France is Gone

France is Gone
Found this great video explaining the state of the current world. It's absolutely red pilled. Enjoy.

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self bump

Off a rocky start OP…


Fuck off Alex Jewones.

not a bad mix, just ignore screaming filter king and listen to his guests.

The Alex Jones show would be a great show if we just removed Alex Jonesteinberg.


Holla Forums pls go

That's not creative at all Holla Forums.

This is actually a good video, even though it's Alex Jones. His guests are excellent, and the edits deal with the fact they keep dodging the Jewish question. Although that redhead seems to know about it, she avoids saying it.


Alex Jones has been on point recently, and even historically he did a lot of great stuff. Yeah he's had some ridiculous moments, he often seems to try to divert attention from kikes and his handling of the interview with Duke was just mind-boggling.

That does not mean he is useless. Even our out-right enemies can at times be useful for propaganda purposes. Sometimes a tranny, a faggot or even a kike says something that hits home and can wake people up.

Stop with your stupid personality wars Holla Forums. I do not want anyone to worship Jones or Molyneux or anyone else; but that does not mean that such people cannot be useful to our cause. Grow up.

go suck some more Israeli dick, jonesteinbergblattowitz

Jones does much more harm than good. See: the cucked 9/11 truth movement that refused to name the jew.

I was listening to infowars earlier for entertainment

Alex talks about how CNN shows get maybe 500k viewers. Says he is currently getting millions watching him. Talks about the state of things and how critical everything is. Then he launches into a fucking filter pitch. Its so fake. Alex Jones is a snake oil salesman who uses hysteria, real and false, to sell trash to desperate people. I hope he gets hurt really bad, in a way he never recovers from.

Rich oil sultans. Reagan should have never taken down Carter's solar panels.



















Quite frankly I disagree, and even if that is so it does not mean that individual things which he says should be discounted. I would not recommend much of Molyneux's stuff, but recently he has done some great work on race, religion, culture, borders and the like.

Jones did plenty of stuff that got otherwise disinterested plebs looking into 'conspiracies'. Way back when I was like 14 I was one of them, watching the Bohemian Grove stuff amongst other things. Like, I believe, many others I discovered that there was more to it than Jones and quickly started looking into as many sources as possible. I was already somewhat kike-aware due to having 'hardcore' Protestant parents, but this further cemented my beliefs. Jones was an important stepping stone for me, without which it may have taken me far longer to look into 'conspiracies'.

These people can be useful. USE THEM.

Start thinking of yourselves as the manipulators. Think how you can use everything to your advantage. Stop being mindlessly reactionary and destroying any potential support on the grounds of them not 100% perfectly aligning with your beliefs. The 'red-pill' is a process and as long as you get people started on that road, you have done well.

The red-head used to be a news anchor for RT America but now works for Alex. She's pretty based in this video.

Daisy, Daisy give me your heart to do
I'm half crazy, hopeful in love with you
It won't be a stylish marriage
I can't afford the carriage
But you look sweet upon the street
On a bicycle built for two

His whole Bohemian Grove "infiltration" was a kike's idea, and was just used to blame the Nazis and "Germanic Death Cult" because of "muh skeletons" and the fact that some pre-NS Bohemian Grove book had a swastika on the cover.

Which is why you're so cucked now and incapable of seeing the truth about him, as obvious as it is.

Dubious career decision.

Oh, also: McAdoo or whatever her names is - the broad in the center, with the big kosher milkbags - is a Jew.

Also, I find it rather amusing that the two broads are like 'we need to breed them out!', yet neither likely has even a single child.

Filter King does get the normies thinking a bit, but at the same time he misleads them as well.

He just can't name the jew. When really, all you have to do is look and you find them every single fucking time.

And you're a mindless idiot who is incapable of reading. I'm not even saying Jones is a good guy or on our side; I'm saying we can use certain thing he says or does to our advantage.

How dense do you have to be? I'm trying to bring you politically inept morons up to a basic level of propagandist.

You see how mainstream media quotes select parts of quotes from Trump, Duke or Hitler to make them seem as evil as possible? We can do the opposite; quote the good parts of our enemies. Point out how EVEN x liberal-douche is scared of islamic terrorism, or how EVEN x nigger realises that nigger crime levels are high.

Jones produces a lot of content which is useful for our purposes. He avoids the kike, and that means we cannot trust him; it does not mean we cannot use him.

Stop thinking so small you pleb.

Using Jonestein's material for anything only helps him and hurts us in the long run.

Keep in mind, one of Jones' main purposes is to poison the well and discredit real conspiracies.

