Reports of explosions, jets flying overhead, and gunfire. We store somewhere between 50 to 100 nukes there.
Breaking: American airbase in Incirlik under attack
Other urls found in this thread:
It's just workplace violence.
Skyking skyking do not anwser,
Skyking skyking do not anwser,
Skyking skyking do not anwser,
Romeo Echo Mike October Victor Echo,
Kilo Echo Bravo Alpha Bravo,
Message Repeats,
I hope they get the nukes and use them on everyone. U.S. has been the most irresponsible country on the planet since WW2. We're like a giant fucking kid that grew up and hit its teens and became king of the playground. Meanwhile the adults are on the sidelines watching your dumb ass.
bait reveals the jew
Is it happening?
Says the base is denying though
No. It's just another diversion tactic.
back to 4pol you edgy faggot
these are the secular rebels though, right? not islamists?
If you are waiting for nuclear war you should listen for Crystal Palace letting everyone know that the sky is falling.
basically we have no idea what the fuck is going on but if this is true then we are potentially in for major happenings.
Is it even known what the callsign of the EAM would be (or any other details) in the event of all out nuclear war?
(Nuclear war is workplace violence)
It's just workplace violence.
skyking x4
I wonder what the instructions in an EAM contain.
Can they contain the authorization to launch SLBM against a certain city? Is it 'open the target list folder marked Zimbabwe, find your unit's name and launch on those targets'?
Crystal Palace is white house.
the messages are generally limited to under 20 characters probably to avoid cracking so if anything it would be an index into a target list, or else gps coords
Bump for happening
Back to plebbit you normie-tier faggot.
lay my lonely bones next to macedonians, romans and celts in the high mountains of the dry desert far away from the green trees from which my soul emanated in the nineties
The messages are uncrackable no matter what. They use one time pads.
The nuclear football has a playbook. EAMs are the QB calling plays.
Oh boi. Get comfy.
Yep, perfect encryption unless you have kikes leaking duplicates of the pads of course.
Did they jsut come across with a x3 skyking code?
If dubs nukes goes to Obamas moderates.
(checked for Hitler)
Not that I heard.
Thanks for the digits, Satan.
You cheeky cunt.
The latest post on Twitter is an hour old. It posits that the Obama military won't protect American personnel and nukes in Turkey.
Is it true, Holla Forums ?
It's been a pleasure shitposting with you gentlemen. We will meet again in Valhalla.
Didn't mean to sage.
Seriously though, y'all might want to pack up your bugout bags.
Ready to leave at a moments notice, I have an alert set on my phone ready
On standby in a large coastal metropolitan city. Bracing for impact.
Hopefully they hit the east or west first so the south may rise to meet the occasion.
"Skyking" is the message header, if you will. It is followed by a small number of letters, which are likely encrypted with a one-time pad (theoretically unbreakable encryption).
What the messages are is anyone's guess, but they're likely the names of pre-designed plans, e.g. "GTFO back to friendly territory", "destroy your payload" or "nuke suchandsuch city".
Of course it’s true, even if it isn’t a legitimate post. The nigger doesn’t fucking care. He would LOVE to lose a base and 80 fucking nukes to dune coons.
This tbh. Obama gives not a single fuckwhat muzzies do, even if they were attempting to steal US military equipment.
Whoever did the audio design for that voice in HL2 did a good job.
Get a good firm grasp on your cock before you clean it.
Words to live by!
I thought it was Oscar, not October.
link to skyking plz? It's been a while since I last used it.
This seems like some made up larping by some half/pol/ weeb.
Checkin em
Kek wills it!
The Trips demand it.
Sorry to burst your bubble, you're full of shit.
Nothing to see here right? Your acquiescence irritates my autism.
Not even joking, that actually sounds plausible. If something happens in the near future, we know where it came from.
Except that British Jews always pulled us into war/recessions and Russians were the get maniac Jews slaves of all existence.
Except that British Jews always pulled us into war/recessions and Russians were the get maniac Jews slaves of all existence.
Except that British Jews always pulled us into war/recessions and Russians were the get maniac Jews slaves of all existence.
Except that British Jews always pulled us into war/recessions and Russians were the get maniac Jews slaves of all existence.
Except that British Jews always pulled us into war/recessions and Russians were the get maniac Jews slaves of all existence.
Fucking Eurotrash
Where did that poem come from?
Very nice.
Really? An Air Force base with a twitter account.
wew lad you're a fucking pleb.
Facebook even.
Best post
Absolute madman
Well said
nukes are not real goy
Seal and everything user. So set your suspicions aside and feel confident in your US Government.
Do you have a better form of physics? I've nuked people on paper using excel spreadsheets and the conclusions of the theoretical formula online… or are you someone who doesn't see the curvature of the Earth at altitude too?
Is the skyking thing even real
Why the fuck would the airforce openly broadcast non-encrypted messages?
that's fucking Hilldog tier
Nice dubs friend,
they are encrypted using a one time pad (we think) and it is Cheap. Read up on it, there are many sources on the Internet and they have been correlated to major events happening.
Last night they were going off like fireworks compared to usual.
Actually they use DRYAD and those are changed every few hours.
The numbers are generally brevity codes and short hand.
I learned more, thank you friend.
So what's a skyking and why is he not supposed to answer?
There's also a theory that Skyking messages simply tell the receivers when and where to tune in for the real message, and that there may be several relays before the recipient receives the actual message. Obviously there's no way of telling if this it true since nobody can decode the first Skyking message.
Well, you don't want forward deployed nuke forces to respond to you.
The enemy has HF DF (high frequency direction finding) capabilities. You can determine numbers, strength, positions, shifts, operator patterns etc. by hitting the talk button.
So they use the proword "do not respond" they then self authenticate by using DRYAD.
This is what I theorize is done. The DRYAD system is used to encode frequencies, numbers, etc. It can also be used for short hand and brevity mats.
I believe satcom is used, they tell you the time and transmission frequency.
"Skyking" just shows the importance of the message
1 is low, 2 is eh, at 3 shit is getting real and at 4 the nukes are basically already flying
Did anyone post this article from RT about how local military groups had cut off access to and from the base and had also cut power to the base?
Now those are some nice digits.
Something odd legit went down there. Only time will tell though what it was exactly.
Was fun knowing you boys.
Has anyone been collecting all the cell phone footage from France and Turkey this week? Could you put it in a RAR or something and upload it somewhere?
Very good dubs friend
Thanks for the info, just read up on it.
Interesting stuff, I suppose having a one time keypad would make deciphering the message impossible.
It seems like a huge risk/reward. You have what amounts to impossible to decrypt messages but if one keypad fell into enemy hands then a huge part of your communications is compromised.
Isn't this how the enigma worked? IIRC the kriegsmarine (or wehrmacht?) would change their codes multiple times but some polish mathematician found a pattern. For example a typical daily message might have "weather: clear" or something like that. Well they used those typical headers of military messages to understand the cipher.
As for a message in SKYKING format
This was taken last night.
The first part is called a preamble. 424LBV
Preambles contain either cryptographic settings or contain message reference/message number.
Then again since its blind message it looks to me like it can be a You/Me thing.
The 24 alphanumberic numbers would mean 12 bigraph/digram code numbers.
