Anti-Drug thread compilation

a compilation of a my pics of my personal war on drugs(and mud-people) Feel free to contribute with your own!!
im making this as an inspiration for the future Race War. if One man can do this; many man can do much more!!

Other urls found in this thread:,5-Dimethoxy-4-iodoamphetamine




Why dont we start paroling kikebook and send tips to the FBI?

you tell me why


racial trash

I dont have kikebook, but ill see what I can do.


Youre god amongst men OP

I dont know why you dont get more recognition OP
I saw couple of threads from you, and not a lot of them get many replies.
I guess thats because Holla Forums is just rage porn instead of people actually doing something for the goal of their desire.
Its sad that a lot of Holla Forums girls dont suck your cock every day.
Big luck sherlock holmes
I wish I could be your watson but I am officially cut of from internet and only time I can get on it is during the night for couple of minutes

Here is a guy talking about Field Drug tests, check out the comments about legalizing all drugs and how Portugal has legal drugs/not many addicts blah blah
Can't embed since there's a time parameter.
The whole video is worth watching it, but this part is especially interesting.

And another one.

Just like the people who oppose abortion, you're a fool, OP. If I had my way, every black person in America would get weekly Weed-money, straight from the government.

You post pictures of their degeneracy and yes, they are degenerate, but as long as they're stoned, they're also docile. I'd much rather have them post inane drivel on facebook and make French fries at 3 in the morning than chimp out in White neighborhoods.

The argument for abortion is entirely analogous: is it evil? I suppose it is, but to even describe it in that way is to utilize the sort of universalistic morality of cucks. The overwhelming number of abortions are performed on Black women and abortion is absolutely essential for keeping the numbers of Black people to manageable levels.

Just like the people who oppose abortion, you're a fool, OP. If I had my way, every black person in America would get weekly Weed-money, straight from the government.

You post pictures of their degeneracy and yes, they are degenerate, but as long as they're stoned, they're also docile. I'd much rather have them post inane drivel on facebook and make French fries at 3 in the morning than chimp out in White neighborhoods.

The argument for abortion is entirely analogous: is it evil? I suppose it is, but to even describe it in that way is to utilize the sort of universalistic morality of cucks. The overwhelming number of abortions are performed on Black women and abortion is absolutely essential for keeping the numbers of Black people to manageable levels.

Why do people do that shit? It's so fucking autistic.

Marijuana is gateway drug for crack or whatever.
no niggers stays on marijuana. Also if they're stoned they're a burden for State . better for them to at least be jailed and Emperor Trump uses them as forced labor

BTW have some proof photos of turks being in Syria



LSD is a literal red pill

1. Most niggers smoke weed already. The only purpose drug laws serve is to put them in prison.
2. Niggers don't need gateway drugs. They are happy to jump directly to crack.

They are already a burden on the state. Sedating at least makes them less dangerous.

We're not talking about White people here. Niggers are not productive members of society who are imperiled by "straying from the right path" due to "gateway drugs". They are a low-IQ, foreign population that is not meaningfully part of our society. They're already all lousy drug addicts and the best we can do is to harm them however possible. The holy quadrinity for this purpose is:

1. Weed
2. Crack
3. Abortion
4. Prison

The fifth will ideally be deportation, but let's not get ahead of ourselves.

If you have some kind of argument of worth then say it, otherwise you're filtered

One day im going to get out of this shitty situation I am in and I am gonna help you
Have an email? Tormail?

Nothing like picking and choosing what is and isn't "degenerate", eh OP? Good on you for busting niggers but don't kid yourself, you are not in it to clean anything up, you just want to see nigs get what is coming to them. There is nothing wrong with that but don't go pretending you have some sort of moral ground to fuel your schadenfreude.

The best OP can do against those is make propaganda against those, but why dont you do anything against those…thats is real question



Moral fag retard detected.

You're a dumb cunt, aren't you?

Op, you have tormail?




It was for me, but I stuck to the light stuff. Also, hestia a bestia.

not really.
I dont have cellphone kikebook or anything.
im only avaible for my IRL friends, and for job stuff i have a non.cellphone phone,. One of the old ones.
I can give you advice,trough

alcohol and tobbaco are not illegal.
im straight edge(National Socialist), but i cant change laws.

Wew, talk about double standards~!

Are this indians/niggers??
i honestly doubt theyre fully human TBQH

That she most certainly is

i cant inflcit any penalty on them
i cant report them like the other criminals


Why are you posting all these images, OP?

We all hate beaners and niggers already.