Keep in mind, there's very good content here so kill yourself.

So over the last few weeks he has been making numerous references to BREXIT as anti-globalist and promoting the destruction of the EU and the international banks. Yes, he does not name the jew. However why does the jew have power, and how is it enforcing it? International banks and through globalism.

Believe it or not that can be pretty useful for some deluded normalfags to hear. Having it all spelled out to them; that the end game of these 'liberals' who profess to care for them is, is the destruction of their nations, cultures, religions and ways of life. Yeah Jones isn't perfect, but as someone who was saying this to a lot of people literally minutes-hours after the events took place; he is INCREDIBLY useful. Lots of uninnformed plebs will seek out any one who has any information pertaining to whatever happening is happening, and when they are directed to Jones/Molyneux and they tell them that its because of globaism and that islam/blacks are incompatible with European culture; WE WIN.

I get your concerns, and I will always warn againnst worshiping individuals or becoming what is essentially a cultist unto them. BUT do not discount their usefulness. Equally do not discount the usefulness of anyone, even if you personally hate who they are and what they stand for. This recent stuff with fags wanting guns is incredibly useful for our position; we may want to put all the fags in an oven, but their voices are important to a lot of the liberal morons, and once they see that guns aren't all bad they will be a step closer towards reaching our position.

And again; the 'red-pill' is a process. Get them started on the path and over time they will make progress. No one woke up one day, or read one article, and was suddenly 100% right on everything. I doubt ANY of us here are 100% right on anything; we too are still learning.

Jonestein doesn't appeal to normalfags. His act turns off most non-defectives.

This is good content, user, thank you.

The only flaming faggot here is you.

Stop whinging like a little bitch.

He appeals to A LOT of people. Not everyone, and for others we may need to use different tools. That's fine.

You honestly reek of kike; trying desperately to discourage any potential 'red-pilling'. Your obsession with it being the '100% perfect way that you were red-pilled' means that everyone who is different to you, which is probably most people; will never be receptive. We need to reach out to as many people as possible. We need to use all the tools at our disposal.

This video that OP linked is great.

More "alt-right" garbage from the Firestarter Media group. Spot their shills by who they promote.

Check info tab.

These Kikes are using Holla Forums as their personal advertising space, always "I stumbled across this", "I thought you guys would like this".

Pointers to spotting people belonging to this huge group of professional shills: they overuse the merchant cut-out, always with the yellow and red writing. Black sun. Sub/comment/boost each other often using pretend disagreement/drama.
They also monitor and defend their threads so expect this to cause a violent reaction.

I missed your tism.

What the fuck kind of a false flag is this ?

It's an edit.

Jonestein actually claims Zundel is some kind of ADL agent.

I don't see why so much alex jonestein material was used. It's not that good.

Good video.

Alex Jones still can't say 'Jew'.

This "original" uncut version of the show is pretty good.

Alex Jones has been to male bath houses.

Now where would you get a crazy idea like that?



They both look like they would suck a lot of dick in secret. They could be occult cock suckers conspiring against society.

I guess you might also want to watch this one, a french nationalist on hungarian television talking about how shit france is, about a decade ago.


Dind't watched AJ videos for a while, and while ignoring the JQ that vid clearly opens the eyes of normies.
have a bump

I remember jokes about Americans eating freedom fries instead of french fries after France said they opposed war with Iraq. I wonder if this is France's punishment for having no desire to die for Israel.

One of the most interesting things about this is they go over how the actual immigration statistics were obfuscated in France, and by the time people realized the actual number that had been flooding into the country, it was too late. They then postulate that the same is not only going to happen in the United States, but is in fact, already happening, with the refugees Obama is bringing in.

Lee Ann fucks niggers.

How typical.

Need a picture with a kiss or its just a nigger wanting a picture. There are pictures of me with niggers. I sure as hell didn't fuck them.


Yeah but do you have a vagina?

yeah what a prize she is
nothing but a cum dumpster who will be ready to "settle down" when the niggers are done with her

France is paying the price for having so many Muslims as part of their population. And it's only growing.

Clever repartee, Bernstein.


associating with niggers of your own free will is enough to make you tainted.

Glad to have you aboard.

: )

They really are sandniggers. I like how he talks about the fact that all the terrorists were former criminals, they grew up in France stealing vehicles, selling drugs, and burglarizing homes. So they're already violent, criminal people.

Alex Jones is a jew.

No, his wife was Jewish, and he divorced her. Amusingly enough since he did so his content has markedly improved, though he's still a little bitch that won't name the Jew.

Not exactly, no.