Or this is how I partially prove my theory. Each 4 numbers is a group of letters encoded on a row in DRYAD.
Row S
Column J
Column L
Column G
The first letter of each 4 letter group is the encoding letter for the next 3 letters. A similar system is done for military ground force uses of dryad.
God dammit OP
From what I understand, yes- it is how the Brits got them. I would think that the USSac thought the same and probably did a few "improvements" to the system as said.
To have a fully encrypted system you would burn the pads at a set integral system which only an insider would know.
We learned a LOT from the Germans in WW2, so did the Commies. I doubt we'd let that go to waste.
Best thing to think of it is unencryptable, and even if you could, you'd need a code book to make out the message.
I've had to do triple redundant encryption and it is a bitch but really doable with willpower and smarts (which in 1950's golden age of white america) we did.
obama is a traitor though
OTPs are a pain in the ass to make, assemble, transfer to each unit, lock up, and secure. On top of that you get less usage for OTP than you can with a cipher system using keys. OTP can only be used once.
Essentially it is more economical to DRYAD than to OTP. Plus you can super encipher by using brevity codes and monome dinome ciphers aka as checkerboards.
Generally DRYAD is used used straight up as it is. A 26 row Caesar cipher with changing group keys to mask char frequencies and to make cryptanalysis harder.
As for enigma
There were several attacks. Codebooks were taken from 1 or 2 sinking subs.
Several other back end ciphers and attacks on other areas were used to create cribs for the enigma systems. Such as Reserve Bigram Cipher and Short codes.
They would also attack shore line units and mine sweepers because they knew the words "some mother fucker just shot at us with machine guns" would show up in the message. This is called known plaintext attack or "cribbing" in crypto parlance.
The weather reports were known since the messages were stereotyped. Many messages ended with the word stop so the allies knew to look for that as well.
how the fuck else are the going to communicate?
do you have any idea how much shit is flying around the radio waves, and this is the shit you get worked up over?
Skyking messages are fun to listen to but literally CANNOT mean anything to you. That's the nature of one-time-pads.
And some people think they can derive some info from the frequency of transmissions but TBH I've listened a lot and it gets busy at times when nothing in particular is happening in the world.
Most interesting things I have heard was some tech doing testing, you can occasionally hear things you wouldn't expect on there, and background talk
Anyways, it's fun to listen to but don't expect to derive any information of value. It's basically impossible
They also knew the internal states of the cipher wheels.
Lastly some dumb mother fucker at one point just kept hitting the W button on his enigma to send a test message. When cryptanalysis groups intercepted and looked at the message they noticed there were no W's. This meant they could "slide" the plaintexts of common German words across the message to attack blindly or if they knew there was a crib.
Adding all of this togeather made the enigma fun to attack.
It is encrypted. The codes mean literally nothing to you and cannot mean anything to you. There's nothing to "break". You have to have information that was shared before the flight, physically.
A Coup? Brought down by THE WILL of The Turkish people?
Morphs into a Military Exercise…..
Then this….
I've had enough bullshit from the Turkroaches for one week. Fucking MamaLukes.
yeah no, you can fucking hang though
Nigger, it would not make sense from a logistics point of view to make, sign off by NSA, deliver, use, then destroy one time pads for every nuke unit out there.
You literally have to have things signed off on when it comes to hand offs of key transporter units, transferring keys, etc. It would be a pain in the ass, on top of that when some newbie fucks up they have to act as if the crypto materials were compromised. So if someone not cleared even saw the first page of OTP sheets, they have to assume everything was compromised and destroy it.
Therefore its easier for ciphers like DRYAD to be used.
You don't have to destroy the DRYAD sheet after sending a single message.
You don't have to have to meet the same retaded requirements of OTP as you do with DRYAD.
You only need 4 sheets for a whole day's worth of commo instead of a stack of numbered pages that are easy to fuck up on.
It's not OTP
As for frequency of messages.
They're also used when training. It's not uncommon to hear a lot of message but they get real interesting when they start sending a lot during a habbenin.
I hate to disagree but in this ONE thing I trust our 1950's government. When it came to nukes we have followed protocols for over 50 years now. Because they work. It has costed TRILLIONS of dollars, but no one has been nuked. Yet.
I will say this- unless there is any twitter, radar or periscope; we are just jacking off at this point.
Not an argument, you haven't refuted anything I've said.
As for your last little bit of drivel
Nobody's been nuked because we don't want to die.
For the (((protocols))) that we've so stringently followed… there was another change in as late as 2014 to message structure.
It's not a good idea to get into an argument over crypto with a crypto-nerd who's about to go to MEPS and join the military for CRYPT FUCKING TOGRAPHY.
I had a friend who worked at a major military base in the US. They didn't have nukes but they had fighter jets—lots of them.
Her job was to go in the early morning, get a combination out of a locked mailbox that was hers, use the combination on a safe, and retrieve a number of sets of identical envelopes, each identified with a set of stickers on the front. She was not to open the envelopes.
She then took those envelopes into the hangar and put one set of envelopes into a safe inside of each warplane parked in that hangar and locked the safe for each plane. Once the safes were locked she could not open them again, which made getting it right the first time pretty important. She would then email her boss and tell him that the job was done. For the rest of the day she would do routine filing or data entry for other departments, but this was not required of her. What she was really doing was waiting for her phone to ring. If her phone rang, she would repeat this process for a second or even a third time that day, with the difference being, she was given a code to open the safes in the fighter planes in order to retrieve the obsolete orders, which were then destroyed, unopened, in front of a witness. She also got the new orders out of a different safe. She sometimes reused a safe but it never had the same combination twice.
There were three other employees covering a 24-hour shift in this job, each with their own desk, phone, and mailbox. She never saw who put the combinations in the mailbox. Nobody ever called on that phone except her boss. She only saw her boss on the day she interviewed and the day she quit.
This was all back in the 1990s. I'm sure the process is much simpler now.
supposedly they have cut power to the base
Please respond.
Your autism sir is greater than mine, I digress to your greatness and kneel before you to learn your education. Tell me the truth of my driveling ways. I am naive.
Help me then instead of insulting me oh Friend so that others may learn more through out disagreement and me being a driveling kike
So basically OP is bullshit. But it appears power has been cut to the base, it is running on internal generators. The Turkish government has grounded all flights by closing the airspace. This is important because this base is used for air strikes on ISIS and also used to store nuclear weapons as part of NATO. The Turks are also asking for the US gov to extradite some 'Gulen' guy so they can pin the coup on him and have a kangaroo court. Erdogan is looking to capitalize on the coup whether it was a false flag or not and my take is he is using this airbase to extort the US into handing him over.
Pretty brave to try and extort a superpower I guess Donald Trump is right and Obama is so weak that even America's allies are taking advantage of them.
Let's not forget Obama's term oversaw its closest ally with a special relationship go against its 'strong advice' and leave the EU.
The explosions seem to be F16s sonic booming over the base, I'm not sure how that works with a no fly zone but that's what I can figure out.
Why are there 50 nuclear bombs in an air base in the middle of muslim faggotville?
When the coup happened, why didn't so many US armed forces descend on the base killing anyone and everyone who even looked at it wrong? Why was it allowed to be held even briefly by (secular, good boy) muslim turks?
Boggles the mind.
