Why is the NSA bad? Legit question here. I don't really care if the government is watching me. I think I can trust them, as long as our data is being stored somewhere securely and only accessed when a criminal investigation is needed. I only cannot trust Google, Microsoft and other private companies with my data because they are private companies and don't have to have any commitment.
Why is the NSA bad? Legit question here. I don't really care if the government is watching me. I think I can trust them...
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You got to be a paranoid mongoloid to be scared of the NSA. They're not going to hurt you.
Do you want me to keep going or do you get the picture?
Snowden puts it well.
Knowing everything one does is logged makes one fearful that anything one (or one of one's close ones) does could be misconstrued or misinterpreted as terrorist or criminal.
The NSA isn't immune to corruption and security breaches either. You wouldn't want your stuff (e.g. personal photos, dox) out there for everyone to see, do you?
Moreover, if I have nothing to hide, there's no reason to spy on me.
Sage for braindead question
NSA is tied via oath to respect the US constitution but by just spying on everyone they already break it.
NSA is tied via oath to respect allies but they already broke it.
NSA is tied via oath to only investigate on criminals/pedos/terrorism but they already go over that
Trusting any spy agencies is suicidal.
By doing that you acknowledge them to have power over the government (have you ever read judge dredd ?)
Nice one
There's nothing wrong with the NSA. Properly used it can be a valuable tool to benefit the country. As with everything, it's about who uses it.
That's a bit false. The NSA monitoring internet traffic doesn't stop you from searching whatever you want. The NSA doesn't restrict or deny people their privileges. Of course, you first have to recognize there is no such thing as privacy on the internet.
Do you have any proof the NSA is a shadow government using their tools to control the world?
The thing is, Snowden's leaks proved that this was not the case. They collect and access data about anyone for any reason, even if it's not related to criminal investigations. Therefore, by your own admission, you now realize that the NSA is bad.
One of the more disgusting things they do is provide information to law enforcement agencies and help them set up parallel investigations to hide the NSA's involvement in gathering evidence from prosecutors and a judge. That's completely illegal and indefensible. The judicial system and fourth amendment aren't supposed to be hindrances that are ignored.
They're committing far worse crimes than the criminals they catch. Why have courts and trials in the first place if they're just sham show trials?
I don't live in clapistan and don't appreciate them spying on me
not same user as you responded to
Considering they lie all the time they certainly don't have your best interests in mind. And they've been this way since their inception just so you know so I doubt a change of staff would affect a single change in the way the NSA acts.
OP, learn 2 history and read about the Stasi.
1984 would also be a good one as long as you're reading.
If I was on Holla Forums right now (I am). I'd be literally arguing with anonagents on how based the Stasi really is, and you just have to contact them with your concerns and they'll help you!
there's a limit to how much surveillance a democracy can take before it stops being a democracy:
what makes you think the government is trustworthy?
the NSA director is on record lying before Congress, denying that these mass surveillance programs existed in the first place.
Congress is in turn the most corrupt government institution.
Assuming they were required to not look at innocent data all the time, which they already do, what makes you think they would honor their word to never look at all that data?
I have a better idea: revert to targeted surveillance of known criminals and real suspects after a court order. The innocent people mustn't pay for a few bad apples; and as Snowden has said, mass surveillance is in fact counterproductive to law enforcement because it adds so much noise to the signal that matters: criminals.
You make the mistake of abstracting what the NSA is: A collection of people,and people are probe to doing stupid stuff, you know, like sharing around people's nudes
How do you know it's really secure? They probably didn't formally verify all the software and hardware involved.
Not to mention that it has to be possible to be accessed based on human judgement, which automatically leaves a large hole.
Ha ha, nope
Even if their system worked perfectly it would not be okay. Mass surveillance implies that massive numbers of people are getting surveilled, not merely getting their data kept just in case. These things are used to turn you into suspects, not to get evidence if you're already a suspect. There's strong evidence that visiting the Tor or TAILS websites gets you put on a watchlist, for example.
How can I trust the NSA given their monumental breaches of trust tapping the Internet backbone and trying to blackmail Linus?
How can I trust the NSA when I've yet to find a single NSA employee in person who understands why any U.S. citizen would want privacy?
How can I trust the NSA when one of the Presidential candidates is infamous for blackmailing his political opponents by threatening to air their personal info to the public?
How can I trust the NSA when their management refuses to be honest about how they've interpreted the law? I'm so very tired of word games and classified legal definitions.
How can I possibly trust the NSA when they don't trust the citizenry of their own nation?
