
Travis thread

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Isn't it getting old?

Yes. Yes it is.
















What a great thread.


is that a threat? you want a report on your account kid?



Not clicking that shit, nigger.

Lol you just jealous that black guy is funnier then travis




lol the black guy was funnier and raped travis.



Hey user.





No man needs more than 1 knife.
– Adolf Hitler




Is that mspaint one old? I've never seen that one before.

I think it's from the original Travesty back in 2014



















Hey user.


Not much. Fucking with blewberry in the pony thread fag. Listening to music.



posting unfunny travis boy in 2017 when black guy is more funnier.






Kek. These are great.













End this now!



first one and last 2 were done a long time ago






You think attention whore has read the book of travis?

i think he knows it by heart.

kek probably

Nice work on those new edits by the way.

There's another shooper. That's the first new one I've done since this

I noticed that. He never says hi. Just drops them off.

And I thought I don't talk much. Got some things to Travis?

I say hi to him and he never says anything back. He makes some good Travis pics though.

Probably uses photoshop and has used it for awhile, you can do a lot more in it than gimp. Problem is learning photoshop is not a thing for the lazy.

Well I can't use either. Or else I could make these too.

Gonna replace that hiter photo in next to rifle with Travis

Nice. I was hoping for something like that.

Where did you get that

In another thread.

Can you link me


I can't find the damn thing now. Sorry user.


Just link the thread then

That's what I mean. I can't find the thread now. I saved it hours ago.


If you posted black guy funny 😂 instead of loser fat Travis 😒 Then you woulda remembered


Death to anti-travis fags


Kek. Perfect


Are you up to making more?

Where can I get a fleshlight like this?

Maybe a hospital would have one or two lying around.

Sure post some stuff



4th pic is fake as fuck.. no way in hell a camera could capture an image that sharp back then.

Awesome job user.




You should keep flying a flag so I know which Travismaker is posting.



I'll use this one




should've done this days ago when it was being posted

Kek. that will always be posted.

Yeah but not always in bread


Travis protect me the flood is coming














why arent there travis faces on the blue and purple guy


you didn't answer my question. You just left and I waited here this entire time.

So you've been sitting here for 11 hours?

yea I had this tab open waiting for your answer but you just left me hanging dafaq dude

Sorry user. It was 2 am. I had to go to sleep. Anyway. His face didn't fit on the cause of the angle of their heads.

its ok i forgive you travis poster

Thanks user. Have this extremely rare Travis.