I feel like Engels is often under-appreciated so I thought we should have a appreciation thread

I feel like Engels is often under-appreciated so I thought we should have a appreciation thread

Personally, the reason why I prefer him over Marx is because he is more focused on the Anthropological and Sociological aspects of theory where Marx is all about economics, which is frankly too hard for me to understand.

Also, my favorite work of his "The Origins of Family, Private Property and the State" is incredibly entry level so pick it up if haven't already can easily be applied to dismantle modern feminism.


Other urls found in this thread:


How? Wasn't Engels an intersectional feminist himself?

Who the fuck told you that? Intersectionalism has only been around for 50 years or so

Engels was pretty dank in most of his writings but I couldn't stand him trying to make Marxism and historical materialism into a proto-positivistic endeavor.

Because The Origins of Family, Private Property and the State just reads like common feminist drivel corrupting marxism
it's just the same bullshit feminist of today use.


Sure, but we can't just go start attributing modern ideological movements to someone who predates them.


You don't get the meaning of "modern" as in "the BS third wave that is now considered to be feminism and has nothing to do with the socioeconomics of the origins, do you?

saging because I shoud said it before.

The patriarkhy, in the origins, is connected with the possetion of land and herds. Private Property.

Modern feminists don't want to abolish private property. They don't want the hierarchies to stop existing.

They just want women to equally (if not more than) inherit private property and take positions of power.

This has NOTHING to do with Engels.

In a Matriarchy, according to Engels, what we see is essentialy a hippie pipe dream of free sex and no property.

This did work, and works, but only in the historical state of savagery.

Not barbarism or civilazation.

Can we get a R34 of Marx and Engels? Pretty please.

Wouldn't a work that demonstrates cooperation between women in order to oust uncooperative males would demonstrate the power of social relations in regards to gender?

Which is strange considering that if you look at his letters from the 1860s, he, much more explicitly than Marx, draws the connection between Hegel's method and Marx's analysis of capital (which is certainly not a science in the crude empirical, positivist sense).


This tbh

Sure, but is any here seriously suggesting that at the time a patriarchy didn't exist?

Are you trying to suggest that it does not exist any more?

For all the complaints about redditors I'm really not seeing it.

Are you seriously suggesting it does?




I don't know if that's fair. Not because you're wrong, a lot of them want to see more female CEOs, but because I doubt most modern feminists know jack shit about Marxism and actual far left movements due to all of the Cold War propaganda. I don't think most of them know how capitalism harms women and minorities.

I feel like if most feminists read some stuff by Engels or maybe studied Emma Goldman, they'd join our side.

You feel wrong, because most of them are in it to cynically fulfill their emotional needs.

Ever been outside Western Europe or Coastal USA?

He's a dirty tripfag whore, but he does have a legit point.

dumping Adrian Johnston's Engels lecture











Never been to either actually

Great, I'm glad this conversation was so productive and in-depth, I think we have both learned alot

Another good lecture on Engels and the text Origin of the Family

