Unfixable vulnerability found on all windows versions
Unless it can work through javascript, this seems like fucking nothing
Just package it as katieperryalbum.mp3.exe or minecraftmod.exe or some shit and people will fall for it.
I don't see how it's the operating systems fault the user is a retard. That's like saying that if you get some retard to run a fork bomb or sudo rm -rf --no-preserve-root / is the Linux kernels fault
so its basically a virus, and just like other viruses it can be detected and stopped the same way.
this is no news
Hypothetically, if you find a way to access the DRC of the web browser you could use that to launch the atom bomb.
This is no different than a Forkbomb. All Microsoft has to do is add Atom Bomb programs to the Windows Defender/Microsoft Security Essentials blacklist
Unless this triggers the UAC or running an exe as an admin (lel), this is very serious.
0.02 cents added
Windozers, everyone.
You know what I meant, Freetard
Moshe, we settled on 0.06. Posting shit ain't cheap.
Oh look, it's fucking nothing. Holla Forums is shit again.
What the fuck is happening with Holla Forums?
Confirmation bias.
sporkeh.exe says hi
from 10 years ago
Oh I remember that hack, boy was it CS:easymode!
All these faggots who have never had to deal with IT support at the desktop or server level.
Dumb fucks will download and install shit. Its a given rule.
AV will fail. Another given rule.
All you faggot windozers are once again BTFO and ass blasted that Billy Gates toy OS has fucked you over once again.
Why do people buy into hype? Everything can be fixed.
That happens regardless of OS.
And if it triggers UAC out of nowhere, then you already know it's shady.
could someone try to inject that shit into Holla Forums? Does Holla Forums even play minecraft?
This can't. It's an exploit of the fundamental way Atom Tables work, and Microsoft would have to break backwards compatibility with a ton of stuff to fix it... but the moment they do, nobody will ever use the new version of Windows, since backwards compatibility is the only reason to continue using Windows.
So... it's fixable but it's not worth the effort right now. I'd count on Microsoft to patch it on Windows 10 but keep it Insider-only until it's fit for deployment.