Holy shit, I just put two and two together today. Do you remember this from two weeks ago:

Yes you do. But it doesn't really mention anything about what could cause such a famine, except for the potential of a drought.

Now remember all of the talk of Ice-age chan and the next Maunder/Dalton/Sporer minimum over the past 12 months and even further back? Of course you do! More and more recent evidence is showing that it's right on our doorstep. Search the news and take your pick. Here's a couple.

Now here's the key. I looked to see if there were famines during the Maunder minimum. 40% of Prussia starved to death. 15% of Scotland starved. West Africa was 70%, which experienced savage chimpouts as a result of no gibs. Numbers vary from 10-50% depending on the region in Europe. It turns out cooler temps increase aridity and causes long-term droughts. This is the trigger for that 400% food price increase. Combined with societal degeneration, mass-migration that is already underway, this is going to drive some major political upheavals over the next 15-20 years.

Certain groups in national governments and (((NGOs))) are aware of what's coming, but the masses of normies have no fucking clue. They're going to be completely shafted. Their destinies will be determined by those who saw shit coming.

So how do we take advantage of this information for our cause? How do we position ourselves to exploit this? How do we prepare? What memes can we plant today that will pay dividends 5-10 years from now?

Other urls found in this thread:

Also, if we see more volcanic activity over the next few years, blotting out the sun and pushing temperatures lower, it's going to solidify an ice age.

400% is the figure I've been seeing precious metals advocates using when they talk about the coming financial crash and food price spikes

please tell me we aren't doing the WinterChan stuff again.


Winter Chan is the Ice Age's younger sister. Not all people wanted the Ice Age.

So the lands are going to be empty and peaceful. The people are going to fight over that lands.

delete your thread.
it's bullshit

Spotted the kike.

I don't think he's a kike because people are going to buy survival stuff for the long winter and kikes will invest that for profits so why would the kikes want to shut that down?

I thought winter chan was the harbinger of the fimbulwinter?

Cooler temperature don't evaporate as much water and it doesn't fall on land to irrigate it.
I think Syria is experiencing a major drought right now, as is the whole middle east.
The migrations and wars right now are partially caused by it since people have nothing else to do but go to war for new land. Also the reason for them to go to Europe.

On the other side it's good for solar cell technology since there are less clouds so more electricity. Good for me since I'm in that buisness.

One thing that is interesting is that we will have a major financial crysis in a coupel of months. Combine that with less USA food production which feeds a lot of Chinese and Africans and you'll be seeing major famines and continent wide wars for arable land in Africa.

One thing that I pray for is that Europeans uncuck themselves, Americans elect Trump and just try to ride it out in white ingenuity style. If we welcome shitskins it's game over.

TFW working hard to get a degree for 4 years only to be shit on by the apocalypse.

Salvage the information and store them in the flash drive so you can still study.

I think the winter chan's fan have better explanation than I do as my memory is fuzzy.

Huh. That fucker looks like wojak.

I study music lol. Just got my degree anyway…it's just a shame its gonna be even more useless than it already was.

We should use Pence instead of Wojak from now on



It would make sense, TPTB always meme one thing and do another most simple magician trick, keep watching this hand, don't pay attention to the other one.

First mention of global "warming" was actually about global cooling, it would be possible that kikes drowned the truth in a made up global warming, later just global change, while preparing on new Ice Age once it cames everyone will be begging for cold resistant GMO shit, so absolute food control for kikes, while making the goym worry about warming

For those who still don't have food stores… Ordering bulk food from those patriot supply sites is far more expensive than it should be.

Every paycheck you should buy a food grade 5 gallon bucket from home depot and then go to your cheap grocery store.. If you have an aldis near you jackpot. Buy bagged rice and beans in multiple varieties. Aim to fill the bucket up 60-75% with rice and beans.. Which should be around 30-40# worth. Then fill the rest of it up with canned meat and freeze dried fruits and veggies/trailmix. Throw in a couple small things of condiments.. Such as maybe tobasco sauce and a small thing of your favorite spice (and salt). And either Gatorade mix or hydration salts highly concentrated Gatorade mix without the flavorings.

This bucket is now enough to feed one person for 2 weeks or with rationing as much as a month and has everything one would need nutrition wise.

