Germans consume almost two million kebabs a day.
Germans consume almost two million kebabs a day
germans germaning, what else is new…
Wow that's a lot of food for a single german. How do they stay so skinny?
How many american eat kababs a day?
they're delicious
I've not eaten at a Islamic shop in many time.
The Real problem with Germany
I can see why. I used to love kebabs when I was there. In fact, you've got me longing for one right now. Thanks a lot!
Look at all those american idiots, don't know shit about Germany but still trying to talk shit.
I miss old Germany
We all do, but Döner is not the real problem in Germany.
The problem is that we are still not over it, we are out of balance and basically this thread is bullshit.
OP says Germans eat two million Döners a day and the next idiot comes and says "its all the fucking refugees and muslims" you don't know shit about Germany, Döner is the best and cheapest fast food you can get here, it's good and it has nothing to do with this fucking political shit going on here.
Kebab is shit food, even americans know this. We eat hotdogs (wurst) and hamburgers (schnitzel between a bun). Whatever it is, its german and its fucking good.
kebab is crap you eat when you want to feel SJW and impress your GF with your knowledge of shitty foreign food.
Oh look Ameridumb tries to defend himself and can't even do this without talking shit, you faggots don't even know that the Döner we have here is not even Turkish or whatever you think it's 100% Germanized and German food get some education about the country you're trying to talk shit in first place, stupid Ameridumb.
Friend of me is currently in the states he described your people very well: "Take the dumbest of dumbest and multiply them 2 times then you have an american"
You're gonna be muslim in 20 years anyway, rapefugees are impregnating your women and the german race will end up looking like somalis mixed in with kuwaitis.
you guys peaked in 1939 its all downhill from there.
Just continue to believe that you will be proven wrong as usual but I'm not here to change your mind we will see.
Can't we have one thread that doesn't turn political? So tired of that shit. Nobody is convincing any one of anything. Just say NO! Plox and thankums.
It's always some scum turning threads into politics I hate it so much, but hey thats Holla Forums.
Holla Forums sucks its shit fuck this gay thread and fuck this gay imageboard it used to be a nice place but its only bullshit now
I always thought kebabs were greek because all the kebabs shops are owned by greeks in my area
ha nope, I just saw it on BBC, posted it and then did a 360 and walked away.