ok, so when doing nofap, porn needs to also be cut out. that, or my benis is too retarded for this
I know there are some better habits like going outside and/or exercising when having the urge to fap, but kind of wanted to share this story with you faggots
nofap wont suddenly make you healthy and happy as shit
David Wilson
Well its a proven fact that there are no health benefits to not fapping, and I think stopping something you enjoy is detrimental to your happiness. In short, you're fucking retarded.
Anthony Garcia
nofap is retarded.
Lincoln Scott
yeah but it's a base and although not thoroughly researched, it seems better to not fap for health also, fapping destroys desire to do things in real life
Julian Bell
Nofap is a jew plot to keep white men from reproducing.
Jayden Hall
Brayden Morales
more energy used on sex = less energy for other things also, I might've learned bad addiction habits, fapping releases endorphins but also makes you feel depressed and lazy after
Hunter Young
Logan Cooper
Only if you do it too much, just do it like twice every three days. Addiction is what fucks you over. Not just having a wank for fun to pass time.
Grayson Reed
None of those claims have any scientific backing. Again, you are retarded.
Thomas Fisher
no. it does jack shit to improve your health. but it might motivate you to try harder to get laid. that's the only benefit.
Isaiah Perez
i usually just fap once every 2 or 3 days. feels fine. i don't get those guys who say they fap 3 or 4 times per day. that seems insane.
Caleb Diaz
I usually go once a day, twice if I've seen a large amount of tits. I'm also perfectly fine, the only thing I can think of Nofap helping is addiction and erectile dysfunction, other than that it seems to be a waste of time. though I will admit though, once when I was depressed I just fapped 7 times in one day, lets just say it's not a great idea and gets pretty painful after 24 hours.
Jace Price
Addiction to anything is bad, but unless it's poisonous having some once in a while is not bad
Christopher Bailey
yeah, about twice every three days is better than addiction, but longer could be better so I'm trying it
that's mostly what I mean it seems it would help motivate to get shit done IRL
Adam Gonzalez
Try once every two days and keep increasing it as you get more comfortable, might help a bit more than just going full on never fap again.
Isaiah Gonzalez
you just had a wet dream, you retard
Isaac Green
One wet dream, as ordered
Oliver Ross
John Baker
lol enjoi ur prostate cancer
I'm serious
Michael Bell
When I do nofap I watch as much porn as I can for 2 weeks, tease my cock head the whole session (about 2-3 hours every night) and edge for the last 15 minutes then go to bed. It's not easy but if you don't have willpower, nofap isn't for you
Angel King
op must nut inside girl or literally get cancer
Chase Foster
Except for the HAIR.
Justin Perez
tfs. fapping is healthy, for your sperm. fapping makes me feel good and i wanna do it each time i feel like it.
Robert Barnes
I broke my no-fap :{ Only lasted two weeks. Oh well, two steps forward, one step back. Such is life.
Juan Stewart
Well, for what it's worth I find not stuffing myself with food brings in less of a desire to jack off. If you are an over eater that's like pouring gas on fire; you have tonnes of sperm fuel from you meal and you are not burning it off on a farm or some other rigorous menial labour. You are sitting at the PC on 8ch
Isaac Brown
Zachary Cooper
My perspective is that nofap is more about refraining from hardcore porn. After years of hardcore porn, I feel desensitized to normal interactions. I don't seek out normal interactions. When I do get laid, it feels comparatively boring, difficult to enjoy, and I end up thinking about all sorts of filthy hardcore shit to keep me interested. For me, nofap is about avoiding hardcore kinks to resensitize my interest in normal interactions. It works. After a week or so of no-fap, I start to truly appreciate the simple things again.
Jordan Martin
ITT virgins congratulating each other over their lack of experience, and praying that sexual desire itself is both abnormal and abhorrent. Sad, really. Git on back to /nofap/. Holla Forums careth not. you're kinda just lucky that we ain't raiding you today!