I don't have the infograph but every Holla Forumsack should know how to make one of those 'potato towers'. Basically you mark out a box on the ground and drive 4 long pieces of rebar into the ground down atleast a foot for stability, and then take railroad ties/other lumber and build a frame around it. You can either screw the wood together or drill holes so they can be slid down the rebar creating a staggered wall with openings every other piece, you slide other pieces of wood into the openings and they can be easily removed when its time to harvest that layer. Put a couple inches of good soil down and then place potato's and then cover them with about a foot of dirt. Once you start seeing the green of the potato plant growing above the soil, cover it with about a foot of soil. Repeat until the tower is about 4' tall. Once the green comes out the top layer your potato's at layer one are ready to harvest, remove bottom piece of wood and pull them all out. Average yield should be 100 potatos. Per tower. And you only planted 8 or so potato's at the bottom layer.

Every day that you have food preplanned for is a day you can dedicate to acquiring food for the future.

Gotta pleb fast.

Remember how they predict a mini ice age for 2030? Remember Agenda 2030?

14 years left anons.

It took you this long to realize?
Damn, I should post more.

That make sense but the money will become worthless during the Ice Age, haven't they consider that one?

Yes however volcanoes may trigger the ice age earlier. That is what some people have been saying but I don't see how it is possible. They can blot the sun out but not the Ice Age.

Or (((they))) can (((trigger))) the volcanoes for the ice age.

To add to this..

Putting bagged/dried food in a bucket with a lid you can reasonably expect it to stay good for at least 6 months more than the expiration date. And if you cut a hole in the lid and siliconed a one way check grommet to it you could hook a vaccuum to it and vacuum seal the whole fucking thing and extend the shelf life by years

Alternatively you can buy a vacuum seal ready food grade bucket. Ive seen them for ~$20 online.

There are only a few volcanoes big enough for what you are
YellowStone being one.

But spiritual famine leads to IRL famine.

Didn't Holla Forums come to the conclusion that manmade efforts to trigger a volcano would just amount to a moderate release of pressure within the volcano resulting in a large eruption but staving off a super mecha ebin eruption?

Apparently people are speculating conditions will be similar to how they were in 1645.

How do they force them to erupt? That will cost them a lot of money and money is too important to them. It's for suicidal people to do that.


Nigger, do you even politics?
Wait, are you all ironically shitposting on here all the time or do you actually believe even a quarter of the things you talk about?

Everybody with half a brain realize (at least subconsciously) that:

* global economic crash is coming
* shortage in oil and precious minerals is coming (meaning soon we won't be able to produce high-tech goods anymore)
* ideological wars are coming

Why do you think people are constantly talking about The Happening? It's not a game, it's not a prophecy, it's a very real anticipation of what's coming, and we all know it on some level or another.
There are 2 kinds of people: the kind who trust their guts, and the kind who don't want to see what's before their eyes.
Start to prepare, but know that pollution and degradation of social fabric, air and soil will make it very hard to survive of the land and cooperate with your own folks.

Good luck anons.

Despite a happening actually happening, yids will always find a way to profit from shit like this. Saying this won't happen because kikes will scam you with survival stuff is like saying you won't leave the house because yids control everything. At best we have technology that will allow some to survive this shit.

I've made a bet with several muh global warming plebs that the Global temperature in 2050 will be cooler than it is today. I fucking hate the arrogance of people who think we can irreversibly warm the planet, it's a weak attempt at trying to convince themselves we have control. Yes we may have slightly intensified this natural warm spell (they occur once every 1,000 years and last roughly 150-200 years), but as usual it will be followed by a cold spell. I'm going for 2020 as the start of our descent into a mini ice age.

YellowStone is overdue for an eruption

That is not how any of that works fam.
In the bible god is talking about how he is going to cut off water His word to the jews for betraying him by killing Jesus. With No water His word There can be no food His word in short a spiritual famine.
If you care to check what I am posting.
Look here.

The reason being is that there have been famines all around the world since 33AD. But that doesn't mean that the world is ending. A lot of what Jesus said he meant in a spiritual way not a physical way. The more that people don't know his word the more the famine grows.

The world is going to end within 4 years

This is pretty much the End Times with all that is going on now.

Time for me to repent.

Hmm I wasn't there for that post user.
But I don't see why it couldn't work.

Also to add on to that

It isn't going to end, we are entering a new world. Bible say nothing about Ice Age so no need to worry about but yea you need to repent now.

Wrong, nobody know when it ends. Didn't bible say something that we aren't supposed to know. I am disappointed in you for not studying the bible hard enough.

The money will be worthless anyway so we need to barter.

Feels good to live in a country that produces enough food to satisfy its own consumption nearly 7 times over.

The bible says we won't know the exact date but we can u>>6741192
understand if it's near.

