Who else knows this feel?
Luckily she only found the 2d lolis
Mummy found the loli folder
should have said it was a virus that put it on your computer or something tbh fam
serves you right for living with a stupid bitch
That's not your mummy, that's my wife!
Serves you right for living with a stupid fetish
serves you right for living
They will probably make you go into therapy. I don't believe you at all though.
How did you leave your computer unlocked for such a thing to happen?
suggest therapy
welcome to the next chapter of your life user
tell your mom everything with the pictures stuff is going just great, then do your thing in therapy
I left my encrypted porn folder mounted while cleaning my dick off in the bathroom and when i came back she was looking at my computer. I don't know why that fucking cunt was even awake at this time, let alone fucking around in my room.
Haha fucking degnerate pedo. REKT
Awful mistake. Never leave your computer unlocked when you leave. At least set it to auto lock after 2 minutes.
I refuse to believe this shit.
but if real, how old are you?
how come you let your mom browse your files on your computer?
aw nevermind, just read this, kek
do you have lil sis OP?
it's over. just fugg her right in the pussy and hang yourself.
or rape your mom.
i am familiar with this feel
I don't believe you.
It sounds like she threw something heavy against the door before finally going away. Hopefully she's fucking off for the rest of the night. Daddy's going to be home in like 7 hours though. What the fuck am I going to do? How the fuck can I ever look at my parents again?
rape your mom and kill your dad when he get home
fake story. move on
Dude. This man knows his shit.
pretend you're insane, go mad with rage and destroy your room, paint the walls in your feces and cum, make them send you to the nuthouse.
Yeah, take it to the next level. Make a YouTube channel, garner 50 millionish followers with let's plays, get enforced by Disney, then make Jew jokes. Just fuckin go crazy
Just mention that the mohammad married a 9 yr old in the quran and your trying to do the same but going slowly by trying to find underage hieroglyphic girls attractive
That won't work. It's a wrap for you, OP!
Oh you are so fucked OP.
Is you mom hot, if so tap that shit and show her who's the boss
Make a backup drive and ensconce it away before daddy thrashes you and hands you and your puter to the constabulary.
I think you're right. It's been quiet for a while now, but the storm is far from over. I'm seriously considering wiping my harddrive and going on the run before daddy gets home. I'm probably going to get kicked out anyway if I don't.
Or he'll say it's in the blood and then takes you out for a beer.
Magnet wipe the thing, especially if you have legit cp, since they might want to search the drive now.
I thought you people were good at encryption and shit that all that crap you crypted wasn't found for hundreds of years after your death. Fucking hell nigga, you done goofed. Best curse that shit now.
Magnets are a meme. If they want to find something on the hard drive, they will
What about fire and a big hammer?
Bury it OP, throw it ontop a random roof after being smashed or something.
You better be deleting anything that wasn't found. It's too late to delete what was already seen. It raises suspicion and hurts your story.
Most pedos are 40+ white men sending CP to each other via Yahoo webmail
A lot of time deleting stuff isn't actually deleted so that could cause a problem
If they find what OP's mom found and nothing else, there's no reason to do a search for more. What she saw isn't illegal. If he deletes what she already saw, it's a clear sign that he had even more and possibly worse, and that's enough reason to investigate further.
I don't think egyptians could have send emails hundreds of years ago or if yahoo even existed then.
this is what screen lock is for you dumb fuck
if that's true, you deserve everything
I didn't want to install unnecessary packages and bloat my system so I never installed one. My hands were covered in cum so it's not like I could lock it anyway.
post a webm of your mom crying with a timestamp so we know this is real
Fuck off dad, you don't understand me!
is op still here?
I sort of know that feel
greentext it pls
Can't even look her in the face…
Mummy hasn't come back and I've been sitting here in the dark crying for hours now. I have probably three hours until daddy gets home and then we'll see what happens. I'm predicting something akin to webm related. I want to fill a backpack or something with supplies in case I have to leave but I'm afraid to leave my room.
you should record when your dad comes home, your family is pretty much over anyway.
Depends on the country/state you're in user.
You're fucked if it's britbongistan, but you may have to kill your mother bury her in the woods with milk to speed decomposition down to 6 moths
How old are you, user? Is daddy going to give you a spanking for collecting naughty cartoons?
This only works if it's far away from the road, as the moths often give away the body's position due to checking out vehicles.
Be sure to record it and/or take photos.
live stream it faggot or fake
how else would you generate memes you dumbass
What does he usually spank you with?
his dick
I've got mine set for the screen saver to come on after 1 minute, once that happens, the system locks within 5 seconds. That way if I'm in front of the computer and the screensaver comes up, I can quickly move the mouse before it locks.
what episode is the second one from?
Are those fuckers just trying yo get caught? The security on that is basically shit.
kys sandnigger
Remember; you are never safe. I recall this one episode of Border Security when a boat passed canadian waters and the captain was arrested because he had an external hard drive in his pocket and they searched it.
Iran? If so, I want to switch places with you. I'd totally love to live in a country where gays are hung and we get to stone atheists. You can live over here in burgeristan where half the people are godless.
Yet they couldn't find jack shit on Hillary's computers or servers after she merely used the utility BleachBit.
