How does one erase there hdd back to the stone age? so not even law enforcement can get it

How does one erase there hdd back to the stone age? so not even law enforcement can get it

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Have the English proficiency of a five year old for starters

Thermite. If you want to make a drive truly unreadable you must to destroy it. Take the platters and board out of the housing and cover them with at least 0.5 cm of thermite and light that shit over dry soil. This is one of the few ways to destroy a drive so that even the feds can't do anything.

If trips kill yourself

Looks like he's tossing himself on the thermite as well.

Sheeeeeeeiiiiiiiit rip in pizzas OP.

Learn English nigger


Physical destruction.

probably if you could melt it in a furnace, that'd be good.
otherwise, /dev/zero /dev/sdb plus a screwdriver, a hammer, and an axe, is most probably quite thorough

oh also if you could drop it in an ocean somewhere, i'll bet that's pretty failsafe

Doesn't matter what do you, your ISP already has full logs of every site you visited, every packet you send and requested. Intelligence agencies have "incidentally acquired"that information without the need for a warrant and disseminated the information to local law enforcement.
They have the power to do this thanks to the Intelligence Authorization Act for Fiscal Year 2015, all of that power was giving to the FBI/CIA by a last minute amendment made by Senator Dianne Feinstein.

Just to remind you, we tried to stop it.

Awful fucking idea, some treasure hunter in the future is gonna dig up your HDD and laugh at you for having furry porn saved on it. Then they're gonna go to a newspaper and tell the whole world that you had furry porn on it and everybody will laugh at you even more. They will march by the hundreds and exhume your grave just so they can laugh at your face, and then they'll stuff your coffin with dragon dildos, seal you back up, and cave a new tomb stone:

fuck off, stonetear.

yiff in hell

Or you can securely wipe the disk using appropriate software.

The first method is more fun.

# dnf install shred
# shred -n 3 -v /dev/sd*

You also get to keep the sweet magnets inside.

If you believe the (((FBI))) then BleachBit is anyone's get out of jail free card. Now they even sell special cloths that erases the fingerprints of anyone who's under investigation!

Boot and Nuke will do more than enough to make it completely unreadable while keeping it intact.


drive=/dev/sdx# Repeatedly write 10101010 and 01010101 patterns to diskfor i in {1..7}; do tr '\0' '\252' $drive; tr '\0' '\125' $drive; done# Repeatedly write random patterns to diskfor i in {1..7}; do sudo dd if=/dev/urandom of=$drive bs=8388608; done# Fill disk with 1str '\0' '\377' $drive# Fill disk with 0sdd if=/dev/zero of=/dev/sdx bs=8388608

Good luck, OP.

Platter content can be reconstructed using automatic scanning electron microscope; the only sure way to destroy all data is to demagnetize platters thoroughly. As well as using electric super magnets, directly sending very large currents through the drive also does the trick - which, as a bonus, will probably fuse all of its contents together in a lump of metal and silicon.

Sometimes I wonder why I bother opening Holla Forums threads anymore. The majority of this thread has either shitposting, Holla Forums shit, or bad/unrealistic advice.

To answer OP's question, consider DBAN or secure-delete. Anything else should be disregarded.

Blow it up along with yourself

Eat It

Give it to PC world or similar, they destroyed Gary Glitter.

Learn English you fucking nigger.

This. Though i usually break the plates by driving a knife though it and then smash it into a Brick wall.

Not on my own of course. I do it on computers i find in the trash

WTF they are back ordered for weeks selling Hillary Clinton 'cloths or something' to clean your computer.

These guys are fucking jokers I like them.

Nigger saltwater is death for magnetic storage.

Pleb, I bet you haven't even rigged the inside of your case with a bomb suit so you don't get shrapnel'd

youre already fucking screwed. everything outside your computer has a traceable log. you could wipe everything to kingdom come and they'll still find you.

Either or pop the screws off if possible in let it sit in beach or peroxide for a couple hours.

I heard the BleachBit guy is so sad about the backorder that he is thinking of falling backwards down the stairs and landing on a bullet.