Why are you still into politics if nothing good is going to happen. Why are we wasting our lives debating about this stuff when the elites will stay in power and crap all over us. Nothing's going to change. No hope

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Feudalism evolved into capitalism though


Capitalism naturally develops into socialism.

It will never evolve. Where is the evidence?

Is there anything actually saying that it will happen within the time frame of human existence though?

The idea is that growth of the productive forces rendered the capitalists superfluous, but this does not mean the proletariat does not need to come together as a conscious force to bring about the change. Marx is very quotable on this matter from saying that the bourgeoisie originally came together against the nobility to "save their skins" to saying "Force is the midwife of every old society pregnant with a new one".

Folks will get mad at me for saying this, that I said before, that language is not a way to completely describe reality. It is one-sided. So I will say the theory of prole revolution is both deterministic and contingent at once in the sort of manner that the base conditions the superstructure but that the superstructure can still condition the base in return. But in the end, it's more "deterministic" in that the productive forces really, objectively, are present for socialism/communism.

It's not as if it is a necessary development, in so far that it necessitates its own existence. Instead, so long as humanity survives, communism is the projection of what marxism foresees.

idk hopefully thats straight forward

I wanted to add this for hope. Guy Debord quotes this.

“However critical the situation and circumstances in which you find yourself,
despair of nothing; it is on the occasions in which everything is to be feared that
it is necessary to fear nothing; it is when one is surrounded by all the dangers
that it is not necessary to dread any; it is when one is without resources that
it is necessary to count on all of them; it is when one is surprised that it is
necessary to surprise the enemy himself.”
Sun Tzu, The Art of War

I'm aware of that, but more asking if it's more that communism is a projection "at infinity" if that makes sense.

It's a good distraction from the terror of being alive in a malignantly useless universe.

Sorry but I didn't quite understand the second paragraph you wrote. Would you mind explaining it?

This is not an abstract limit function, this is pure, linear dialectics.

It took about 8,000 years for capitalism to become the dominant mode of production, and considering its existence has so far only lasted about 0.25% of that time, there are many reasons to be patient. Just because communism may not happen during your lifetime or the next generation's doesn't make fighting for it any less important.

tbh I'm getting real fucking tired of the
mentality. even individualist anarchists aren't this fucking self-serving

I literally have nothing better to do.

Serious question. Why should I care? For all the talk about "your own self interest" why in the hell should I want to risk serious self-sacrifice for literally zero personal gain? How in the hell is fighting for it important to me? The whole point of this stupid exercise is to bring more to the working class and there's no gain to be made if the best bet for even socialism isn't likely for the next 300 years.

Comrade, we need your help!!!

I really disagree with this highly deterministic view. I don't think we can solidly predict something that massive will happen in the future.

Yeah, nobody can say what the future will hold. This world is a highly intricate. People should be aware of this but yes, socialism is the next step for humanity's progress.

Yeah… capitalism very well might destroy the planet first. And it might be a trend that explains the Fermi paradox.

I don't know, even if world-wide socialism isn't possible for now, can't you educate people and get together in large-scale communes? Wouldn't something like this help you enjoy worker-control, and help you work towards to future of socialism at the same time?

i gain enjoyment for understanding how this world works, and how it should work

You should care because it's in the interest of the working class (and most likely you too) to form a society built on principles of shared resources and automation as opposed to exploitation and wage slavery for a number of reasons that you can easily find if you [flag].

wew lad, you're right. being complacent under capitalism is definitely not risking serious self-sacrifice for literally zero personal gain, that's communism :^)

kek, [flag]. There are socialist movements all around the world, and the Left is growing every day. Look at Rojava, look at the Zapatistas, etc. To paraphrase Mao, revolution doesn't happen at the end of a post on Holla Forums, however ironic this looks, it happens at the end of a gun barrel, and the Left is passing out rifles.

I'm not saying that literally everything I do must immediately serve my ego. I'm pointing out that

is a bold faced lie if it can't actually deliver a better life.