If this is true you are very stupid to give what is potentially useful information to the US enemies over the internet. Delete your post you nigger.
Turkey is important for a lot of reasons in NATO's strategic defense plans. It has the largest standing army (conscripts) in NATO and there are a bunch of command and control places set up there. Geographically it's the land entrance into Europe.
You agreed to it nigger hehehe through the kikes
We entrusted our Turkish friends with those weapons so they could keep evil Russia in check.
It also is an antagonism to the USSR and was the closest place we could put Pershing Missles.
Funny how the death throws of 50 year old dynamics are fucking us today.
Shit, there's a talk like a pirate day, there should be a kings English day as well. Destroy modernity one holiday at a time.
Anyways, you're fine man, I shouldn't have been an prick to you.
Most crypto stuff requires a lot of signing off, and security measures after the whole Ames debacle. So you need man hours spent on just eyeballing processes like , transferring stuff, destroying out-dated keys, "compromised" keys, and what not.
It's a lot of waste in man hours and in physical goods like paper, ink, gas, etc.
The army has a budget and a limited amount of people and hours.
I base a lot of this off of how we key our current crypto and frequency hopping keys for radios like MBITR and SINCGARS.
There are little boxes the NSA has that they inspect for tampering, then install keys, lock them down, and then have this mad chain of people who are in it's control at all times. Each step of the way requires people to sign off on it's release, damage, etc.
Then they have to get a qualified tech to get there to purge the keys from the memory of the sincgars, upload new keys, then sign off themselves.
On top of this, the whole process must be done under the observation of other people to prevent stealing/copying of keying materials like what Ames did.
Imagine the convoluted and retarded process for delivering OTP keys for each plane/site/base/commander.
Each person/unit needs their own unique version and bases need copies of each key to commo with them.
You also have to destroy each sheet no matter how little or how much you used.
At least I'm not posting smug Vietnamese cartoons girls… yet.
There is nothing antagonistic about it. NATO will never go to war with Russia it is a defense treaty by its nature. It serves only as a deterrent. I also believe Russia will never go to war with NATO because Putin is a smart man and more competent by far than the western governments.
That's what you get for trusting desert rats.
It sure is, everybody is bombing the shit out of ISIS now. Nobody is backing ISIS anymore, they're a free for all target. They aren't useful anymore, most people just want the war in Syria to end. They are slowing the process of removing/replacing Assad.
chichen tendies get them now!
Nobody cares if somebody gets a wifi password but surely they would have the common sense to have extra special security protection in place for nuclear weapons given how dangerous they are.
It was pretty damn antagonistic. Maybe you're aware of the whole "Cuban Missile Crisis" that followed as a direct result?
The US put missiles in Turkey on the USSR's doorstep, the USSR responded by sending missiles to Cuba to restore the balance (not even, the US still had far more missiles), and it nearly escalated to WW3.
I think "antagonistic" is a reasonable description.
It's useless information, just the vaguest outlines of a protocol. It doesn't say:
Friend, thank you. I have learned something and will not forget.
Now I'm going to go drink a lot of Gin.
1979: Meeting Held in Turkey Discussing US-Turkey Alliance
Albert Wohlstetter, the ideological father of neoconservatism, arranges a meeting in Istanbul bringing together 13 Americans, 13 Turks, and 13 Europeans. Wohlstetter’s protege, Richard Perle, is possibly present. The policies discussed at the meeting later become the basis of the Turgut Ozal administration’s pro-American policies in Turkey (see September 1980) (see December 1983). [AMERICAN ENTERPRISE INSTITUTE, 11/22/2003] Wohlstetter, a professor at the University of Chicago, is a mentor to Perle and Paul Wolfowitz. [THINK TANK, 11/14/2002] He sees Turkey as “a US staging post for Middle East contingencies and as a strategic ally of Israel.” [EVRIVIADES, 1999]
1979-1990s: Wohlstetter and Perle Promote Close US-Turkey Alliance
Neoconservatives Albert Wohlstetter and his protege, Richard Perle, work within the US and Israeli defense establishments to promote Turkey as a key US and Israeli strategic ally (see 1979). This effort is in part motivated by concerns raised by the Soviet invasion of Afghanistan. Perle and other officials in the Reagan administration play a key role in promoting an alliance between Israel and Turkey. [EVRIVIADES, 1999; FOREIGN POLICY RESEARCH INSTITUTE, 9/1999; NATION, 8/23/2002] This alliance is also strongly supported by “conservative Jewish-American groups working with the Turkish legation in Washington and a number of prominent Turkish-American businessmen with business and blood connections with Turkish Jews in Istanbul and those who had settled in Israel.” [EVRIVIADES, 1999]
December 1983: Military Rule in Turkey Ends with Election of New Prime Minister
Turgut Ozal is elected prime minister in Turkey, ending three years of military rule (see September 1980). [FOREIGN POLICY RESEARCH INSTITUTE, 9/1999; NATION, 8/23/2002] Turgut Ozal continues to strengthen the pro-US strategic alliance that was proposed during a 1979 meeting arranged by Albert Wohlstetter
April 3, 1985: The Turkish-US Business Council is Established
The Turkish-US Business Council is formed by the Council of the Foreign Economic Relations Board of Turkey (DEIK) to represent Turkish business interests. [WHITE HOUSE, 1999] According to the DEIK’s own website, however, the DEIK itself is not established until 1986, after which point it functions as an umbrella organization for a number of foreign trade organizations, of which the Turkish-US Business Council is the largest and most important. [TURKISH-US BUSINESS COUNCIL, 2004] The Turkish-US Business Council is the parent organization of its American counterpart, the American-Turkish council
continued in next post
1986: Richard Perle Negotiates Defense Agreement with Turkey
Richard Perle successfully completes negotiations on the new Defense and Economic Cooperation Agreement with Turkey, making the country the third-largest recipient of US military aid after Israel and Egypt. He also proposes the establishment of a “high-level US-Turkish consultative group co-chaired by the Pentagon and the Turkish general staff.” These developments cause “consternation” in the State Department. But after an “intense struggle,” is able to push the programs through with the support of ambassador Robert Strausz-Hupe and members of the National Security Council. [FOREIGN POLICY RESEARCH INSTITUTE, 9/1999; NATION, 8/23/2002] Perle himself is the American co-chair of the high-level defense group. [WASHINGTON POST, 7/24/2004] On one of Perle’s trips to Turkey he is accompanied by future counterterrorism director Richard Clarke. Clarke had been assigned by the State Department to be keep an eye on Perle’s activities, but finds that he is “charmed by his manner and persuaded by his logic about the strategic importance of Turkey.” [CLARKE, 2004, PP. 49]
1986: American Jewish Congress Delegation Visits Turkey
Following the visit of a 13-member delegation from the American Jewish Congress (AJC) to Ankara, AJC President Theodore Mann writes in a letter explaining the reason for the visit that “US Congress… has not been as appreciative of Turkey’s geopolitical importance as it should be.” He also writes about “the improving relationships between Turkey and Israel,” and of “the importance we place on a strong and durable relationship between the United States and Turkey.” [CENTER FOR RESEARCH, 1993]
April 1987-1994: Richard Perle Travels to Turkey and Negotiates Large Contract for Firm He Helped Start
Richard Perle travels to Turkey where he negotiates an $800,000 contract for International Advisors Inc. (IAI), a company which he started with Douglas Feith, and for which he recruited six former executive branch staff officials. He becomes a consultant to IAI and receives $48,000 annually from 1989 to 1994. IAI is registered as Turkey’s foreign agent with the Justice Department. It receives $800,000 from Turkey in 1989, and then $600,000 annually from 1990 to 1994. [ROSSIDES, 9/6/2002]
1994: American-Turkish Council Formed
The American-Turkish Council (ATC) is formed as the American counterpart to the Turkish-US Business Council (see April 3, 1985). [TURKISH-US BUSINESS COUNCIL, 2004]
Mid-Late 1990s: Pakistani-Based Proliferation Network Begins to Use Turkish Fronts in US
A Pakistani-based proliferation network centered around nuclear scientist A. Q. Khan and the ISI intelligence agency begins to use Turkish fronts to acquire technology in the US. This move is made because it is thought Turks are less likely to attract suspicion than Pakistanis. At one point the operation is headed by ISI Director Lt. Gen. Mahmood Ahmed. According to FBI whistleblower Sibel Edmonds, intercepted communications show Mahmood and his colleagues stationed in Washington are in constant contact with attachés at the Turkish embassy. Edmonds will also say that venues such as the American Turkish Council (ATC), a Washington-based lobby group, are used for handovers, and packages containing nuclear secrets are then delivered by Turkish operatives, using their cover as members of the diplomatic and military community, to contacts at the Pakistani embassy in Washington. Edmonds will also allege: “Certain greedy Turkish operators would make copies of the material and look around for buyers. They had agents who would find potential buyers.” [SUNDAY TIMES (LONDON), 1/6/2008]
I could keep going.
