Did GNOME ever not a lousy pleb-tier DE?

At what point in their history did Xfce actually end up surpassing GNOME? Was it always the case that it was better? Forgive me for not getting into desktop environments heavily until a few years ago.

No matter which supposed GNOME fork or "spiritual successor" I try, I am unable to find one that offers anything better than what Xfce does. At some point it really leaves me asking the question, "Was GNOME ever any good to begin with?" Well... was it? Something has to explain the weird popularity this objectively inferior desktop environment and its many successors have. I just don't get it.

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>Was GNOME ever not a lousy pleb-tier DE?

only just realised GTK doesn't stand for gnome-tool-kit... thought it was the old version of the current GNOME ?

anyway yes XFCE is good, tested it recently and was impressed. reminded me of the solidness of MATE but not as dull as MATE.

all the other DEs are too heavy (cinnamon, GNOME, unity) or buggy (LXDE)


Haven't you heard? They're going to rewrite it in Rust.


That should fix everything.

What did you find buggy about LXDE?

Will it "fix" the fact that GNOME and its many successors feature-wise have really nothing to offer over Xfce? Because that's the real problem. You simply can quite a lot more with Xfce's window manager, panel, and file manager. And none of that comes at a significant performance cost. How long this has been the case. Has it always been the case?

Why did people seemingly prefer GNOME over Xfce in the past?

I really need to proofread my posts better tonight.

I like Gnome 3 and I use it today with the Xmonad TWM.


Now they're going to make it even worse by rewriting it in that shit/pajeet/SJW tier language. I'll be sure to stay away from GNOME at all times now, never liked it before anyways.

Does XFCE have a search function similar to that of GNOME?

Cry more, C-weenie.

Gnome has been plagued by memleaks and the occasional segfaults since forever. C was a mistake. Not jumping on the C++ train when it became usable and instead pulling their own inferior, maintenance heavy thing (only a complete C-tard could've looked at GLib at thought: yep, that's a good idea) was a mortal sin. Now the time has come for the Gnome guys to redeem themselves, and ditch your obsolete old-mans language for good. Blaze right past C++, into the future.

It has an appfinder where you can autocomplete the name of an application you want to run if that's what you mean.

xfce is shit.

QT is the future. LXQT or KDE5.

Go on and implement it yourself. It's free software, after all.

Even Mate was shit. KDE 1,2, and 3 were great though

but nothing that will search for files? also checked

kek, I have a theory that GNOME and unity and a few other free software projects were hijacked by people to deliberately kamikaze them into the toilet, for reasons unknown as of now.

To be fair unity was always trash

It's like when Gnome 3 came out they tried to meet in the middle between m+kbd and touchscreen interfaces and unfortunately, like a spork they failed to be good at either thing they attempted to be.

I used to use Gnome 2 way back and I dropped it like a sack of shit when Gnome 3 came out and they made it for touchscreens in favor of xfce, even back when xfce was way more buggy.

As of now, XFCE is good there's not much I can think that XFCE needs to do, it's pretty good for everything I need it for and it's reasonably performant. The one problem XFCE does have that I can think of is when you set your mouse cursor theme using the included mouse and touchpad configuration software, it fails to change the mouse theme in /usr/share/icons/default/index.theme requiring you to do this manually when changing mouse themes.

Another thing that I can think of is that the included file manager Thunar is prone to crash when renaming files and moving files for some reason, so I just use a different file manager.

whoops, failed link to

isn't LXQT not even close to being finished yet?

you have to search deviantart and some other obscure places to find decent xfce themes for some reason.

Really? I love MATE, but I hate using XFCE. I'll use certain XFCE utilities when I'm going with an i3 desktop, but full XFCE always makes me want to kill myself. Of course, it's been a while since I've used it and I can't remember all of the reasons why I hated it other than that it's hard to get alternative WMs to work in it.

Around 4.2

MATE is nowhere near as customizable as Xfce especially in terms of its absolutely barren window manager.

LXQt is worthless and completely defeats the purpose and niche of LXDE with its Qt bloat. Who knows if they'll ever be able to trim it down enough to save the LX concept but if they can't then LXQt has no future.

Gnome 2 was pretty nice. Gnome 3 ruined everything good about it. Mate is basically a fork and continuation of Gnome 2. XFCE was never quite as good as Gnome 2 or Mate imo, but some peoole like it. KDE still has the exact same bugs it had over a decade ago when I used it on Slackware, but it has some nice apps. As far as a full DE goes, Mate is the only one I'd use. YMMV.

Someone is dreaming.

There are few reasons why I prefer Mate and one of them is pic related.
No, I don't care about your basic shitty replacements, which are usually missing half the functionality.

Also I dislike the way the panels work, where I can't move stuff by x pixels and can only insert separators and shit - which does work, but isn't as good.