I'm no date setter, but all this screams "Repent now because the end is coming" to me with all these crazy things going on.

fucking keyboard.

Not getting enough sun lights will reduce the food production so better to store them so it can last for few years until the long winter pass but Ice Age? Probably we have to get the arctic animals and breed them for the foods.

Me neither, dumping some related infographs.

Hahaha you got trip for the keyboard.


You may want to replace to replace that iodine with this one or this one (same thing), i have more than 5 bottles at home it's wild stuff, the haters are wrong they never tried it.

2 big things it did for me:

- massive stress relief, high tolerance and endurance to watch all this world going down the toilet with the NWO tightening it's grip

- hair stopped falling out in 4 days, after a month almost no hair falled out on it's own, now I have to pull and scrub the head to get some hair fall down, without iodine i had to shovel my hair off the desk and keyboard 3 times a day.

Unless Denmark is covered with a glacier or the sun dies completely, you can bet your butt we'll be producing enough food to support at least our own population for the next millennia.

This one is for drinking ofcourse, but, it's double use it can as well be used on woundls and water purifier, it has all the uses of the toxic non-dietary iodines as well, plus being on a glycerin base it tastes 1000 times better than alcohol base.

why you talking to yourself, bro?

Properly sharpening axe

You need chinese water stones, actually not that cheap, the'll all cost around $80 avg.

Dub confirm but how do the Danes defend themselves by the hungry outside of your country?

Dub confirm but how do the Danes defend themselves by the hungry people outside of your country?

Japanese you mean.

Why japanese? European sandstone should suffice, i'm not making sushi in da woods.

Yeah lol I:)

The best sharpening stones come from:

Any should do.

Buy one from IKEA.

Degrees have been rendered pointless anyway (I say this as someone with an MSc.).

Even 10 years ago, a graduate degree from a reasonably good university would have constituted a ticket for the gravy train, but those times are over. Consider:

* There is, and there will be, no economic growth.
* In Europe, people have had their pay slashed by as much as 50% in many cases. This is permanent.
* Visas programs are dismembering the white-collar sector, just as free trade has dismembered manufacturing. That much of this white-collar work is still done in the West is insubstantial; it is being done by browns and you're not getting a piece of the pie, White man.
* There is ongoing and massive degree inflation. A Master's is now worth as much in the job market as a Bachelor's would have been 20 years ago. A doctorate, one the pinnacle of education, is becoming a quite pedestrian thing.
* Regulation, of the SJW-sponsored and anti-White kind, is artificially worsening job prospects for whites by (1) forcing companies to hire niggers and women and (2) making them less profitable.

The pie is getting smaller and smaller and certain people are making sure that you'll get a smaller and smaller slice of it.

In addition, Education (capital E) is a sham. The obsolete university system, its sickness already evidenced by the fact that it has allowed itself to be overrun by SJWs, is an obsolete relic. It has long ceased to provide you with what one could call wisdom, but it is rapidly losing its ability to provide you with job training as well.

I'm turning 29. I don't even hope for a better tomorrow anymore. The only reason I'm hanging on is to fight and die in the coming war, and to spite the kikes who wish to see us depart from this world.

If any user is considering suicide - and I know some do -, consider this: each second you keep on living spites the Jew; it spites the non-White. By your very existence, you are spitting in their faces.


Higher degrees are fucking useless for white men, unless you are working solely with other white men.
As a white man, there is little you can do to make yourself more employable to the Jews with the purse-strings.

Specialize in and learn an applied field, such as engineering or science,
start and run your own company - producing something physical, tangible,
but don't count on someone to hire you - esp. as a white man.

Invasive Jews. Genocidal racist freaks. God-cursed manipulative Jews.

Not only that OP, but also soon enough, war.

Don't hold off from having a family until the Happening has passed, because this will likely take decades to get back to some semblance of peace and normalcy.

Try to establish yourself privately in conjunction with a plot of ground. It may seem counter-intuitive, but literal grounding and raising a good family are wealth and wisdom generating.

Might as well kill yourself now, user. It'll be better than getting slaughtered by the marauding savages.

the flood is coming, boys. if it takes me I'll die happy

Tsunami? What are you talking about?

also this

So it's too late to save UK…I think we memed too many hardcore happenings. We should have heed the advice from /fringe/. Is Australia safe from chaotic memes or whatever?

just drop out and get a shit load of certifications

He said it is music. I need them to boost our morale. Just sayin' m8.

He does, a little.

He looks more like roger stone

That's good advice for the plebs, we are not plebs, are we, Mr. user?