Alexander Walker
why are you triggered by our existence? sex is natural, masturbating to a light screen isn't, and is bad for life, don't be a fag, read thread
Sebastian Mitchell
humans have been jerking off forever
Cooper Martinez
Jerk-off jerks are one notch below crackheads. They are pathetic addicts who can't kick their habit and have no control over their lives.
I am not denying that the obsessive compulsive attachment to imagery related to sexual desire has been popular for a long time, nor am I allowing you to make the argument that pornographic depictions are a bad idea, or that any spilling of a man's seed outside of both wedlock and actual intention to produce offspring, is in any way a 'bad' thing, or that such an activity is to be eschewed as 'unhealthy' or 'energy depleting'. Being ashamed of one'self is an attitude that 'you' /nofap/ seem to wish to instill in the populace. Do you feel guilt for your sexual desires? Do you feel guilt for acting on those desires? Where does this guilt actually come from? Where should you be looking for the answers to the problems you see? Should you maybe look at your own actions before you merely judge the actions of others?
Isaac Russell
also, your "analysis" a shit
Jacob Cook
It's still fapping even if you don't come you faggot.
Mason Johnson
jerking off to actual women doing normal stuff. not indoctrination of the porn industry you fuckwit, which part do you not understand. you're jerking it to other men fucking the women you picked out from the thumbnail. you think that doesn't fuck with your brain?
you need to earn sexual activity. just getting it by masturbating weakens you as a human and as a man
Ayden Parker
are you trying to make me call this girl I know?
Ryder Morgan
Huh? Read the post & thread yourself, Holla Forumsro!
An opinion post not backed up by anything, nor does it make any sense, let alone make more sense than my post. Why did you even bother? I didn't notice anything of value.
Michael Gonzalez
Happiness is gained through discipline. nofap is basically a retarded way to force yourself into it. JUST LIFT!
Jordan Adams
Lift your flaccid penis
Liam Roberts
Brayden Howard
why am i happiest when i'm drunk then?
Wyatt Turner
you're not actually happy though. your body gets tricked into happiness because of forced endorphins.
Eli Cox
it has been POV from male with female xeno a awhile know
maybe if 3DPD wasn't PD I would give a shit
Xavier Wood
awhile now*
Cooper Campbell
doesn't change, you know that's not your body and not your dick, and not you feeling pussy, ass or mouth. you're tricking your mind and it will fuck with you in the long run. if you can't comprehend that you're beyond delusional.
looking at a playboy with naked women is one thing, porn is an other thing entirely. get clean, get off porn, get off masturbating and fix your shit, pleb
Christian Young
so I can become a slave via child support? thanks but no thanks
I've had sex before. It is not that great tbh
Bentley Stewart
I agree that the position of men, the loss of their authority is problematic but the solution isn't to just stop having kids, that's how civilizations die. also, implying every sexual contact produces a child. implying contraception doesn't exist.
wrong, YOU are not that great. for anybody remotely competent with a remotely attractive mate, sex is fantastic. you're just shit at it.
Adam Lopez
there is always the risk, but yeah you're right, however 3DPD think their worth something, so you have to earn sex every time, and I that is just not something I care about, and porn and fapping make it easier to not care about.
that what beta cucks like you are for you get to pretend anything matters, and I get an easy do nothing life it win-win really
it isn't, but it is a matter of a opinion, and if I placed so much value on sex and 3DPD, then I to convince myself it was great
Kayden Bennett
happiness is happiness; it's all just electricity and shit in the brain telling you your emotional state, if you feel happy, you're happy.