This also ties into the Plame Affair (Yellow Cake forgery for Iraq war) and also with the Sibel Edmonds affair (FBI agent who found high level CIA and State dep members involved in nuclear smuggling with groups like American Turkish Council).
As at today, Jew neocons were still involved in that American-Turkish Council
And yesterday they were pro erdogan:
fuck pls no don't remind me that I need new fucking boots my heels are killing me why does this shitty ass fucking government insist on only stocking Bates at the NEX fuck
Do you not have moleskin?
Also are insertable soles nogo or something?
I stand on unpadded concrete floors for hours on end at my job.
I mean, I would assume if you were at basic and the kill hats were in your face and inspecting every little thing you wouldn't have Dr.Scholes
But you're out of that, so can't you get some basic inserts?
Insertable soles are just fine. In face I have some in. The problem is that the actual boot itself is cracked on the inside, a good inch above where any insole would cover. They need to be replaced, but I'm putting it off because I remember how hellish it was to break them in.
Save the Brrrrrrrrrrrrrrrt! Dear god someone think of the Brrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrt!
Did you join the military after becoming redpilled?
Just get jungle boots.
I heard there was some bull shit happening about certain brands not being reg because they didn't match all the requirements/standards.
If you can find some that are reg, why not order them off amazon and get some nice comfy nike's or something?
get some merrel or keen shoes and do slav squats on occasion to relieve your muscles on the job
That's what I've been meaning to look into. Fuck Bates. That's the moral of the story for wannabe crypto-user.
I need to get something and soon. The pain is starting to carry over into the weekends. My boss hates when anyone sits, too. Everyone else at my work has some dadcore shit or some huge nigger Nike shit so they have like 2 inchs of foam padding, but the shoes I have are just like a half inch of solid rubber.
Treaty or not, does anyone think Obongo would start a war with Russia over Turkey? The people who say yes to this probably also thought the US would honor the treaty with Ukraine. Any president could easily weasel out of fighting Russia by saying Turkey started the fight and they can deal with it themselves.
Erdogan will use this to try and islamize Turkey and there are no more roadblocks. He could proclaim a Caliphate. The economy was going to shit before the coup. Turkey is going to look like a combination of Venezuela and Syria. Threatening NATO allies is just icing on the cake. I hope Turkey pulls out so we can just watch the Islamists die.
The question now is what is going on with OUR nukes. Would King Nigger start a war with Turkey to Retrieve them before an uncontrolled ISIS got them? (OR anyone else).
Obongo won't be doing anything to rock the boat right now. Muh legacy and whatnot. But if Shillary gets into office then war with Russia is more or less guaranteed
If there is war with Russia im going full hermit. Id only be 20 by the time the next President gets into office.
Hopefully my background check come up fine and I won't be a wanna-be.
I saw an image that came through the grape vine of basically the reg and non-reg boots. It had pics, boot name, and brand
TBH, first thing I'm doing with what little pay is comfy compliant boots. Then booze to impress my flight.
Why are you joining the military after becoming redpilled? smdh
The correct answer is
I love my country
The proper answer is
I love the people of my country and non the cancerous institutions of it
The real answer is
Shit pay but free housing, food, etc
Training I can apply to a job outside the military
If I save half my paychecks I can leave after 6 years and have enough dosh to start a family
Job security
Fuckin' a at first I thought that Incirlik was like some Inuit word and that the Russians and Nato were about to kick off the arctic theater of WWIII. Disappointed its just squabbling roaches.
Well that's what the winner of world wars does user.
What is the flight time from "Blah Blah Blah Turckish Sandnigger" to Germany?
I think, my friends we are having Nukes stolen from us
Probably 6-8 hours depending on the aircraft.
Actually probably slower because I imagine the aircraft that would transport nuclear weapons is going to be quite large. So maybe 9 or something hours.
I'm in NC and I've been seeing some really weird lights in the sky. Definitely not normal air traffic. Has to be military (or ayyliums)
These can actually be fitted to fighters like f16s.
Underrated post.
Well, given a close ally just had a coup, and an Empty Quiver is still possible, a bit of extra activity is to be expected
Could their F-4s be used for nukes as well as the F-16s? Everything I see says they would use F-16s, but I don't see why the F-4s couldn't.
Actually, I've heard nothing about the Phantoms since the coup began, while there's been plenty about the F-16s.
I am aware of those, but would they transport those on fighters?
They need to move warheads probably, not the whole assembly. So you can just load a bunch of those up in their containers and put them on a C-130 or something.
Here's a quick primer
ayylium military
Yes they are easily carried by the F16 or any other fighter it is why they are forward stationed
Beware white men, east euro and russians included. Jews are baiting us like they did before the blitzkrieg. If we're all united, they can't win.
These trips.
All the kids who got the Superfeet insoles in boot camp ended up getting mad shin splints
Most military commands actually have fallen for the social media meme. Hell, most commands have multiple extra goybooks just for the various programs they offer too.
It doesn't cover PALs arming.
Maybe, I don't think their f4's have added computers/the right wiring crap in the wings to arm and program nukes.
Anything named "superfeet" should have the same handling as things like charms.
It's going to do the exact opposite of what you're wanting.
Might be possible in a pog mos but god damn I got back from a combat deployment and promptly blew threw 18k in cash and racked up 16k in credit card debt.
dominos and whiskey
I'm not joking
Yeah but like I said would they do that when the only things that matter are warheads, or if they dont have removable warheads they could still put loads on a cargo aircraft, right?
I can't even. My mind is full of fuck. How?
I mean, I got pretty good time preference and deferal… plus I feel bad when I spend money on myself. How and why, please.