He's trying to give Jews a fair shake. But I think he's giving them too much leeway.

Jews should be held to the fire for their racism. Hell!, they coined the term. They know all about racism.
They should admit to it, and then distance themselves from what some of their conniving members deliberately do to change the demographics of the countries they've infiltrated.

Alex Jones (rightfully, IMHO) wants to maintain fair racial relations, but he can't yet say 'Jew' completely objectively.

All Jews are guilty and all Jews will burn. This is about the survival of our people at this point, if things go our way and we're not wiped out, we're not leaving this parasitic vermin around to have another go at us.

If only it were that simple.

No, he's protecting them.

When he says things like "Hollywood is owned by the Arabs", "Israel couldn't possibly have done 9/11", or lies about Hitler making radio addresses about getting power from Holocausting jews, he's not being "fair", he's lying.

Infocucks like you are the worst.

It IS that simple.

Jones is a complete bitch on the Jews. The David Duke interview was hilarious, Duke bitchslapped him so hard and he still wouldn't admit it. Yuri level denial, no matter how much information is shoved in front of his face, he won't see it. Even if he ever did, I get the feeling he'd just focus on a few leaders and do some kind of #NotAllJews bullshit.

Regardless, the video posted is still a good watch, since the edits cover the bits that Jones refuses to acknowledge, and they spend the entire time slamming immigration and Islam, and how it's leading to the death of the west.

Alex Jones is protecting Jews from criticism by diverting attention elsewhere. Anybody who studies the JQ with any degree of scholarly objectivity realizes how effective they have been as a race. For what reason he's doing this, I can't say.

But leaving people who identify as Jewish with no quarter but to fight back, is just stupid. This centuries-long running conflict should de-escalate, not grow until either they disappear or we do. If it comes to that, then we are being just as genocidal as they are.

Yeah but that redhead is pretty cute. I'd get in between her and McAboobs anytime

Co-existing with jews is impossible. Extermination might be taking things a little too far, but at the very least they're going to have to be deported and contained.

Yes, and that's exactly the point. Fuck your god damned limp wristed "moral high ground" that's the bullshit that got us into this mess to begin with. I'm not interested in trying to be "better" than they are, I want them dead. They are an enemy, and they need to be wiped out. They have been brought to heel and then given a new chance for untold centuries, and every time, it ends the same way, with them worming back into positions of influence and fucking over white societies in doing so. Fucking. Centuries. And now all of our civilizations are on the verge of demographic collapse due to their influence, because we never bring the hammer down when we have the opportunity. Our idiotic attempts to be noble and merciful may have doomed us all. I believe we can still recover and fight back, but let's not forget how far down we are and who put us there, and what they are if we bring our people back from the edge of disaster and destruction.

They had their chance, and many chances after that. If Hadrian annihilating their entire priesthood didn't do it, nothing will. They are genetically predisposed to parasitic, destructive behavior and they should be treated as such. They need to be exterminated, without pause, without mercy, and without exception.

Edgy enough for me

There's nothing edgy about realizing an existential threat that will destroy us at one point, and may have already, if we keep letting them have another shot at it. We're not invincible, and right now we're teetering over an abyss and staring demographic collapse in the face in every White country on the planet. Do you think the Jews are going to show the same kind of mercy to us, that we showed to them, if their plans come to full fruition? The answer should be clear, and so, we should treat them accordingly.

Jews are forcing us to act.

Do we want to do the same to them?

How does the expanded prisoner's dilemma go? The best move is to be as charitable as possible on round one and then after that you treat the second party exactly as they treat you, if I remember correctly. Well round one is long since over, so we should look at how we are treated and respond in kind.

All goys are merely animals, cattle? Then all goys should treat the jews as nothing more than animals as well. The same goes for mudslimes, whose holy book also calls all non-mudslimes animals to be slaughtered. This is a pretty simple concept.
@ 50 secs

"I am Jewish."

What else is that supposed to mean?

That's taken out of context, it's part of a rant where he says "if you hate jews, I'm jewish. . . if you want to kill the jews, you'll have to go through me", which is arguably worse.

I'm reminded of this .webm

no thanks

Countershill endorsement bump

While I agree that we shouldn't put the Jews' back against the wall, this statement is silly:

"If you do X, you'll become just like them!" is nonsense. There is no objective evil. "Good" is what helps us, "evil" is what harms us. The problem with the Jews isn't that they're genocidal, but that they are using genocidal tactics against us, which is evil. Should we have to resort to genocidal tactics ourselves, that would be good (or evil insofar as it inadvertently hurt us).