So, they either can't find anything, especially if you overwrite 0s on the entire hard-drive with BleachBit, or something similar; or you, OP, are fucked, and so is Hillary Clinton!
because you are full of shit, OP. I do not believe your story, nor do I think you can get into any trouble for 2D loli in the USA not that you live here!
But you sure are stupid, OP.
ALL of you, and your ilk.
Validate your mother by agreeing with everything she says.
Then say, but I was born this way and that there isn't anything that can be done.
If they bitch at you and than leave it at that youre probably ok. If the call the cops, an hero. Its better to die with some honour than to be someones bitch for a few year stretch.
And we will continue to be godless.
In that picture why does the way you cut matter
One way is for attention, the other way is for results.
What you should have done is put a folder on the desktop that says CHILD PORNO or in my documents and leave a few text files in it like I JUST TURNED.TXT AND ON THE WEBCAM.TXT YOU GIANT PERV.TXT
Or maybe actually run a script or macro using Windows powershell to turn on the WEBCAM when someone logs on or opens a certain folder. Just print out the picture and go WHAT THE FUCK IS THIS SHIT? THIS WAS MEANT FOR HACKERS OR IF SOMEONE STEALS MY COMPUTER DEAR GOD I NEVER THOUGHT MY OWN MOTHER WOULD DO THIS OHHHHHHH
Or you could just jerk it to regular porn and get a girlfriend!!
Is such a task even feasible?
Yea just walk up to someone you're interested in and offer them a body massage! Itll work eventually.
just fucking kill yourself lolifaggot
Don't trigger him man. Just don't do it.
Hahaha fucking faggot. If this story really is true you fucked yourself in the ass tbh. What you need is a usb drive and you need to make sure that's in hiding or tightly around your neck. People like you are incredibly stupid.
Why the fuck would you even save porn ,let alone loli, just go on fucking /loli/ if you need to rub one out for christs sake.
so many normos in this thread
all op did wrong was fap and without a plan to clean up, but his mom did seem very nosy, either something tipped her off, or she was curious what her son still living with her was doing
Fuck, have fun finding a girlfriend who likes your collection.
Jackin it jackin it whackity whack, looking at little kids while flipping the flap, whackity whackity you caught flappin the bat.
Too bad it was your mom, bro.
Do he really have to find a girlfriend that likes his collection?
If he finds a young woman, she is the collection.
Kek I've seen this too. He eventually told the police their might be cp on it but he wasn't sure KEK HE GOT R3KT
Autism confirmed. How did you manage to come all over your fucking hands.
Three things you could've used to prevent this autistic shit.
It was just a joke. I guess that gets lost in text.
Your computer actually constantly sends a bunch of identifying information about your processor serial number in order to constantly make sure your windows edition is valid!!
So most of your encryption and whatever can be cross referenced with your equipment and accessing times with a subpoena.
Give me back my magic girlfriend.
Not everyone uses windows bro
That information is actually stored at several different locations as DNS servers pass your requests through a series of nodes. So who knows what's happening with that data.
Nope. They don't.
The higher your autism the less likely you are to use windows.
Don't worry though OP, I'm sure you're just being set up to be a future target.
It's open season on US citizens!
Right and since there's such a huge influx of Normie's here I'm doing the riiiiight thing.
shaking boy legs 。◕‿◕。
breathless boys moaning (◡‿◡✿)
little boy body twitches (◕‿◕✿)
curled boy toes (ღ˘⌣˘ღ)
boys whimpering (✿ ❤‿❤)
quivering boy lips and glossed over eyes (ノ´∀`)
boys having squirmy little orgasms *:.。. o(≧▽≦)o .。.:*
_MUSIC_ to my ears ヽ(*・ω・)ノ
I wish I could've fucked you, when you were eight years old.
Open command prompt with administrative privilege.
Type slmgr -help in the command box and press 'Enter'.
Here is one of the screens used by the verification SERVER that is always active. It uses a separate system clock to make sure you can't reprogram the clock and us it without activating and registering your PC with Microsoft.
Those IDs are generated by your hardware. There's tons of that shit in the form of registry keys in 'regedit'.
OK I'm sure you're totally immune then.
So make sure you don't just delete! Destroy all windows, Intel, Mac hardware and set it on fire. Or microwave it.
Do you realize you're fapping to cartoons drawn by fat horny japanese hikikomori?
This post sounds like it's from the same autist on /r9k/ complaining that his parents found his cum macaroni.
how old are u?
what are the latest news op?
">Parents found the x" is a common shitpost on /r9k/.
Old brainwashed people don't understand logic. And it's not a legal thing, it's a moral thing. She probably believes hell exists and that you'll spend eternity in it for fapping to lolis.
doesnt sound so bad tobh
at least he wasnt caught making and then drinking the 8ch cocktail
thats a hard one to explain
thats not spending eternity fapping to lolis
in many cases thats barely an afterlife and just an endless continuation of the norm
Kill yourself pedo
Dude who fucking cares? It's your life masterbate to whatever the fuck you want. Don't be such a bitch
That explains why my clock is always fucked up on my pirated OS
Update? did your dad come home yet?
update op
not knowing about filling everything with zeros and cumming on the hard-disk and setting it on fire and breaking it, throwing 1/5th in the toilet, bury the next 1/5th in the back yard, drive to the graveyard and just throw the next 1/5th somewhere random, going to the park and giving the next 1/5th to some kid and tell him it's magic, and throw the last 1/5th out of the window as you drive home