There were F16 obsevered out of the airbase tonight flying out at sonic boom speeds. There is one source but so far has been credible
I suppose it's a moot point anyway; I think the Phantoms are at different bases than the nukes. The F-4 base I visited when I was in Turkey was in Eskisehir; the nukes are more to the north, near Russia.
Make sure to buy 47 USMC (or appropriate branch) bumper stickers. You NEED to let everyone at every opportunity know that you were in the armed services. Even in situations or conversations where it isnt applicable or where it doesnt seem appropriate (even funerals) ALWAYS bring it up.
Seeing as user already knows he's going crypto, I'd say he's Navy. His experience is gonna be a little bit different from an armyfag or muhreen. I think crypto techs spend maybe a year or so in training before they actually hit a ship, and depending on what rank user is coming in as that could be enough time to save up over 5000 dollarydoos or so.
Where are the Cargo aircraft user? They closed airspace at the beginning of the coup. I doubt they would have let us fly a c130 or c5 over to pick up our stuff. :^)
This was planned and is getting interesting. My bet is on a nuke or two being "lost" as another user said, and going off in… say…
Just hopping in the thread and trying to catch up with whats happening. Nuke base has been cut off by Erdogan (To use a a bargaining to get Obama to extradite Gulen?) And im guessing US is scrambling to either get te base back or get the Nukes out. Do we know theres been a skyking broadcast?
Negro not even Obongo is dumb enough to think that anyone would fall for it if he said "well guys we just sorta lost that fucking nuke lmao".
Here's the other scary thing,
You (nor do I) trust King Tranny Nigger to tell the truth about this.
1c to your $5 ISIS has a nuke I guarantee.
I'll take them 5 -6 mos to figure out how to make the fucking thing go off, but they will. When they do, we won't be saying aloha snakbar but saying aloha roast
I imagine the smart thing to do would be to immediately secure some airspace for US aircraft, and then get any good shit out of there ASAP. This started yesterday, so there is no reason they couldnt have brought any number of aircraft in or out of that location, right?
Correct me if I am wrong, though.
What's the update on King Roach and Obama? Have they acknowledged this?
What the fuck are you asking me for?
Nigger Jesus wanted the UN to side with Turk-Nigger.
Egypt said NO!
That's about it for diplomacy from what I've heard. I was hoping Anons here could help.
So was Auschwitz
Is Egypt still controlled by fundie Islamists? Or is it back to being comparatively based these days?
We are working on a situation where we have Nukes that are unaccounted for, a nigger in office that had a fizzled out BLM strike against us, and white people cowering in fear. Help me analyse the info.
No anons, they said FUCK THAT and made a happy Coup. They are allying with the Russians since the Nigger is pissed they aren't Mohammedan.
He did it with guns, might as well go all the way.
In FACT the Egyptbros did something spectacular at the UN fucking today. They blocked a fucking "RESOLUTION IN SUPPORT OF TURKISH DEMOCRACY"
They defacto said the coup was right….
Egypt is also still a secular government thanks to their most recent coup right?
Which caused king nigger to chimp out.
Yes my friend
What does this mean? Has the madman king roach actually taken the fucking base?
Even worse, it caused them to move to our Russbros which is great but not for us since we are in Nato (it gets confusing I know).
What is ISIS up to these days? Their controlled territory is pretty small these days, and while given the nature of their group, territory isnt as vital to them as it is to a traditional militant group, it is still quite a decline.
Suggestion for targets : Mecca, Tel Aviv.
Roachking has been working with them for 2 years, what do you think?
Are Kurds worth Boston?
You could wake up tomorrow and hear that they have taken over some region, and are responsible for X, and you would believe it
Looks like King Roach thought he'd take the base hostage for that Pennsylvania guy, but the US doesn't give a shit.
Roachking wants to kill the Kurds in Turkey to establish his Caliphate.
Unless an alphabet wants to tell me wrong. What Roachking is hoping is that the Russians will still back off because of his Nato Shell.
He has been selling oil to ISIS since the begging (known fact) and killing Kurds (don't care if you don't like them) since the begging to destabalize Basshad from Day 20 (not 1 mind you the dirty roach).
This is prety well known (but undocumented) pol discussuion. Please anyone correct me if I am wrong.
But I mean woah dude how do you know that the middle east even exists? Have you ever been there? Woah dude ever think about that huh? You gotta open up your mind man.
He wants to kill the Syrians and take over the ISIS controlled areas to expand his Sultam (sp?)
He wants to establish himself as a new Sultan in Istanbul and Normalize the Faith under his Rule (not a bad idea)
So… WTF? haven't used that in a while*
Now Burgers. I ask you.
If we will not civilize these savages, what are we doing with nukes at what the fuck airbase? I mean FUCK!
Thought ISIS was the one selling oil to Turkey. If I remember, ISIS seized Syrian oil fields and exported the goods to the Turkish border.
To intimidate the Russian boogeyman of course.
Corrected, thank you user, got it backwards
That is correct, ISIS sells oil to Turkey, who sells it to Israel. Roachking's son deals with this matter on Turkish end. Roaches supply them with weapons, TOWs and artillery support when SAA or Kurds get too close to closing the only road into Turkey.
Well now he might have the US nukes (which might not be there after all), now what's the next step of his master plan?
Don't get me wrong they are scary, but I've personally been both places- Russians are white Europeans.
ISIS runs trucks through French families. Who is more scary friend?
Thinking about it, my question is now, where does ISIS funnel that money? While I'm aware their 'sponsors' fund them, but how do they conduct their transactions with their own acquired funds? I assume it goes international to fund the actual attacks in places like France? Because the 'sponsor' money is likely more for sustaining their presence in Syria and Iraq.
I think the scariest part of this discussion is there has been no news from "Whateverthefuckname" Airbase. That's fucking spooky. That's also not a small airbase btw.
I hope I'm wrong but has ANYONE heard from the 60 fucking Nukes?
m8 it takes a bit to move that many nukes for the next false flag calm down.
M8 they aren't working towards a new false flag, they are fucking with nukes with NATO codes and disarmament sequences.
BigDick said today he considered the US as a part of the PLOT.
Where are the nukes? ISIS? Russia? Tel aviv? Mecca? I think it is a valid concern.
*dis-safe sorry… to be more explicit- "To make the nuclear weapons ready for activation" sequences
To be honest lads, i'm starving for some happenings. King Roach blue balled us, chmps didn't deliver, Trump picked up the goodest and safest goy and frenchies cucked out for muh islam again. Tomorrow is gonna be fucking boring. Monday might be cool at the RNC, but not much after that.
Dude, crypto keys take less than 2 min/aircraft to load all applicable per day. Paperwork is a bitch but an hour or 2 per week set aside for it is enough.
t. former avionics tech/squadron sso
A lot of you seem to misunderstand the significance of what happened yesterday.
Everyone is M8 I was about to grab my bag until I said… TURKEY?
Grab toilet paper first damn
We still don't know what the fuck Roach Lord is doing. He staged a coup to extend his power right? That's the basics. Now he's flexing his muscles at the US, nukes are probably not there anyway. What now?
That's speculation, but the coup failing creates a much more interesting situation than success. Ataturk's Turkey was unnatural for the region, so we get to see how this plays out.