>but nothing that will search for files?man locateman updatedb

Nice meme. blog.lxde.org/?p=1364


You mistake me for a proponent of C, which I'm not. Although, I agree that C++ is a decent language. But why are you Rustfags all the same:

Face it, Rust is trash. It's rigid, holds your hand, and is intended for nu-males, diversity hires, and women. Also it's community is one giant hug box. For Christ's sake, D does everything better than Rust does and isn't affected by a bunch of identity political retards.

this is the only thing that GNOME and unity smartly copied from OSX, that XFCE and many other lightweight DEs failed to copy.

sure, there's skippy-xd, but i don't trust enough people have reviewed the code of it


GNOME 2 was good. GNOME 3 was utter crap from the beginning. If you want GNOME, use MATE.

LXQt is bloated compared to LXDE faggot.

Rust won't fucking fix any of that you moron, it will only make everything slow and buggy with its SJW tier garage collector

It's 10MB more while still being developped and "with more features". Using a DE and caring about bloat is retarded, anyway.
Just use Icewm if you want babby proof and lightweight.

Rust doesn't have a GC.
Good job larping as a programmer.

Nice try, skidde. Rust would know when the variable is out of scope or its lifetime ends at compile time and thus insert the corresponding LLVM/assembly instructions to free the memory.

Rust also allows some kind of garbage collection, like atomic reference counting.

Rust implements its own idea of GC. Thus it has a GC.

Rust is shit, but any garbage collected language is even worse. Don't try to meme your way out of this one, retard.

Rust is shit, but any runtime garbage collected language is even worse. Don't try to meme your way out of this one, retard.


xfpanel is a hell of a lot more functional than MATE's shitty panel, what paint are you sniffing?

The one thing I really hate about Xfce's panel is how you add launchers to it.

In many retard-proof DEs you just drag a program from the start menu to the bar and you're done.

This doesn't fit all that well with lighter, more flexible environments like LXDE and Xfce.

LXDE has a launcher panel item. You add one of those items and then you add as many launchers inside that item as you want and they all neatly line up.

Xfce does it slightly differently. If you put multiple launchers inside a single panel item they don't neatly line up, you only get to see one at a time and you need to click an arrow to get a menu of the other ones.

That's not okay. If you want the "standard" behavior of having all your launchers visible you need to add a panel item for each program, and then open a menu for that item which you then place a single launcher in. It works, but it's tedious for no good reason.

The rest of it is nice. It's the only part of Xfce I'm using at the moment. I use it to supplement GNOME.


What's that?

People have taken advantage of Holla Forums's spacing for a while (cuckchan didn't allow this, it was a welcome feature after the exodus). You fucks never said a thing about it, for years.

Then some autist either at Holla Forums or Holla Forums or whatever the fuck started comparing it to reddit for who the fuck knows what reason, and now nobody shuts the fuck up about it. It's not a new thing, people have posted like this since the site's inception.

From what I remember, it started on Holla Forums as a way to divide people while they were digging through the Podesta emails.



And they all ripped it off from Compiz, circa 2006.

Unity/GNOME/KDE Plasma were ruined by trying to do touch screen crap. After awhile some projects contained it to a mobile offshoot version.

Canonical wanted to release an Ubuntu phone and KDE was financed by a company that wanted to release a phone as well. Hell back then Amazon, Mozilla, Facebook, Microsoft and even Intel all wanted to or did release a phone.

But why did GNOME join in on this fad? Who the hell uses GNOME on a touchscreen device? They wouldn't spend this much development time on any other UI input method very few people will own or use with their software. It should have been an optional extension not at the top of their list for features.

A decade ago GNU/Linux desktops were the best in the world and looked like something from the future. 10 years later it's a mess and a disaster on small touchscreens, the one thing they focused on.

XFCE was just about unusable on a laptop with a touchpad. Try resizing windows with a 1 pixel wide handle or contorting your hands to hold ALT down while clicking and dragging. Even basics like retaining the backlight setting when coming out of power save mode were beyond it. I switched to GNOME3.

Who would have thought that Ganoo+Linux developers were shit at designing and implementing GUI?

Are Rust programmers the new ruby coders: people who want to rewrite everything in their preferred language?

Gnome 3 was never designed to be a touchscreen UI. Gnome 3 was designed with UI features based on hard numbers - it was a UI with strong links to Fitt's Law of human interaction. The fact that the UI usable with touchscreens is an attribute of coincidence.

I've been going through their mailing list since they announced it back in 2009 and you're right that it was never intended to be a touch screen UI.

It was just a mix of terrible ideas implemented poorly, touchscreen UI was bound to be included sooner or later.

The most telling thing is that they weren't designing something they'd use themselves but for fictitious users that only existed in their imagination. Thankfully a few devs there often brought them back to reality, it wasn't as bad as I was expecting.


subhuman tier trash.

Whoops, that's my old Pentium D machine. This is my botnet Core i7.

KDE5 is still almost identical to KDE3&4 when it comes to the layout and size of UI elements. It also isn't particularly great for touchscreens (IE, Dolphin doesn't even have screen swipe scrolling yet).

It's great on my Thinkpad Yoga (a purchase I regret for other reasons). However, I can't stand GNOME3 on a bigger screen with mouse and keyboard.