We must answer this question once and for all Holla Forums

We must answer this question once and for all Holla Forums.

Is this a man or a woman?

It's a trans-neogender bisexual anti cisgender.


But "it" must have been born as either a man or a woman, user. There's only two genders. :^)


I see a trachea, not an adams apple

What's the difference?

Requesting the webm of her having an autistic meltdown.

Man obviously.


What makes it so obvious?

Does it have a penis?

It did have a penis


If she has a penis I'd fuck her anyway so who cares.


Well, there is intersex, that does occur naturally.

She's just an average looking girl. Still if she had a pussy I would fuck it

You've got some pretty low standards user.

Hermaphroditism is so rare among humans that it's not worth even acknowledging that it can happen, statistically it just about never happens.

Sauce on her being post-op?