Mason Hughes
that's fine if you don't care about it, but you will be judged for it. you need to earn stuff in life. if you want to achieve something, you need to work for it. this also goes for affection from your desired mates and reproduction with the best possible mate you can "attract". and I'm not talking about being Chad and being the cool bro. I'm talking about being a respectable element in human society. somebody people can depend on, somebody that inspires willpower, strength and perseverance, somebody other can look up to, this goes for men and women. weather you like it or not, humans function via hierarchy and your behavior puts you and the bottom of the chain. and if you're fine with that, more power to ya.
it's a consensus among people with average or above genitals, average or above physique and average or above social skills. sex is absolutely fucking amazing, and you're never going to experience it, no doubt.
there is a difference between temporary forced endorphins and the sense of completion after a very long period of hard work. having all your kids leave the house on their own life after getting an education, surviving a shitstorm of physical and emotional bullshit and essentially having raised good people that will in their turn continue what you built and maintained in this world. that is the feeling of completion of your most basic task as a human being, survival of your offspring.
not any sort of drug can equivocate the feeling first time you try to have a baby with your partner, the first time your child walks, learns to ride a bike, their first goal or win in whatever sport they do, their first strong relationship, and in turn, their first child, you grandchild.
if you have not felt these things before you die, you lived and empty life. pretending materialistic things can even compare to that. pretending being a bigshot ceo should allow you to feel better than somebody who would go through fire for their family.
Adam Perry
happiness is an emotion, dog isn't.
so now not only do i waste my resources on my wife, i get to waste it on my kids? or i could just outright avoid it i will build whatever benefits me, after i die, idgaf of no importance to me, i'm content being a genetic dead end if it means living for myself i'm guessing you already have a kid and are married, in which case i'm sorry, but there's no need to try and trick other anons into making the same mistake i'll fill up that void with hedonistic desires funded by all the spare money i have from not needing to waste it on other people whatever produces emotions which i enjoy feeling, i will pursue, simple as that; if for you having a family does it, then good on you, go on ahead and knock yourself out, but not everyone has the same desires as you
Jonathan Rivera
I don't have a child, nor am I married
you're an individualist. you think spending time, effort and resources on people other than yourself is a "waste" and that makes you pathetic. it's good you wont reproduce then, kill off your bloodline, nobody will morn it's loss. I'm in a stable relationship, well payed for a rewarding job, take pride in what I do and why I do it. people will look up to me, people will remember me. I will have left behind more than just money. however you just to rationalize your behavior, up until the point where you draw your last breath you will feel like dogshit deep inside, take more drugs and buy more stuff to fuel your dependency on artificial happiness.
Julian Long
Oke i am going to give it too you straight. You are masturbating way to much, /b is flooded with porn. Nothing but lonely losers ejaculating excessively, destroying their testosterone levels. Our only weakness , porn. After ejaculation you are calmed you are made docile and lose all motivation. This needs to stop, this is the reason our birth rates dwindle. This is the reason why /b turned weak , we are all contempt wankers, drained of our manly juices that makes us /b. We let our guard down now tumbler and reddit have grown in numbers ,they made us weak with this infection of porn. It is time we put our sperm in nothing but jars or women, no more little swimmers waisted on webm`s. No more ejaculation unless it is for the cause of /b. It is time for discipline, It is time we make /b great again, It its time we stop masturbating with out a cause. /b unite ,Abstain , Return to your natural form of frustration, hate, contempt and anger.
Your mission , no masturbation for 9 days too reach the maximum amount of testosterone in your system. This will also flush the build up oestrogen out of your system and reduce your bitch tits.
Do not watch any porn. Sexual stimulus causes the prostate to produce prostate fluid that over time becomes a carcinogen.
If you roll dubs or higher in this thread you get a 7/10 gf, trips gives you a 7,5/10 gf etc. If you already have a gf you get a second one.
Hudson Williams
No, it doesn't. In fact, it stimulates the production of testosterone, which is healthy. You just need more self control, fag.
Justin Cook
I'll take working 4 days a week, and having money over whatever you just described we're males fuckface. we're reproductively disposable. The only thing 3DPD and society value you for is how much flesh they can flay from you before you break. If you find meaning in your utility, then that is fine, but don't delude yourself into thinking that makes them care about you more that is very dangerous thing for a male to do
cucks give a shit about 3DPD. you and them have that in common
what can tell ya. Some people just have to learn the hard way, I guess
Colton Garcia
Dont watch porn
Chase Torres
Make me.
