Holla Forums calls Molyneux

The more you know.

b-but you don't understand. My specific interpretation of marx has never been tried. And if it was, it would work.



they also have shit taste in music/the arts…
because they crudely copy and paste Holla Forums oc and just slap their own retarded shit unto it.

Mental gymnastics of >>>/leftycuck/ is amazing.

/leftycuck/ you have much to learn. at least calling him the foo man you would have had a legitimate argument.

you forget that they're newfags. they aren't even from around here.
maximum intelligence.

USSR - United Soviet Socialist Republics. They had socialism, not communism. Communism is stateless society - anarchy


Voting every day between the workers about what to do with the factory we used to work at, that is totally the system I want.
I mean, what could go wrong with a direct democracy over the means of production at your work place?

Reasons Why Democracy Doesn’t Work

Aprioristic Equality

One of the foundations of democracy is the assumption that all votes are equal. Well, that’s the theory—but in fact it is rarely so (more on that later). It assumes that all opinions are worth the same, which is quite a big leap of faith, since we are putting the same value on the opinions of the educated and the ignorant, and the law-abiding citizens and crooks.

Even if you think that all people are created equal, it is obvious that their environments are very different—and as a result, so is their character. By assuming that all opinions are equal you are also assuming that most people are able to reach a rational, informed decision after seriously exploring all pros and cons.

It is an accepted fact that liberal democracy is the worst possible political system—except for all others (thank you, Sir Winston). This list doesn’t aim to advocate tyranny, but to review the flaws and failures of the democratic process.

We are not perfect—and neither are our governments, since they are made by humans too. It is most advisable to be skeptical, even of democracy itself. After all, even Thomas Jefferson was wary of the “tyranny of the masses”.

People Voting

One of the foundations of democracy is the assumption that all votes are equal. Well, that’s the theory—but in fact it is rarely so (more on that later). It assumes that all opinions are worth the same, which is quite a big leap of faith, since we are putting the same value on the opinions of the educated and the ignorant, and the law-abiding citizens and crooks.

Even if you think that all people are created equal, it is obvious that their environments are very different—and as a result, so is their character. By assuming that all opinions are equal you are also assuming that most people are able to reach a rational, informed decision after seriously exploring all pros and cons.


A common criticism of democracy is that in the end it devolves into a popularity contest. Polls don’t decide who is right—that’s simply decided by whoever is most willing to say what people like to hear. As a result, many candidates to political office resort to populism, pursuing policies that focus on the immediate satisfaction of whims instead of long-term improvements.

Populist leaders focus on emotion before reason and “common sense” over more academic wisdom, which often produces bad ideas that will be defended with the stubbornness of a mule, regardless of whether they are good or bad.

It Can’t Really Work

That pure democracy cannot work is not a personal opinion—it is a mathematical result of Arrow’s impossibility theorem. According to this theorem, so long as there are more than two candidates, there is no possible voting system that can ensure the satisfaction of three crucial criteria for fairness:

– If every voter prefers alternative X over alternative Y, then the group prefers X over Y.

– If every voter’s preference between X and Y remains unchanged, then the group’s preference between X and Y will also remain unchanged.

– There is no “dictator”; no single voter possesses the power to always determine the group’s preference.

If these criteria are left unsatisfied, it effectively means that democracy—at least in its purest form—cannot work.



t. /leftycuck/

not an argument

Oh please

Fascists are the only true anarchists.


Not true, anyone can set up a call and get on the show.
Everything is freely available on his site for download.
No one has defeated him with a non-argument.


I'm trying to say cucks who say USSR wasn't communist are retarded.


He could have agreed with the commies final point and then asserted that because the Indians behaved in such a way - that it was implicitly the law concerning ownership of property. So by his logic that there has to be a government like entity for there to be property rights, and since he claimed property rights existed before the Europeans went to the Americas by his accusations of them stealing any land at all; that would mean that the tribes themselves acted as a wider collective, and the Europeans acted within the parameters set for them to acquire land.

Op that was painful. Fuckn brutal. Top kek.

Holla Forums is an ancap board. Fuck off to your respective boards Holla Forumscucks and Holla Forumscucks

ancaps lol

Stop taking all of our fucking water and open the arkansas river dam faggot.

Posted in wrong bread

i was gonna say… wut


I got banned by /leftycuck/ for pointing out their autistic screeching about this video. It was mildly amusing.

Got 3 week ban for making a nigger hate thread

You know calling someone a cuck and a jew isn't actually an argument right?

