How do we deal with people like this, Holla Forums?

How do we deal with people like this, Holla Forums?

I'd send her to the gulag but something doesn't feel right about punishing indigenous people when I'm white.

Other urls found in this thread:

I'm indigenous. Put me in charge of the gulag, and I will take care of her and all the other post-colonial fucks that you can round up.

What? Why?


At least a lifetime in the Gulag

That's not, like, racist, or anything!


If calling a socialist a name is enough to stop them from doing what is necessary to secure the final victory of the proletariat, we really have become quite a pathetic bunch.


Looking at the picture, she's lilly white, is she trans-indigenous or something?

Not that the color of her skin changes her ideas being shit

It comes off as chauvinistic.

She looks pretty indigenous to me.

NOT punishing is chauvinistic.
AKA not treating as equals.


Do you need glasses?

Executing counter-revolutionaries, whatever their motivation, will secure final victory.

Look at her cheeks.

She's indigenous.

Or nordic

Ok. I say we start with Tankies and continue with anarkids. :^)

She's mislead.

The kind of Marxism she's describing sounds like economism.

So u want 1,000 years in the gulag or shooting squad? :)

Ironic that she criticises Marxism as capitalism in disguise when her politics seems entirely aimed at landing a cushy gig as a diversity advisor.

You could have just left it at that.

As a scottish guy i'm both indigenous and white and victim of imperial oppression.

Whats a honky to do

Irish bros can you feel this shit?


You let them be, they are puppets of porky by means of the media the consume.

Its a common tactic.
You go look for the most pathetic sheltered group you can find, they will be borderline insane people whose beliefs cannot stand
the slightest scrutiny by reason, and thus the slightest interaction with the real world.
They will be in sheltered communities where they can validate each other.Then you progressively offer them validation in media
, steering them to wards communities or environments you control.Now you expose these people to other less extreme insane
retards and shape their delusion to your content,remember that they stil need your validation.

This is how old style autistic "white knights" got shaped into the early tumblr filth, that later got mixed with liberals to make today's SJW's/liberuls, the media makes their own audience.
This is how the autism kings of old forums got shaped into the early tumblr otherkin/tulpa and today's much more moderate furfags.

There is no point discussing with these people since the origin of their beliefs is the validation they receive, they have already lost the battle against reason.
Targeting the junkie gets you a broken mad-with-withdrawal person, instead target the sleazebags that enable this scum.

Just tell them they're wrong. That's all you have to do.

How do you feel about the Irish?


Holy shit 'I'm dying.

Kek where is this from?

This is good.

Aye siwmae remember the potato famine. You have nothing to fear of your average friendly Hibernian.

Has anyone got the "Greeks were Jews" meme?

I need it in case Satanchan comes back.

The problem, of course, is the Jews.

I'm part indigenous and a communist and this woman is dumb as hell.

Reading the original post and the follow-up post ensures me she knows nothing of Marxism, or the very indigenous societies she champions. The Incas literally had a labor tax. The Mayas and the Aztecs were both slave societies which took captives from war and subjected them to all sorts of forced labor. SURPRISE! - recognizing labor exists is not a white person thing. Yes, some indigenous societies were close to communism, but a large number of them weren't. There isn't a single "indigenous culture" and many Natives had tribal wars with each other and dominated others.

This is the clash of civilizations and the noble savage gone wayyy too far.
Good Sassenach

She seems like she has an undiagnosed case of some mental illness, likely schizophrenia that would go better if she were treated

Thank you comrade, made my day.



Wonderful - let's bring back the chiefs and tribal warlords.

she just gets even more wew every comment

Which proves for a fact these people have never read Marx.

I like how she talks about how Marx has anti-indigenous views on land

I forget, were native american tribes founded on the concept of private property?

i want to round up every psuedo-intellectual postcolonialist on the planet and force them at gunpoint to actually read Fanon and Marx in depth and get them to try and explain where the contradiction is.
the only good postcolonialists are the ones who read Marx.

Even Said complained about Marx being "orientalist" for fucking up on the Asiatic mode of production or some shit.

I really hope she's a checkingoftheprivilege-tier troll.

This girl's got some top level shilling going on

That's kind of sad TBH. I take it she's unemployed and in need of some help. But shit.

Wow she is a mongoloid.

A bit too deterministic to call them puppets of porky. Ideology is more passive and self-propagating than people here seem to think.

She seems to be into post-colonial theory, which isn't inherently anti-Marxist (look at Fanon) but isn't necessarily liberal or capitalist either.