Oliver Brown
again you have what you have because there actually is a society. men have just lost authority in it.
that not even close to what a cuck actually is, but go ahead, throw around the new hot meme word.
in a sense I'm glad your blood will die. MGTOW are fucking pathetic in so many ways. but I understand what they're coming from. most of them are not in a position where they can actually change the thing they're dismayed about so they give up and do their own thing. but eventually they still die alone. you essentially gave up on civilization.
Joshua Jones
as i said, different strokes for different folks; you fulfill your hedonistic desires by thinking that people will remember you they won't btw, unless you find the cure for cancer, invent something amazing, do something insanely brave and noteworthy, etc. the best you can hope for is for your name with a short bio on a family tree and i fulfill mine with risk taking, drugs, traveling, sports, etc. to me, having some harpy leeching off of my wealth, controlling my life, and crushing my dreams because it doesn't fit with her view of what i should be sounds like shit, with the only upside being sex not even guaranteed, just like there's no guarantee they won't leave you and take your resources with them, but hey, if you view said situation differently, then that's alright, i wish you the best; my bloodline is of no concern to me anyway, i don't give a shit about anyone elses, i don't care if they don't give a shit about mine
Angel Flores
Reminder that the slippery slope is real.
Jack Morgan
Reminder that the slippery slope is real.
Cooper Nguyen
implying traveling and sports don't apply to my situation. and I don't have to be world famous or remembered by everybody. I want to be respected enough for my family to carry on my sense of duty and perseverance. building something for them to carry on as legacy.
well there user, you got some shit taste in women or you're shit at analyzing personalities. agreed every women is batshit crazy. but only if you allow them to be. this is where patriarchy comes into place and where I agree male authority must be restored, which it inevitable will. male authority fixed everything you fear from women.
what is this exactly?
Chase Turner
and mindlessly reproducing like a bacteria will help or honor that in some way salvation will come technological alternatives to 3DPD, not just doing what we've been doing
you're advocating working harder, and paying more taxes, thus you're advocating paying single mothers and their children
I have 5 siblings, 3 already have kids I am not MGTOW just so you know, I would marry a rich 3DPD
Hunter Ramirez
The sliperry slope. Is pretty clear. You start with anime, then waifus ahead, you then hate 3DPD, and at the end you become a trap yourself
Josiah Sanchez
lol k, fair enough I guess
I'm not advocating single moms. that's the point. male authority eliminates single motherhood.
Dylan Carter
Are you seriously implying you have as much time left for leisurely travel and sporting desires since having a family? You really going to say that since adding more responsibility to your life, you have had as much time for leisure as before? And if that's the extent you want to be remembered, then that's great, achievable, and if it gives you satisfaction knowing that, then good on you.
Ayden Ramirez
What about cheater males? So if a male cheats on his partner the mom isn't allowed to do something about it? That's retarded, mate, men are as bad as women.
Anthony Collins
the 3DPD doesn't does deserve my money just because she got cheated no she can work
Isaiah Baker
as I said, I don't have kids nor am I married. but before reaching age 18 I'd already moved more than 10 times. different countries in europe, asia and africa. I've traveled plenty, don't plenty of sports and yes when you add other responsibilities you can't do some of those things because a family requires stability. that's what adults do. thinking me me me, what do I want to do you're still just a child. except you're a child with his own money now and nobody to limit him is his degeneracy. my father has been a single parent for years now, mother does fuck all and fucked off somewhere. he kept the house, the money and my 2 siblings. she didn't take shit. he works 100% in a high government job, does all the cleaning and cooking, pays for the kids education, hobbies etc.still has time to take play volleyball twice a week, fitness twice a week and go to leisure events like concerts. he even competed in Rally when we lived in africa. you have less time for yourself. and that's not a drama. if you can't understand that, you haven't surpassed grade school mentality.