They'e racial specimens
they're very degraded by drugs and alcohol.
young whites should look at them and tremble at their degenerate habits


At least try not to lie when you start a thread. You are just doing this for your own personal satisfaction. Jack offs like you who pick and choose fights like this while hiding behind the skirt of justice makes me sick.

Why do you think you won't go to the gas chamber?

puritans were nordics and anti-degenerate

Goebbels wrote about your kind and the need for you to be erased from our movement, don't think you're among friends.

go away spic-enabler

Unlike you, right OP? I'm sure you have never drank a single drop of alcohol or use tobacco at all. After all, if you used any of those "legal" narcotics then that would just make you a hypocrite.

you are right

This doesn't look good

Your running and telling a teacher when you see other kids you don't like doing drugs or writing vague boastful threats.

this is how a spiteful bitch of a woman would conduct a race war. imagine if we had the cops called on us for this kind of stuff.

stop doing this, this is ugly.

what about THIS:

a narcos working as cops in the usa

Why are you so butthurt over degenerates going to jail?
Why do you take it so personal?
I would very likely help OP in his mission and I drink only every few months and stopped smoking.
But because I sip from time to time that means that I cant stop hardcore criminals? That ought to be logical fallacy


not exactly the target audience hehehe

Well, what do you want us to do? Stop and tell them they're a bad person? Arrest them ourselves when they might be thousand kilometers away? Ignore them or tell them why its bad?

What kind of "stuff"?
We arent doing anything illegal. If you are however, you are just degenerate faggot.
Btw if you didnt knew already Holla Forums is already being monitored by letter soup agencies

Fuck you, that actually got a chuckle out of me.

I don't mind that at all, hell, I encourage this shit. That said I don't like the holier than thou attitude OP has considering he seems to think narcotics are okay as long as it's legal. I've seen people do that shit my entire life and that sort of shit gets under my skin. Hypocrites that condemn people while imbibing the same sort of shit they are condemning them for.

You win the Autist of the Week award, congrats.

I am just looking from pratical side.
I cant stop people from consuming those drugs and making harm to others, the best I can do is make propaganda.
What are you doing to stop people from smoking and drinking?
Btw I dont drink or smoke

Is there a trophy or a medal or something?

dont ignore the narco policeman lads

You are aware that several great philosophers and political leaders you surely admire used drugs or other hallucinogenic substances right?
All of their great legacy wouldn't have been possible if they hadn't been a little high every now and then. So stop being a faggot and 420 blaze it faggots.

None of those people were black

Thats a bit presumptive
What do you think happens when you bombard your neurons with neurotransmitters? They get less sensitive, you need more neurotransmitters to elicit same neuron firing and you become hooked.
This can become a long term effect and a lot of people become depress, lathargic and dumb because their brains dont work as before

top kek lads

(((F.B.I.))) honestly the D.E.A. wouldn't even give a shit probably

>its a killist for the


Lad. wew. Chastity/celibacy as a spiritual practice predates Christianity by an Aeon.


Sage for off-topic. How long should you wait between fappings? I'm cutting off porn completely but I know that I need to relieve sexual tension occasionally

Psychedelics are on a whole nother realm above drugs

Holla Forumsacks should trip bawls at least once in their lives

if you want people to tell you what to do with your own dick, go to reddit

don't bully

Wew, I don't like how OP was hiding behind a moral disuse just to get his schadenfreude on. That is some leftycuck tier shit, but don't assume that bullying isn't a natural thing.

After all, the weak fear the strong. :^)


im actually getting niggers jailed

dont spam. contribute instead





Look into the cartel report on kikebook,OP.
I made a thread a few weeks ago hoping to get your attention.

oh, nice! ill look into it!

Youre seriously a fucking pathetic retard if you think shit like F in water, 'chemtrails' and fucking gummy bears are some harmful scheme

If you spent half the time you do digging in conspiracy defeatist faggy bullshit on learning chemistry and dentistry, youd realize how grossly stupid you look

Kill yourself

i didnot post tat

so… 12 yr olds smoking tobacco and drinking is legal where?


I once called the cops because my friends were doing drugs, I've never felt so stupid afterwards. They told me traffic is illegal but consumption is not.


Holy shit they type like niggers too
Are you that Venezuelan cop?

Not drugs you autists


yes :')


Its like you're a complete retard

Guess we should ban milk and juice since thats a gateway to coffee/tea which is the gateway to alcohol. Alcohol is also a drug retard, you wouldnt wanna leave that gateway open would you?