Apparently """""""solidarity """"""" with people of color doesn't apply to Asians

Seriously this woman is the biggest Canadian meme goldmine since Comrade Jason

There is quite a bit of PoCo which borders on anti-Marxist, in the sense that it promotes a line far closer to straight-up nationalism and considers Marxism orientalist for pointing out class conflict in, say, the Caliphate or caste system.

Oh a lot of it is definitely anti-Marxist (and anti-liberal), but not all of it.


So much of Post Colonialism is nationalist to the point of borderline racism

The only people they don't tell to go back is African Americans (Cause that would be racist)

This video is genius.

Their logic in that is that the Africans Americans did not come by choice so being there is fine. Only the evil whites and asians have to go back.

Well, my ancestors risked being hacked to death in the pogroms, so I take it Jews can stay too?

The thing is most of these low intelligence """"""""activists"""""""" have Holla Forums tier opinions on Jews because muh banksters

Don't get me started.
Please. If I told you I was going to become a baal teshuvah, the first thing you would ask me is: "Are you pro-Israel now?".

Fuck Israel, but seriously.

"post colonialism" is worthless idpol and has nothing to do with creating a better society or left wing politics. Does anyone outside of rich cucks in college actually pay attention to that trash?

I hope not.

Edward Said's big guy was Foucault. Seldom does he go into relations of production, or how the West and East had mutualist trade relations during certain periods of history. I don't deny that some of Said's stuff can be useful for Marxists but it's definitely NOT a Marxist understanding of how the colonial systems functioned.

Honestly as someone with indigenous heritage, I would not like to live in this poorly-educated woman's vision. It would be like the Killing Fields x10. How does she expect the 2% of the Canadian population which is First Nations to drive out all the whites, Asians, and Middle Easterners/Pakistanis/Indians?

That question would make sense.

If that's the case, then you can't really say "Zionism does not equal Judaism" with a straight face, no?

…is this what they're doing to try to break us up?

I hate how the various Jewish groups in America push this bullshit lie that all Jews love Israel uncritically and are Zionists. A lot of Jews I know irl are not Zionists

You know, I was gonna say something about how we shouldn't joke about gulags so much, but after reading more of this woman's posts, she needs to go to the gulag.

Don't deal with people like that.
Deal with people who have no opinion who might read shit like that. It's the untapped mind we need to approach, not the ones drowning in ideology and falsehoods.

To be fair that's what happened with the USSR. She still got it twisted, though.

Hating naomi klein is totally right tho
And state capitalism does suck more than market capitalism usually

Great, she's a holier-than-thou liberal in decolonialist form. She clearly doesn't get Marx, and she doesn't get decolonialism. The only thing she gets is "outraged" and the brownie points that follow from other ignorant liberals. For a person who hates Marx, she seems to be agreeing with a lot of his critique of capitalism.

It's clear that she hasn't read Marx, or any other communist writer.
She speaks as if Stalin and Mao did exactly what Marx has written in his work, which, well, all of the americans do.
The only hope is that Trump wins and the whole world unites its forces to wipe out the US from the map.

Yeah. It's big in the Chicano and African Nationalist movements. It's not a worthless framework because from what I've read on it, it includes Marxist critiques against a larger complex of "coloniality." Capitalism is to them just one of many systems reproduced under this complex.

I should point out that decolonialism/post-colonialism is not revolutionary and is instead just a critical and epistemological framework. The point of "decolonizing the mind" is to think from within this system of coloniality and to challenge normative assumptions though the consideration of colonial history and shit. It's not to feign outrage over online. I wouldn't be surprised if most proper decolonial advocates were leftists; the Black Panthers are an example.

Yeah that's why I said she got it twisted. You can probably blame it on the terrible education system in the US and the decades-old smear campaign against the entire Left. People here think Socialism = Marxism = Communism = Authoritarianism = whatever fuckin else.

And you're being quite gentle here, most of the americans with whom I spoke about leftism consider everything being non-conservative/right "liberal", even communists and plain anarchists. Hell, I even found some who say that Trump is more left-leaning than Obama and Sanders.

Ah yeah, I've met some like that as well, but I grew up in a pretty nice area where the schools aren't completely shit so the worst I would hear was "OBAMA IS A SOCIALIST." My friend down the street was already representing Lenin in middle school, his older brother always voted Green and took regular part in activism at the time. This is most certainly not the norm.

Fucking yikes.