I have land, but the most important asset isn't land; it's weapons. Everyone here should be armed, no matter where you live. A plot's no good if your local minority can just come in and take it, along with your wife and daughters (and sons).

If you can, get a fully-auto rifle. If you can't get that, get a semi-auto. If you can't get that, get a shotgun, a handgun, a knife. Anything's better than nothing. Legally acquired arms are of course preferable, but don't be scrupulous to visit your local black market if the gun laws in your country are restrictive.

Makarovs and AKs can be acquired relatively easily in the Ukraine and Russia; in in Eastern Europe, there are Vietnamese markets where you can politely and discreetly ask around for "something for self-defense". If you live in Austria or Slovakia, shotguns are basically purchasable by any adult without a criminal record. If you live in Germany, Hungary, or Poland, off to your shady Czech market you go. Alternatively, you can join a hunting club to legally purchase hunting rifles and, in some cases, shotguns, but be aware that one might have to have been a member for a year or so before being allowed to buy and own guns.

In France, skeet shooters and hunters are allowed to own rifles. Relevant licenses are valid for a year and are required for the purchase of ammo. Guns, once legally purchased, can be kept independently of that. If you're a Britbong, a 6-8" knife or a hatchet will have to serve you. In a pitch, a baseball bat will do (always be sure to keep a glove and a ball close by).

Also, know where your local shooting range is. Should you not have weapons when the habbening occurs, at least know where you can acquire them. As shooting ranges are owned by Whites, you should do this with a minimum of violence (purely by negotiation, if possible).

Apart from weapons, numbers mean safety. Everyone should have 3-6 guys on call, with plans to meet at a specific location in case shit hits the fan. If you are part of an actual militia, that's even better, but let's be realistic here.

It goes without saying that I do not advocate idiotic shooting sprees or assassinations of random shop owners - that is the non-White way. Our way is the organized, state-backed infliction of violence. However, have no doubts that, wherefrom the state retreats and wherever the public order collapses, those nice, well-integrated Muslim neighbors of yours will start to liberally engage in barbarity. Killing, robbery, rape, and torture will be endemic, and it will very much be a one-way street, going from browns to Whites. Our only advantage is that they are generally as stupid and cowardly as they are violent and will thus avoid dangerous targets.

This isn't D&D m8. Bards won't give us 20 temporary HP by playing Katy Perry.

Hell, music majors likely can't even play any music! All they teach there nowadays is how Beethoven was a kang n shieeeet.

So they are more useless than I am? I feel better for being deaf!

I don't recall any specific article, but it seems as if, not. Like the UK, there are laws against "haetspaek" in ozzie land, which makes it a prime target for the Muslims in their jihad. I don't have the link, but do you recall the Muslim lady who was speeding in her car, then tried to make the police officer look like a racist (lol), she appeared in court, but one of her last defences in court was that the woman in the video was not her (she was wearing a niqab). Another occurrence happened when a Muslim lady was hired to be a crossing guard or some shit, she refused to take off her niqab, and most likely, was going to sue the local government for "islamophobia" or some shit. The administration made a special costume for her which made her look like a traffic cone and she quit the day after. By the way, the woman in the former story, had an anglo-sounding name, which gives me the impression that she was a convert. Just goes to show you that feminism is a crock of shit, and that women cannot be trusted with really important political/social/economic decisions.

These Muslims will pay either with a humiliation by mass expulsion or with a bullet. Either way is fine with me.

BTW: never surrender to a non-White, for then, you are fucked (see pic).

Should you find yourself in a hopeless fight, resign yourself to death and die with dignity, fighting.

I believe you mea

Exactly, surrendering to the government , or to shitskins is assuring that you will raped/tortured to death instead of just killed. I plan to die in a massive explosion, hopefully nuclear.

Time to get comfy.

A Islamic happenin' for the Australia. I am fine with that.


We're fucking doing it again you faggots, with 100% more memetic magic this time.


She is the bringer of the Fimbulvetr, yes, her sister Ice-Age chan is as well. They're like twin angels.

holy shit, praise kek

that is absolutely meme magik

Yes slowpoke, we memed Pepe and feels man.

Seeing how many happenings got happened on this never ending train of happens I don't doubt that an ice age will happen as well.

No, Pence is le american bear.

potato towers are a meme
they don't really work the way you think they should

you might have success with different potato varieties but don't bet on it

FUCK YOU! If it gets two degrees colder in the winter I'm kicking your ass and everyone who ever posted that frosty slut for no reason!