How can I possibly trust the NSA?
where the fuck did you guys get a budget for shilling forums
Your tax dollars goy :^)
Its the cost of collecting and storing all that data which is a big problem.
Your tax money is being wasted collecting photos some moron took of his breakfast and posted them on facebook.
It's also being used to collect information that can personally destroy each and every one of us in the most cruel and sadistic ways possible short of physical torture.
Burden of proof.
Yeah data security is a big concern too.
I would be less worried if the governent didnt have a track record of extreme incompetence when it comes to IT security.
I don't trust anyone with information that can be used to destroy me outside of very specific people.
Their poor data security is a tiny added concern to the massive concern that ALL MY INTERNET TRAFFIC IS COLLECTED AND ANALYZED BY THE NSA AND SHARED WITH THE FBI.
Complaining about their data security is like complaining that the shirt a kleptomaniac stalker is wearing is ugly.
The NSA has not earned my trust. Forcefully seizing the information that would normally be the reward of my trust only serves to make me trust them even less.
Private companies own every politician in your government. Does that answer your question?
The commitment by the NSA isn't worth the paper it's written on. Their gross violation of trust by tapping the Internet backbone in the U.S. while claiming they don't do that shows they have no respect for the public.
Their oath and their word isn't worth a goddamn thing. I have not seen a single shred of evidence that would lead me to trust the NSA.
Fair enough.
In my country every data breech has come from incompetence.
Stuff like politicians leaving sensitive information on the train.
Its more like complaining that kleptomaniac is so incompetent that when they steal your shit and it gets stolen off them by another kleptomaniac.
Better the kleptomaniac you know than the kleptomaniac you dont.
Only one of those kleptomaniacs can start a chain of events that can ruin you in the cruelest manner possible.
Exactly. So if ten kleptomaniacs get my info I should be ten times more worried.
jesus christ man... how old are you? please don't tell me you're an adult
Depends who those Kleptomaniacs are. If they purely have a profit motive, I care far less than if they have a motive that involves raids on people for CrimeThink.
Ask them to give you a copy of the employee directory so you can post it on the internet.
But that's just your opinion though, let's not project it onto others.
But you the dirty unwashed masses will never know who has access to these data because the lack of transparency on their side.
But the same people could potentially work for NSA too, there's no magical techno pajeet that'll guard your personal info forever.
I personally will trust the NSA if they're more honest and transparent. Sadly that's not the case.
Don't do that.
t. european
Doesn't work. They're largely from military families and have the notion that nations have things to protect while individuals don't if they have no criminality to hide.
It's always weird talking to them. They say this kind of stuff with a strange naivety. They're genuinely confused why anyone wants privacy from the gov.
I dont think you're in any position to say something like that
killself, the government is nothing more than politicians. do you trust ALL politicians with that sensible data? and not only them, but all those who wants to be politicians all those potential people ie evryone
if so, ur faggot
Oh really?
Better no kleptomaniac at all so no one has to worry about someone losing or misusing anything.
They share it with said governments that arrest you for crimethink, so you're not any safer.
In fact, it's even worse, because also they sell it to other shady people.
Too bad they can't make the connection it works both ways. I guess if they've been raised from birth like that, it would be as hard to change the mindset as it would a religion.
I like your get man but you did not provide any sage.
It's unconstitutional and otherwise illegitimate.
i'm not an amerilard and i don't want your 1984 gov to spy on my pony porn.
here is the thing, no one can guarantee that.
those data maybe used against you, legally or not.
anyone having them will have power over you.
The biggest flaw in any system is the guy running it. Machines do what they're told but there's nothing stopping some guy in the NSA from accidentally or "accidentally" ruining your life. Imagine the people in the NSA are as power-hungry and egotistic as messageboard/videogame admins.
made me think
There's literally nothing wrong with that though.
A government should never be spying on their own people. Investigating their own people for evidence of lawbreaking is a legitimate matter. A government spying on a foreign nation is not the same thing. If you are not American, you should not be concerned when they spy on you because they can't do anything to you for you are not bound by American law.
...OP, how do you have so much trust in the government?
Not why, but how. How have you been able to maintain such incredible, monumental, humongous levels of trust in the U.S. government?
Would there be ANYTHING that the U.S. government could do that could damage your trust?
I think a lot of people on Holla Forums don't trust both the NSA and major cyberpunk data corps.
Not true. See: Mutual Legal Assistance Treaty.
That said - unlikely they'll do shit to you.
the poor fags in Guantanamo would disagree with you.
their case is worse, they haven even been judged yet.
Wtf, I hate taxes now!