, mostly in a negative way. People in the gov don't seem to care and just smugly ignore them.

Well, what do the post-leftists want to replace the system with? I'd imagine it'd be something like Egoism.

Nothing. They have no theory.

I already answered this question elsewhere in the thread.

Post-left anarchy, as the name implies, is a trend of thought that critiques anarchy's relationship historically with the Left. That's fucking it. It is a loose body of contemporary anarchist theory sharing this sentiment. There are some who would posit replacing it with Egoism, some who would posit replacing it with a form of post-work communism (of the same kind the Situationists conceptualized), some who would replace it with primitivism, some who disavow a hard answer to what will come next, and some who don't believe that capitalism can even be crushed by a worker-lead revolution or that we can hope to formulate a theory of a post-capitalist society that wouldn't just reproduce capitalism and liberalism. I fall into the lattermost camp myself, though I also in practical terms would support a kind of Egoist communism like the For Ourselves collective imagines in The Right to be Greedy.

But in any event, the argument that post-left anarchy has no theory or no solutions is based on a fundamental misunderstanding of what post-left anarchy is. It is a sentiment and a body of writings dealing with some specific issues in the interest of moving forward to a new anarchy that won't simply try the same shit over and over again that classical anarchism tried in the 20th century and failed in. They take the Situationists' and Nietzsche's critiques of anarchism and anarchists very seriously and don't simply dismiss the failures of kekalonia and Free Territory Ukraine as "b-but the tankies just betrayed us everything was perfect before that :'((("

People like this faggot can fuck off, basically

Shit fam I forgot it was still 2015 and that hasn't utterly failed yet

Continue to cling to your pithy victories comrade. Meanwhile fascism is on the rise in Europe, and the far right is becoming increasingly vocal in the US, while capitalism shows no signs of not falling apart into something decidedly worse than capitalism. And yet, as pessimistic as Holla Forums is about the prospects for the Left, they're always quick to cite these few small instances of fucking anything at all happening whenever post-left anarchy is brought up.

why is her mouth on the side of her face

It's pretty shit if you hate fun.

Ah, I see. Most of these sound a critique of the idea of a System with a capital 'S'. Very refreshing, and very useful in this age.

I think that Holla Forums clings to whatever victory we get at this point.