Go eat some mushrooms OP, of the poisonous kind.

Thanks for the redpill, darknet.

One of the biggest lines of bullshit I've ever heard is that weed is non addictive. Bull fucking shit. Watch a pothead run out without a connection and withdraw.

Probably the whole idea that marijuana made blacks go crazy violent is based in them withdrawing.

LSD is based as fuck

and completely and totally the most red pill of all psys

the fuck is this degenerate occult bullshit?

It's not addictive like a hard drug in that it causes a physical chemical dependency, Anything is mentally addictive we don't need regulations to tell us how to consume, it's called willpower bitch. Ever seen a WoW addict go without his fix? same shit, they are irritable and restless.

Last time I dropped acid I went for a really long walk outside and listened to Vivaldi and Beethoven. Summer made me SOB harder than I ever have at any time in my life. It really reminded me of how beautiful things can be and that there are still things worth fighting for.


Also watched the music video of 2Cellos cover of "They Don't Care About Us" and the scene at the end of the two OBVIOUS kikes plating nuclear chess blew my mind

Sorry for jewtube link. Relevant scene starts at about 4:00 minutes

Fun fact, I took lsd yesterday alone and had a terribly bad trip. I took 300ug, the equivalent of 4 tabs. Ask me anything.

What went wrong, what was it like, how many times have you tripped, have you ever done it alone?

I treat tripping as a special occasion and only do it with really close friends once or twice a year. I've had an absolutely terrifying trip one time and it taught me a lot about myself. Did you learn anything from your experience?

some people stream on twitch and use gameplay footage so they have some sort of excuse to stream there

you're still tripping

Basically my trip sitter started ignoring me and started playing videogames. Then I told him I felt like he didn't care about me and he said he didnt.

It was my first time. I had to find a different trip sitter and I was peaking. Then I totally lost control of my body and had to lean forward to stop from swallowing my tongue.

I basically learned that he was an asshole. I've meditated enough to already understand spiritualism and oneness of nature and such. I only took it to see if anything was missing. It turned out I was totally complete and that my ego was fine.

Oh and I learned that I hate war, because I started remembering playing RO2 and watching a Russian communist crying for his mom infront of me as he bled out. I felt like I couldn't live with myself if that actually happened. Still fascist as fuck but I can't stand causing lifelong suffering.

I have a good sense of people who are good or bad to be around when tripping and I've trip sat for a friend and another friend before, telling the first that the second would give bad vibes and he didn't believe me. I was right, the second guy got super manic

But holy fuck, what an absolute asshole. Should make moves to cut people like that out of your life. I've ended a few friendships from revelations I've had while tripping and even in retrospect of several years in some cases, it has always been the right call

War is a different thing I guess. After I was redpilled, I was worried some of my more radical beliefs about race and jews might freak me out and make me feel terrible but thinking about it while tripping actually brought me a great sense of comfort knowing that I wasn't being fooled anymore.

Some things just have to be done to protect what's beautiful, which you notice so much more readily while on LSD. I went for a walk and marveled at all of the complex architectural decisions around me and thought of how meticulously the horticulturist working on the landscaping must have planned the flower arrangements (walked on a university campus). Thought about the extreme genius of such prodigies like Mozart and Beethoven and how much beauty they have created and brought to simpler minds. Seeing a beautifully designed garden terrace or a pristine untouched woodlands, listening to birds chirp and squirrels jump along branches, hearing the carefully coordinated notes of a string concerto, being with good friends who you know love you for who you are (I'm even an open "racist" and anti-semite to them): all things I would kill to protect and preserve

Antivaxxers should have their own schools and hospitals so they and their children can all die from shitty preventable diseases.

I honestly wish i had some drugs to sell. Need the cash.

These pictures are so low quality…

More like deez nuts amirite?

Good, you can admit that it takes a feat of conscious willpower to quit, at least.

Yeah I understand the importance of protection. I don't respect people who would degrade the world in any respect. I simply hate war since it simply kills innocent people who fight for things they don't understand and ruins the lives of mothers and widows that only wanted a life with that person.

But its not like I'm in any control of that factor. I simply don't find the deaths of conscripts to be entertaining, even if I would fight against them for the defense of civilization.

As for my friend, I did immediately after the peak.

But holy fuck the worst of that shit was having every part of my body disconnected, that sense of confusion when your eyesight expands past its field of view to a sea of darkness or when your body feels totally numb and you forget where the roof of your mouth was. Then seeing a reflection of someone smiling uncontrollably and not recognizing that its you. All with a terrible nausea and uncontrolled shaking and pouring sweat.