Spoiler: not well for anyone including Erdogan
For beyond that Lad,
Nigger Jesus was "All behind him at the UN" today, Egyptbros said No.
We don't know where the nukes are, they were NOT evacuated.
And yes, we are supposed to be more interested with Tits than nukes Britbro (good morning)
These guys are saying it's confirmed, that the coup aircraft re-fuled at the US airbase
Oh to top it off, the Russians are tip top about to nuke anyone that moves.
Lovely morning
What's King Obongo gonna say about that?
That does make it CIA and we really DO need to know where the nukes are
We refulued the planes that tried to putsch the Turkroach … act of war
King Nigger is going to say nothing. Really now?
Did King Nigger really fuck up this bad? Or was this part of his plan all along?
how does that make it cia?
couldnt there be other reasons for letting the f16 refuel
Yeah gets weird here I already worked it up, best thing is we evacuate our property, or we go to war with Turkey.
There actually is no International Law precedent set.
incirlik is not a US airbase
its a turkish airbase and a nato airbase
i think he fucked up
now all begins to make sense
Now ask yourself, do you think King Nigger has the Balls to go to War with anyone?
Not red lines, WAR?
For our nukes? HA!
We will hear about European cities being glassed by ISIS soon
the mob killed 104 soldiers and only 47 civilians dead
the soldiers reallly showed restraint
and got lynched as a thank you
US Nukes being used in Berlin (I hope), Marselles, etc.
Fuck out of 60… I bet they got 3 at least.
Use your imagination
if king nigger was involved in the coup
then we just lost turkey to the russians
If he doesn't and Turkey (as in, King Roach is mad with power and autism) DOES want war, what will be the consequences?
why do you guys all say the turks took the nukes?
i havent read anything other than that they cut off the power?
Turkish/US/Nato. Calling it a US airbase is being disingenuous. I don't doubt that US/NATO supported the coup by not interfering, but I doubt they provided material assistance.
Looks like tanker planes flew out of the base and re-filled the rebel aircraft
We lost last night friends,
We lost last night.
user was right where were the nukes. I assumed they were under US control. I pray they still were.
If you set off the smallest yield in a large city you are talking 30k casualties. Largest yield, the city is gone.
ah i thought they landed and refueled
if tanker planes flew out then this means the us was involved
doesnt it?
it only says the base was used to refuel
maybe they landed?
nothing about tanker planes?
Fuck the Bilderberg group and their cronies.
You wanna play mutually assured destruction games? Fuck you, Illuminati trash.
really think about this
"only" 47 dead civilians compared to 104 dead soldiers
That gives the Turkroaches cause for war
(even quiet war)
Has anyone heard from the airbase?
dont worry about war
they dont want war with the us
the bigger problem is turkey will leave nato and join russia + china
KC134R tankers
What would happen if every nuke at that base went off at the same time?
i followed the coup attempt all night til 6-7am
never had any idea what the fuck was going on
now it makes sense
you confirm, if they used refueling planes
this means the US gave their go?
You think Russia will take them my friend?
King Roach wants to start his own Caliph
but if this was CIA why did the coup fail so hard?
someone tipped of erdogan?
hell yeah russia will
just to piss off the US
CIA dude said it would be quick, we failed. King nigger didn't think about the nukes. DAMN IT
Has king nigger said anything after his copy paste "We support democracy and prayers are with you i'm a cuck" statement from last night?
Russia very well could have tipped off king roach
The Russians do NOT want sand niggers that are outside their control to have nukes, remember Chechnya
no but seriously
if it was CIA , surely they have experience planning this stuff better?
they got outsmarted by erdogan?
King Nigger again think and just armed the Lord of the Roaches
afik the US aircraft were grounded and still are with fpcon delta in effect on the base. I doubt the US was active in the events. Most likely passive supporters. Especially since elections are coming up.
not talking about the nukes
we dont know what happened to the base
im just saying, if the US was involved, erdogan will leave nato
Has there been any leaks regarding this situation before it happened?
why do you all say they have the nukes
what proof is there?
are they still closing off and occupying the base?
ive found no news
Do you live in the states? Why do you think the CIA is good at achieving what they set out to do?
The only thing protecting the roach is NATO, if he is no longer under the US' glorious nuclear retribution, he's dead from so many fronts
Decent sized hole in the ground, and the area would be radiated for years.
Not likely since Erdogan's plans in the caucuses conflict with Russa's.
It's claimed that TurAF tankers are also based in Incirlik …
The only thing keeping Russia from attacking him is the US' glorious retribution. FUCK FUCK FUCK
i dont
thats what i assumed because they did this kind of stuff in southamerica for a long time
Here's a concept Burgers online, do you want to nuke Moscow for Ankara?
They have a pretty damn good track record with coups. Just look at the history of south and central America.
Erdogan already kissed Putin's ring, so I don't think there's much chance of that.
Yes, but if it was a CIA-backed coup attempt, it may have been a better alternative
Russia is STILL pissed about the plane being shot down, trust me I'm married to one.
They laugh (internally) about the Roach's pleas
Implying they won't let the loose canon out to dry, and let the US do the dirty work and once Turkey's voted off the NATO island Russia won't waltz on in and take it over under new management?
I hope their pupped is as cute as the one girl from Crimea.
Do not be weak to Putin after poking the bear, he bites.
We can only pray can't we user, but more important.
Where are the fucking Nukes we decided to leave there?
With variable range up to 300kt? And I will grand the sand niggers one thing, they know how to hammer a nail.
I think that Turkey's domestic issues are so fucked that outside assistance wasn't needed. Maybe just a promise to look the other way.
It would speculating to say that a nuclear bomb would trigger an arsenal chain reaction.
We basically Bay of Pigs 2.0 now?
user not to be a killjoy,
We are talking about a nuke.
1 nuke kills Berlin, London, Paris.
1 million people dead. Understand your enemy friend.
It was a turk tanker, but obviously suspicious
where do you get this idea that they have the nukes?
All they'd have to do is prove a link between Turkish money and European terrorist attacks and he's utterly finished. Just speculation but it's possible that's the real leverage against Turkey, the threat of exposing that paper trail. It also doubles as a perfect fall guy should the whole ISIS project fall apart and they can't quite blame Syria for it, nor risk exposing the real handlers.
Alright… so here is a conjecture.
The US was about to have a Class 5 chimpout when this clusterfuck started. In the process how the coup turned out smells to high heaven of a false flag.
Stay with me here this gets good, and only better as it goes on.
Russia has been incredibly chill about this whole matter, and don't forget Kerry is still at the Kremlin with Putin makin' some sweet lovin to some of Russia's finest.
Now, looking at how NATO still hasn't formally kicked out Turkey, and how the coup pretty much handed Turkey over to Sultan Cockroach, what does that tell you?
1: The Turkish military was in on it all along.
2: We got played like a bunch of fiddles.
3: Russia profits no matter how this plays out.
That and there was NO warning whatsoever about this. No building unrest… just suddenly some generals decided to fuck some shit up?
Are we expected to believe this just formed out of a political vacuum?
King Cockroach created the coup.
King Cockroach now is Emperor Palpatine of Turkey.
The only sign of any rustling was when the Pope headed over there and pretty much took Turkey to task for the Armenian genocide.
