Any other sad anons on here? How old are you and why are you sad?
General Feels Thread
Please guys, (you)s and anime are the only things keeping me going
no one cares brother
are you a NEET that browses vietnamese image boards about rice farming 24/7 and masturbate to thai cartoons about women with penises?
20 years old
I'm not sad, I've been a friendless social reject my entire life.
Being alone forever is something I'm fully expecting.
Anime can only go so far. This week's been particularly terrible. I've lost the will even to fap. Just wish I'd wither away and disappear with the wind. Like I never existed.
Read more manga, better medium
Worst of all is that I moved from a place for old demented people to a place with students, but I cant fap to hentai in peace here without disturbing the roommates.
First off, forget the idea that gaining any of that will make you happy. I'm 22, have a gf, have a best friend (albeit both are somewhat long distance), finally earned my fifth job after a year of unemployment, and guess what, I still go to bed almost every night wishing I might not wake up the next morning. I still live at home which is a drag and I'm hoping I can find a place with my gf sometime. You're not even 20, my 18 y/o spergy self had to start out with a job at Wendy's like anyone else straight outta high school. There's gonna come a time when you need tostop moping on Bangladeshi greeting card forums.
Is you girl best friend a qt? Why don't you ask her out?
You don't want one
You don't want one
I do just fine without friends you must only be fucked up about it because you're depressed and aren't able to enjoy anything without other people being involved
Other people are weird. My parents acted shitty to me throughout my life so I carry a constant hidden dislike of them that allows me to take their resources without any guilt or remorse. If my parents hated me it'd make that even easier for me because i'd hate them right back
You're fucked up about dumb shit you shouldn't care about. Hit the gym and fix your depression by addressing your body and not inconsequential shit outside of yourself you recognize as the cause of your shitty emotional state
Stop telling everyone to hit the gym you fucking normie.
You could stand to hit the gym as well. It's productive, and sitting around all day long spamming about how you don't want IDs speaks volumes about how you spend your time
It does cause ids are off. Guess i am more successful than you gym rat normie.
GTFO my dude.
I feel like I'm a stupid clown who was created for everyone's entertainment. I know everyone I interact with laughs at me behind my back. I hate being around other people because it always leaves me remembering how awkward I am
bought time I laughed at something, now I can go to bed.