I had an epiphany. Every communist nation has created massive inequality because communism advocates for the abolition of personal property. Without the concept of property, there is no such thing as theft, as theft requires someone to own something that was taken against their will. therefore, whoever has the pointiest sticks can take anything they want because it isn't theft. Anyone that challenges that gets a bullet to the back of the head. In a communist state, who has pointer sticks than the central government? The concept of not having any property is why communism will ALWAYS fail. I knew it would always fail but now I know why

I refuse to believe this man exists irl.

p sure thunderneck btfo molyjew a while ago

Don't you know Communism is a perfect political system that never fails, and any country that says are communist and fails aren't real communists! :')


i got banned for posting pinochet memes.
i was also making constructive conversation, about the Trotsky connection to Neoconvervatism and overall picking apart their shit reasoning and ideology, but the mods just ended up deleting the constructive conversation posts and left the pinochet memes to make me out to be some spam troll.

They seem to also have short-term memory, they forgot how unuseable Holla Forums had made their board after Trump won. They seriously don't think that if Holla Forums wanted to they could fuck their shit over again.

Stefan Molymeme is a Jew.

"The very definition of communism and socialism is a Classless, stateless, egalitarian society where the workers democratically own the means of production"
By making communism this "utopian" outcome, he sets the stage for his claim that communism has never existed. It's like saying that Potatopeel soup is the most delicious meal in the world, so if you didn't like your potato peel soup, it wasn't real potato peel soup. Typical leftist drone.

It's essentially one giant No True Scottsman fallacy

Leftypol is unironically full of retards i have tried to argue with them and their only argument wast general meme answers which i have refuted in mere post then i got banned. Their board should be deleted not because its userbase is absolutely deluded but becasue mods here are retards too and should be kicked out of there.

He should've cut him off the very fucking second he brought up Hunter-Gatherer shit for changing the goalposts

It is literally impossible to debate someone on Holla Forums. Everytime you bring up an argument they can't refute they just spam Max Stirner and call you a spook.

I unironically want to murder everyone who posts Max Stirner, what does he even have to do with leftist politics? He criticized the left as much as he criticized the right. He was in every conceivable way a pretentious psudo-intellectual.

Wish I could find my ms paint picture of some smug faggot saying "hehe i hate everyone equally that makes me smart ;^))"

Perhaps you lads should actually read a book for once.
Then you could be talking about your issues without memeing and posting pepe reaction images on Holla Forums.

Perhaps you should tell your mod to let discussion flow and not ban me for spam which never happend.

not an argument. you referenced nothing so far

i like how he preaches about "the working class struggle" yet the faggot is a NEET.

Congratulations user.
You now understand Communism.

I kek'd

Daily reminder that Kepler was a con-artist & murderer who stole everything, lied about everything. A pox on his house.

You do know he's an alt-kike jew, right?

There is literally nothing wrong with G-d's chosen people.




soviet union worked quite good. Good working socialism. The problems started when marx was declared "out of date" and transforming society to be more democratic stopped. Shame, if SU were still around we might be on Mars already

Pretty good. It's interesting that capitalists actually point out that every country has some degree of capitalism. Even Venezuela has a working market - the black market. Capitalism - it just werks.

Another example how convoluted thinking produces convoluted memes.


join the nazbol gang, the final redpill

I am saying that you are not a clear thinker. It's a veiled insult. Get it?


Nazi Germany worked quite good. Good working socialism. The problems started when war was declared by the jews and transforming society to be less degenerate, more educated and racial aware stopped. Shame, if Nazi Germany was still around we might be on Mars already

A defining characteristic of the capitalist system.

yeah, it's so fantastic they mass murdered 30+ million people.

We are on mars

At least they weren't bombarded with ads all the time.

Weak bait

samefag. also not an argument.

Even weaker bait

I'm not so sure about it, It surely was better than our current capitalist system but the fact that they were so obsessed with attacking other countries is telling me that there was some crucial problems with it.

kulaks deserved it

Kulaks did nothing wrong

You're not from around these parts are you? Niggers are not viewed lightly around here, negro!!!


Boring bait

Yeah you need to quit your raiding. No one gives a shit this is Holla Forums. You're pissing in an ocean of piss and no one cares, you stupid nigger.

shit bait is shit



Overused bait





you're everything wrong with society.


confirmed for historic illiterate leftypol newfag


first, they annexed part of czechoslovakia, then they annexed part of Poland. If they stopped there I would have no problem with that, but attacking SU and western countries was problem. If Hitler didn't invaded SU then it would be much better, we would have kind of cold war between two different socialist countries which would be forced to show who can make better living standards for proletariat. In the end the only who won was America's bourgeois and Jews (because of eternal muh holocaust card) for the cost of death of tens of millions europeans.

He is aut-right but he makes good arguments. Honestly, I do not agree with a lot of what he says but it tends to be well reasoned and articulated.



More like defending Europe from jewish bolshevism.

Which blocked every effort of Hitler resolving this peacefully.

Germany just wanted back what was rightfully theirs and then have peace, but everyone else wanted war and this is what they got.

i love how mad neo/pol/ is

Holla Forums is entirely fueled by reactionary butthurt. They are as big of lolcows as sjws.


True, it's kinda depressing.