Oh yeah I forgot the fact that it lasted for 18 fucking hours, with everything melting.

Still not as bad as lsa but god fuck.


It was more the fact that I valued his company despite him not giving a shit. I just never realized how worthless I was to him.

While it may be intellectually lazy, I just stick with the "what must be done" school of thought for things like that. I don't know those people and don't identify with them, so why should I care? As an aside, I do think whites warring against each other should never happen

Are you sure it was acid? Sounds like you might have had some 25i or some other NBOMe. I've had weird feelings tripping on conventional psychedelics like shrooms or LSD but never to that extent, all of the bad experiences come from delusional thoughts.

Sometimes it can be pretty great. Was listening to some jazz while my other tripping friend was drumming on his set and I started to see the sound come out of his speakers and off the cymbals in waves of color. He let me play his drums along to the music(I play piano, but have never touched drums before) and it was one of the most fun experiences of my life. I felt like a giddy 5 year old on christmas morning

Yeah, that was definitely NOT acid, user. Lysergic acid diethylamide does not last that long unless you take heroic doses (15+ tabs). Might have been an NBOMe like I said or a DOX compound

I'm not sure. My dealer is a personal friend so I don't think so. Either his guy lied to him or the fact that I was a first time tripper on it meant I had zero tolerance against it.

Regardless, I'm never going near it again.

I think these drugs have given you all permanent brain damage.

Well regardless, I'm not going near it again. I don't wanna bother risking myself like that again. I was terrified that I'd feel like a frying pan for the rest of my life.

If it was 25i, I'm very lucky it didn't hurt me perminantly because I feel like I never took it right now. Regardless, never again.

The everything melting thing also fits in much better with those drugs' effects. Acid is a beautiful experience and I would recommend you take the real thing at least once in your life. If your dealer is a personal friend and you're sure of his character I can guarantee you he didn't know it wasn't real acid and his supplier either lied to him or also didn't know.

There are test kits for things like this. Never ingest a substance when you don't know what it is. Taking someone's word for it is risky business

Weird, I didn't get any vaso constriction, which from what I see is a symptom of 25i.

I probably should have put it under a black light just to check.

If it is an Nbome should I be worried if I feel fine now? Got me scared a little.

Most psychedelics seem to me to have a vasoconstrictive bodyload. I always take them with an ibuprofen just to avoid any potential discomfort and it works pretty well

The length of your experience is the main indicator here. Real acid (LSD) lasts 8-12 hours. 18 hours is just way too far out of margin for it to be LSD

If you feel fine now you really don't have anything to worry about. If you feel fine a week from now you definitely don't have anything to worry about. LD50s of those drugs are really close to active "recreational" doses though so I never take them. Active doses of LSD and Psilocybin are significantly lower than their LD50 so safety is essentially a non-issue with them. I have a friend who's taken a few high doses of NBOMe and he's a certified engineer with a job and he's totally fine

Just buy 1p lsd online from Gotta love legal gray areas that let you buy legit lsd. You should try it again, this time try to not take a big dose like 300. 100 is the starter dose, 200 is rough, 300+ will have you fucked up.

Someone didn't research how to handle his drugs.

Protip: nbome dissolves in stomach acid and will have no effect if swallowed instantly. Its an easy way to tell. If its a normal dose and lasts over 18 hrs then its not acid.

Gee, sure wonder who's behind this post

This guy knows. NBOMe's are only bioavailable sublingually, whereas acid is bioavailable pretty much no matter what. I assume you kept the tabs in your mouth for 10-20 minutes before swallowing? If you swallow it immediately, it'll only really affect you if it's acid or a DOx. Acid is also completely flavorless. Did the tabs have any taste at all?

I'm not totally interested in 1p or al-lad. I only wanted to try it to be honest.

What do you mean?
Weird. I ran it across my tongue for a second but then swallowed. Would that be enough to make 25i active?

No it had no taste. Which suprised me because I thought the strip he put it on was a fruit roll up. I only ran it on my tongue for half a second.

It's you or them, pussy.

Could have been DOx then. Something like link related:,5-Dimethoxy-4-iodoamphetamine

Should I be worried? Like is it addictive/dangerous long term?

1p is lsd, the prop group disassociates and leaves pure lsd-25.