Winter is dumb! It sucks and there is nothing good about it, much like everything else in the universe!


Stay mad


Shut up mud.
Some of us like cold. Heat is annoying except for bathing.

stop calling every shitposting retard a kike, you doublenigger faggot shill. I'm so fucking tired of this on Holla Forums – every three posts is someone screaming "kike" or "shill"… the words totally lose their power if you use them in such a vulgar and profane manner

something i've never understood with CO2 narrative: if CO2 reflects infrared radiation back to earth then it must also reflect infrared radiation coming from the sun back to space, thus essentially nullifying the effect.

IMO most of the measured warming in the past ~70 years comes from the lower albedo of roads, buildings etc, all of which are emitting much more infrared instead.

y'all motherfuckers need chemistry

I'm pretty sure they showed that clouds do, but I think that when non-infrared radiation hits matter a bunch of it shifts to infrared. So, that's why there isn't a 1:1 nullifying effect as you posited.

if post does not end in 9 it is not yet end times.

Winter is the best season and you cannot tell me otherwise

While I'm not competent enough to speak on CO2: One-way mirrors exist.

You can't just take the common-sense notion of a mirror and generalize it to atmospheric physics. Many factors could be involved.

Yes, I'm aware of that.
The re-emitting can be in any direction. If we assume a simple geometry with 4 directions (up down & 2x side) then 25% gets re-emitted in the direction it came from. 50% gets re-emitted sideways and eventually absorbed by another CO2 molecule which restarts the game.
So in the end 50% will be re-emitted back to the direction it came from.

My question still unanswered: as infrared from the sun gets re-emitted back to space, doesn't this nullify the entire effect?

Cover this land in eternal ice.

I welcome it. Ice age chan won't really effect me all that much, except maybe making it impossible to grow wine in the area.

The way I see it the only way CO2 could have a greenhouse-like effect is during the night:
no or almost no infrared from space hence no nullification.

*grow grapes.


We asians and you whites are built for this very event - The Ice is our true forebear.

true. but then it is actually an albedo problem, not CO2.
P R O B L E M . S O L V E D
this is how you do climate science!


Of course the worthless Desert-worshiping Christcuck worms fear the return of the European's natural state.

We gonna have us an Ice Age for no less than several hundred thousand years, and there's nothing your Semitic demon 'YHWH' can do about it.

I'm 33 and I am learning this the hard way. I'm getting back into Math and Science. Starting with Euclid Elements and other basics just to get refreshed.

I've been going through Khan Academy just to brush up on basic math skills as well.

If you are a white guy and you don't own your own company you are getting SCREWED BY THE JEW.

Jews are not in any way shape or form out to help white people. Jews sole purpose is to commit the slow genocide of whites.

Jews also got their Banking Industry Bailed out in 2008. These Jews literally committed Financial Terrorism claiming "bail us out or we implode the economy"

we do not need jews for loans. we do not need the jewish federal reserve at all.

I hope that the message about Jews and their financial tricks gets to such a point that there is a world wide movement to round up all the jews from all the nations and ship them all off to israel. then build a big wall around israel so that all the jews can play their financial schemes in THEIR country Israel

not all the other countries in the world.


You're wasting your time, m8. Basic geometry, especially ancient manuals on geometry, are utterly useless if you want to get a job. Except out of historical interest, there's no point in reading the Elements, Newton's Principia Naturalis, Russell's Principia Mathematica, Frege's Grundgesetze, Skolem's papers, or any other shit like that. Not only will your find it difficult to connect with the spirit of a bygone age, but the work itself is always rough around the edges (Newton, for example, had no idea about Riemann integration). I wouldn't even read relatively modern authors like Boole, because there's far too much detritus that'll just confuse you, unless you have graduate-level knowledge of the subject.

You're far better served with the Khan Academy, a modern textbook that presents the information in today's English and today's terminology, or PDFs you find on the Internet.


That's all you had to say, OP. Bring it on.

free yourself from the bankers with gold, silver, and bitcoins. Tired of the central banks creating insane amounts of debt? Remove your assets from their rotten self serving system. Bitcoins have been my best investment by a HUGE margin over the last few years.

(off by one lul)

I can't wait

I think this is the potato tower pic you mentioned.

is that picture larping? They don't look like they've seen much sun.

i'm looking at euclid's elements so i can get used to proofs.

Proof theory was the most primitive field of mathematics in the ancient world (in fact, it didn't exist).