If this has been your main assertion in this thread, you've done a real piss-poor job of backing it up.

I suppose that if you're willing to have a discussion about whether socialism can properly address the plight of the proletariat, by all means, let's discuss.

Alright then.

The biggest problem here is that there are two rather contradictory claims. One is that the socialist struggle is in the worker's own self interest. The other is that actual socialism may not actually happen until long after we're all dead.

It's quite obvious that this is asking a large risk and a lot of work for what is very likely to be no payoff or negative payoff. By the same token for everyone, why should anyone do this?

…fighting for the struggle might bring about some implemented relieving changes in different sectors of your life? Porky might try to lull people from going on any further.

If this was the '80s or the '90s, I'd see reason for despair, but this is 2016. At least in my country the left wing is stronger than its been in a century and is only growing. I'm not saying we're going to have a socialist revolution tomorrow, but I don't see any cause for defeatism. Our current global economy and political climate is hardly a strong testament to the invincibility of capitalism.


Stay triggered, Holla Forumsyp. My point stands.

I don't have to be from Holla Forums to point it out.

It's really retarded to point it all the time.


If the falling rate of profit is anything to go by, I very much doubt capitalism has 300 years left. Or even 100 years. Most projections show the rate of profit hitting zero (or at least tending toward zero) around the middle of this century. Not only would this be an event that capitalism is unlikely to survive (short of a massive war setting us back hundreds of years) but the strain that this will put on our society will cause the ruling class to greatly increase their war on the working class, in turn necessitating class struggle on the part of the proletariat simply to avoid falling into utter poverty.
Without revolution, such a crisis would probably would probably cause another world war as the capitalist class seek to plunder other countries to offset their losses.

So why should you care? Because your long term survival may very well depend on class struggle.

Yeah, they shouldn't still be doing it in 2016.

The whole "it's the current year" thing is basically an argument that a certain political or social belief is anachronistic, something the speaker or writing thinks should have been left in the dustbin of history and forgotten.

This is not the argument I'm making. I'm trying to point out that recent and current events give hope to the socialist left, not despair and defeat. Capitalism is crumbling and (at least in some places) left-wing and labor movements are on the rise again.

I don't know what the political climate is like everywhere, maybe where you're from it all looks quite dire, but from here the left is on the move again in a way it hasn't been in a century. I don't feel compelled in the slightest to throw in the towel now.

Ancaps already saying robits will be for their relig…I mean capitalism.

On language, it's basically that the Absolute, Tao, the infinite, the Lacanian Real is unutterable.

On prole revolution, I mean to reaffirm Marx in saying that in the last analysis, material conditions are determinant. A subjective 'will to socialism' will never create socialism in a peasant society. But at the same time, objective conditions without subjective impetus will be stagnant. Hence the predicament we find ourselves in today, to say nothing of the massive material forces lined up against the socialist cause.

Are you litterally retarded?

He's not addressing the falling rate of profit though. It has nothing to do with unemployment caused by machines (at least in marxist theory). While technological unemployment sort of exists, those unemployed by machines will tend to be soaked up other sectors of the economy (though those will tend to be unproductive).
The falling rate of profit is cause by the ratio of capital invested in machines vs capital invested in labour to shift in favour of machines, which while initially increasing profit due to the undercutting of competition, eventually results in a lower rate of profit because machines cannot be exploited (you can't spend less money on them than their cost plus upkeep). So as capitalists invest less in labour and more in machines they will have less labourers to exploit (to pay them less than their total time spent working), which results in their profits declining.

The falling rate of profit isn't simply marxist speculation either, it is real and measurable (hell even adam smith noticed it), regardless of the cause. The lolbertarians can bury their heads in the sand if they like but capitalism is still going down.


Friendly reminder that the powers at be want you to feel hopeless and just go back to consuming what they give you so you wont threaten their existence.

y u no just say something i could learn from? :(

Good point.

cap plz?

This shit's been going on for a century with no perceptible change in world affairs.