And that just isn't a valid trigger for this.
I'm going to be so bold as to say this: This happened to blunt several events that were about to tear the wobbling western world to shreds.
Now the media is focused on this like a laser.
This is Wag-the-dog on an epic scale, and only someone on the level of an inner-circle Builderberg Group member could pull this off.
Shit I'm nervous even considering this.
Sorry to divert, but I thought I'd just spill what's on my mind. This just seems too convenient.
Also I'm not talking chain reaction.
I'm talking every bomb being set to trigger at the exact same time, or enough to scatter any other bombs like the mother of all dirty bombs.
See you fuckers in the zone.
this is old
It's definitely a convenient Reichstag fire.
So if you suddenly hear news that Turkey is implicated in funding terrorism in Europe, you know Erdogan really pissed off his powerful friends. If it plays out like that of course, could be wrong.
i doubt it
what seems more likely after this
was that the US was involved in the coup
erdogan got tipped of
it failed
Too convenient. Way too convenient.
Sleep well anons. This nightmare will only get deeper when you return.
US area hasn't been breeched from reports I've seen, so nukes are irrelevant.
Suspicious that the US didn't stop them? Not the US personnel's responsibility to keep tabs on hosts' personnel.
By Blunt do you mean damper, or something else?
I've been asking for ANYBODY to tell me otherwise, no confirmation.
I've also listened to 8992 and heard a fuckload of traffic, I've been receiving hits on my AI, so user, yeah
This is concerning. I'm telling you and drinking Gin.
The turk roaches are holding the base hostage - US is going to have to rendition that Pennsylvania roach and give him the turk roaches as ransom
No… it would seem Cockroach got tipped off because of the keystone cop routine the Turkish coup perpetrators played on the country.
Remember this came out of a VACUUM politically. I really can't believe some Turks suddenly got up one morning and said "I feel like a little revolution today."
This plot is full of holes. Big ones.
My only question user has been, where are my nukes. I'm a USDA born and Passport holding American. Where the fuck are my nukes-
No one has answered that so far, if you can pull an AF brat out of your ass or someone from ISIS to tell me, tell me; otherwise FUCK YOU
doesnt sound like anything is happening
Then why have they completely failed to report on it? Shit they are more busy reporting the french road roacing that this. The news in my country buried it hard.
That's another thing.
What that cockroach wants is very, very specific, and so out of left-field as to be completely outlandish.
How the hell are we to believe that guy in Pennsylvania is THAT important?
It would be bad.
The total yield of those missiles probably exceeds 100 megatons, and perhaps 200-300 megatons. If they went off simultaneously in close proximity, in effect a single explosion, the effects could very well magnify.
For an example of a smaller the yield, the largest bomb ever exploded was ~50 megatons, though some say it was more, and some say less.
Unreported is that this explosion blew off some of the Earth's atmosphere located immediately above the explosion. In other words, the explosion itself was so large, it's impacts exceeded the height of the atmosphere.
But more dangerous, these hot, compressive nuclear explosions can actually set the atmosphere itself on fire, which would destroy all multicellular life on Earth with a few minutes. Simultaneously exploding abunch of nukes in close proximity might actually result in this effect.
In any case, it would be bad. Hopefully only regionally.
If you know anything about Turkey, then you'd know that this wasn't sudden. Military has been discontent with Erdogan for some time, and he was planning a purge.
Controlled by intel, you think they'd say anything important over public comms?
They're just using it to change the political narrative. Notice how all the police shootings and BLM hijinks have seemingly vanished off the screen, yet before the coup, we were on the verge of civil war. Hell, one media outlet said were close to it or it had started.
its a coded message
But wouldn't the explosive force itself create pressure waves that would smother that atmospheric fire from spreading almost instantly?
Thing is they wouldn't even say that on a publicly viewable sort of format.
That's why I'm thinking one or two going off could make the mother of all dirty bombs.
That would be some pretty intense workplace violence
In this case, the oxidation is driven pressure and heat, not extinguished by it. This isn't a fire that you could 'blow out'.
There's too much nitrogen and too little oxygen to set the atmosphere on fire. You could, however poison the topsoil and sterilize the land.
The airport bombing in Turkey is what triggered the coup. They saw the religious shit hitting the fan and stepped in.
Then why did it take so long? Just saying there is just enough disconnect here, and lack of devotion to the effort to make me scratch my head.
When the world is no longer threatened with nuclear annihilation, I will stop bothering to scare people with the scary truth.
six f16's are missing and being hunted by the turks
The moment the nukes fly , every one is going to unload, mutually assured destruction
Lurk moar!
You don't know what the fuck you're talking about.
There are 100 bombs at Maximum stored on that AFB, officially all B61's, who have a max yield of 340 kt. You'd be looking at a 34 megaton explosion IF they all went off and IF the maximum number is stored there.
The problem is even if one went off, the others wouldn't follow. Nuclear weapons are extremely precise weapons that have sub microsecond timing required. They're not homogeneous explosives like TNT where everything is mixed. They'd be destroyed yes, but there would be no chain reaction.
What kind of source do you want? Official government? Media? Get with the program, son!
You keep bringing off this chain reaction thing.
I was saying if they were triggered simultaneously.
Then again, the possibility of two going off with enough force to scatter the material of the remaining bombs seems far more nasty.
Beats me why would even care. Apparently him and king roach used to be buddies.
Remember, these are the people who inspired the adjective Byzantine,
a. Of, relating to, or characterized by intrigue; scheming or devious: "a fine hand for Byzantine deals and cozy arrangements" (New York).
b. Highly complicated; intricate and involved: a bill to simplify the byzantine tax structure.
Because Boomer politicians are stuck in the 60s and are still trying to intimidate the Soviets.
Inverse square rule applied to the sum of the yields. Adana would be destroyed. Russian bombs far greater in yield than this arsenal have been detonated before.
Kek doesn't fuck around
get out of here stalker
Triggering 2 nukes that aren't on the same timing circuit simultaneously would take a damned miracle. Also, a nuke detonating scatters enough radioactive material over a large distance where the undetonated warheads are largely irrelevant.
The coup was rushed I think. They were probably planning to pull it off in a year or two with more support and coordination, but after the bombing they moved their time table up.
CIA hasn't been effective and secretive since they stopped being over 90% white. The new multikulti CIA is shit.
Because the military is going to tell the public what's actually happening?
Field agents would have always been of different racial backgrounds though, easier to conduct operations looking native.
Most likely, Israel's nuke supply is getting old and they need new munitions.
Also hoping your trips are a sign that Kek is halting MAD.
An American spy is in Soviet Russia. He is digging up information on a powerful Russian politician, and is pretending to be a Russian.
He finds the politician in a bar, and walks in, dressed in Russian attire. Everybody in the bar looks at him, but he keeps his cool. He orders a drink, and walks to the politician.
"Greetings, comrade", says the spy, but before he could finish his sentence, the Russian says, "I think you are American spy".
The spy is alarmed, but being a skilled, trained spy, he says, "that is not true, I am the proudest Soviet there is! I can sing the anthem more beautifully than any other man in the country!"
He then proceeds to sing the Soviet anthem, so melodically and beautifully. Everybody in the bar cheers.
"Very good, very good!", says the politician. "But I still think you are spy."