I don't want to knock Euclid, but geometric proofs are basically just fucking around with drawings and don't teach you any rigorous thinking. In fact, they might give you the idea that it's all just magic.

Apart from the non-exact nature of proof via drawing, it's also deficient in that one can only show the constructability of certain things, not their non-constructability. Euclid could show that one could bisect a line by giving a method for doing so, but he was not able to show that one couldn't trisect a line. How do you demonstrate that you can't draw something, after all? The same goes for squaring the circle. Given a circle, on cannot geometrically construct a square that has the same area. However, this impossibility can only be shown via algebraic (i.e. symbolic) means, by first proving that pi is a transcendental number (it can't be expressed as a polynomial) and by proving that all geometric constructions are expressible via linear or quadratic equations (which are polynomials).

Geometry is fine for proving things like a²+b²+c², but the modern concept of a proof is completely different and relies entirely on symbols. The ancients had no concept of quantification ("there exists an X such that", "for X it holds that"), and I'm guessing they also had no concept of complete induction ("if a statement P holds for 0 and one can conclude from "it holds for n" that "it holds for n+1", then it holds for all numbers").

If you want to know about modern proofs, read an introductory text on Mathematical Logic, and maybe a bit about the sequent calculus and natural deduction. Probably not proof theory, though, since that's a bit esoteric. The core of modern proofs is (1) first-order logic, (2) reasoning from theory (theory in the mathematical sense), (3) formal induction. Also of interest: the completeness theorem for FOL, the compactness theorem, the Löwenheim-Skolem theorem, Gödel's incompleteness theorems. Wikipedia is pretty good on all four of these.

This book also looks good, once you get used to the symbol-heavy style:

Food grade buckets can be found cheaply or free by calling up small restaurants/food manufacturers and asking if you can take their old stock.
Mostly these buckets are either recycled or trashed. At my work we throw out 10 or so 5 gallon buckets a day because we don't have space- I've taken some home and use them around the house for different things.

Plant apple, cherry, plum, peach, pear, walnut, chestnut, hazelnut trees. Plant perrenial vegtables as well like asparagus. If you want a more detailed list of what to plant give me your location.

Not hatimg here but that video is no good. He planted way to close together and we dont have time or money to fuck around with raised beds. Stick thos potatoes in the GROUND at least 2 feet apart. And get NON GMO potatoes ffs.

Use Oxygen Absorbers and Mylar Bags for long-term food storage.

It is very cheap, VERY easy, and will make many foods last 30+ years. Vid related.

There are many discount food stores that sell to both restaurants and the public where you can buy giant sized bags of rice, beans, peanut butter, oats, salt, etc. for very cheap.

Also my three top recommendations for food to store are:

1) Parboiled Rice - you can't store brown rice long-term because of the oil, but parboiled rice has 80% of the nutritional value of brown rice w/o the oil and can easily last 30+ years if stored properly.

2) Lentils, all the protein of beans with much less water, time, and energy to cook. Also typically very cheap.

3) Salt - very cheap, and millions of uses. Does not need an oxygen absorber, just keep it dry.

Protip: You can get 5 gallon buckets for free at many stores, bakeries, ice cream shops, etc. Just call and ask. They don't even need to be very clean if you are using them with mylar bags.

Protip 2: If you are lazy (like most NEETS), simply buying parboiled rice, lentils, etc. and keeping them somewhere mice can't get them is MUCH better than not buying any at all. It should still last years if kept dry.


Clean (sterile) water is more important than anything else. For this I recommend getting a product called "Betadine" which is an iodine solution used in hospitals. It can be used to disinfect cuts as well as disinfect drinking water.

The formula is 3-5 drops per liter and wait 30 minutes. You can doube the dose or the wait time if it's particularly dirty water. Don't forget about the water in the treads of the bottle, make sure to shake the bottle to get iodized water into the threads before you wait 30 minutes.

Good luck Anons.

Okay, reported.

Forgot vid

This is retarded. /pol needs help with food plants..
Just stick the potato in the ground and walk away.. no wood, no expensive soil, no fucking around with them they will take care of themselves. Only water if you dont get rain for a week.

This is important, though not much use for quite a while.

Also this. Everyone with any room to do it should be growing potatoes if nothing else. (I think gmo potatoes are exclusively for chips.)

Low-tier halfchan counterpart of our superior Iceage-chan.

What two-part phrases should we should at each other to identify one-another in the wild?

>Ah nu!
>Cheeki breeki!


>Gas the kikes!
>Race war now!

>We wuz!
>Kangz an' sheeeit!

Any others?

let it snow!