Forced labor as a comedian. Take all the people with such silly beliefs and put them in a gulag together with hidden cameras. Make entertainment out of them shouting at each other. And of course have them do actual work, like farming or whatever.

Laffing already m80

Whoops, meant to say "clown"

Oh, ok

Give up your spooks and punish her.

I'm not American so I am not familar with the context of those movements.

Regardless, I base my understanding of postcolonial theory through the brilliant work of the Marxist Indian sociologist Vivek Chibber's "Postcolonial Theory and the Specter of Capital" which has good reviews from both Zizek and Chomsky: I highly recommend getting your hands on it if you can.

("This is the One True Way and epistemology of The Oppressed and if you disagree you're a cis/het/straight/white/male" is a pretty massive spook regardless.)

I'll check that out. As far as I know decolonial/postcolonial theories are not widely accepted and with regards to all I read on them it's simply presented as an "option" among many other critical frameworks (postmodernism, Marxism, feminism, etc.). There's a lot of differing opinions between writers and such too. The book I had to read encouraged combining viewpoints; it's not a theory so much as a way of looking at things. I think that's fair because for certain ethnic groups it IS valuable to consider your current status as being the result of a long history of imperialism/colonialism. This is probably why this only ever took off in Chicano (Mexican-American) movements and such. And it's not as if these people were explicitly engaging in "postcolonial theory" either, but that the Black Panthers were combining Marxist critiques with communist revolutionary texts in a uniquely anti-racist, anti-imperialist, Black nationalist perspective naturally makes it "decolonial" in nature. When people talk about such-and-such "diaspora" that's decolonial/postcolonial thinking. It has it's own uses, I'd say. I'm not exactly that interested in it so I never read on it further.

Yeah, see I'd say that anyone using it in this manner is missing the point entirely. But since internet liberals need to be cutting-edge, maybe postcolonial outrage is the new hip thing. I've recently noticed more people virtue-signaling moral outrage in defense of "indigenous people". No specifics, just this generic, overly-simplistic and ironically racist label of "indigenous people." This shit needs to stop.

He's more left than Obama and Clinton though once you get rid of the immigration spook

Well some Asians came to america as coolies working in the construction of the trans-continental railroad, does that count?

Galician here. I feel you bro.

Tell her that asking for PayPal donations is contributing to imperialism because PayPal was invented by Elon Musk (cishet white south african oppressor) and takes a fee from all transactions.


I'm honestly unsure whether this person is a Holla Forums falseflag account now

She's getting a shit ton of likes for all her stupid things

This girl's got her racist tiers all set up

1 Native Muh Peoples
2 Blacks
3 Latinos
4 Palestinians
5 Other Middle Easterners
9000001 Asians
900000000000001^9001 White

Leave it to modern PoCos to form their own racial hierarchies.

Pretty much everyone but Africans has to fuck off back to their home continent. Unless it's Europe in which case Refugees Welcome.

OP has swallowed the "morality depends on what color you are" pill.

Well she's right if you replace "white" with "rich".

I just love that post along with a gibs me dat to muh paypal link. It's like she's trying to shame white people into giving her money

Remember #GiveYourMoneyToWomen?

Basically the same shit right here

I don't remember that, but it sounds cancerous

Pretty much this.

His fiscal policy is arguably yo the left of Clinton's.

Welp, looks like she deactivated her account. RIP in peace.

How about gulag yourself first, that should take care of the bigger problem

She's just a black dick sucker.

Throw enough black dick at her and she will shut up.

Pretty sure eurocentric standards of sexuality don't apply to her.

She was on stimulator (in a positive light), apparently:

Cringe as fuck. Goes to show anarkiddies like stimulator will cling to anything to appear "alternative".

she sounds like a spoiled brat throughout the whole thing.

I hate this shit, the idea that only Natives can be "true" environmentalists because they possess some kind of super-sacred wisdom about the earth that only they can understand. It's Noble Savage to the core.

I don't get she acts like no one knows that people are living on stolen, colonized land. WE KNOW. There's just no going back from it. It's absurd to think that you can undo centuries of colonialism and just toss these indigenous folks some land back like "here you go, sorry for the misunderstanding!" What good is that land going to do for them after you've been fucking them and the land over for all this time? All you can do is help empower them. Acting a fucking fool and getting outraged on their behalf is not doing that. I fucking hate people like this.

It's racism, plain and simple. The fact that she she thinks she's in any place to speak on behalf of all indigenous people is ridiculous, but it just goes to show how self-centered and disingenuous these types of people are. They don't give a fuck.
