Met a lot of cute boys on Steam today.
Met a lot of cute boys on Steam today
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post pics
Fuck off
Here dude
dont click. Malware
Shoot your goo my dude
why you change your avatar faggot. Did you think people would think you are someone different?
He's got a nice dick
calm down samefag
Why not real nudity instead?
It's mine
that's a girl though. boys usually have lumpy underwear because penises
replying to yourself is sad
Please tell me you're at least a switch. Don't let that yummy thing go to waste.
This is why we need IDs
literal gay fag wants ids. Not surprised.
Please post moar?
Not just gayfags. I bet if you polled Holla Forums and somehow no one could give shitpost answers, most would say they support IDs.
I do not support IDs.
I'm a gay, I post to /cb/ regularly . So I say this from completely unbias viewpoint kill yourself you're an ugly boy not a cute one die please.
Wrong. Majority of people dont want ids thats why they were removed twice in the past week or so. And you admitted to being gay so everything you say is worthless.
Not him. But that game is mainly shit. I've played everything that company had to offer and the only good/decent game they've created is onigiri… that's fucking it. Cyberstep is mainly a joke. I'm a gay boi btw and only straights would like that game.
Maybe you can all share tips on committing suicide
Welcome to the list bruv