Consider this analogy: we are at war with a foreign nation which uses firearms, whereas we do not. Would an argument like "if you use firearms, you'll become just like them!" make any sense to you, or to anyone? Firearms do cause a great deal of death, but the problem with them isn't that they're used, but that they're used against us. We of course should use them ourselves! They're effective!

OK, good to know because sometimes it feels like absolutely fucking everyone turns out to be a Jew somehow, it's as if I'm going mad or something.

sanity is for the weak

Does she have a baby with that black news reporter?

Very informative

Thanks for posting

underrated posts.

Thanks for being a real human bean. There's been a flood of low quality posting lately.

New Murdoch Murdoch for u.

That footage. What the fuck man.

I bet that redhead is a secret National Socialist like Murdoch Chan.

The implications of this are pretty dire. Are you Nietzche?

The only way 99% of men get AIDS is through IV drugs or anal sex. Sheen has AIDS so he's probably a fag. Tho he might have fucked a whore in the ass or had open sores on his STD infected junk.

Kill yourself, idiot.

Spotted the shill.

Evalion was straight-up NatSoc, unlike the alt-cuck.

Which is why moderation here was frantically deleting Evalion threads and fucking perma-banning anyone who talked about it or pointed out the compromised staff.

You can have Milo threads, you can have Sarcuck of Mossad threads, you can have Ramzcuck threads, you can have Alex Jones threads, fuck you can even have threads of that Metokur cancer Jim. But make one Evalion thread and it gets detected, deleted and you banned faster than you can say "Oy vey!".

Can't completely blame the mods, it's obvious that there were shills making Evalion threads so the mods would get overwhelmed and ban discussion of her videos outright.


No, they were making many threads because mods kept deleting them.

Also, when Evalion got censored and banned on Jewtube we were presented with the perfect opportunity to exploit the Streisand Effect and have this whole thing blown sky-high (just like GamerGate). We're talking The Greatest Story Never Told and other Holla Forums material being spread to normies in every corner of the world.

Our mods prevented this.

Before they started deleting, shills were making threads while there already multiple (with 100s of replies) on the catalog.

Oh and your argument is cancer; the alt-cuck shills here all the time and their threads never get deleted.

Have a nice day therealmoonman.


Same thing goes on with Trump threads, none of them are deleted.

Confirmed for shit mod.

Fuck off to Holla Forums or something.

Found this great video = I'm a shill paid to promote video on Holla Forums.

Try harder schlomo.

Top kek. He would be based if he wasn't cucking with race mixing.


who is the chick?


You guys do realize at some point most of us are going out into the real world we are unfortunately forced to interact with them, school, work and large social gatherings were the people who are not controlled

Get the fuck out of here, nigger. Evalion-posting was banned because you kike faggots spammed her non-stop for multiple days on end. Not because of some mod "conspiracy"

Commit suicide

Nigga jones is the nomination of disinformation and cancer baiting.

He never calls out the jews, who are the inherent problem! Jones wants to combat the symptom and leave it at that, yet he never addresses the jewish problem. The OP actually going through the trouble to cutting and pasting clips in sony vegas while using Infocucks content helps nothing. Jonestein is detached from us and is merely using fearmongering to get income. This fucktard is a multi millionaire through fearmongering and product shilling. He states half truths and has even stated thing intended to draw away from the jewish cause.

I'm more inclined to believe the image then your shit tossing.


That's because you're a fucking newfag cunt who wasn't here when it happened. Eat shit and die

hang yourself

I'm in a totally cucked pic somewhere. I was traveling abroad with 2 nigger coworkers and they pulled me over for a pic with some random girl who'd never seen a nig before.

There's one nig on each side of her and then a pissed off me off to the side. Wish I'd known they were gonna take a pic earlier so I could get next to her instead of looking like a complete beta

where did it go?

No, Sheen admits to sucking dick and seeing trannies. Look it up.

Stupid retard

Fucking dropped

Jesus H Christ. That video is rage inducing.

Missed the first post jidf


ironically i just bought mine:)
well he switched brands now
i wonder why
it seems weak in the small pieces
big berkey

The truth is always bumped on Holla Forums.

Ewww, mudshark. Good chance of being murdered.

1,200 rabbis agreed the global invasion of by third worlders is a good thing for White countries. Odd, that we never ever vote on it.

I'm home.


People who say things like that are either pathetic defeatists, or our enemy trying to make us give up before the battle, and considering Alex, it's probably the latter.

This video is long but very well done. I love that he takes the Alex Jones episode which is pretty good except for the lack of naming the jew and adds footage of jews talking about their plan to genocide Europeans. Top tier.