You're dating a girl. She's not perfect but she's great in your opinion and she's a 8/10.
All of a sudden she tells you her fetish is to be raped and brutalized.
How do you respond? What do you do?
Your answer will determine your intelligence and whether you're a sick fuck or not.
Ayden Martinez
pay big black goy to rape gf
Tyler Cox
Gee, that's my fetish too.
Rape me and I'll rape you. For bonus points let's make it a game where we just dominate each other when we can get away with it.
Sebastian Powell
It's either this or not act on it. There's either deep-rooted psychological issues, a low self-esteem, or she's entirely too dependent.
t. Permavirgin
John Butler
turn 360 degrees and bump into her
Nathan Richardson
Tell her I'm into BDSM so everything is going to be fine.
Ayden Long
Robert Mitchell
I would turn 360 degrees and walk away.
Jayden Diaz
I wished her fetish would be to pretend to be BOXXY
Robert Morales
ask her what her safeword is, then rape and brutalize her right there on the spot until she says it
Zachary King
tie her up and fuck her any time you want.. free sex!
Gabriel Edwards
fuck the safe word
Carson Brooks
Have her sign x here and here. Then rape her and brutalize her.
Jace Garcia
Won't work. Courts and white knights will use impressive gymnastics these day. They'll just say something like "he forced her to sign it" and everyone will believe it with no evidence.
William Hall
Hidden camera every time I rape and brutalize her.
Gavin Nguyen
I shrug it off and never fulfill her rape fetish. If she can't have normal sex then there's a lot of fucking problems not worth dealing with.
Andrew Clark
Just run, dont fall for this shit ever again.
Adam Jackson
How long have I known her? If she asks a guy she's only been dating for a short while to "rape" her she's clearly not mentally stable and probably the type to cut herself/attempt suicide if I wanted to break up.
Matthew Flores
The safe word is a shit test.
Brody Myers
This, to be honest.
Once you reveal that you've been keeping your sadism in check so as not to scare her off, you can then let her know that you will not be holding back any more.
After that, she's yours forever.
Jose Gray
Try to figure out how this fits with my sexuality. If it's a huge thing for her that she *needs* to have fulfilled and I have no real interest in it, I give up.
Sebastian Hill
All women dream of being brutally raped. They're naturally submissive, it's just how it is. Just grab her by the neck and say something cheesy and the sex starts.
Ayden Butler
Taking the usual amount of denial that you usually have about your partners faults into strong consideration - I'd most likely avoid her from that point onwards. There would clearly something pathological about the hypothetical girls kink. mentally ill girls are usually a lot more selfish than normal girls; which makes them terrible partners once their love hormones start to dull down. After that It'd only be a matter of time before she tried to fuck with me in some way because of her garbage mindset and twisted worldview.
Aaron Gray
if it makes her happy, as long as she doesnt have a fetish for becoming amputee
Adam Morgan
I actually face this situation before.
Dump her, she likely os looking for escuse to trow you in jail, and feel "empowered" by it.
Ian Hill
like 99% of women….
James Morris
When the red flags fly so to does the white
Landon Baker
Nearly all women like rape fantasies, because it allows them to indulge in passivity and submission to a strong assertive male.
Caleb Morgan
ITT newfags
Justin Hughes
rev up the ovens
Elijah Hughes
i would hold her all night long telling her everything will be alright and get her into therapy.