The man continues to keep his cool. "I am a historian! I can tell you everything about this glorious country!". He then spends about two hours recounting the Revolution, the Great Patriotic War, about how superior to the Russia is in terms of technology compared to America, and makes a great argument about how communism is beneficial to society.
"Amazing! You are skilled!", says the politician. The spy smirks. "But I still think you American spy." The spy is getting frustrated, but still unfazed. He replies, "I am good drinker, a true Russian! Let us drink, and see who can come out top!"
The bar turns its attention to the politician and the spy, who are now in a drinking contest. The bartender serves drink after drink of vodka. After about an hour of drinking, the politician nearly passes out, unable to hold as much liquor as the spy, to a resounding cheer amongst the bar.
In the midst of the cheering, the Russian politician gets up, smiling, and in a slurred speech, repeats "You are good, you are good… but I still think you are spy."
The American spy, piss drunk, loses his skill and gives up. "Okay, you got me. I am an American. But what made you think that way, after all this time?"
The Russian politician replies, "there aren't many black people in Russia."
I might need some non burger traduction
No one can crack these messages, except when Israel sells out the code.
Dubs says KEK is
Kek was confirming that was hoping. There is no stopping mad.
KEK's prophet has spoken
Workplace violence actually happens.
He's the Muslim Soros. He's set up schools and mosques all around the world and his associates have been funding people like Shillary. Erdogan used to be a buddy of his, using his network to take control over the government, but then they (ostensibly) fell apart and now he supposedly hates his guts and has made him out to be a scapegoat.
Why would the US do a coup on Turkey? Shouldn't they be happy with Turkey turning more and more Muslim?
Call them who they are: The Jews.
Because he's becoming less controllable and over-confident? It's a big risk if he becomes too difficult to work with and does his own thing.
I think the idea is that Erdogan has started to rebel a little, apologizing for shooting down the Russian warplane and generally has held back from fully invading Syria like they were expected to do for Greater Israel.
Based military user!
Pure speculation, there is no evidence. The US doesn't have enough incentive to try to force a coup on Turkey. Even if the general responsible did reach out to the US for assistance in the coup, I think the US says "eeeh, no thanks." What is there to gain?
This does, however, reek of Erdogan and possibly an "enemy of my enemy" situation, with propaganda to deal a political blow to the US' image abroad while he looks like the hero for stopping the coup.
Guys can we have a new coup thread i have no idea what is going on and i want to see dead roaches
there is still a media blackout as far as I know besides the state run propaganda
At least that means it's still going on. Thank god. Russian Invasion when ?
The Blood God demands a sacrifice at the RNC!
The idea is that only Constantinople is in Erdogan's hands, with most of the rest of the country, including Ankara, under rebel control. One can only hope, of course.
A key strategy in warfare is making things as boring as possible, wait for the enemy to slacken, tire or fall asleep, then strike like lightning.
After looking at sultan Estrogen's picture for many hours, soldiers allegedly began catching periods.
US-Turkish tensions rise after failed coup attempt
Times of Israel
Interestingly, practically ALL the news about this is on Israeli news services.
Also interesting, Israel is preparing to pay Turkey $20MM in compensation to the families aboard the flotilla that Israel intercepted on its way to Gaza.
" no one in Turkey should think of using the attempted coup as an excuse to violate the freshly minted agreement."
The 39th Air Base Wing is one of the biggest (if not THE) in Europe. The base itself is 100% US made…
The only thing Turkish on that base is a command (which uses the NATO command center equipment) and the KC-135 (which maintenance is shared with the USAF).
So either it's US commander has no clue what's happening on his base (which is a poor defense), best case scenario for the US they looked the other way, worst case this was rebel HQ…
And guess who else…
Yeah, right, great idea.
Back to >>>/a/ faggot
I would encourage ALL Holla Forumsacks with previous service in the American military or defense sector to reveal everything in detail if I would not care for their well being.
(((((( ))))))
So is Greece. The difference is that Greeks are fewer and not as expendable as non-humans are.
Double singles kinda confirm.
dance puppet
That's easy to say for a badger.
Kike status exposed.
It's not an insult, it means you are not likely to get nuked. Europe is small, user.
BTW thanks for that video, it's hillarious.
What is the new Turkey thread?
So what became of this? Where did the nukes go?
If the turkroaches or anyone attempted to snag our nukes there would be an aerial assault on Turkey right now dwarfing Desert Storm 1 & 2 combined. TBH some of the posts in the latter half of this thread are nigger-tier retarded.
I'm looking at you ID: 28c823. You have to be one of the dumbest motherfuckers I've seen on this site yet, jumping to the most idiotic conclusions about our nukes and making all kinds of dumbass assumptions based on the completely false idea that the Incirlik airbase was a US only airbase and therefore the refueling must have been done by US jets. You really are fucking stupid and and I'm singling you out because your 60+ posts in this thread make me want to punch you in the fucking throat. Do two minutes of goddamned research before you shoot your fucking mouth off for hours on end, dipshit.
Oh (((you))).
they are encryted using a one time pad, the cypher is security sealed under lock and key
More on topic details?!
Theory #4321
U.S. cooperates with Erdogan in staged or provoked coup to cement his power. Erdogan makes accusations against U.S. so people won't believe they could be in cahoots.
4321a. U.S. is getting something in this bargain.
4321b. Obama is just doing this because he's muslim scum who wants sharia turkey before thanksgiving.
I've been hearing something along these lines. The coup was meant to be a real coup, but not yet. They had not got enough support to do all the planning and prep they needed. Erdogon is paranoid, he hates the secular army and had one of his insiders inform him. He takes the opportunity to panic them and make them go early knowing they were not ready and lacking key support. After all it was rumored it was started by just a fax telling people it was a go. He knew this, knew it would fail. But would give him the power to remove those pesky judges and army generals looking over his shoulder all he time.
Not really.
DURING the happening, king nigger and the EU didn't spoke out.
After it was clear that it had fizzled out then they went and supported Erdogan. That's far from a "STOP THAT OR ELSE" reaction that a coup done against an ally would get.
Hell Turkey is in NATO, they could have gone as far as pretending the putschist were backed by a foreign power making it perfectly legal to send US troops in the area after them…
Frankly I'm tempted to go with the Turk theory. Erdo was going to purge Ghulen networks no matter what (a Turk user posted something about it the 11 July… and about Turkey was basically aligning with Russia), they didn't have time to plan it properly and improvised a coup (with mostly conscript kept in the dark and a small amount of real putschists).
To which the US probably looked the other way if not actively helped (because Erdo is more and more becoming your typical batshit middle eastern dictator).
It was a "now or never" situation.
The commander of the military base of 90 nukes has been arrested.
6,000 detained after failed Turkish military coup, including commander of US-linked base | Fox News
The putsch attempt led to a temporary halt to air operations by the U.S.-led coalition against the Islamic State group in neighboring Syria and Iraq from Turkey's Incerlik air base, but the Pentagon said Sunday that Turkey has reopened its airspace.
Base commander requested US asylum.US loyalty doubted.USAmbo-Ankara ready for talks @Vikram_Sood
Membah this?
You know they can put your debt on hold when you rejoin.
( polite sage for off topic )
To behonest, everything goes actually quite well. From US and NATO point of view.
Condoleezza Rice & Middle East