when the fuck did I imply that. idiot. anybody crossing the line in a monogamous relationship should be punished for their indiscretions depending on the situation. there are different forms "punishment" could be administered and who does it. women could forgive him and let it go, women could go to court for divorce-with-fault for all I care. that's their personal situation
Xavier Smith
I didn't say you implied that. What about violence? There are plenty of wrong things that can happen in a relationship. I'm all for monogamous relationship and the core family, but the only flaw I find is that you can't just force people to be together when they don't want to anymore. But you said male authority eliminates single motherhood, when it clearly doesn't. It doesn't even solve half the problems. I do agree that it would be an start, but here's the thing, things were already bad with "male authority", and sure, they're worst now, but going back to it will just leave things like they were before, and they weren't exactly good.
user, if you cheated that's your responsibility, end the relationship first. I don't think she deserves your money, but I do think you have to pay for all the divorce process, I think that's how it works already.
Nolan Hill
keep it that way pulling out the shaming tactics now to try and justify yourself are we? As for you travelling before being 18, that's just you having got lucky (or unlucky, depending on what you want, but from my POV, lucky) with your start in life, not even relevant to the discussion at hand i've got one life, i'm not going to waste it for some cause greater than myself, i'm going to enjoy it; call it degenerate, idgaf not sure what your country is, but in mine, she could have, the risk is there i am my main priority, you are yet to convince me why giving up my own time and fun for a family is worth it and now imagine if all that time and money spent on kids was spent on himself, a lot more time for hobbies for travelling, for enjoying life shaming tactics again, opinion discarded
Joseph Peterson
I am talking about being a tax payer
Elijah Morgan
agree. it's not sufficient to have males in power, but the males in power should be actual leaders, not bosses. instead of giving orders, give the example. disciplined, courteous, honest and lawful. with those males as example for others, with those virtues being respected and compensated, it will be a hell of a lot better.
agreed with what you said about paying their divorce if that's the procedure she prefers
go fuck yourself
no, civilizational analytics define that.
there you go again.
western europe
you made this very clear yeah.
he does spend it on himself. you don't seem to understand, these little humans running around the house are your genetic material that you made with another person. they have their own thoughts, their own lives, their own experiences. his kids are a PART of him. seeing them succeed, live, do their own traveling in their own time, helping them there is part of your life as an adult. he LOVES caring for his children. he'd give up anything he owns if that's what it required to give a child an opportunity he doesn't have. (withing reasonable metrics ofcourse, there are also other kids.) if he did not give up his time for me, I would be a worse human at this point. he has granted me, through his effort and time, a better life. and it is something that I will always respect him for. it breeds unity and loyalty and those things are essential if you want a well function relationship. weather is be on an individual level or as a society.
yes. exactly. implying shaming doesn't work. people like you are completely free to be shamed by the people around them that are capable of being adult and take responsibilities for society's sake.
Nathan Howard
sorry, who? and why do i care about their opinion? there i go again, what of it? i dont care that you know i am my own priority as i said, she could have as i said with you, good on him for it, that gives him satisfaction, good on him, i wish him the best, but that's not how i achieve the same feeling shaming isn't an argument more of you defining who is and isnt an adult, which just so happens to fit your point of view, fancy that! unlike you, i won't try and force on you my view of adulthood and shame you for not sharing it, because it means many thinks to many people, but for me adulthood is a state of independence, of self determination, and at the peak of adulthood, you should be getting satisfaction from you chosen lifestyle.
Jackson Moore
oh nobody, just people way smarter and dedicated to historical research than anybody here on this website
not the same feeling. I can guarantee you you will be left lonely and empty the closer you come to death.
correct. it's a tool. that represents an argument underneath. same reason fat shaming works. and slut shaming works.
Jason Stewart
well fuck me, i'm convinced now oh, you know more about my life than i do, do you? i will have my friends and my dog, and won't have a bunch of ungrateful brats and/or wife waiting to get their hands on my inheritance. no contest which one i'd rather keeping me company it doesn't represent an argument, it represents a method of persuasion for a point of view, and it's not working