Simply put theres no such thing as a bad trip if you do your homework. Ive never had one and ive taken pretty high doses (500-600ug). If you're aware of basic facts then you can never freak out. You said you thought you would swallow your tongue, if you stop freaking out and tell yourself "thats actually impossible unless i cut it off and eat it" then the panic dies out. Even easier if you just go "its just the drug making me feel this way". Another one is "sensation is gonna change in 10 minutes, if it sucks now i just gotta wait a little bit and it will get better". Power of suggestion goes a long way, being aware of this can only help you use it to calm you or anyone down.

Too short, was likely DOX, not nbome. This is why you get 1p and make sure you never get fake shit from a crappy dealer. I had nbome once when i was starting out, i never bought from a street dealer ever again.

Then its not nbome. Duration says its not acid either, probably just dox. Id encourage you to try the real thing, you can tell the difference between them. Do a bit of research on erowid, and you now have an idea of what to expect so you wont freak out so much. Set and setting matters a lot, calming music will always chill you out. If you like anime, the movie mind game is fucking amazing and pretty funny.

Take a smaller dose next time, no more than 150. No less than 100.

Gee, thats some hardcore counterargument you got there.

Im also of spanish descent so not jewish, but I'll inquisition your kike ass.

No. This is what the other guy meant by reading up on drugs. You're going to be fine

You're still freaking out. Whats done is done, you cant change that. Take a deep breath, besides a scary experience do you feel any different? Wiki page says it can be useful in fighting alzheimers. Erowid says theres maybe one death but tough to confirm if it even was DOC.

Theres little info on the health bits of it so you really just need to breathe, calm down and relax. Odds are nothing has happened to you besides a build up of tolerance and some neuroplasticity. You're alive, you didnt need to go to the hospital, the worst that happened besides being scared is realizing your sitter is a cunt.

I feel as if I had never taken it. No flash backs or anything. My memory does seem better but it isn't photographic anymore (this has happened on LSA and pot before though.)

this is true.

but all the shit you spewed afterwards to back it up was idiotic. it's not always easy to break yourself out of certain thought patterns. when a trip becomes unsalvageable, it's convenient to have benzodiazepines on hand to prevent yourself from suffering and possibly traumatizing your brain.

Then you're fine.

Fun fact, flashbacks arent real. A flashback is actually a PTSD like experience. So unless you're highly traumatized by the experience you wont ever have one.

Then that may be considered an improvement. Or you're overthinking it and likely at the same ability level. Drugs dont magically make you smarter, studying does.

Its not always easy but its possible to distract yourself and focus on something new. Its worked for me and its worked for people ive sat before. But even so, this is Holla Forums, people here should be able to handle uncomfortable thoughts and accept the truth as what it is, ugly.

Its not necessarily idiotic, just unfounded and anti-logic, but suggestion does have benefits. If you take X medicine and a doctor also gives you the same medicine you're likely to get better if you see a doctor just because of the assumption that a doctor will always heal you. Some people have undergone surgery without anesthesia because of hypnosis, it doesnt work for everyone but if you can successfully convince yourself of bullshit you'd be surprised how well bullshit works.

Truth. Benzos are lifesavers for badtrips but i dont think you'd really need one unless you go heroic dose. The only time id consider getting one as an exit would be for 1mg+ or a thumbprint. Learn to handle bad thoughts and really there will never be an issue. If you cant handle a bad thought then distract yourself. If you need a benzo for low doses, then psychs probably arent for you. Its my 2 cents on it.


even the most intelligent humans are not always rational, user. the human nervous system is not a flawless paragon of logos and treating it as such is to set yourself up for a great fall someday. i can't stop you from doing anything, but i can preach caution. all i can say is that on many an occasion i've been glad i prepared for what could go wrong before i consumed any substances.

as smart as you are i'm sure you realize that that "bullshit" has a basis in the physical world via the chemistry through which our brains operate. all humans share similar chemical systems but they are not all capable of exactly the same things nor do they remain static in any particular state of mental capacity. all humans are dynamic systems and not at all the same. this is Holla Forums 101 stuff.


LSD is best goy-tier

everyone is at a different place in their developmental journey and everyone hails from different backgrounds. who are you to say what's right for someone who is willing to invest the time to take learning about themselves seiously? for all the psychedelics i'm sure you've done you appear to be pretty wrapped up in your own ego.

There's no easier way to trigger lolbergs and summerfags than to talk shit about their precious little drug habit.


these niggers look like fucking orks yet less intelligent.

Get the fuck out of here you



Some of you fucks need to take a chemistry lesson.

That being said… don't drink the tap water.

Stay away from narcotics anons.


Did someone say drugs?