Pictures for Sad Children: Part Deux

We continue our adventures inside the mind of a…


Boring person.

John Campbell wrote PFSD, a comic about depression. It had no plot, no character, the writing was bland, the jokes fell flat and the art was completely dragged on, with no changes or improvement. Somehow hipsters loved it because SO IRONIC xD.

John was to make a kickstarter of his second collection, but he mismanaged the money and could not deliver it all, so he had a nervous breakdown, said he was a tranny, burned the books and asked for money just for existing (no, really, he said that).

In what you can say the boldest move of any online personality, he decided to abandon internet forever, and deleted all of his online content. It was partially successful, since we haven't heard from him ever again, but on should never underestimate the power of true autism. A jolly good fellow salvaged pretty much everything from Campbell (with some admitted omissions) and put it on a torrent. We will unfold the content of this torrent now.

Previous thread:
ED article:
Magnet link for the comics: magnet:?xt=urn:btih:0066ADD1094E97C35EF9C03324D04F164C8D51E2&dn=John%20Campbell%20Collection

Other urls found in this thread:








Almost forgot.

These are the hourly comics.































































































Huh. Another creator turns tranny and stops creating.
Is the artistic impulse just their alternate persona trying to express itself, and once they transition, they don't have the need to create, or is the creative drive part of the life they're leaving?
Uncle Ghastly, Dave Kelly, Chris-Chan, Poppy Z. Brite, now this guy.

At least Wendy Carlos never let transition interrupt her work. She swears she started the soundtrack for A Clockwork Orange as Walter, delivered it as Wendy, and Stanley Kubrick never noticed…

Wow, finally a cartoonist who is a bigger drama queen than Fred Gallagher.

He never did it (as far as I know), I think it was just a delusion from the aforementioned nervous breakdown. Or he just threw this at the wall to get pity points.

Honestly, I think he was gay, but since he had depression he made it a huge issue in his head.






































































































…So he basically went Full Syd Barrett, and is living under a bridge somewhere?

Is he dead now? Have there been any updates? Is he sucking dong for money somewhere?
If I ever go completely nuts I'll just go off grid, forget all this "I'm a tranny plz gib money" attention whore shit

We'll never know for sure, assuming he's alive, He's either a hobo, a whore, or under care of his family, or institutionalized. I gotta say, it's amusing he never grew to become a lolcow.

I suppose the only one who knows his whereabouts is KC Green, though I don't think i'd ever want to talk about him anymore.

















































































This is unprecendented. Usually when people quit the internet forever, it lasts for like five minutes. Nobody's ever actually properly quit the net

But we haven't heard from him since then have we? I put more along the lines of "the internet never forgets" and that everything one puts out online will be salvaged in some form. I say it was a bold move because the almost got away with it. Almost.


So, I'm close to bump limit are you sure it's 300? I always thought it was 500 so I'm gonna stop for now. I underestimated the size of the hourly comics so I'll have to make another thread… in due time.

I'll keep posting these for as long as I have material, maybe it'll take two more full threads to complete, or until the mods decide I'm spamming and send it all to hell…

i always loved this comic

mfw I fake faking faking fake faking faked depression, but get depressed.

Wow, he really is an incredibly boring man. All these comics, and not one of them any good. He's so boring that he becomes noteworthy for how boring he his.

Would crowdfunding to hire a PI to find this guy and then have him beaten up by hobos on livestream be ironic enough to attract hipsterbucks?

Silly me. I didn't take it as ironic. I laughed at it because I thought it was making fun of the absurdities of depression. Gee, I got egg on my face.